Being forced to download the Reddit app onto my phone to view any 'NSFW' post, even though I'm on my desktop to Mildly – 549 points –

A friend sent me the link but I guess I'll have to tell him to send me screenshots in the future.

old.reddit still lets me view it. For now....


Reddit has become full garbage.

To be fair, its been shit for a real long time.

We all just put up with it far longer than we should have.

Yeah. From when I first joined reddit to until I left, I've never ever seen the video player actually fucking working. It's like a McDonalds ice cream machine, always broken.

At least there's a reason for McDonald's ice cream machines not working, even if it is blatant and disgusting corporate greed from Taylor Company.

If anyone wants to spend 30 minutes learning about McDo's ice cream machines, boy have I got the YouTube video for you!

(Piped link)

This is such a great video. Thanks for linking it. I need to watch it again

Meeh, nothing new, service menus with the full picture have been around for decades. Just download a warezed service manual for your product and you can fix it yourself.

Same thing is happening with printers and every other piece of hardware out there that runs any kind of software on it.

We've seen this behavior throught history numerous time, keeping it in the family I mean, this is nothing new. As long as people keep bying food in McDonalds and complaining how McDonalds made their son/daughter cry, they'll keep pushing their shitty products. My son starts crying over no ice cream... son, I'm sorry, but even the king doesn't eat something that's not available, get used to it, that's life.

I never understood why people complained about this. Reddit videos always worked fine for me in RiF. Then I found out they don't work in the official app. WTF?

It worked just fine in Infinity and on a desktop browser, never in the official Reddit app. But I guess Reddit couldn't stand the fact that a free, ad-free app worked better than the official app.
Also Lemmy loads WAY faster than Reddit these days

I used Infinity too, and video worked fine in it. Well up until they killed it

old.reddit will be killed off before the ipo in March

mark my words

Spez explicitly promised they wouldn't get rid of old reddit.

Which I took to mean they intend to ruin it by cramming all the shitty new features into it and taking away the things it does better.

Edit: I don't trust spez lmao I just think what he said might be a hint for how they will fuck reddit up going forward

lololol wouldn't be the first time by far he's broken an explicit promise

imagine thinking business leaders in the US have any honor or credibility.

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I don't know, old.reddit feels like it probably serves some internal purposes, and it's a safe fallback for when they inevitably release buggy shit on the new site.

old.reddit will probably be broken or maybe even restricted more and more as time goes by (it already has been) but I don't see them killing it entirely.

Sounds likely that in the future, they will release changes that will break old and they will decide not to fix it.

Ah yes, the AlienBlue treatment. Just stop updating it, and implement features that are almost laser-focused on breaking functionality.

I thought I read old reddit still has a lot of mod tools that haven't been brought over yet, seemed to be it's main purpose for continuing to exist.

At the very least, they will remove NSFW content from it.

Old Reddit is the only place moderators have any 3rd party tools. When Reddit kills it, many more mods will quit. Large subs will be completely unmanageable

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If you change the URL to you can get past this BS and view the post anyway even without logging in. You just have to use the old version of the site which has a lot less of the stupid stuff they've added.

There's also browser extensions like "old reddit redirect". They ensure you're always on the good version of reddit.

Or Reddit Enhancement Suite

It's probably best to not recommend RES anymore it's been in maintenance mode for around 2 years and is no longer being maintained. Honestly I'm amazed it has been become broken and unusable yet.

I hasn't, though?

RES still works just fine. Why would I stop recommending something that works?

What a bizarre thing to suggest. Don't use software that's in maintenance mode? The whole point of maintenance mode is so it keeps working so people can keep using it.

I'll stop recommending it when it breaks.

Agreed. It seems unlikely reddit will add new useful features to old, and RES has coverage on the existing interface and doesn't need anything new so it's not like lack of new features is a bad thing here.

The day RES quits working is the day I stop using reddit at all. Right now it’s a mix of the fediverse and some reddit, but not having RES (or old.reddit) would kill it for me.

For people on iOS there’s a shortcut that will redirect you. I think this is the one I used

There's also the Sink For Reddit app where you can toggle old and new reddit. It also adds a bunch of features to make your experience on safari better.

This worked for me:

  • Start your own subreddit so you're a mod,

  • mark it nsfw,

  • don't need to post anything

and you should be able to access any nsfw in your feed when off-app.

This also worked for me:

I stopped using reddit, because it turned to shit.

I don't get why people around here insist on this circlejerk.

Yes, reddit is shit, it's been shit for years, we all know.

But there's still plenty of good stuff to find there that has not migrated over here.

Because continuing to prop up Reddit like you're advocating is why the remainder of the good stuff hasn't migrated over here yet.

While I wish that were true it's just not that simple. People are creatures of habit and the experience has to be absolutely awful to get people to break habits, especially social habits. We're talking people will stay in abusive relationships where they get physically beat regularly because they are scared to change.

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They could also just login on desktop

Wow I kinda assumed they'd done so, but looking at the screenshot you're right

True, I don't use reddit on mobile at all anymore, since they killed 3rd party clients. No way in fuck would I install any social media company's program on my devices. It's open source apps for social media, or nothing.

Old reddit works fine in Firefox on the desktop. I use that when I'm bored enough to.

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Do you really want our pity for still being on that shitty platform?

Pity, no. A shared expression of annoyance at a platform we all used to enjoy becoming further and further enshittified, yes.

Nah. Life is to short to be annoyed by some shitty social media platform. Move on.

Initially I agreed with the guy above you, and then I read your comment. Pretty refreshing take.

Annoyingly there are still some good threads related to questions I've asked etc.

Like Facebook making you get messenger. No thanks

That was the start of my end of using Facebook for sure

Same. Then in 2020 I did a full stop when I saw my mom post some unhinged conspiracy bullshit

That was the moment I deleted Facebook from my phone. Deleted my account a short while later.

"let us track you to view this post"

For the moment you can replace the 'www' in the page link to 'old' and reload. the old ui doesn't show these annoying warnings. You can also try some libreddit instance.

This really irks me, because it applies to subs related to weed or other non-sexual content, including some games. I've also been hit with the same prompt to open the official app for subreddits that are "under review" or new.

I only go to reddit from search engine queries to get answers for a topic.

I just posted on reddit for the first time since the API disaster to get support for the watchmaker app (that is the dev's official source for support).

I noticed a weird glitch happening to me (mobile site on Firefox) in which if I edit a comment, it loses all formatting. Like, every space between 'paragraphs' dissappears, and so did the block quotes. It just put ">" in with the jumbled up mess...

Probably just need to sign in. But if you don't have an account already, then it's shitty that they force you to use the app to create an account.

it’s shitty that they force you to use the app to create an account.

They don't. I just made a new account there a month ago using my browser and old.reddit

I can highly recommend rdx for browsing reddit without an account

The "I built a reddit porn browser" has gone to shit with the amount and type of integration of ads. Desktop is fine with ad blocking, mobile is cancer. I'm not linking it on purpose.

On Android I'd recommend just installing Firefox along with uBlock Origin

Since Old Reddit will be dead soon, have a look at kddit and Eddrit. They're like Libreddit, but not blocked (yet). However, you should try to avoid using them, as they get ratelimited quite easily.

Libreddit is alive if you selfhost your own instance.

Not always true anymore, my self-hosted instance died a few months back 😞

Seems like reddit is blocking IPs known to be VPS'.

Suppose I could spin it up on my home server, but I'd kinda rather just move on.

For mobile I finally ended up patching Sync, primarily for more comfortably browsing when it comes up in search results, but I did notice it enabled nsfw as well.