what are your fun, low stakes new year resolutions?

Cat without eyebrows @lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 138 points –

My kiddo and I are having a fruit and vegetable challenge. Each month we'll seek out a fruit or vegetable we've never tried and taste it. My BFF is trying to walk all the greenways in our county (that is county not country, low stakes! Attainabl!). How about you?


320x200 or if thats too complicated 640x400 or 640x680.

Low stakes... I feel like 320x200 would be high stakes because of the difficulty. Low stakes would be more like 1920x1080

Pick up walking again.

Switch to Firefox.

Save some money.

Let’s hope it sticks. Let’s hope your pick up walking sticks. Sticks can help. Walking sticks with walking sticks.

I’m sorry

Install Debian Mint on my old laptop and see how much I can get working on it. My ultimate ambition is to replace all my Windows 10 activity entirely by the end of 2024

I installed Debian in a dual boot in November and there's only one game I haven't got working yet. Everything else for work and fun has either worked or I've found a substitute.

Took me some years (but man has Mint become better!).

I even have a little windows box for "all that stuff not working on Linux", scanner went over, big printer too, about everything except keepass(I have the 1.0 version so it's just lazyness) and, uh, photoshop but I'm working on it.

Totally worth it (for me), good luck!

Doing the same but with Fedora on my old desktop. I’ve been messing around with Linux for some time now but this is the first time I’ve tried to put a serious attempt into setting up a development environment and move to Linux for gaming.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to get the games working. Now if I can just figure out how to get vortex or MO2 to work to mod Bethesda games I’ll be happy.

1 more...

I'm planning to walk 1000 km in 2024. Nowhere fancy, just around my neighborhood.

That's just around 2.74km (rounded up) per day. So around 30 minutes of walking per day. Are you sure you're not doing more than that already?

Ah... Sadly no. That's why is my low stakes resolution. :) I work from home and I've gotten very lazy. I just roll from my bedroom to the office, down to the kitchen, and repeat.

American workers have a lot of struggle getting walking in as their jobs don’t require hardly any. Walk to car, drive to work to park in garage and walk a few hundred feet to elevator, from elevator a few hundred feet to desk, repeat that trip home, make dinner, go to bed, repeat the next day. It’s even worse for remote workers as they walk from a bed to a desk at most, many remote people I know work from their bed (I could never…)

Cook one meal from a different country every month. I've always loved cooking and I have a partner who is equally as enthusiastic to eat it with me! The foods have to be something I've never cooked before. Some can be ones I've eaten before, so I have something to compare to. I'm thinking of starting with traditional foods from Afghanistan, Russia, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Uyghur...

Do you know sorted foods on youtube? They have a bunch of different series, one where they do just that, going in alphabetical order from A-Z and then drawing a random country starting with that letter, and then cooking the national dish plus some community recommendations. It's quite fun!

Oh, no I haven't, but thank you for the share, I'll go take a look. Going out to eat has gone up in price so much that it is pushing me to learn to cook my favourite dishes, and explore flavours I would otherwise never have tasted before.

Something else I had planned to do was once a month, my partner and I write down three countries (six between us) we want to visit or re visit on small pieces of paper. We put them in a cup and draw three countries: First is the main meal, second is dessert, third is an activity.

Definitely more effort involved but it gets him to expand his culinary skills past pasta and chicken wraps.

That sounds like an awesome idea, I might steal that! Thanks for the inspiration! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

My plan is to watch less movies, anime, YouTube. Instead go out and meet new people more often

Mine is really just getting back into working out. I kept trying to go too hard after my shoulder surgery and kept pulling muscles (not in my shoulder), so I've taken like an 8 month break to let my body heal. This time I'm starting with my goal being 30 reps with perfect form at 5lb and going from there.

It sucks losing a bunch of muscle mass that you busted your ass to get, but luckily it's easier to regain it than to grow it the first time.

That sounds serious and high-stakes.

On that note, my resolution is spending more time socializing with people. It’s getting too drafty in here.

I make one new years resolution every year, to not make any other new years resolutions.

So far it is going great!

My goals are to lose 10 pounds by the end of the year and get my heart in better shape. I gained 30 pounds over Covid and will attempt to lose weight at the same rate I gained it

"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." - Michael Kevin Pollan

Gonna try and keep stuff to make smoothies in the house so when I get the urge for a smoothie instead of being sad because I have no smoothie I will instead have a smoothie.

Stop referring to myself as old...

Got a new nano tank (aquarium) with co2 injection. I want it to look really nice and raise potential baby fish.

Move to the European Union, specifically Belgium

Because life = ??

Of all the fucking countries you choose Belgium?! Do you have brain damage?

Yea dude you're gonna have to elaborate on that one... And you're gonna need more than "because Belgium sucks"... Cuz like.... Their waffles slap...

In the realm of low-stakes New Year's resolutions, I've decided to approach things like a turtle: slow, steady, and deliberate.

One of my goals is to read a few pages before bed each night, embracing the tranquility of the night like a ghostly whisper weaving through the pages.

Another resolution involves culinary adventures—I plan to try a new recipe every month, daring my taste buds to dance to flavors they've yet to meet, maybe even conjuring a dish that turns a stinky apple into a delicious surprise. And to inject some movement into my work-from-home routine, I aim to take short walks during breaks, not as a sprint but as a turtle's amble, allowing myself to soak in the world outside my screen.

These resolutions are gentle nudges toward a better self without the weight of undue pressure.

I will play more Escape from Tarkov

This new wipe looks great, and arena mode finally coming out is awesome as that’s a lot of fun. Arena alone has me coming back from a 2 year break that I needed from tarkov to get my mental health straight. That game causes major anxiety/anger issues if you take it too seriously

I'm at 13k hours, nothing gives me anxiety in Tarkov anymore. Died to a cheater? Just gear up and go again. Backend error deleted your backpack with all the kappa items? Go looting again. Did you just wipe the lobby on Labs and Tarkov decided to disconnect you before you could get out? It's just pixels, gear up and go again. 😛

Adopt the mindset of: Gear is only a means to an end, the end is to complete tasks, level up your PMC and his skills, and have fun fights and interactions with other players. Do that and Tarkov is the best game on the planet.

Sounds dumb, but eat more soup. Like miso soup with veggies and an egg, for example. Low calorie but filling and tasty. Trying to skip the noodles and rice with this one. Might add beans or quinoa if it isn't filling enough

I like to learn how to lucid dream

I'm amazed there's people out there that can't do it. Kinda like finding out there people who don't have an inner monologue.

It's so easy. Leave your curtain open so you get light in the morning. On a Sunday or when you lie in just let yourself drift in and out of sleep.

Be conscious of the fact you're falling back to sleep and focus on going back to the thing you last remember dreaming.

Realise you have full control of everything. Kinda like Neo in the matrix.

It's great walking up from a nightmare where you're being chased by something then falling back to sleep knowing you're going to kick it's ass when you sleep back in.

When you're 'plugged' back into your dream you stop trying to run, face the fear and lay down a sick anime special move!

It's not always so easy for everyone, I've been trying for years with effort off and on with plenty of studying and have had maybe two lucid dreams ever. I have never been able to remember many dreams, I think that is a big factor. When I did have the lucid and semi-lucid experiences it was when I had been in the habit of writing my dreams down, it increased the number of dreams I remembered massively.

  • Lose ~15kg
  • Start a business
  • Make friends
  • Fix my mental health
  • Get my career back on track
  • Stay clear of meth

If these your low stakes resolutions, i would like to know your high stake resolution.

"World peace, end hunger, fix climate change"

That last one might fix all of them

Failing his last one might help with the first one. But don't.

Dude these all seem like they could be very hard to do. Mine was gonna be like save more/stop going to restaurants so much

What kind of business?

I don't know yet. Probably something in the retail tech space. Electronics, networking, SBCs, etc. It's going to be a year of chucking shit at a wall to see what sticks.

Low stakes would be getting back into a study routine, I want to improve my Norwegian. I'm quite proficient but plateaued at some point and stopped putting any effort in.

Two honestly. They're both kinda big picture, but both are fun and easy and low stakes.

  1. Slow down, settle, nest. 2023 was a wild year filled with change. I got a job that became the focal point of my life, and then I got promoted. That job came with more friends and connections than I've ever had. It has been a very full, sometimes overwhelming year. 2024 is going to be my Convenience Store Woman year. I'm gonna settle into my management position, get good at it, and turn this dispensary into a beautiful weed distribution machine.

  2. I'm gonna keep trying for a second romantic partner. It's gonna be fun because flirting is fun. And the stakes are low because I already have a fantastic, stable relationship with my wife. Failure means continuing the happy life I'm living now. I'll just keep trying to get the attention of boys with good hair.

2024 is gonna be good, but easier than 2023 plz

Wow! I hope you accomplish all you want to! Although, I’d expect every year going forward to be harder than the last tbh. So I hope that your struggle in 2023 brought you resilience for the struggle to come in 2024

That's silly. I'm in a really good place personally. My best friend is my assistant manager. I just signed the lease early for another year (starting in May) in my nice apartment that is just a few blocks from my dispensary. We could reasonably be a million dollar a month location by this time next year. I've found a Discord where I can make friends with other trans people in my area despite my powerful introversion. And just being a visible trans person in a popular business running a safe place in a conservative area is fighting the good fight! I have integrated the resistance into my life. I have the financial stability to take care of some real life shit that's in arrears. And despite isolated examples of the opposite, the fact is that people are overall safer, healthier, and freer than they have ever been. I say that as someone who has been attacked in public for being trans. 2024 is going to be good. It's just going to be extra good for me.

I don't make new years resolutions myself, but I just had to say your profile pic gave me a little giggle, thanks
(also really like the new veg of the month idea!)

365 days streak in duolingo. You can do a single lesson in about three minutes and it will extend the streak

As someone with almost 500 day streak, don’t expect to really learn conversational speaking on there. I’ve reached the point I can mostly read and make out French sentences, even with words I don’t know explicitly, but to have a spoken conversation at this point I believe would be impossible

Cut down on my sugar intake. I love sweets so much that my teeth are ruined because of it. I’m currently going through some extensive dental work to fix what I have left. I’ll start reducing my sugar intake (mostly desserts and sweet snacks) and maybe switch to fruits for any sweet cravings.

I will find more time to sneak away from my family and gamble.

I will start applying for part time jobs (looking to get a remote or local job as IT help desk)

Edit: Hey OP, you should add durian a try. Lots of people don't like the smell, especially if they've never experienced it when they were younger. However, it's pretty delicious.

Spend more time on my hobbies that don't involve a computer. There's more prep work, yeah - but the results are more satisfying too.

I plan to install Windows 10 on my living room PC so steam will keep working.

That sounds terrible, would rather take the "go to gym weekly" or "stop drinking"

The question was for attainable challenges

Eh, It's generally painless.

What's worse though is the other PC in the living room. I have an iMac for the kid to use and steam is also ending support for macOS 10.14... that is a much bigger problem! 10.14 is the last version of macOS that supports 32 bit applications. When steam stops running in that system, we'll be locked out from about 75% of the Mac game library....

I've already tried mint on the iMac and it was hell. I've never really used Linux myself, but everyone said mint is so great, so easy. But I had no parental controls, no ability to recover when it crashed, just problems with everything and no ability to manage them. It was awful. I got the mac for the simple os and Linux defeats the entire purpose. I reinstalled the MacOS.