name this rule to – 346 points –

Biscaynia, also there's ALOT of fishermen looking for jobs at border checkpoints for some reason.

Ah, the ancient country Spance, which sank because its inhabitants disrespected the mighty god Nuggan.

I thought it was the Curse of Goblin that sunk that land?

Wetlandia. Famous for it's seafood.

I just now realized I was justifying a 196 meme with a serious response. I need to go touch grass

i dunno, its kind of a mouthful but that is a pretty funny name for a country.

I was just going to say OP is a Basque separatist

France 3

We're genuinely on France 11 or 12 already (at least one of those was explicitly provisional, so let's say 11), or French Republic 5 if counting only republics. That's not even counting West Francia, which is essentially the same thing.

That is just the highest quality french TV (it's the name of the localized stations from the national TV, so you get a different one in each region covering local news).

I'm an American who is reasonably well traveled (though I haven't been to Europe yet) and really wants to be less ignorant about these things than most of my countrymates so I spent a amount of time trying to figure it out before looking at a map and reading the comments. I did not. I guess I'm still that American. But I'll keep trying not to be.

Must've been one of them countries that was isekai'd.

Bay of Biscay, I’ve sunk many a fleet here in HOI4!

i would say the not racist part of france but we all know that's not true

We don't talk about that place. You will be intercepted for interrogation, please stand by.

It's that country that is right next to Listenbourg.

Foreskinia. IDK. Pretty sure there isn't supposed to be land there.

That’s Rigel III, but it wasn’t always called that. It was the independent nation of Esperant before the Daystrom Institute was awarded the land following an extended military conflict with Staten Island 6.

I was going to say Andorra after a bit of military adventurism. Could be some deunified fiefdoms after some billionaires bought land and noble titles. France doesn't take shit like that well. Spain may not care much.