Marjorie Taylor Greene may not run for reelection

USA to politics – 415 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene may not run for reelection

Don’t tempt me with a good time.

I think it goes further than that: she is threatening us with a good time.

She thinks she’s going to get the VP nod from Trump. As usual, she’s fucking delusional.

I thought Sarah Palin was extreme. Greene makes her look like a Democrat.

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It’s like nobody ready the article. It says she’s considering challenging Kemp in a primary for Georgia Governor because he’s not defending Trump.

Edit: apparently I can read better - she wants to run against Kemp in the primary when he runs for Senate, not Governor.

What a crappy headline... Poorly executed click-bait that misinforms more than it informs.

But Kemp's serving his second term as Governor. He can't run again unless he waits 4 years after he's out of office. Which will be in 2026. EmptyG would have a whole another term as a congresswoman before we vote on the governor

I also didn't read the article, but are you sure that's what it said?

Ah, I slightly misread - she wants to run against him in the primary when he runs for Senate. I’ll edit my comment. Thanks for pointing that out.

It's all good. I think the bot kind of messed up the summary too.

If he does run for senate, I'll do my best to keep him out. We've got two great senators right now, I don't think he can beat either one. But who knows, it's all going to come down to messaging.

Remember when MTG stood for Magic: The Gathering? I 'member.

Well, if she's no longer elected, then it can still be.

Clickbait title much? It's because she's considering a Senate run or being Trump's VP.

The summary bot has Georgia governor (primary anyway). apparently wrong.

Goddamn I hope she runs for gov.

Kemp is term-limited. He has to sit out from the office for the next term before he can run again, which means he'll probably seek some other office in the meantime. And whatever he runs for he's almost certain to get.

People talk about GA being a swing state, but it fucking isn't. MAGA doesn't do great statewide, but the GOP has near total control with little contest.

MTG on the ticket is EXACTLY what the GA Dems need to make some serious inroads in statewide elections.

“Swing state” is such a misnomer for any of them. They have one drunk Tuesday and never live it down.

That's a misread of the article/summary. It's saying that Kemp (the current GA governor) is talking about a Senate run and MTG would challenge him in a primary for the GOP Senate nomination.

Yeah, somehow I don’t think she’s actually stupid enough to run for governor where she’d actually have to handle anything significant or within this realm of reality. Congressional troll or VP-hype-troll is a better fit for her.

If she goes the VP route, hopefully she ends up a political nobody like that dink from alaska

Because pence wasn't bad enough, now the dumb and dumber goblin needs a go.

At least Pence had the decency to stand up to Trump and finalize the votes. I mean he drew the line in the sand just before committing treason, but he at least drew it somewhere. Can't say the same for a lot of other Republicans right now.

I don't think that's clickbait. I assumed running for a different office was by far the most likely reason before even clicking.

This woman deserves to be indicted for her participation in Jan 6.

Did her state introduce a literacy test she can't pass?

Or will she refuse because reading all those erotic stories would be a sin.

IE: she's been offered a high-paying job fucking something else up in the private sector, probably to as much of the detriment of the human race as scientifically possible.

She literally thinks she's going to be VP...

I don't even think Republicans are stupid enough to entertain that notion, but I've been sadly wrong before when estimating the stupidity of the GOP.

Trump is likely to pick the most horrible person possible, so I assume that she is a contender.

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The headline made me think this was going to be good news.

Hopefully she goes away forever

It’s a clickbate headline. She’s considering running for a higher office.

She won't. Trump said we'd never hear from again if he lost the election. They crave the spotlight.

Yeah, but the reason is even worse. She thinks she's going to be VP! AAAAAHHHHHHH!

It would make me pine for someone smart and competent like Dan Quayle

God. Remember when misspelling potato fucked up your chance of political office?

Good times (only sorta).

I recall when Howard Dean destroyed his political career by making one awkward hoot...

How did that work out for Sarah Palin?

“I can see Russia from my house!”

She's been on TV a few times, both political commentary and reality TV, and has run for a few elections (and lost them all).

Prolly getting paid more than any average American, all for being a pile of garbage.

That is like Gomer Pyle being Secretary of Defense

How DARE you insult Gomer Pyle like that!

You apologize RIGHT NOW!!

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Flamethrowing GOP representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has suggested she might not defend her seat in Congress next fall after two commanding victories in Georgia's 14th District.

Following comments by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp—who is reportedly weighing a run for the U.S. Senate in 2026—criticizing recent, disproven assertions by Donald Trump that he won the battleground state in 2020, Greene said she might be willing to challenge Kemp in a GOP primary.

Assuming, of course, Trump doesn't decide to name her as his running mate after winning the Republican presidential nomination.

After publicly breaking with the far-right Freedom Caucus early this year to support the election of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, with Trump's endorsement, Greene has been in lockstep with the former president.

In addition to Greene, Republicans like New York Representative Elise Stefanik and unsuccessful Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake are seen as top contenders along with Florida Representative Byron Donalds, another close Trump ally and a rising GOP star in the House.

Other possible names include South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, a 2024 presidential candidate who has been largely left unscathed by Trump's withering attacks on his GOP competitors on the campaign trail.

I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Makes sense, while she's here, who's running hell?

Satan's insulted. She's not competent enough to run a wheelbarrow race let alone the largest jobs program in the realms.

Maybe. On the other hand, can you imagine being middle management in her department of hell? That's a punishment all on its own.

This makes me feel sick. I really do think I might expatriate is she somehow becomes VP

she may run for the border and not stop til she hits Ecuador

Is she running for governor of GA?

If she is, it would probably be to change laws in the State of Georgia to allow a president to pardon someone of Georgia state charges.

Ding ding ding!!!

Republicans don’t give a fuck about constitution, states rights, rule of law, or even basic decency. The first thing republican governor in GA would do is to overturn that state law to pardon the Florida man.

That law is because of a time in the 1930s where a GA governor would roll up to prisons with signed pardons in hand, and sell them to inmates.

The governor can pardon state crimes

I read on lemmy that GA is one of 5 states where that's not true. They have an independent panel to approve pardons.

Good. Get fucking lost. Or better yet, go to prison for your involvement in undermining our election.

I think it's going to be Stefanik. Trump doesn't need help from the right, he needs to pull in the moderate Republicans.

And I think he's actually too racist to pick Scott. He might phrase it more like "he doesn't look straight out of Central casting" but that sort of thing is important to him.

Trump was forced to pick up Pence on this same logic. What makes you think he'd let that happen again?

He did win that election.

This presumes rationality that is not there. He's a being of pure emotion. He's not going to repeat the process that brought him a VP that ended up failing the loyalty test.

I'm still guessing he'll do a "coalition" ticket with RFK Jr. Everyone behind RFK Jr. is a Trump ally.

If she doesn't end up getting installed in another political office, some poor village in the far reaches of Dumbfuckistan will get a new idiot and wicked witch all in one. At least she'll have to split her time between those two roles and do a mediocre job at both.