Subreddit refugees be like... to Lemmy.World – 1311 points –

Now I do the same thing I've always done,

Lurk and never contribute any content!

I'll try to change i swear

Start posting, chatting and contributing! I'm trying to be active here myself.

I don't like modding, but I've even created my own community here, which is saying a lot given how lazy I am.

And while I'm at it, i hope you don't mind a shoutout to my new community, maliciouscompliance - recreated this as it was one of my favorite places to lurk on reddit!



Awesome job man. Keep at it and I'm subbing. I'll sub over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over and over and over and and over and over and over

thanks and thanks and thanks and thanks and thanks and thanks and thanks!

Voting on content and interact in the comments is a lot easier than making posts and it's still really helpful towards building vibrant thriving communities here.

If you have a sub you like that you think you could contribute to via posts, that would be awesome! But even just taking the time to throw your votes around does a lot (especially with fewer users)

Yeah I'm just really not used to making posts (but I swear I'll try) but I at least try to vote and comment.

People actually reply to my stuff here and I don't end uo in the unread gutter with thousands of others! Keep posting :)

Reddit refugees be like "Why isn't this Reddit and when will the devs LiStEn To ThIeR uSeRs AnD mAkE iT rEdDiT"

Seems pretty similar to Reddit to me, besides the whole decentralised nature which is a plus anyway

What are people complaining about?

Alongside that more reasonable point of individual features, alot of people are mad that the service is instance based and are angry that that there isn't a single iteration of communities, IE only one /c/aww or /c/vets or whatever.

Basically they fled a central organizational authority and got mad there's no central organizational authority.

Yeah, I'm a Reddit refugee, and I heard a bunch of people complaining about there being no "centralized login", and I'm like--bruh, that's WHY WE MOVED HERE, lmao!

That's why I'm so frustrated about it "WTF Why isn't this Reddit"


I'm not sure there are reddit clones. (I could be wrong, but...)That's why everyone settled here.

I admit that I'm here from reddit. There was much discussion, and everyone came up with this site as the next closest thing.

That being said, when traveling to a foreign place, you integrate into the existing society. Obviously, thats not a skill everyone was taught.

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This is a steep learning curve and confusing. It would be helpful to get some orientation after landing has a little guide. I totally understand there being a learning curve, I'm IT so don't have much trouble but I get that people are flocking from "just works" land and most people have zero idea how any tech works.

My problem isn't people struggling to learn how this different system works, my problem is people who come HERE instead of one of the available more direct Reddit clones then refusing to learn how this system works, bitching that it isn't Reddit, and start harping that the devs need to make it Reddit. If you just want New Reddit, that option is available. A couple, in fact. Lemmy got some buzz though and people want to be cool kids, instead of picking the more suitable option for them. Shit's frustrating to me as a user, and I feel for the devs who have been working on this specific vision for this project then just wake up to 1,000 "MAKE IT REDDIT I WANT EVERYTHING ON ONE INSTANCE CAUSE I'M USED TO IT" posts.

Rant aside, I'm no Lemmy expert but if you have questions about how things work, I'll do my best to help.

I'm brand new and I have spent ~~almost a week ~~ a few days trying to log on for a second time (first time worked great, always timed out after that). But I'm here now!

One thing that has been frustrating is that 90% of the time I've seen someone say that it's confusing, people just say IT'S SO EASY, TRY LEARNING and then the learning materials describe the concept of the fediverse and Lemmy but not how to use it.

I still don't really understand. I've used a hundred different forums and forum-adjacent type services, and Lemmy seems to be similar enough to Reddit, except that each server is it's own reddit, but if anyone on the server is connected to another server, it'll pull in communities followed by anyone on the server?

Again, I don't really get it. I'm trying, but it's a bit confusing. I get that it's decentralized and all the servers are unique and it's one login, but I don't get how the communities fit together between servers, if they do at all. Would this mean that we can have duplicate communities on different servers?

Out of curiosity. What are the other Reddit clones you're talking about? I moved here because this is the reddit-like system I found first.

Tildes is the main one I'm aware of but I've read of a few others that I don't recall the names of.

I'm brand new and I have spent almost a week trying to log on for a second time (first time worked great, always timed out after that). But I'm here now!

One thing that has been frustrating is that 90% of the time I've seen someone say that it's confusing, people just say IT'S SO EASY, TRY LEARNING and then the learning materials describe the concept of the fediverse and Lemmy but not how to use it.

I still don't really understand. I've used a hundred different forums and forum-adjacent type services, and Lemmy seems to be similar enough to Reddit, except that each server is it's own reddit, but if anyone on the server is connected to another server, it'll pull in communities followed by anyone on the server?

Again, I don't really get it. I'm trying, but it's a bit confusing. I get that it's decentralized and all the servers are unique and it's one login, but I don't get how the communities fit together between servers, if they do at all. Would this mean that we can have duplicate communities on different servers?

I see alot of people using an email analogy that people don't seem to follow, I saw another analogy so I'll give it a go (and probably butcher it haha.)

You have the planet, right? "Lemmy" as a concept, the "Fediverse" is the planet. Then, you have countries. Large, all encompassing central entities, each with it's own ruling government and systems. What you can get away with in Ireland, might not be legal in Turkey. Instances (or servers) like,, etc are the "countries." Each can have it's own standards, practices, rules, etc. Then the communities are like cities in those countries, beholden to the larger entity but otherwise allowed to run themselves and do what they do.

For your last question, let's look at those communities (cities, per our analogy.) Say I live in Franklin, Maine. Around town, if you're talking about home you don't say Franklin, Maine all the time do you? It's just Franklin, because if you're in Maine (or your home country if not US) it's presumed you're talking about the Franklin that you're in (or the Franklin down the road if you live two cities over.)

There's still a Franklin in Alabama, Idaho, Illinois, Michigan, and like 40 other states. ^(Thanks wiki :P) So if I wanted to talk about or visit one of THOSE Franklins, I would specify Franklin, Idaho, or Franklin, Illinois. That's the "Fediverse."

(Pretend for a minute we are in a community /c/puppies for this bit so it's less confusing) This group, for us, is just /c/puppies because it's our local /c/puppies, just as I from your perspective am just @CannaVet because we are both in our home "country" of (the instance/server.) If you look at one of the replies to the comment you replied to, you will see someone as He is visiting our "country" of, from his home "country" of Over in the "country" of, they may also have a community (city) of /c/puppies which is notated as such to HIM because it's local to his home country just as ours is to us - but for us to visit would be "traveling" so we would visit /c/ because we're leaving home and visiting another country. For him to come here he has to come to /c/ because HE would be the "traveler."

Same with users, I'm just @CannaVet and you're just @Swoggles because we're "at home" on, but if we click around and are perusing a community on we would show as and because we're "traveling." There may be a, but on they would just be @CannaVet and I would be, because I'm visiting their "country." If they come here I'm @CannaVet and they're

We're different users, with different accounts, on different servers, completely unrelated. Communities work the same way - I may run /c/ however I want, but somebody might be running /c/ completely differently with completely different rules and content entirely over on that instance.

As for exploring different instances, you can go most anywhere you want (mostly, my understanding is instances can block other instances from access, but I'm not super in the know about that.) Using the "all" button in search and browsing will open you up to other instance's content vs the "local" button that keeps you in your "home country."

I don't understand entirely how to link out to other instances, but if you click a link and end up logged out on a different server, you can manually visit by adding the community to the end of your URL like so-

This will keep you on and ensure you're "just visiting" where you're trying to go. Once everyone has a better grasp this shouldn't be a problem but I've run into this issue a few times.

Cliffs Notes-

Instances (,,, etc) are top level "countries" and run things as they see fit

Communities (/c/puppies, /c/, etc) are "cities" bound by instance administration and can exist on multiple instances completely independently of eachother, like how London, England exists independently of London, France.

If you run into trouble visiting communities on other instances, manually navigate with (or if you're registered on, etc etc.)

Sorry for the wall, hope it's at all helpful lol.

Extremely helpful, thank you.

So if I'm understanding correctly, each lemmy instance is effectively it's own forum/reddit, and being part of a lemmy instance gives us a passport to visit and interact with other lemmy instances, yeah?

And after us as individuals are more established and connected, we'll naturally start to join and "import" communities within our home insurance and other Lemmy instances.

So, one final question, won't this model lead to like, heavy fragmentation of communities? There's pros and cons to that, but if I'm a fan of d&d, there will be a d&d community on many lemmy instances, and each of those would only be connected by visiting lemmy users that join multiple instances of the d&d community on different lemmy instances, right?

Unless I'm mistaken, you're overthinking the "import" concept. I do think that your home instance caches info from communities you visit (MAYBE that influences what you see in all but I don't know really,) but otherwise there's no "importing" of anything. Otherwise, yeah the passport analogy isn't far off. You don't have an account on, but it recognizes you as a registered user of and you get to interact as normal, you get tagged as just like your passport says you hail from insert home country here. (I assume lol)

If you visit /c/ for example, you're connecting to as You're not bringing that community into, you're visiting it in, as someone from (and as mentioned would appear if you comment as Because "visiting.") /c/ is just /c/aww on It has zero at all to do with /c/aww on, and they have zero at all to do with /c/aww on All completely independent communities existing on different instances. There's no connections, no correlations, just somebody made /c/aww on, somebody also made /c/aww on They don't connect or anything. London, France has nothing to do with London, England, and /c/ has nothing to do with /c/

Won't this model lead to like, heavy fragmentation of communities?

This is where people get lost coming from Reddit. Lemmy is not Reddit, and it isn't designed to be Reddit. Lemmy is designed to be a decentralized alternative, which offers far greater control at the cost of UX (usability, cohesiveness, whatever.) There aren't "single" communities, because that isn't what this is for. Decentralization is the point. Being able to (as one user put it) "make my own /c/aww with blackjack and hookers" is the point. That I can spin up a Docker container on my pi and build my own single user Lemmy instance as a home base, is the point.

It isn't meant or designed to provide a single central point of compilation, it's existence is for the exact opposite - Nobody has ultimate control because any one instance owner's power only extends so far as their server. The fragmentation everybody laments coming from Reddit actually provides redundancy, have you ever had a sub you like on Reddit get shut down for this that or the other reason? That's it, it's gone, sucks to suck. If you want more /c/aww, you CAN follow every /c/aww you can find - /c/, /c/, /c/, etc can ALL be in your sub feed. However, if @ruud (the owner of decides he fucking hates adorable animals and nukes /c/, you still have /c/aww on every other instance available.

This is the point that makes me mad about other Reddit exiles (not you.) They came to lemmy to leave a central authority, and got mad that there isn't a central authority. I try to point out that more 1 for 1 Reddit clones exist, but they get mad because that's "not what they want." Control and ease of use(the smooth singular experience of Reddit, Google, etc) are diametrically opposed. Either everything "just works" because everything is owned by and exists on Reddit servers, or you have to put in a little leg work to have control over your data etc because having control means I can get mad at and block my server from federating with them, or I can tinker with the code and someone else's client doesn't understand what it's seeing, or any other number of things that can occur with the backend being in our hands vs a singular entity like a company. You just......can't have both, but Reddit exiles are mad about that. They want total decentralization of infrastructure and ownership, but want centralization of content, which just isn't possible without that single central pillar running the show (some people argue for communities that exist to scrape and clone every copy of a given /c/ across the fediverse to create a "supercommunity" but that just sounds like stealing with extra steps to me lol.)

I definitely like the more personal nature of smaller communities, but for the sake of sharing information it's not as good.

I enjoy some niche video games, and a centralized place to share information is extremely helpful for that. But also having smaller communities for more generalized topics is nice because you'll actually get to know individuals.

Thank you again for the thorough explanation.

There are definitely pros and cons to having everything be decentralized. The fediverse seems a lot more like a thousand different forums with the same login.

Question - how are bad actors dealt with? If someone has their account banned on one lemmyverse, does it ban them for all?

My understanding is that a ban would only apply to that community or instance if done by the instance. I'm not 100% on that though.

I think it's likely people will flock to one server (I came to this one since it was fastest growing) but thanks to federation, popular communities on other servers could still be accessed -- it's awesome!

I think it's just going to become Reddit because nobody will shut the fuck up about it not being Reddit, if it does I'll just leave this too lmao. "We came here because there's no singular central archive NOW MAKE EVERYTHING FEED A CENTRAL ARCHIVE"

I mean, maybe. Can always just join or spin up another instance. It's like the Hydra -- you cut off one server, and two more might pop up in its place. I think this will allow it to reach a nice community equilibrium, where vertical growth might be balanced by horizontal growth.

Could be wishful thinking though.

As if there was only one subreddit per interest anyway, sheesh.

"Yea I get that they're different servers with different communities on a platform with no central authority.........but what if every /c/aww got fed into a single community by a central authority?"

Some of them are like "No not like that just a single community that scrapes every other instance of the community to pull it all and feed it all through the one compilation community" Sooooooo.............stealing? lol

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If you go to the areas where people are suggesting features, it's almost 100% "please implement my personal favorite feature from my personalized Reddit experience."

Now, I'm going to say that wanting the features you found useful in your old social media is a perfectly reasonable desire, but it's the Dev's job to make sure all the feature and UI changes are self-consistent and not overload for the user. So, naturally a bunch of requests are going to have to be ignored, at least for the time being.

If Lemmy continues to get more popular and more 3rd party reddit app devs make Lemmy apps like what RiF is doing that'll probably have a lot of people satisfied. I like Jebroah but I'd definitely love to see Baconreader for Lemmy.

I would love to see Baconreader as well. The only app that's perfect for scrolling through posts while laying down. Just swipe.

Jerboah seems okay, though I do miss Sync. Keep getting weird Java exception toasts here and there that I believe are causing my votes to not register/comments to not post, though.

I'm hoping Slide for Reddit gets resurrected and ported over to be Slide for Lemmy

The RiF dev is making a Lemmy app?

I may be wrong about that, I just heard rumors. I think at least one 3rd party reddit app dev is.

I've never contributed to open source projects before, is it open to community contributions? (as in could I go pick up a feature request and make a pull request for it?)

Yes! The devs would have to accept your pull request for it to be merged into the main instance, but even if they don’t, you don’t have to use the main instance, you can spin up your own which you build out whatever features you want on.

I love this thing that people forget about open source. Like the whole FreeCAD community, there's a whole group of people who don't even use the vanilla UI--because they don't have to, haha! Of course, it does take skill, but if you're skilled enough to make pull request...

I am a shitty programmer, and I would never want most of what I do to go anywhere near Main.
But as you said, I have a few things that I run as forks, with my own little tweaks.

Yes! Many people are joining right now, you can too. Pick Lemmy itself or one of the apps! There is also Tafkars, they are trying to replicate the reddit api for Lemmy. The goal is to make 3rd party reddit apps compatible with lemmy.

besides the whole decentralised nature which is a plus anyway

Fun until you realize that other instances can block other big instances from accessing them. Ex. Beehaw defederated

And sadly for mainstream users, federation is too complicated compared to single instance :/

Wow I almost joined yeehaw instead of here... They seem too quick to block other instances

It's not a surprise people joined those instances -- yeehaw required approval. To many people that means "wait 24 hours" so they went elsewhere

Not just that, but from what I saw they also require you to write a motivation explaining why you want to join. I always find it extremely hard to write down that kind of stuff in my native language, let alone English. Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people are put off by that as well.

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EDIT: Argh, got the text placement wrong. Whatever, good enough for a low-effort meme :P

Controversial take but in the early days I think it's fine if you replicate the content from the old Reddit posts (maybe even link to the post) as long as you don't claim credit. I think people just wanna see things at first, and then the conversation can grow. It's not like Reddit was chock full of OC.

I'm sort of hoping for a forum/reddit-y combo. My god I miss forums for niche weird stuff that I'm autistic about, but I also like consuming media at an ADD pace.

Am I the problem?

Lemmy does feel a bit cozy, kind of reminds me of the best of those worlds. It'll be neat to watch it grow... hopefully.

You are not alone, and I'm starting to feel that treating Lemmy like a federation of web forums instead of Reddit replacement would fit the underlying model better.

wassadifference - reddit was after all just a bunch of message boards that made it easy to skip from one to another.

Imagine if zetaboards - or whatever came before that - had come up with the idea to make it easy for users to cross between different boards.

I have no idea how to use this, but there is an official phpbb like frontend for lemmy:

That's actually cool and a bit like what I had in mind. But it doesn't seem to offer an actual hierarchical view of the lemmyverse.

It would be nice to have a forum style clear treeview of the forums (instances) and their subforums (communities) with activity indicators etc to make browsing and discovering content straight forward. Then if you subscribe to a community it would also show in it's own treeview that the user could arrange to their liking.

That's my thoughts really. Integrate content that's being posted to reddit to flesh the boards out for the time being, and the communities will gradually grow on their own.

Don't be afraid to go a little bit further afield or dig into archives a bit. There's plenty of good perfectly good shitposts out there that just need dusted off and set before a new audience. Get creative, folks.

Hehehe, Reddit was repost king and Crosspost king

I was gonna do that but the subreddit I wanted is private lmao.

It's probably back up, time to do what redditors do best- REPOST!!!

Ok what if you made a community, posted in it twice a day since the shutdown and now feel like ur talking to much?

Maybe no one likes the Chiefs?

Just kidding, I know nothing about sports.

😭😭 Lol more likely I’m not good at generating good content. I was above a lurker on Reddit but not by much. I’m just trying here cuz spez pissed me off.

Omg a chiefs fan here already!? MAHOMIE!! I'm not the best content creator for the topic but I'll def join and go up vote everything!!

Ok what if you made the community and posted in it twice daily and now feel like you are talking to yourself?

What is your topic? I'm shit for OC but I am a slut for commenting (I'll even argue with you and get you nostalgic for Reddit if that's what you're into). You just gotta pick one of my ADHD hyperfixations.

I can generate engagement like a crazy person. Too much even. I have too many opinions and you people are my only outlet outside of my partner.

Kansas City Chiefs is the community I started here. But I was active on Reddit in that, Kerbal Space Program, Baduk (Go), and space and science communities.

Yoooooooo! Another Baduk liker out here in the wild!

There are dozens of us! Dozens! Life was busy for a few months so I haven’t played much recently so I probably lost 2 ranks as it goes but I always come back to it.

Hahaha, I've never played seriously enough to get all that good. I've always been very firmly double digit kyu, but I love getting in a game when I can find someone who will agree to play. I've been getting more into online play, but I used to do pretty much exclusively physical games.

If you are on OGS send me a correspondence game (same username.) I also prefer irl but I have exhausted all of my friends and families patience with Go a long time ago lol

Our overlaps are currently only space and science. Go as in the game? I think I can get into it, I'm just scared of the rules. Seems complicated. How can I get decent at it so that I can kick my partners butt? He kicks my butt at chess because he's been playing for years but he vaguely knows about go but never played. Nothing would please him more than if I learned it decently and destroyed him at it. Im not lying, he loves when I'm randomly good at something because he loves when I become his main opponent, he'd get obsessed with the game.

And if he gets obsessed with it, he floods me with random information about it and then eventually I use that info as ammunition to talk shit on the internet. I've played maybe 5 games of foosball in my life but I could probably get into a fight to the death in the comments over Tornado vs Garlando vs Leonhart because my partner just infuses that information into me.

All this to say is that I'd love to comment and I can talk about any fucking thing. This is my third paragraph and I've said nothing of value. It's a gift. But someone needs to sell me on Go.

Is a great starting resource. I also came from playing chess first and most chess enthusiasts do love go once they learn it. Once you play through those instructions your best bet is to play some 9x9 until the rules click and then go up to 13x13 and then 19x19.

There are only three rules so it’s one of those easy to learn but hard to master things. If you think it’s something you want to learn after going through that link and playing a bit message me and I can play a teaching game with you on one teaching game with a person walking through the game usually helps a lot then you’ll be all set to destroy your partner at a game he will hopefully become obsessed with.

Thank you for the resource. I'll give it a "Go" tomorrow. If it makes my brain monkeys dance, you're gonna be in luck (at least from the perspective that I'm gonna be filling at least one of your hobbies with endless comments and engagement).

For a successful community online you need two types of people: content creators and fillers. I'm a filler. I don't provide value 99% of the time but I can generally keep a discussion going for long enough to make communities busy enough to attract content creators. I know people are pessimistic about Lemmy but if just a few fillers start passionately bickering in the comments, this whole project is fine.

Anyway I'm gonna tell you if I like Go. I might also take you up on the match when I'm comfortable with the rules. I'll do my best, but the ADHD really runs this ship and I just do what the dopamine tells me. Wish you well in your Kansas City journey - not even sure what sport that is.

!remindme 7 days

gotta have a milestone to see where my instance is based on this. will the meme be milk or wine?

Is there already a remindme bot?

i wish, ill be working on bots soon, one of the main reasons i fired up my own instance.

Oh man, this just reminded me that I still have a few weird remindme bot comments I made for like 5-10 years down the line. Ah well, when Reddit is a backwater nothing I'll probably login years from now and find a bunch of weird alerts from the remindme bot.

Not to worry. The API changes will have killed the bot long before then

Is there some place to advertise new communities?

Shoutout for mine, since I think I can get away with it.

Ironically the first one is giving me a "couldn't find community" error (I guess I have to search it first?), but the second one is good.

Thanks for the links!

That's because nobody on your instance has subscribed to it yet. Take the text (!, and in the communities page, paste that into search. Switch from "Communities" to "All" in the search options, then you can click through and subscribe.


Because of the way Lemmy displays new replies, it looks like you're calling me a barbarian at the end of each of these, haha!

Yeah, I feel this. I wont make communities since I'm not the moderator type. But I will make an effort to post which in my case is a step up since I mostly lurk.

Nice! Contribute literally anything, it all helps. 10 year reddit lurker here, also making an effort to bring something to the table. Until it gets busy. Then I'll fade into the background again :)

I've actually had a great time making posts and contributing to conversations here. Everyone on these new subs wants to get the ball rolling, so any input usually brings something to the table. !Motorcycles went from 17 subs and 0 posts 5 days 230 subs now and a page full of posts and comments.

Same homie! Before I post on Reddit I look for my comment in the swaths of bots. It's just not fun anymore.

I don't know man I'm enjoying it the way it is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Does the arm not fall off anymore?

not if you escape it properly

Looked at the source, can confirm only one right arm!

I'm legit excited about that lol ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I was excited to see this had 1200 upvotes then it changed to 3 and now it's just showing random numbers. I'm not even mad.

It seems to have settled at ~900 for me.

It's lemmy's way of telling you karma is an artificial construct and you shouldn't put too much value in it!

I've also noticed that for new submissions

Since I'm not going to download reddit official I'm using reddit while I still can to learn Lemmy lol. Trying to find my subs here.

Yeah, that's the "fun" part. I'm mostly on Jerboa (the Android app) and for some reason the search function doesn't pick up all the communities. So for some things I've had to log on desktop if I wanted to find and subscribe to a community.

We can always post cats to get the party started.

Not going to lie, Lemmy needs more cats

These links take users to the original instances. Which is annoying, because they are not logged in in those. We should start to get in the habit of posting links like this:





Which will take the reader to the community's reflection in their own instance where they can subscribe, upvote etc.

Hopefully we get tools or updates that makes this less cumbersome.

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately in Jerboa it seems like this form of link just crashes the app lol.

Edit: this might be because these communities aren't on my instance.

Edit 2: these links seem to send me to [instance]/comment/c/[community], e.g,, which doeesn't work because the "/comment" part shouldn't be there. Not sure what's up with that.

Lemmy seems awesome so far!

Dunno, the UI isn't great and having multiple communities that cover essentially the same topic spread across multiple instances doesn't seem very useful, but maybe I just need some time do adjust

OTOH, federated instances don't have to deal with squatters who reserve a sub name solely for the purpose of blocking its use.

True that. Maybe Lemmy could add something like multi reddits where communities from multiple instances can be aggregated client-side to be shown as one. Speaking of which, that sounds like an awesome feature to add to an app. I'd love to see the big reddit apps just moving to Lemmy

What would be nice is if 90% of posts were not just about Reddit.

Agreed, and it'll calm down in the next few days. People always need to talk about a breakup in order to process it.

hey hai Reddrefugee here is there like a "new to lemmy ppl read this" page?

I'm wondering the same thing, I feel the same as when I joined reddit over a decade ago lol.

I made a collection of guide in this post.

I'll try to keep it updated as more guides are created.

Here's one. Linking cross instances is a bit weird, but I see is your home instance so this link should be just fine!

It depends on who you ask. I came across a thread where some of the old people complained about the inflow of normies. They enjoyed an exclusive leftist community and now it's being mainstreamed and centrist political positions are being 'normalized'

Easy, looking for information I will still use reddit, for now. But for posting new information I will use Lemmy.

Now we take the challenge to explore the world unknown and create quality content or initiate conversations...

Or we can just lurk again. Either way, Lemmy's fun so far! Also created our own instance that will hopefully help our friends understand the Fediverse better.

Lemmy seems somewhat confusing to those who rarely or never used Fediverse (myself also rarely use Mastodon tho), but after I short while I get the hang of it tho. My instance is at, Its UI after a time trying is quite unstable; for example, a post's karma is fluctuating at time, sometimes from over 1k drop down to negative, and upvotes aren't recognized until you reload the page,...

Dude, I'm on .world as well and holy hell the 'timeout' errors every time I click/scroll/look at anything too hard get a little trying sometimes... It seems to be largely cosmetic (if that makes sense) as it hasn't eaten any of my comments or anything so far, but... lol

Also, odd and potentially problematic thing I've run into: so far, any /c/ link I've attempted to click on in jerboa flat out CTDs the whole thing. I'm not sure if that is a jerboa thing or a .world issue (somehow? Maybe? Probably not?), but just a bit annoying when I'm actively trying to find new communities to add 🤣😂

This can be the beginning of something great.

I'm enjoying it so far, though it's gonna take some getting used to. The Android app isn't bad, either.

Which app are you using? I like Jerboa, but if there's something better, I'm all ears.

there isn't another, and while Jerboa is in alpha the current exodus is bringing new developers to the project

Really looking forward to seeing the app develop then!

Now that I can collapse comments there really isn't that much more I'm missing!

All I want is a working community search, then it'll be perfect!

Add comment sorting options, too! Think that about sums up the difference between baconreader and jerboa for me:)

Oo I hadn't even realised yet that that was missing!

Your reply made me realize returning to the thread is a little clunky, too. I'm chalking that more up to me learning how to use the app, though:)

I'm using Jerboa as well, actually.

The water level in those bags has always bothered me

If the bags were freshwater, they'd float on saltwater. Not to that level -- just barely floating...

But the fish are saltwater fish, so the bags need to be saltwater too, for them to survive. So the water levels should be identical or very close to the harbour.

Yeah, it's bothered me too ;)

What if the air inside was hotter than that outside? I think in the bags there would be a greenhouse effect...

What is the air was hotter then outsider? There would be a greenhouse effect probably...

Actually doing well, Lemmy seems like my kinda place.

Me too, not too crazy busy yet, but basically that Reddit feel from 10 years ago for me when I started using it.

Im pretty happy here so far, Ive even replaced my RIF app space with Jerboa.

Not sure how I got here though. It has something to do with Spider-Man, I think...

I think a group of guys like us should team up. Could do some good....

Eh, we'll get there. just have to wait for the community to grow and develop all the content again.

we're well on the way there, as long as people decide to stick around instead of going back!

Hey! This post is not specifically related to the instance. From now on, posts such as these will be removed, in order for the community to stay on topic. However, as this is a highly upvoted post, I'll just lock it for now.

Really makes it obvious how much content gets reposted by bots on that site. There really isnt as much original content being posted there as you might think.

I feel like this is more a user/uncertainty issue right now. Reddit still has a lot more users than Lemmy, I feel like a lot of communities are spread across different instances (am I saying that right?), so no ones knows which will be 'the main one', and I think a lot of users are still looking around, watching and learning how Lemmy works, before fully committing and posting like they did on Reddit. I know I am.

That's the boundary to break I guess - it really doesn't matter which instance you're on; the communities are all the same.

And before someone says 'but the duplicate communities' point me to an example and I'll tell you which one will last to become the community. (Or I'll point out the quadruplicate sub-reddit equivalents.)

It takes a little getting used to but I'm liking it more and more. Even with it's quirks.

Absolutely. I think the quirks are cool, makes it feel more new and fresh

Diversification, then survival of the fittest!

I was largely a lurker over there, and my immediate instinct is to do the same here. But also a new website will only work if there's content and activity...

First day was hard and I was trying to check what's going on in the remaining subreddits, but now on day 2 I don't even wanna go there and prefer lemmy for sure. It feels more pure here.

This, first day was just a quick learning curve. I feel like I can navigate lemmy better now.
Also, lemmy looks more promising in the long run. Let's say spez goes back and even makes the API FOC (impossible). He'll still plan some major bs in the future.
The whole lying and now insinuating users would attack employees over a logo is just too far. He showed no love for the community nor for the contributors of reddit's success.

Unless lemmy is dead, I won't be returning to reddit.\

I checker out reddit, most of it now is suggestion of the subreddits still open..

I guess the internet now have a refugees problem just like in real life

Fighting age males just going for a walk

The water in those bags is somehow way less dense than the sea water.

Lol yep, but I started to build myself on kbin and realized yeah I can't see the rest of lemmy..

I got yelled at on Mastadon for saying refugee, apparently it's offensive to people from war torn countries.

Is it really? I feel like people in war torn countries have more important shit to care about. This might be another instance of "terminally online person being offended on someone else's behalf" it was here. I don't know exactly how it all works yet, but I was looking at a fediverse all feed

i dont see it, i do roll my eyes everytime is see people suggesting that we are somehow required to adopt the culture and ideology of the developer of a project.

its like people are really seeing opensource for the first time and are applying broken logic

It can make sense when the project is small. The developer of a project can have a large voice and you might have to work with them. The massive growth of Lemmy and the federated nature makes the issue moot.

So far I like Lemmy a lot. I'll be staying as long as I figure out these login issues.

Lemmy seems somewhat confusing to those who rarely or never used Fediverse (myself also rarely use Mastodon tho), but after I short while I get the hang of it tho. My instance is at, Its UI after a time trying is quite unstable; for example, a post's karma is fluctuating at time, sometimes from over 1k drop down to negative, and upvotes aren't recognized until you reload the page, the amount of time to post of login can be very long,...

Yeah is it just or lemmy in general? When I hit "reply" the post never seems to get posted, but I open a new tab and it seems like it actually went though.

i think of lemmy how i think of small reddit subs, and my purpose was found.