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spujb@lemmy.cafe to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 466 points –

you should use linux


I use arch btw

Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds?

Fuck you and your stupid code, man! You fucking fucktard cannot distinguish a ; from a :! I do not care how fucking unpaid you loser are, get. this. code. right. Now fuck off!

  • Word of our Lord and Saviour

I heard rumours that there was a giant animal involved in the making of Linus Torvalds. So please refer to him as GNU/Linus, or GNU+Linus.

We need Linus to fly to Africa and ride on a wildebeast. There's just no other way to achieve world peace.

Totally understandable. Haven't used windows at all, home or work, in at least a decade. However, I went through my insufferable Linux zealot phase about 15 years ago.

I was an annoying judgemental ass, but I got better.

proud of you for your growth, and more than that, your willingness to admit so aloud 🙇‍♀️ 👑

That's not to say that I still don't honestly consider Linux a better option in most use cases. I just don't generally wade in past the most simple explanations of stuff.

If people want to switch, they will. I've realized I'm not doing anyone any favours by being pushy.

Me at 16, shitting on people who use OSX (iOS wasn’t a thing then)

Now me: oodles of Windows machines, three Linux machines, a Mac laptop, and an iPhone because fuck dealing with custom ROMs

Did you know every time you download chrome a Hitler gets his wings?

I have so many questions about this pantheon you believe in.

Infinite universes, infinite Hitler's. And Chrome powers them all.

But why would Hitler get angel wings.

Wait, no, please don't answer that, you know some idiot Nazi out there has made a picture of Hitler as a winged angel...

Use Temple OS

Whenever I read that joke I get sad. His pictures on the Wiki article from 1990 and from 2000 tells one everything.

(If anyone wonders: Yes, I am great at parties.)

Lemmy ain’t gonna like this. Ain’t gonna like it one bit.

i get being passionate but when its every. single. comment. it gets exhausting.

it’s like if i went and commented “BE A VEGAN” under every picture of a burger on c/foodporn. like live your truth!!, but be decent about it for goodness sake.

I get it.

Im literally a Linux support guy for a living and even I think people can be obnoxious recommending Linux.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll shit on Windows when I get the chance, but I get why people either have to use it or just don’t want the hassle of Linux.

Sorta related. I'm gonna be moving in a couple months and decided I want to start dipping my toes Into Linux when I do. I want to set up a mini pc hooked up to my TV as my 'streaming box', not planning on doing anything fancy like iptv or any of the RR suite apps/self hosting since I don't actually watch much TV except for movie nights and the odd TV show.

OK here's my actual question, what's a solid simple distro I can set up and not fuss with much that'll serve that purpose? Realistically it'll just be for browsing the free streaming sites and possibly later on setting up old console/arcade emulators. My tech level is 'go to guy in the non tech related office that fixes pc stuff 90 percent of the time'. Bonus if anyone can recommend a mini pc or brand I should look into.

Not the guy you asked, an he may have a better recommendation, but Linux Mint Cinnamon was incredible for when I needed something that just worked out of box. It’s really good in terms of compatibility and defaults to a super usable system right out of the box.

You could take a look at Kodi for more of a "smart TV" vibe. I'm currently running it on a RPi 4 using the LibreELEC OS (very minimal Debian based distro), and I'm really happy with it. I'm mostly using it to watch YouTube, our country's national TV and my locally stored series and movies.

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IMO it's Redditor behavior. I hate Microsoft and Windows but there are some really annoying, overbearing Linux know-it-alls on Lemmy. It's possible to inform people of Linux without being an annoying asshole

someone should make a c/OSrecs community and then all the main tech communities can make a rule that if you want to proselytize an OS in a discussion not specifically asking for OS recomendations that you must stop and move to the other sublemmy or shut up <3

disclaimer this is probably a dumb as hell idea with a million problems i don’t stand by this at all i just think it would be funny

No. They should require them to only recommend Linux so they all have a place to meet their daily proselytization quota.

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Love Linux, definitely foresee myself having it as a daily driver in the not too distant future. That out of the way, I initially thought “is this even a shitpost” lmao

They can't bother you if you block them.

For example I just blocked the entire Linux lemmy.ml community 1 minute ago.

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Linux made my computing fun and free again. It's not for everyone but it did spark my interest and finally settled to be happy with the change.

Ymmv, though don't rule it out how anything could impact you personally. Playing the hard to try way might poison any cool potential personal discoveries on your own.

I should use linux

performing inward self investigation as a way of improvement while allowing others to make that decision for themselves


I was lucky to be in a few companies that enforce win, Linux and Mac laptops.

In the win company (a pretty big one, everyone has heard of it), they've given me Think pad T14 that had an i3 proc that was falling behind 3 generations.

In the Linux company they've supplied me with a disgusting chromebook, "because everything in the cloud now". Discussed ByOD, worked from my own one.

In the most recent company - the smallest one I've been working in, they've given me a decent M1 Pro with 16 Gb.

So at least, companies that enforce Mac will give you a decent machine to work on.

This is why a prefer Mac shops. It's kinda hard to buy a current Mac and have the stats be actual dogshit.

I swear most windows shop try to find the shittiest machine that even qualifies as a laptop then load it with so much corpo wear that even Outlook sends the machine into thermal limiting

You should use BSD

if i wanted to use a discontinued OS i’d use plan 9 but that’s just me

Bsd's not disconinued people use it, there are dozens of us dozens

You use BSD on desktop?

BSD is perfect for a desktop that you want to know EXACTLY what it's running, but don't really care about having modern programs on.

It's like the equivalent of a feature phone, reliable as shit but the fact that it doesn't run discord is precisely the reason why you want it.

When has anyone ever recommended windows/macos over Linux for compatibility?

daily, perhaps. hourly, even.

Why though? I've failed to run windows 10 on an old laptop and windows 11 won't even officially support something without TPM 2 and just seems to want to commit suicide on my machine (and take any other bootloader to the grave with it). Macos gets updates for a few years until it doesn't and then software won't run on the older/newer versions. I personally don't know of any software that wouldn't run when I updated to Linux kernel version 6 (likely some drivers that aren't maintained though) and I'm also running Linux on my old Pentium 4 with no problems except overheating in summer which is probably because it needs to be cleaned.

i would say, software exists too

Fair enough but have you tried running GCC on windows? Or perhaps videogames on Mac (according to non Linux users that I know both of those are a real pain)

To be fair I had some trouble running some apps on Wayland at first but now it's only a couple of games (which run fine on X11)

i can’t believe i am explaining this but there is a lot of diversity in the computing world and most people will never need to run GCC in their lives

I've tried compiling C on windows in vscode in the meantime and I gave up and switched to a GitHub codespace to use GCC and cross compiled for Windows, then had to download an extra dll for a library and put it in the folder with the exe and it's massive I believe it was like 1.4mb instead of 30kb on Linux. I've got all of the games that I want running on Wayland now too while on windows I still can't run a tiling window manager or change keybinds for moving around windows.

If you were just talking about how most non programmers will find a way to compile C natively on windows rather than switch OS, fair enough. I'm also sure windows has more desktop apps available but there's plenty of useful tools on Linux that don't run on windows or don't integrate into system components (have you ever extracted a tarball in windows explorer? tar ships with windows but it's terminal only) and nobody (other than ms) is allowed to change the last part (to my knowledge, I'm not a lawyer and haven't read all of the windows EULA but I think it would fall under reverse engineering).

If you are not a programmer and don't care enough about your privacy to learn about a new system and you don't care about customizability too much you're probably best off macos (seems to be compatible with more none games and customization tools) or windows which is hideously expensive unless you know where to get it and then you still get spied on and receive ads (not sure whether Macos does that).

posts problem inherent to an os

people recommend an alternative

surprised pikachu face

"I use Windows for web browsing, coding, office productivity, and light gaming. Here's the issues I have with Microsoft:

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"Well, for your use-case you could install Linux, it would fix every specific issue you mentioned..."

"WHAT!? Use a different operating system?? That's not a personality! REEEEEE!!!"

not the scenario i am representing, but thank you for your judgemental and condescending comment 👍

More like:

Gives one huge reason that is bigger than all those other reasons combined why Linux is just a not an option what so ever

You perfectly demonstrated why people will never listen to you. Think about it, you'll get it.

Can you share examples of this happening?

(I mean, obviously this thread has lots of "you should use Linux"'s in it, but those are clearly satirical.)

i can but i don’t want to :)

browse any OS related post under c/all, they will find you

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