Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox to Mildly – 772 points –
Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.

Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away. The slow down is 5 secs according to the video.

Update 1: Safari faces the same treatment

Update 2: Google confirms 5 sec delays for ad-block user


I dont believe this will have the desired affect Google thinks it will. I, personally, will never buy Premium or switch to Chrome without an AD block. If anything, I will just download via linux or just not watch Youtube anymore.

That's the fucking spirit. Here, I'm joining you. Fuck Google.

I have been a premium user for years. Mostly because I was using Google music before. With all this crap they are pulling, I cancelled. I cannot support this anymore.

Ever since I discovered Piped and LibreTube, I never looked back.And I used premium for years.

If only there was an easy way to selfhost piped or viewtube...

I swear there would be more instances if they made an easy step by step guide but I guess that's life when you choose FOSS...

Piped is just too inconsistent for me. I gave it a solid month or two, but half the time I open it up none of the instances are loading any videos. Eventually I gave up and looked into other options, ended up using FreeTube.

It does have it's issues, can't deny that. Can use LibreTube as Android app and 99.9% of my youtube viewing is on mobile

How does libretube compare with revanced?

Libretube is a totally different app whereas Revanced is just some patches on top of the official YouTube app, so the feature sets are going to vary a lot between the two. Libretube doesn't let you log in to a Google account at all (but it does support importing a subscription list).

Any method for blocking ads / patching chromecast? My kids and I do the majority of our YT surfing from the couch.

Not that I know of, sorry! It looks like third-party apps like Newpipe don't support Chromecast :/

Could someone please give me a rundown of how these work/if they have mobile apps? I've been paying for premium pretty much since Vanced was killed (and also before I found Vanced) and really the only thing that's stopped me from using a YouTube mirror is the lack of good mobile applications.

I found this is good explanation:

LibreTube is on F-Droid for an Android app, pretty sure there is something for iOS as well but not sure. It hs its issues but I manage. Set up low tier patreon for some content creators from my "premium budget" too.

That's actually quite interesting, thank you, I'll definitely have to look into that more

It's possibly dedicated to messing around for people testing firefox after the news.

I watch interesting vids people link back on occasion but have left it as a service I would browse and engage with and let me tell you, life got a lot better.

I'm pretty sure this is going to directly violate Internet neutrality laws when the FCC votes them back into effect.

Net neutrality is about ISPs though.

Google isn't an ISP when it comes to youtube. Yes, they are an ISP in the context of Google fiber but this is completely different. It would be a violation of net neutrality if they slowed certain sites to fiber users.

Didn't similar shit get Microsoft hit with antitrust lawsuits?

Yeah but that was back when we had a mostly functional government. Times have changed.

Disfunctional goverment benefits the rich almost exclusively. Sad days ahead.

Yes… many years later, and while those lawsuits were slowly being resolved, Microsoft was busy laying the groundwork for other bullshit that was unethical but not technically illegal.

If you actually expect a solution in a reasonable amount of time, either invent time travel or spoof Chrome.

Ive been noticing this recently too also buffering occasionally on random videos from time to time when im having 0 connectivity issues. This isint going to make the average person think firefox is bad but rather that youtube is garbage

I'm one of 5 people who have premium (I use YouTube Music) and they're still slowing down videos for me. Also maybe it's in my head, but I think the Google search has been taking longer too. I've noticed some extra loading time that doesn't show up in Microsoft edge, or if I use duckduckgo/bing from Firefox.

I have had random freezing on the mobile Firefox for months now. I typically search in a private tab with a bunch of trackers disabled. If I do the same search in Chrome, Edge, Samsung Internet (in their incognito tabs) the searches load. This seems like a block on Firefox itself

I would have thought the exact same thing. I like having videos play in the background so I wouldn't have looked into it anyway.

Gonna keep talking about Peertube until it starts to take off.

Seriously, how great would it be for your fave youtubers to have their own Peertube instance, and know that your donations go DIRECTLY to support them and maintain their server? With NO advertisements or possibility of Google shutting you down just cuz they dont like you

Your fav youtubers might host their own peertube someday, but there is still a lot of value in the other content that you don't consume regularly like tutorials or random interesting stuff. Peertube is not the ultimate solution

I'm in full agreement here. I will always try to support the things I follow the most but probably my favorite thing about current media is finding a random person who does something incredibly niche and watching/listening a vid/song or two of theirs. I'll come every couple of months or so but I'm not consuming their content regularly. Tutorials as you mentioned are a great example of this.

I did the math a year or two that if I paid a single dollar to every YouTuber I watch and musician I listen to on Spotify I would be paying around $400 a month. In an idyllic world I would have a stable job with enough expendable income to make that happen. In this reality I don't see that as a possibility.

I was wondering what that was for a few days. I thought it was just uBlock Origin doing its work.

Is this only in certain areas? YouTube is still working fine for me on FireFox.

I think I have some slowdowns FF with unlock Origin in Germany so maybe

Fuck Google, Fuck Youtube, Fuck Alphabet, Honestly just fuck everyone who does this shit

I've noticed this happening on Firefox, but not with LibreWolf for some reason

Does Librewolf present itself differently or use a different user agent altogether? I could see Librewolf presenting itself as Chromium as a privacy measure and people are saying changing the user agent fixes the issue.

EDIT: I've seen this happen on Safari for macOS. Someone at Apple is certainly snitching to their higher-ups, lol.

I am not spoofing my user agent and I'm going to continue using FOSS front-ends to access YouTube until an alternative takes off. Fuck you Google.

What is a user agent changer you'd recommend? When I'm on Linux, I use a Firefox PWA as my YouTube webapp.

CloudTube is the way!

CloudTube is an alternative online front-end for YouTube icon YouTube. CloudTube provides interfaces to display that data, like a video player, search listings, channel views, and subscription management. It can use either NewLeaf or Invidious icon Invidious instance to initially collect that data.

A hosted CloudTube + NewLeaf is available at for everyone to try. This project organises the repositories CloudTube and NewLeaf. NewLeaf extracts data from YouTube pages.

Wouldn't that... just make me stop visiting YouTube instead of making me stop using Firefox?

I mean, my first reaction when a website is slow is not exactly "maybe I should change browsers". It's closer to "maybe I'll visit a different website".

According to Google the delay is to fight against the ad-blocker user.

This is also not the first time Google adds feature that will work better with chrome.

I pay for premium (I know)... is it a breach of contract for them to deny equal speeds because of a corporate preference? Is YouTube (and Google) in breach of contract?

Ublock origin blocks all ads and their stupid pop-up.