DeSantis Says He's Looking to Make 'Credible Case' to Remove Biden From Florida Ballot to politics – 347 points –
DeSantis Says He's Looking to Make 'Credible Case' to Remove Biden From Florida Ballot

The Sunshine State governor made a similar comment recently when he warned that Maine's ruling disqualifying Trump 'opens up Pandora's box'

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has revealed that he's "looking" into ways to block President Joe Biden from the 2024 primary ballot in Florida.

"This is just going to be a tit for tat and it's just not gonna end well," the GOP presidential candidate warned Friday alongside Rep. Chip Roy, R-TX, according to a video posted by CNN. "You could make a case — I'm actually looking at this in Florida now [if we] could we make a credible case" to block Biden from the ballot "because of the invasion of 8 million."


But like...that's the thing. They have to look for a credible case to remove their political opponents. In contrast, the reason to remove Trump is self-evident, even to Republicans.

Conservatives think any consequences they have is retaliation.

So they don't see the difference in this.

It's just the lack of empathy, if they do something illegal, they assume everyone else does it too so it's fine. If they get in trouble, it's obviously not fair because in their head they're being singled out.

God can you imagine Biden saying, “it’s not persecution you dumb fuck, it’s consequences for your actions!”


And that's the problem. Biden would never say it because he thinks there's still a bipartisan future.

I’d rather our Presidents weakness be “hope for a return to normalcy” than “Putin’s hot gooey load”.

Everything Republicans do is retaliation for things Trump has done to himself. There are 0 credible reasons to remove Biden from ANY state ballot, but they’ll try to find a way regardless.

Then they will be sued, and they will lose. Unlike the GOP, the Democrats have really good lawyers.

What's more, if they are going to remove Biden for failing to prevent illegal immigration (despite actually having significantly higher arrest and deportation numbers under Biden than Trump), then they should reasonable have to remove Trump as well... given, you know, the whole insurrection thing. To not do so would imply that the supposed failure of a president to sufficiently address one very complicated issue (even though he's better than Trump on this issue by their own metrics) is worse than attempting to coerce officials into "finding" votes for him, conspiring to produce fraudulent electors, lying and defaming for months about supposed fraud that had no basis in fact, and, of course, inciting an insurrection on the capital building.

And they won’t give Biden the money to fix a border crisis because they know it will help his approval numbers leading up to the election.

More importantly, the Democrats also have better arguments and facts (at least in this case).

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Yep. If there was a credible case, it would already be motoring through the court.

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god this is going to be such a stupid year

No, it’s gonna be a stupid decade or even longer. And it’s already been going on for a while. Thats what you get when for years you ignore a dysfunctional education system and promote idiotism. It doesn’t vanish over night and finds its way into public discord. Then it’s years of not strong enough responses to totalitarian practices and you get another fascist italy or nazi germany.

Trump tried to overthrow the government and he is still allowed to run for president. Im just hoping the title of a history book chapter describing this will not be “causes for 3rd world war”, but I’m not optimistic.

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I honestly expect this year's stupidity to trump all previous ones

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Good ole fascism.

This is a play to delegitimize the courts. Fascists know that Trump deserves to be knocked off the ballot and that Biden does not. They don't care. It serves them well to have their case laughed out of court so they can campaign off removing the deep state from the courts.

Man I wish there was a way to penetrate fascist propaganda.

Exactly this. They know they can't have Biden removed, all they need to do is make the appeal. Then when they get knocked back they can whine about corruption.

“This is just going to be a tit for tat and it’s just not gonna end well,”

I still can’t get over a political leader admitting to abusing the power of his office for personal spite, and not being removed from office

Personal spite, hell try personal gain. Don't forget this asshole is running for president. Should hit him with election tampering.

Hey hey guys wait maybe he's got a point....

...Let's remove ALL of them from the ballot and purge all the old money from politics to find candidates that actually represent the people of their nation. 🤔

If only we could then dump that campaign money into schools and a national train system...

I get the sentiment, but using the Justice Department to illegally remove a political candidate who hasn't broken the law (talking about Biden here)!? Yeah, there's no way that gets abused...

Seriously. I'm fine with not having an 80 year old run this country when any other time they wouldn't even be considered for a job.

I'm glad I will be canceling out one dumbass vote in Florida....there's literally dozens of us who aren't Nazis tired of this stupid short fuck.

Username does not check out. Stay strong over there o7

This "we're gonna remove Biden from the ballot" thing is the most elaborate masturbating contest between the GOP, man.

If DeSantis were even remotely serious about his Presidential campaign this wouldn't be the play. Trump being removed from the ballot would not require retaliation and would be good for him. But let's be honest here. He's known he's not running a Presidental campaign for months now. He cratered. The best old puddin' fingers can hope for is somehow getting Trump to pick him for VP.

I still can't believe DeSantis eats pudding with his fingers like a total fucking psychopath.

Excuse me, what? I haven't heard about this yet but lol

It's a thing he apparently does, multiple people have reported witnessing him do it. For whatever reason the man likes eating pudding with his fingers.

All the Republican candidates, except Christie, want to stay in Trump's good graces - they know they can't win if he so much as sneezes at them so they grovel at his feet and just hope he gets disqualified on a technicality.

Honestly. Republicans are nothing but a bunch of children.

Seriously. American politics is nothing but embarrassment upon embarrassment upon embarrassment. world shaking head

republicans don't run on credibility.

they're practically immune to credibility, let alone merely blind to it.

Do normal people openly and candidly characterize their own motivations as "tit for tat"? I thought that was typically pejorative.

He knows GOP voters don’t follow up on anything and their memories don’t extend beyond the last Fox News show they watched. That’s why he can say shit like this knowing full well he won’t come up with anything.

What do we mean when we say that first of all we seek liberty? I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save it.

— Hon. Billings Learned Hand

When we have devolved to "tit for tat" when we're no longer looking for liberty and justice. There is nothing our Constitution can do, there isn't some magic arrangement of words written by long dead men that saves us, that saves our notions of liberty and justice.

It will not be denied, that power is of an encroaching nature, and that it ought to be effectually restrained from passing the limits assigned to it.

— James Madison (Federalist 48)

James Madison is talking about power-grabs here. He's stating that, there's never going to be some magic law written down on paper that's going to stop power-grabs. People, the people we put into to power, the people who have the trust of the public. People That's it. That's all there is. That's the only thing that stops it. And when the people aren't there to stop it…

You cannot.

This is why this kind of talk is dangerous. This is why making it personal and not looking to protect the public is bad. Because, like it or not, people like DeSantis, if they're not defending this nation, if they are simply looking to "tit for tat" to make some sort of point. They hold a mighty amount of trust and they're using it to be on the look out for retribution rather justice.

There aren't any magic words in the Constitution, it's inside our heads that matters. This is the stuff that starts getting sobering.

Do you post any writing online? I'd like to hear more. Your quotes and analysis were pretty poetic.

I felt the same. I wish we could give this person the voice to give speeches at national assemblies.

In the US, the Democratic caucus season is approaching in March in my state. Anyone can attend and they hold elections for local and state party offices. It’s probably one of the few settings where a persuasive and savvy speaker can use that to directly get to a position to help select people to run for offices.

In a protracted, passive-aggressive civil war scenario such as we face now, influencing local and state officers to hold the line on basic decency can make all the difference over time.

I get it, the national party sucks. I hold my nose on many issues and I am not a dyed in the wool D. However, if you want to do more than vote you can make a vast difference in school board, city and county level offices.

In the 2023 mid-terms, our school boards balance of power against a slate of MAGA candidates hinged on less than 100 votes. I talked directly to about that many people during about 6 total hours of GOTV canvassing. I didn’t turn the election single-handedly of course, but it is gratifying to be able to point to a good electoral outcome and see directly how my efforts contributed. That’s hard to say when volunteering for national and governor level offices.

Everyone keeps forgetting about the part of the constitution that bars you from holding office if you are a Democrat.

"Looking for an excuse" is not the same as "Acknowledging undisputed facts."

Nobody on the right is even pretending Trump didn't try to prevent Congress from certifying the election by sending illegitimate electors and sending a mob to storm the the Capitol.

If Biden had engaged in insurrection, I'd want him out. If there was proof of an impeachable offense, I'd support that as well.

That's the thing. Most people on the left are arguing in good faith. It's just that it's the GOP committing the crimes right now.

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Land of the "free" Home of the "brave"

Ideally, the case would come before the consequence. Imagine getting called into court and ordered to pay your neighbor 50k. "For what?!" you exclaim. "We're still building the case," they smugly respond.

How many years do we have to keep hunter's laptop and Biden bad. Find the evidence or stfu.

They will never stfu. The lack of evidence is just further proof of a giant conspiracy to these folks.

I liked it a lot better when the conspiracy theory nutjobs treated the x-files as a documentary and were convinced the government was hiding evidence aliens were among us.

This is just going to be a tit for tat and it’s just not gonna end well

Okay then, let’s do that with every GOP presidential candidate.

Of course he's looking to make a case. The difference here is that he can't actually make a credible one, all he can do is just say "Because reasons" and hope nobody looks too closely at it.

this is why he's losing outside of florida and why he needed to purge thousands of voters in florida to win in florida

Remember that pact that states have entered, where their electoral votes go to whoever gets the popular?

Have a few red states manage to leave the Dem candidate off the ballot and that backfires.

For a multitude of reasons, the law among them, this the DeSantis 0lan cannot be allowed to happen.

Is that supposed to go into effect for this election? I believe it'll only happen once enough states have signed on to decide the election result, and AFAIK that hasn't happened yet. Am I wrong?

Correct, but those laws/bills may need a fresh look now that this is on the table.

Whatever Biden wasn't going to win Florida anyway this is just political posturing for 2028 he knows he isn't winning this year and he's term limited in Florida so he's got to keep his name in the national news somehow

Yes please, remove both Trump and Biden. Let the young people come and run the country.

Go on then. This should be good. 🍿

Europeans and generally the entire world is looking at the us and rolling their eyes.

We'd be pointing and laughing at you for how petty and pathetic your politicians are, if it wasn't for the fact that the US is still the biggest player, and you know, if these evil sad sacks win, it will be a christo racist state with nukes and an end of the world fantasy...

So seriously, can democrat voters finally do what they always fail to do, and just FUCKING VOTE ALREADY. and yes vote Biden. Yes, Biden sucks, big time, might be the worst democrat president in ages, but he's NOT TRUMP.

The logic, or lack there of, is astounding in these people.

It just struck me who he reminds me of. Bizarre insecurity about an appendage, oddly repetitive and mundane conversationalist, trouble for kids. DeSantis is uncle jack.

Yeah, so two states drop trump for actual credible reasons, wtih which you can agree or disagree, but you can't deny that they're at least credible.

Now Florida (and which other state again?) are doing this for the same reason as a tantrum throwing child "wants the same toy as that other kid".

He just can’t stop fucking up, can he?