Biden unharmed after car strikes president's motorcade in Delaware to – 384 points –
Biden unharmed after car strikes president's motorcade in Delaware

It was not immediately clear why the sedan smashed into an SUV that was part of the motorcade. The driver was surrounded by agents who had their guns drawn.

A sedan smacked into a Secret Service vehicle that was part of President Joe Biden's motorcade in Delaware on Sunday night.

Following the crash, U.S. Secret Service agents whisked Biden into a vehicle.

Agents quickly surrounded the sedan with guns drawn and aimed at its driver, who had his hands up. The cause of the crash was not immediately clear.

Special Agent Steve Kopek, a Secret Service spokesperson, said the vehicle that struck was securing Biden's motorcade route.


If this was just a DUI or something, the driver is going to have a very very bad time.

A car accident is horrifying enough. Can you imagine realizing you just hit the presidential motorcade? In Delaware?

Is Delaware worse for some reason?

Just the realization that you're in Delaware is enough.

Like, who even lives in Delaware?

I remember the first time I met a person from Delaware. I was shocked. I think I said to them, "I didn't know anyone actually lived there."

Maybe we just don't know what they do about Delaware and that's why they never leave. It's a paradise beyond paradises.

All the corporations ever. Wonder if they count for the population since they became people.

I believe it’s Biden’s home state, so people around there probably love him. Can’t imagine being very popular with your neighbors once news gets out.

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On the other hand, the driver probably has a uniquely high chance of a presidential pardon. Seeing how the president is already aware of his case.

The president could only ask the delaware governor to grant one.

Good eye skimmed over the Delaware part. Assuming it was a DUI (and not an intentional attack) it'd be state jurisdiction.

Yeah, he might catch some federal flack, but it seems most of his issues will be state affairs unless this wasn't just hitting the worst possible car.

Even if he were a drunk terrorist, the feds would handle the attack, and as long he isn't charged federally (if one even could be), the state can still slap an everyday DUI there.

If he gets pardoned and it happens again can he use the same pardon twice?

Non-joke answer: Pardons are for a person's actions not the person in general. He would need a second pardon.

Thats an interesting distinction :) Can you talk more about that?

Not sure what exactly you want me to touch on. But pardons can't be for future actions.

Let's say you rob a bank and get pardoned. Having received that pardon doesn't mean you can go rob that bank again free of charge.

If you had robbed that bank again after getting pardoned you'd face prison time. But if the president happens to believe in second third chances and grants you a second pardon for the second robbery you could walk free.

Gotcha, ya I didn't think it was like omnibus/universal immunity for future offences aha. That would be like...presidential immunity and even that's not supposed to be a forever thing, shouldn'teven be allowed during or should be heavily qualified

Edit: found it interesting that pardons can actually halt the prosecutorial effort altogether, like prior to a verdict. Maybe there should be a cooling off period like requiring all oending litigation to play out and then by then see where everybody's at.

Justice delayed/disrupted ⚖️ right?

Yeah the idea behind a pardon is that the head executive is basically saying that you’ve been punished enough and that no further prosecution will occur. It’s similar to how they can stay a death penalty. But the big downside is that accepting a pardon means accepting legal guilt. You can’t keep fighting a case saying you weren’t ever guilty.

For an example of how far pardons go look at Nixon. The case was still being built, and Ford (idiotically) deemed that proceeding with a trial of a former president over election misdeeds would do too much damage to the nation’s trust in its political system. Nixon didn’t stand trial. Nixon only pled guilty by acceptance of the pardon. But because of that, had he been able to run again (he’d hit his term limit) and tried, he would’ve had a court case over if his crimes prohibited him from running again, same as if he’d gone to prison for them.

Would this be considered a federal offense? Seems like a local thing. The president can only pardon federal crimes.

There's a couple ways they could make this a federal offence depending on the circumstances, ranging from destruction of federal property (assuming Biden was in a gov car) to attempted assassination of the active US president. Again depending on the circumstances.

Immediately disappeared to a black site.

Yeah I was hoping for an update, but I just realized the Secret Service is going to be up this guy's ass like a colonoscopy for a long time before we hear anything.

To be fair, he shouldn't suffer any greater punishment than if he had hit into anyone else.

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Shoutout ma man biden still rockin that iPhone X or XS. You don't always have to have the latest and greatest.

You don’t always have to have the latest and greatest.

That's why we have Biden

AOC president when?

AOC legally becomes old enough in October of '24. You have to be 35.

Very odd rule. I just passed 35 recently and i feel like I'm slowly dying already. Feels like a struggle to learn new things

Damn dude, good luck. 35+ I feel like I'm just hitting my stride.

I think this is exactly the metric our geriatric Congress was going for.

Around the same age here, and I feel I would have made a much better president in my mid 20s than I would now, for sure.

Jesus fuck, no thank you. People in their 20s are absolute idiots.

It depends on the person entirely. Some mid 20 year olds are absolute idiots, but some boomer age people are absolute idiots. I don't think age is really a factor in that.

Can one run for president “early” if one will be old enough during election/potential presidency?

In theory, you just have to be 35 to be President.

If she ran, she would turn 35 a month before election day and would be 35+3 months when sworn in.

The youngest elected US President to date was JFK, who was 43.

Theodore Roosevelt was 42 when he assumed office after McKinley was assassinated.

Interesting, thank you!

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Wouldn't the latest president be Washington?

No. Washington is the Earliest, he was verifiably the first POTUS.

"Late" means chronologically after everything else. Biden is the one who came last, he is the latest.

The joke

Your head

You're correct, I don't get how not understanding an English word is a joke.

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On the other end, I remember when Obama came into office and there were no smartphones certified for meeting the security regulations, the USSS & NSA had to work with RIM to build a custom hardened blackberry because he wouldn't give it up.

He was stuck with that blackberry until his last year or two in office and complained publicly that iPhones weren't allowed yet lol

Then there's Trump, who was probs rolling an FSB build of iOS with a passcode of 1111.

He used an unauthorized, insecure Samsung Galaxy S3 or something like that, actually.

No better way to keep a poor person poor than trying to appear rich.

Case in point "luxury" clothes that cost insane amounts of money just because they have labels printed on them for everyone to see and not because.the fabric is particularly great.

Sure it's good quality but not better than what you get for half the price and not even close to the custom tailored stuff the really rich people wear...

Really don't understand how people spend a fortune to walk around advertising for Gucci, LV, etc...

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Wish there was footage. Seeing the secret service surround the driver sounds cool

Yes getting into an accident and then immediately surrounded by aggressive machines of death pointed at you... Sounds like a blast

I'm certainly no A2 lovin back the blue gun nut but if there's any group that I feel completely fine with having guns, it's the president's secret service. These folks are held to the highest standards with the highest training guarding arguably the most important political figure in the world. They are not your average frumpy ass cop with a drinking problem and anger management issues. These sneaky fuckers are hand picked from the best of the best. You never hear about the secret service gunning someone down because they were just in a bad mood that day.

Lol ok put your dicks away, the Secret Service (in the past decade or two at least) has been laughably unprofessional and, in some cases, derelict in their duty. In fact, the scandals are too numerous to even just point to a single one.

Just Google "Secret Service scandals" and take a look for yourself. Make sure to pay attention to the dates on the articles to see how long they have had these problems.

And after you're disoriented from an accident, you know none of that. All you know is something happened. Now you're covered with airbag powder, your ears are ringing, blood maybe, and now an armed gang surrounds your car and starts screaming at you.

No that's not COOL. That's a dystopia. If you arm your civilians to the teeth, the violent reactions required for any situation escalate dramatically.

Bruh it wasn't just an accident. This was the presidential motorcade and secret service. Literally everybody in a 10-block radius knew who was there, and whether they had permission to be there.

This person drove their car into the motorcade, and then kept going. Secret service's job is to protect the president, and as far as anybody knew, this was someone after the president. They weren't harassing some idiot that was driving drunk, they were pursuing and engaging a very real potential threat to the leader of the nation.

I like how through these comments, you've called other users "stupid Americans" and you don't even know anything about the event in question. Good job kid.

I remember when I lived in Denver and Dubya was president. I225 was completely shut down and I was stuck in a huge traffic jam on the dam road just trying to get around that big old empty highway to get home. One does not simply drive into the presidential motorcade. I mean maybe a massive screwup happened but it seems incredibly unlikely that this guy didn't do it on purpose.

This you?

No that's called actions having consequences. Sometimes when you're a victim, it's because you're a dipshit and you deserve it. Not everything is 100% black and white and "victim blaming" should absolutely happen when it is deserved.

He said to see the footage. Not to be the guy driving. More of you need to think 5 minutes before actually writing a comment.

It's the same thing. You want to see someone be terrorized versus someone being terrorized. Americans are fucking stupid.

Have you watched tv lately. Someone gets terrorized in like every show/movie. It's want humans want to see apparently.

So do you never watch modern action movies then? Or even just the daily news? Wanting to see how something happened doesn't mean you want it to happen again or at all, but knowing how it happened can prevent it from happening again.

Americans are fucking stupid

Yes, as a whole, we are, but in this situation, the only one who's stupid, is the person who's saying, "close your eyes and cover your ears and it doesn't exist."

Edit: All these chucklechodes hyper-fixating on the example I used instead of what I was saying. Not wanting to see something on the principal of 'it's bad' is the height of ignorance. Instead, you watch so you can learn from something. In this case, someone discouraging review of the incident, sets a tone of incompetent malpractice that is the exact reason why this world is the way it is.

Some of us Americans can separate entertaining fiction from horrific reality.

Gotta admit it's getting more difficult by the day

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No, you misunderstand. I want to see the guy who managed to fuck up bad enough surrounded by secret service, not myself.

Cool for us, not for them.

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Imagine you have a fender bender, and while you're processing it and thinking "oh fuck where did I put my insurance card" as you hastily dig through your glove box, you look up and there's a dozen dudes with suits and guns surrounding you

And then you have to go to work afterward lol

"Hey Bob, how was your drive in this morning?"

You really think they’re letting that driver go to work any time soon?

They’re probably still just gettting started with the probes. And I don’t mean that… figuratively. We’ll not just figuratively.

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He's lucky it wasn't a mystery plane trying to land

"Why are you losing to trump in the polls?". This is a reflection on the people .. Might add well ask "why are people stupid Mr President?".... But what do I know, I did not stayed at a Holiday inn last night.

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