McDonald’s burger empire set for unprecedented growth over the next 4 years with 10,000 new stores to World – 185 points –
McDonald’s burger empire set for unprecedented growth over the next 4 years with 10,000 new stores

10,000 new McFlurry machines that are out of order

Buying stock in ice cream machine repair see y'all on the moon

The company is called Taylor. Not sure if they're public. IFixIt has a video dissecting why the machines are always broken.

Fun fact about Taylor's competition Electrofeeeze, I used to work as a repair tech for them and they always used mechanical contactors with physical switches.

Every single store I would go into that owned both Electrofeeeze and Taylor machines the owner would complain "it's always the fkn computer with that damn Taylor. $800 every time, always the computer board." So what did the Big Brains at Electrofeeeze do? They took the biggest complaint about our competition and put one of our own computer boards in the newer models.... Now we get to hear "it's always the computer board with this piece of shit."

Very Smart Move™

Well yeh if making money is their goal, which it is. They’re just assholes to their clients and consumers.

Although most of these restaurants are opening in highly lactose intolerant nations. So that might not be a big problem.

McDonald's used to be a decent fast food choice in France. But nowadays it's gotten super expensive and the portions are tiny, like the big Mac almost fits the palm of my hand. I'd rather go to any other fast food chain or small kebab joint when I need to scratch that itch before I'd go to McDonald's again.

That's how it's been in the US for a long time. It's just simply not worth the money for what you get.

I got down voted last time I mentioned this, but the app usually has pretty good deals if you just need a quick bite. Two spicy chickens for $3 is my go-to.

Don’t you have to waive your right to sue McDonalds if you use their app or was that just an internet rumor? I don’t eat there or ise the app so don’t know but thought I read something like that.

I just looked it up you're right lol. I imagine it's intended for pricing compliance and maybe data security, those are common lawsuits. If you get food poisoning and they find food safety violations... or if the golden arches falls on your car, or really any other negligence they're still on the hook.

Compliance is a really big deal in corporations and pricing is a big one. Again not a lawyer tho.

Idk I'm just a guy that eats chicken sandwiches every now and then LOL. If that were true I highly doubt it would hold up in court, but I'm not a lawyer.

Lol yeah it’s not legal it’s just there to dissuade people from taking legal actions who don’t know any better.

Oh yeah a once in awhile thing is great, especially if it's a deal.

Yeah I hadn't had their food in a while and we ended up going to one in Lisbon earlier this year. I was really surprised at how small the servings had gotten for what they're charging. I don't really understand why anybody would go there at this point. There's a lot of decent food out there for less money.


For me it's the nostalgia hooks they have in me. Every once in a blue moon, I get a craving for McNuggets that nothing else can satisfy. Probably because they're barely chicken nuggets, and are more of their own thing.

Not to forget that they are extremely shitty when it comes to vegetarian options especially compared to Burger King

the portions are tiny, like the big Mac almost fits the palm of my hand.

Well, McD is apparently also going to start making bigger burgers.

Smells like "new size, 30% free", but it's the old size, just more expensive.

Ahh yes the old motto "always lie to the customer!" Shrink your product so you can later return to the original and sell for more money, or the good ol Amazon: raise your price for a short time so you can have a "sale" that was the original price...

I wonder what they did with the Royal' with Cheese... Technically they could shrink that too since it doesn't have 1/4 pounder in the name.

even the 'quarter-pounder' has shrunk over the years. there's more fat ground-in now than there used to be, but same 'pre cooked' weight.

McDonalds is primarily a Real Estate company. Their food service is secondary.

Hey, I saw that youtube video too!

Unfortunately it's dead-wrong.

Oh man, I'm ready for a truth bomb. Let's have it!! What's really going on???


I dont know the video. Can you please elaborate?

Here it is:

30 minutes of bullshit, and hopefully you can see how this guy who's paid to make videos has a vested interest in making them seem... interesting.


This chain is like an infestation of poison mushrooms. Where is it not present yet that could merit opening another of choke-n-puke?

It plans to open 900 new stores in the U.S. and 1,900 in some of its bigger international markets like Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia. The company said it plans another 7,000 stores in other international markets; more than half of those would be in China.

So, a takeover by high cholestherol.

I get what you mean, but that is probably a bad analogy. Let me explain.

Just because a mushroom is poisonous doesn't mean its mycelium living underground isn't essential for all the plants and trees in the area. Depending on the species, mycelium can carry warning signals between different plants, boost the health of the plant, increase fruiting yields and even fend off other damaging fungi and bacteria. There is even a type that will make little hyphae lassos to trap and consume nematodes that can destroy some root systems.

McDonald's does none of those things for humans, even in an off-handed analogy kind of way, unfortunately. It anything, a poisonous outcrop of mushrooms gives back more to its local ecosystem than a Big Mac ever has.

Fungi are so misunderstood... ;)

McD and poison mushrooms do the same to humans: poison them. End of analogy.

I have an idea on how important of a role fungi play in nature and it's one of those life forms I really enjoy finding in wild.

Here in Korea there are some but not very many. I guess you could squish quite many in here. The question is only who will go there to buy something? I haven't been to McDonalds for years. It's good at night when nothing else is open but if I can choose then I'll probable choose something else.

Especially in Korea. I've read about that cuisine and I risk it has some really good food.

I used to live a 10 hour drive from the closest McDonald's. I think there was a lot of demand for the city that was in between.


Yeah maybe they're opening 10,000 new stores, but when a Quarter pounder meal costs $17+tax (CAD) who's going to eat there anymore??

Oh, you want a single order of large fries? Sure, that'll be $5.79+tax. Nearly $7 for literally one potato worth of fries. Get fucked.

Terminally online people say this, but their annual profit has increased year over year except for 2020 when everything was shut down.

They had a 9.6% increase yoy from 2022. Which was itself a 5% increase from 2021.

And even with Covid they rebounded to exactly where they were as soon as the shutdowns hit.

They went down 12.7% from 2019 to 2020, but went back up 29% for 2020-2021 and has increased ever since.

So the question of who is gonna eat there is answered. It’s everyone except you apparently. Everyone else keeps buying and pushing their revenue and profit higher year over year.

They have had 2 bad years in the last 15. They probably know a wee bit more than the average Lemming.

I personally think it's that people lack the time, motivation, and/or knowledge to cook themselves. I can make a cheeseburger and fries at home for about $3-5 in about thirty minutes, including cleanup. Compared to a $15 meal, it's roughly the equivalent of saving $20/h.

Another issue could be home size is way down. If you live alone, you can't buy one hamburger bun, you have to buy 8. You can't buy a quarter pound of ground beef, minimum package size is usually 1 lb. If you buy the material to cook one meal, you're committing to cook three to seven more within the next 10 days. So you've signed up for leftovers or up to four hours of cooking.

Nah, I cook 300 nights a year for my family. Do the shopping too. I'm very well off and have many options. I'm not Kenji, but I make it a point to bring my wife and I to two or three Michelin star meals a year.

I choose McDonald's as a treat because it's easy, good tasting, and it's a nice quick tasty meal that's at the same quality as any cheap quick sit down place. Getting a happy meal (nuggets, apples, milk) is an added bonus that gets the kid to eat without drama.

Your assumptions are mostly off base.

If you cook 300 meals per year, you're not the primary demographic of McDonald's, at least for my local one. Most people I know who eat there, eat there very regularly.... Like multiple times per week.

Just for the record, I appreciate what you are saying is true but this would also relate to them cost cutting which they have done a lot of over the last few years to near fully automated. So less people may be going but their costs are lower and margins higher so growth continues.

Canada just seems fucked then. I can't pull it up, it's morning, but I can buy a double QPC meal for about $9.

No clue how people are so fond of McDonalds, there are literally so many other fast food choices that are superior in every way

Because in alot of areas it's the ONLY fast food restaurant

This is just categorically untrue. People go to McDonalds because they want to, even if they may not want to admit it.

A McDonalds franchise is, by far, one of the most expensive franchises to own and operate. They have strict rules on where you are allowed to open one and startup costs are in the millions, most are owned by investment groups and people who own multiple franchises.

If you have a McDonald’s, you have a market. So you most certainly also have a Subway, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, etc. Some of those franchises literally just plant themselves wherever a McDonalds is placed because it’s cheaper to do that then it is to do the market research yourself.

You are very US centric. In my town there are one McD, one BK and one SubWay waay outside the downtown area. That is for a Norwegian town that has roughly 50k ppl in its "Metropolitan" area. I take the train home and besides some Sushi places (decent) and Kebab joints (awefull) I can choose BK or McD if I just walk in of the street toward the station

Obviously this won’t be 100% in every area in the world, but even in your own example you listed another cheaper franchise right nearby, therefore it is not the only option.

I haven’t been everywhere but I live in Canada and I’ve been to the US, UK and Southeast Asia and in all of those places this is true. There are towns that will literally just have a Subway or similar cheap franchise, but places with a McDonalds will almost always have another option.

Literally, as opposed to figuratively many other choices?

Literally is literally the correct word here.

There are not "figuratively more choices" since there actually are many more choices.

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Hooray! What the world really needs right now is more cattle farming for burgers and more people driving to go and get their burgers.

After raising prices and doing away with all the good deals in their app (and adding an arbitration clause to it's tos)... I certainly don't eat there as much anymore. I'd be surprised if this expansion is sustainable.

What I don't get is McDonald's, really? Of all of the fast food chains McDonald's is the worst: quality, taste, appearance, everything. They're the worst burger fast food chain out there, how are we not seeing this growth with the better options? I'm just a bit confused lol

I'll never understand how people over the age of 20 seriously can eat at McDonald's/Burger King/KFC.

I liked it too when I was 15 but once I realised how overpriced and underquality it is, I stopped that completely. Only if it really really is the last and only option to get something to eat I would spend any money there.

I hate fast food and burgers but I kinda like McDonalds. I mean I go there every other year but I kinda like it. It's the only place I like the fries from, I like the hamburger/cheeseburger, the patties in general, I like the big mac l, the ketchup, the sauces. I also only like their chicken nuggets, I hate chicken nuggets otherwise.

That being said, McDonalds's quality is vastly different around the world. I'll never forget the half burnt half frozen patty of the hamburger at the Denver airport. And in general how gross McDonalds was in the USA. In Germany I kind of like it. In Russia it was different but also ok, with some items being tastier and others super gross.

Having had to pinch pennies to eat between paychecks recently, McDonald’s, while trash food, let me get a 1000 calorie meal for a little over 6 dollars through their app deals. Every other fast food chain app was basically selling me the window prices, which have significantly gone up. I think this has changed now, and they’ve gotten rid of those deals, but that was the reason for me at the time

Maybe McDonald's should be putting more effort into confronting the abusive staff?

McDonald's problem.

Yet their biggest abuse is on the environment. It would be so much easier to add environment pollution tax on burgers than building five hundred million wind energy generators.

A start could be reducing the crazy subsidies cattle farming gets. We could reduce carbon emissions and have money to fund green projects.

It plans to open 900 new stores in the U.S. and 1,900 in some of its bigger international markets like Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia. The company said it plans another 7,000 stores in other international markets; more than half of those would be in China.

Somewhat ironically, this actually seems like a result of increased living conditions in developing countries.

I also wonder how much of the first world growth is because previously spots without enough foot traffic are now viable with the rise of mcdelivery...

That's 7 new locations per day for 4 years straight. Mind boggling... I wonder what the internal org chart for building this out looks like

That org chart involves a whole lot of people that speak Chinese, because much of this plan is basically “sell burgers in China.”

In the future, all restaurants are Taco Bell. Didn't McDonalds see the movie Demolition Man? We need to freeze Sylvester Stallone already so we can thaw him out.

Is Wesley Snipes going to owe taxes for all those years he’s on ice?

So anyone want to explain to me how those 3 sea shells work already?

Sugar, Salt, Fat, the perfect ingredients,
to cultivate obese addicts with failing kidneys.

But you're "loving it" right?
Same as I, why would that be?.. :)

Pretty much every restaurant loads their food up with sugar or salt because that's what makes it taste good.

We've become addicted to salt so much that we don't even realize we're getting too much of it. You won't make it as a chef if you don't make your food unhealthy. Putting in a healthy amount of salt will always result in your food tasting 'bland.'

They sell salty hamburgers spurlock. Real murder shit right there 🙄.

Self control and responsibility is dead. I guess we have to look towards our ceos to ensure only lettuce wrapped ground turkey is available! Daddy tell me what to eat!

Your list is the cornerstone of making good food. Nothing left but acids for taste answer that

Hmm. The McDonalds in my town had a small fire in the kitchen in 2020. It has been surrounded by "Reopening soon" signs since then. Color me sceptical.

Not a surprise. People love going there.

I really don't understand why. It's trash food and it's not even that cheap anymore.

Its selling point for me was that it was quick and cheap. If it's neither of those things then I have way better alternatives.

I always love the McDonald's hate. It's amazing how much seething it brings along with it.

I sneak out probably once a month for McDonald's, it's my junk food treat and I'll never give up my occasions.

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