Fox News to Taylor Swift: ‘Don’t Get Involved in Politics!’ to politics – 239 points –
Fox News to Taylor Swift: ‘Don’t Get Involved in Politics!’

Its a gift link, so shouldn't be a paywall :)


For people who hate being told what to do, they sure love telling people what to do.

They love telling women what to do.

They hate women telling others what to do.

They always say this stuff to liberal celebrities, but invite Ted Nugent and other absolute POS conservatives on

Sonny Bono, Arnold, Glenn Jacobs, Reagan, Trump... I think I'm forgetting some.

Republicans love voting for celebrities when they have the chance.

I, for one, am keenly interested in Kid Rock's opinion on the role of central banking in a post-pandemic economy. /s

And I'm looking forward to Fox bringing him on to talk about why Taylor Swift shouldn't give her political opinions. is your place to sign up to vote.

Make sure you're actually registered, even if you think you already are. A lot of states have been "cleaning up" their voting registries .

It's a census year and you can be unregistered if you don't respond in a timely fashion. wrong on all counts.

It’s not a census year (only on the 10s in the US) and I’ve been involved in politics for more than three decades and the federal census has never been used to remove anyone from the voter rolls anywhere I’ve been. The personal data is not publicly available for 70 years except as anonymized, abstracted data.

EDIT: I did double-check myself and yeah, the Fed census has no impact on voter rolls. There are some places that do a city/town census - especially in Massachusetts - where you can be marked as “inactive” if you don’t complete a local census. You can still cast a ballot and are still on the rolls, but it will require some assertion that you still live in the same residence. But that’s a pretty limited edge case.

Thanks for checking. I'm in MA and read that on my town census, but obviously misread it. My bad.

Thanks. Checked a few days ago. I had been kicked off the roles 10+ years ago, never again.

I mean seriously, she's not qualified like a reality tv con man, to be involved in politics!

Yeah, plus she's actually, like, good at business. Conservatives would prefer the guy who managed to bankrupt a casino.

Yeah, and he did it to himself. He had a successful casino going in wherever (I think Atlantic City). Since it was doing well, he thought that maybe he should open another one nearby. One casino lots of money means two casinos lots of money times two. The dip shit didn't bother to run or listen to market research. Once he opened the second casino, they learned that the market was already saturated with casinos. A second casino doesn't make more gamblers. Instead, he split the customers because his new casino was competing for customers from the first one. Both started to fail, so he had to close one. The business genius tanked his own business that was running successfully until then. Had he put a reasonable limit to his grandiosity, he would have been fine.

He is truly delusional to the point that he thinks he controls objective reality. In other words, it isn't what it is. It's what he believes.

I might be off on details, but this was the basic gist.

Holy crap! Thanks for that - I never bothered to look into the specifics of the situation but that sounds like the hubristic business acumen I'd expect from his sort of megalomania.

You're welcome! The way the media reports on Trump is just so ridiculous to me, that I feel validated when I hear about the actual results of his business and policy decisions.

I wish they would listen to his Art of the Deal ghostwriter. He's made it clear over and over again that the concept of Trump as a good businessman is a total fabrication.

Who also failed to sell red meat and alcohol to Americans.

Let me get this straight, you think that Taylor Swift, one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in the world, is secretly a liberal, who spends her nights fucking an NFL star, and your plan is to intimidate this person?

Good luck.

I read that in Morgan Freeman's voice and didn't even know why until the end.

Wish they had this same attitude towards Ted “fucks pre teens” Nugent

Hey Fox, I'm not a Taylor Swift fan at all, but I trust her infinitely more than your lying fascist bullshit network.

Why are they allowed to give their opinion on politics but she isn't? Why are they qualified and not her?

She has a brain, they jusy read whatever is on the teleprompter

They are both in the entertainment industry. Neither are qualified

Why does being an entertainer disqualify you from expressing a political opinion?

No First Amendment rights for her, that's why.

She's liberal, and a successful woman. Their two greatest fears

Pretty fucking rich that their chosen savior is a reality TV star.

And before that, the darling of the GOP was former actor Ronald Reagan...

Taylor Swift is absolutely not the person that the GOP wants saying "Hold my beer and watch this.....". If they pissed her off enough to motivate her to get political, she absolutely has the influence and resources to register a few thousand new Democrat Swifties.

A few thousand seems pretty small

If I remember the statistic correctly, 30,000 new registrants within the first hour after she posted about registering to vote.

Even if we assume a rate of decay, that is pretty significant.

Then its at least 10 of thousands possibly more!

If they're lucky it'll only be a few, and honestly at this point these prophesors (lol) have probably fulfilled themselves by now.

She's also not a church, and short of any electioneering, this would be completely legal to do.

They are terrified of her influence.

This has less to do with Swift and more to do with Fox's decades long strategy to keep misogynists angry with successful women and engaged with Fox news.

Taylor Swift to Fox News: "Don't get involved in journalism...oh wait"

She hasn't done or said anything political though? Is it just that she's a vivacious person and the ghouls are thinking "fuck, she's definitely not one of us".

In 2018 she started to openly become politically active endorsing a democrat candidate as the Republican was openly hostile to women and voting for laws to remove protections for women. She could no longer stand by.

In this video about half way you can hear her explain it to her dad:

I kinda think that's not what they referring to. Because it's 6 years later.

She did endorse the Democrat running for Senate in Tennessee in 2018, so they're not wrong

Her endorsements seem to have been relatively quiet so far.

That may not be the case this time, thanks to Fox.

Fox Corp.'s $787.5 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems says that Fox should stop libeling. There are plenty of other lawsuits to point out that say the same thing.

If what Fox claimed were true, they would have won the lawsuit. If what Fox claimed were not provably, knowingly lies, Fox would have won.

I always side with the person who speaks truth, who fights lies.

Has she even said shit at this point or all the morons just going off the handle for no reason?

She endorsed Biden last election, but that doesn't mean they're not going off the handle for no reason.

That wad last round, jas she said anything about this election?

I don't think so, and last time she said it because they asked her in an interview.

TSwift is frankly a large enough celebrity that saying anything political could easily cost her millions of dollars, so while I do kinda wish she'd say things I agree with I also recognize that there's really no incentive for her to do so.

They all do this. Pretty much all celebrities endorse the Democrat politicians because it looks better for them. It looks like they're "just one of us!" When in fact, they are not. Taylor Swift was born into wealth, and does not need to worry about who's will never effect her. But by endorsing the side of the "poor" and "common working class"...she gets even more positive publicity..

There's a side that's looking out for the poor and working class? Which one is it?

Have you tried grabbing her by the pussy?

LOL. Fuck off, Fox. She will do what she wants to do because she's a woman capable of making her own decisions. Not that you would ever understand or appreciate.

Uhg. can you imagine standing in line waiting to vote, with the swifties all having their favorite songs on blast from the phones?

never thought that would be a reason I'd appreciate vote-by-mail.

(I'm mostly kidding... but yeah. not having to stand in line and deal with...uh... people... is nice.)

And it's ok for something claiming to be a "news source" to be political?

EVERYONE is involved in politics, what the hell do they even mean? Politics affect everyone. It's not like people choose to be involved, they are, even if they don't like it.

Fox News to Donald Trump: “Get involved in politics!”


I gotta say that it's pretty fucking refreshing to see this "celebrities need to stay out of politics" being rejected after it was more or less accepted in the 00s. Reality is pivoting faster than Fox is as old tactics die.

I've also noticed that the condescendingly polite subtle insults are starting to get old and recognized as just normal insults because the subtlety has disappeared.

Also the "ask questions" tactic from How to Win Friends and Influence People is getting more push back rather than leading people to different conclusions, though that one isn't as nice to see because when that worked, it was usually for a good reason but it just being dismissed means one less way people in disagreement can come to agree. But it is an interesting evolution in the way we communicate and interact that I've noticed lately.

Though those last two might just be due to the different demographic at Lemmy vs Reddit.

Though those last two might just be due to the different demographic at Lemmy vs Reddit.

This site definitely isn't representative of much if you're using it to speak to larger cultural trends or something. It's definitely not an indicator of those.

I have a theory of my own though. I think that pop culture is dying as a thing in general. I think social media platforms are more widely recognized as the societal ill that they are, broadcast / cable TV is largely dead, movies are moving from the cinemas to streaming services in record time, Internet streaming apps killed the radio star, etc. etc.

Everyone tunes into their own shows, their own music, their own movies, their own books, their own cultural experiences, their own news, and even their own realities.

I think we're living through an era where mainstream popular culture is getting devoured by software platforms and disparate experiences and the output is more and more that everyone's in the "long tail" ( being exposed only to things that sit in personalized niches.

Fantasy universe: Taylor Swift and Biden announce her support of his campaign and acceptance of the position of Vice President. Trump really finds out that he is not as popular as Taylor Swift.

Fox News: You're not playing fair!

Fox News: :: gets bodied by Swift's Superbowl ratings, sheer size of fanbase ::

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Right-wing activists have indulged in baseless speculation that Ms. Swift’s romance with the Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce — a kind of ur-American couple of football star and wholesome pop icon — is a contrivance engineered by Democrats, or perhaps the National Football League, to trick unsuspecting Americans into boosting Super Bowl ratings or voting for Mr. Biden in November.

Swift flies on a private plane, “yet she constantly talks about climate change.” It was the sort of eco-scolding that rarely turns up on a cable network whose guests often voice skepticism about global warming.

Swift said that Mr. Soros’s son, Alex, helped fund the sale of her song catalog to the producer Scooter Braun.

Another “Hannity” guest, the Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt, told viewers not to dismiss the bizarre conspiracies about Ms.

“Republicans haven’t won the Popular Vote in 20 years so now we’re trying the novel strategy of attacking one of the most beloved pop stars on the planet & … the NFL,” Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former Trump administration official and a co-host of “The View,” wrote on X.

On Brian Kilmeade’s Saturday show, he asked the Fox Sports analyst Jay Glazer about the Swift phenomenon.

The original article contains 811 words, the summary contains 202 words. Saved 75%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Something tells me that the Kelce family does NOT lean too Left...