Sudo is coming to Windows 11 to – 232 points –
Announcing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052 (Canary and Dev Channels)

Hello Windows Insiders, today we are releasing Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26052 to the Canary and Dev Channels.

Insiders in the Canary Channel will receive Build 26052.1000 while Insiders in the Dev Channel will receive Build


"Let's give our new command line app the same name as a popular linux command even though it's not the same app and behaves differently. I'm sure our users would appreciate it when they have problem with the app and trying to search the solution later."

To be consistent with Powershell's command structure, they should call it "Get-Access" or something similar...

Given the horrible verbosity of PS utils, I'd expect they just abandon subtlety and call it Substitute-User-Do-Operation

I'm pretty sure it's just Verb-Noun, I don't think I've seen the multi-hyphen o es your reference

Can we truncate it to Get-Ass?

> Set-Alias -Name Get-Ass -Value Get-Access
> Get-Ass
Get-Access : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x00000000 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

That'd like up with their Xbox naming scheme. XbOne, XSeX, etc.

Nah that is too unrealistic

"Because we are Microsoft, the company known for giving its products perfectly reasonable and not confusing names"

Sentinel, Defender (not the AV, lol), Entra. I hear these daily in meetings and don't know what the hell they are. (Not my job)

Sentinel is MS's SEIM product, defender is likely people referring to their paid av offering, Entra is what they renamed AzureAD recently which is their identity management platform. Not sure why they renamed the last one azureAD was a good name for it.

Maybe because they were getting tired of hearing from admins frustrated that Azure AD still doesn't have full feature parity with "normal" AD? Now it's clearly a separate product at least.

I think Google's the worst for this. Examples such as the browser Chrome, when browser chrome has been a thing for a long time. Go, a very common verb and keyword and also now a programming language. Not to be confused with their Go Links, which was a URL shortener. And then there's all the ones they either rebrand or retire and/or replace.

Perhaps they want confusing names because they think other search engines can't handle the ambiguity.

To be honest, other programming languages aren't named any better

Pascal is just a common name, Rust is a common noun, Java is an island which you cannot find by searching for just its name, Python's a snake, C# is a musical note and C is just a letter.

afaik they also alias common linux/gnu commands like curl.. but the syntax isnt like curl at all

I definitely spent a frustrated 45 minutes trying to figure out why curl wasn't working when it was supposed to be supported in PowerShell.

then I hit tab a couple of times and noticed curl.exe was an option, that works exactly the same as I had expected with original syntax.

they do this to a lot of things though a lot of common commands end up being an alias to a powershell command with a specific option set that doesn't always line up

They’ve had a real problem with names recently. I wonder if the laid all the creative people off in that company. Miss me with this “new outlook” “new teams” “teams for work and school” just think of a new name for each app for the love of god…

Not a new problem. Many years ago they released a server app to download and deploy updates to a businesses computers. They called it Windows Update Service, or WUS. A bit later they changed the name to Windows Server Update Service (WSUS). The FAQ on the name change noted the old name “did not accurately reflect the value of the software”


They are tired of right clicking Command Prompt to "Run as Administrator". They've been doing it for decades, they can have one tiny piece of QoL improvement.

I bet you not even sudo could remove edge. edge is like the breathing lungs and thinking brain and balls of computer

"This action is forbidden. The incident has been reported."

And then MS sends goons to your house to break your legs

That's an unpalatable response - instead you're sentenced to 10 hours of Browser Reeducation classes

You used to be able to >winget uninstall Microsoft.Edge

But the problem is Edge would still come back every time Windows had an update.

I hope the EU DMA update fixes that.

It supposedly allows you to uninstall more stuff.

Let’s hope it’s not region locked, or if it is, maybe at least trivial to bypass.

There are lots of 3rd party mods like AtlasOS that can remove edge.

And, knowing Windows, won't let you do as much as a real sudo would anyway. There are so many f-ing things that even Admin is not allowed to do on a Windows box, it is simply annoying. "Oh no, you cannot remove Edge! This would threaten the stability of the universe!"

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It is an ergonomic and familiar solution for users who want to elevate a command without having to first open a new elevated console.

Yeah Microsoft, how exactly is it familiar for Windows users? 😜

Finally. Although, I bet it's going to be one of these looongass PS OO commands, with an alias tied to it.

Probably Escalate-RegularUserPrivelige and smack a mandatory -Confirm argument in there as well, just to be annoying.

Although you have to admire that PowerShell at least attempts to define a common set of verbs and vocabulary.

Fair enough. I just wish shorthand was the standard.

The trick to powershell is to make incredibly liberal use of tab completion to speed yourself up. Or make aliases for commands you use really often.

Yeah, I get that it can be a pain to type long commands out the first time, but if you're using a terminal or an editor without tab completion in 2024 then you've chosen to do things the hard way.

This has been needed since Windows XP SP2.

Glad to see they've finally started doing their backlog tickets.

Honestly, it's hardly newsworthy given how sudo was a thing in windows for quite a while now. I use it pretty often, especially sudo pwsh for elevated shells.

I been using gsudo for quite sometime, the default way to leverage privaliges in Windows is cancer, the whole shell is tbh.

Honestly idc about sudo in windows bc i already disable the UAC totally, so... everything in my windows run as root like Windows XP era

You do you, but it's not anywhere as rough of an experience leaving it enabled as things used to be back then. This also exponentially increases the risk factor that some malware will fuck your shit right up.

I also wouldn't advertise it either. Like telling facebook that you never lock your door.

Malware issue........NOPE
Stability issue..........NOPE
Actually i've been doing this since Win7 era & never got any malware/spyware/ransomware bc i know what I'm doing exactly.
Actually the people who afraid about malware itself because people always visit some shady website, clicking shady links, & install shady software from it without knowing at all

Malware issue........Not yet
Stability issue..........NOPE

Fixed that for you

Well i hope i never get malware
It's been 12 years streak that's i never got any malware on my PC/Laptop with UAC disabled permanently + only using NOD32/ESET as my daily antivirus (I don't like others antivirus even if it's from Microsoft)

You probably already have no-click cryptojacking malware from a malvertisement and don't even know it.

You wanna know what's way more effective than any anti-virus? An ad blocker + common sense. Unironically, the FBI & CISA tell you to use Adblock.
I haven't used any anti-virus at all on Windows, Linux, or MacOS for the past maybe 10ys. What's funny is that anti-virus is never 100% accurate and tends to slow down your computer. What's even funnier, is that Windows built-in anti-virus "Windows Defender" is already the most effective AV rendering any extra AV completely redundant & pointless.

Well i used adblocker with custom filter & script in it + i already masking my host & DNS for total secure. Even i already using it since before internet became suck
I got your point other antivirus other than Windows Defender is suck, but i really trust ESET/NOD32 because I've ben using it from really long time (20 years exactly) & it never got any issue since beginning

never got any .../spyware/...

You use Windows, the spyware is already baked in. Windows profiles you & phones home and 3rd party companies the moment it gets an Internet connection, even in the installation environment.

Well you right, but i already disabled all that telemetry things + total debloat my windows

The best thing about this is that this will be available in enterprise environment which obviously can't disable UAC. Disabling it is incredibly stupid on a personal machine, but doing it in an enterprise environment is a death sentence.

Embrace, extend, extinguish. Fucking microcrap


I'm always aboard the Microsoft hate train, but I don't see how them adding sudo fits within EEE. Here's an excerpt from microsoft/sudo on Github:

Obviously, everything about permissions and the command line experience is different between Windows and Linux. This project is not a fork of the Linux sudo project, nor is it a port of the Linux sudo project. Instead, Sudo for Windows is a Windows-specific implementation of the sudo concept.

As the two are entirely different applications, you'll find that certain elements of the Linux sudo experience are not present in Sudo for Windows, and vice versa.

Despite sharing a name and features, they're for two completely separate platforms and offer no interoperability. If MS decided to release their version of sudo for Linux, maybe we could talk about EEE. For now, all they've done is implement a useful tool from another platform into theirs, and that's a (rare) positive for MS, even if this feature should have existed like 30 years ago.

Will this not dilute search results related to sudo? It's minor but I think could be considered EEE.

Sounds like a bit of a desperate reach to attach the EEE label to this.

Desperation is when there is no reason to think something can be done. I'm way past the stage of assuming honest intentions from M$. If this comes to bite us like EEE then shame on us.

To be honest, it just sounds like you have an unnecessary chip on your shoulder.

It's up to me to decide my friend from my foe, appears justified and important to me.

I can definitely see this argument, but I strongly suspect the inverse will be true; finding results for MS sudo which aren't about Linux might be difficult.

After all, sudo has existed for a long time. Also, I assume over 90% of people who use Linux uses or has used sudo, whereas a tiny fraction of Windows users will ever use MS sudo.

Microsoft has done this already for tons of windows applications. For example, open up powershell and run “curl”. It’s a http downloader program, but not the one you think of, and the args are completely different. This has been the case for years, yet you can still find answers for curl problems by searching. I don’t see this being any different.

Linux subsystem for windows... Making it easier to stay off Linux, adding similar elements to Linux to appeal to Linux users.

It's 100% per of EEE, subtle as not to make users like you freak out.
MS won't do anything that doesn't help them make more money / more users

Linux subsystem for windows

If you wanted to talk about EEE regarding Linux subsystem for Windows, you probably should specify that. I share your misgivings about WSL, but this thread is about sudo for Windows which is another thing entirely.

Making it easier to stay off Linux, adding similar elements to Linux to appeal to Linux users.

I have a hard time imagining Linux users switching to Windows because of a feature Linux has had since its inception. Of course MS won't do anything that doesn't increase their profits, that's what corporations do. Implementing "new" features is a way of attracting more users, sure, but I still fail to see any way in which sudo for Windows fits the EEE scheme. "Embrace, extend, extinguish" refers to specific predatory business practices, it's not shorthand for "everything I dislike about capitalism and the tech industry" and using it as such kinda dilutes its original meaning.

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