XZ backdoor in a nutshell

Possibly linux@lemmy.zip to Linux@lemmy.ml – 1208 points –

Don't forget all of this was discovered because ssh was running 0.5 seconds slower

Its toooo much bloat. There must be malware XD linux users at there peak!

Tbf 500ms latency on - IIRC - a loopback network connection in a test environment is a lot. It's not hugely surprising that a curious engineer dug into that.

Half a second is a really, really long time.

reminds of Data after the Borg Queen incident

If this exploit was more performant, I wonder how much longer it would have taken to get noticed.

Technically that wasn't the initial entrypoint, paraphrasing from https://mastodon.social/@AndresFreundTec/112180406142695845 :

It started with ssh using unreasonably much cpu which interfered with benchmarks. Then profiling showed that cpu time being spent in lzma, without being attributable to anything. And he remembered earlier valgrind issues. These valgrind issues only came up because he set some build flag he doesn't even remember anymore why it is set. On top he ran all of this on debian unstable to catch (unrelated) issues early. Any of these factors missing, he wouldn't have caught it. All of this is so nuts.

Is that from the Microsoft engineer or did he start from this observation?

From what I read it was this observation that led him to investigate the cause. But this is the first time I read that he's employed by Microsoft.

I've seen that claim a couple of places and would like a source. It very well may be since Microsoft prefers Debian based systems for WSL and for azure, but its not something I would have assumed by default

AFAIK he works on the Azure PostgreSQL product.

His LinkedIn, his Twitter, his Mastodon, and the Verge, for starters.

I know this is being treated as a social engineering attack, but having unreadable binary blobs as part of your build/dev pipeline is fucking insane.

Is it, really? If the whole point of the library is dealing with binary files, how are you even going to have automated tests of the library?

The scary thing is that there is people still using autotools, or any other hyper-complicated build system in which this is easy to hide because who the hell cares about learning about Makefiles, autoconf, automake, M4 and shell scripting at once to compile a few C files. I think hiding this in any other build system would have been definitely harder. Check this mess:

  dnl Define somedir_c_make.
  [$1]_c_make=`printf '%s\n' "$[$1]_c" | sed -e "$gl_sed_escape_for_make_1" -e "$gl_sed_escape_for_make_2" | tr -d "$gl_tr_cr"`
  dnl Use the substituted somedir variable, when possible, so that the user
  dnl may adjust somedir a posteriori when there are no special characters.
  if test "$[$1]_c_make" = '\"'"${gl_final_[$1]}"'\"'; then
  if test "x$gl_am_configmake" != "x"; then
    gl_[$1]_config='sed \"r\n\" $gl_am_configmake | eval $gl_path_map | $gl_[$1]_prefix -d 2>/dev/null'

It's not uncommon to keep example bad data around for regression to run against, and I imagine that's not the only example in a compression library, but I'd definitely consider that a level of testing above unittests, and would not include it in the main repo. Tests that verify behavior at run time, either when interacting with the user, integrating with other software or services, or after being packaged, belong elsewhere. In summary, this is lazy.

and would not include it in the main repo

Tests that verify behavior at run time belong elsewhere

The test blobs belong in whatever repository they're used.

It's comically dumb to think that a repository won't include tests. So binary blobs like this absolutely do belong in the repository.

A repo dedicated to non-unit-test tests would be the best way to go. No need to pollute your main code repo with orders of magnitude more code and junk than the actual application.

That said, from what I understand of the exploit, it could have been avoided by having packaging and testing run in different environments (I could be wrong here, I've only given the explanation a cursory look). The tests modified the code that got released. Tests rightly shouldn't be constrained by other demands (like specific versions of libraries that may be shared between the test and build steps, for example), and the deploy/build step shouldn't have to work around whatever side effects the tests might create. Containers are easy to spin up.

Keeping them separate helps. Sure, you could do folders on the same repo, but test repos are usually huge compared to code repos (in my experience) and it's nicer to work with a repo that keeps its focus tight.

It's comically dumb to assume all tests are equal and should absolutely live in the same repo as the code they test, when writing tests that function multiple codebases is trivial, necessary, and ubiquitous.

It's also easier to work if one simple git command can get everything you need. There is a good case for a bigger nono-repo. It should be easy to debug tests on all levels else it's hard to fix issues that the bigger tests find. Many new changes in git make the downsides of a bigger repo less hurtful and the gains now start to outweigh the losses of a bigger repo.

A single git command can get everything for split repos if you use submodules

I would say yes and no, but yes the clone command can do it. But branching and CI get a bit more complicated. Pushing and reviewing changes gets more complicated to get the overview. If the functionality and especially the release cycle is different the submodules still have great values. As always your product and repo structure is a mix of different considerations and always a compromise. I think the additions in git the last years have made the previous really bad pain points with bigger repos less annoying. So that I now see more situations it works well.

I always recommend keeping all testing in the same repo as the code that affects the tests. It keeps tracking changes in functionality easier, needing to coordinate commits, merging, and branches in more than one repo is a bigger cognitive load.

I agree that in most cases it's more of an E2E or integratiuon test, not sure of the need to split into different repo, and well in the end I'm not sure that would have made any big protection anyhow.

As mentioned, binary test files makes sense for this utility. In the future though, there should be expected to demonstrate how and why the binary files were constructed in this way, kinda like how encryption algorithms explain how they derived any arbitrary or magic numbers. This would bring more trust and transparency to these files without having to eliminate them.

You mean that instead of having a binary blob you have a generator for the data?

Yep, I consider it a failure of the build/dev pipeline.

This is informative, but unfortunately it doesn't explain how the actual payload works - how does it compromise SSH exactly?

It allows a patched SSH client to bypass SSH authentication and gain access to a compromised computer

From what I've heard so far, it's NOT an authentication bypass, but a gated remote code execution.

There's some discussion on that here: https://bsky.app/profile/filippo.abyssdomain.expert/post/3kowjkx2njy2b

But it would be nice to have a similar digram like OP's to understand how exactly it does the RCE and implements the SSH backdoor. If we understand how, maybe we can take measures to prevent similar exploits in the future.

I think ideas about prevention should be more concerned with the social engineering aspect of this attack. The code itself is certainly cleverly hidden, but any bad actor who gains the kind of access as Jia did could likely pull off something similar without duplicating their specific method or technique.

Ideally you need a double-blind checking mechanism definitionally impervious to social engineering.

That may be possible in larger projects but I doubt you can do much in where you have very few maintainers.

I bet the lesson here for future attackers is: do not affect start-up time.

I imagine if this attacker wasn't in a rush to get the backdoor into the upcoming Debian and Fedora stable releases he would have been able to notice and correct the increased CPU usage tell and remain undetected.

Somebody wrote a PoC for it: https://github.com/amlweems/xzbot#backdoor-demo

Basically, if you have a patched SSH client with the right ED448 key you can have the gigged sshd on the other side run whatever commands you want. The demo just does id > /tmp/.xz but it could be whatever command you want.

I am not a security expert, but the scenario they describe sounds exactly like authentication bypass to a layman like me.

According to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqjtNDtbDNI the software installs a malicious library that overwrite the signature verification function of ssh.

I was wondering if the bypass function was designed to be slightly less resource intensive, it probably won't be discovered and will be shipped to production.

Also I have mixed feeling about dynamic linking, on the one hand, it allows projects like harden malloc to easily integrate into the system, on the other hand, it also enables the attacker to hijack the library in a similar fashion.

EDIT: This is a remote code execution exploit, not authentication bypass. The payload is sent as an authentication message and will be executed by the compromised authentication function.

This means:

  • the payload will be executed as root, since sshd run as root.
  • the payload will leave no trace in login log.

So this is much worse than ssh authentication bypass.

5.6.1 in fact made it less resources-intensive, but the distro happened to not have updated yet when Freund discovered the backdoor.

Authentication bypass should give you interactive access. "I'm in" like. Remote code execution only allows you to run a command, without permanent access. You can use some RCE vulnerabilities to bypass authentication, but not all.

Yeah, but the malicious code replaces the ssh signature verification function to let it allow a specific signature. Hence attacker, with the key, can ssh into any system without proper authentication by ssh.

This kind of describes authentication by-pass, not just remote code execution...

EDIT: it is remote code execution, see the edit of parent comment.

Under the right circumstances this interference could potentially enable a malicious actor to break sshd authentication and gain unauthorized access to the entire system remotely. —Wikipedia, sourced to RedHat

Of course, the authentication bypass allows remote code execution.

There is RedHat's patch for OpenSSH that adds something for systemd, which adds libsystemd as dependency, which has liblzma as its own dependency.

If this was done by multiple people, I'm sure the person that designed this delivery mechanism is really annoyed with the person that made the sloppy payload, since that made it all get detected right away.

I like to imagine this was thought up by some ambitious product manager who enthusiastically pitched this idea during their first week on the job.

Then they carefully and meticulously implemented their plan over 3 years, always promising the executives it would be a huge pay off. Then the product manager saw the writing on the wall that this project was gonna fail. Then they bailed while they could and got a better position at a different company.

The new product manager overseeing this project didn't care about it at all. New PM said fuck it and shipped the exploit before it was ready so the team could focus their work on a new project that would make new PM look good.

The new project will be ready in just 6-12 months, and it is totally going to disrupt the industry!

I see a dark room of shady, hoody-wearing, code-projected-on-their-faces, typing-on-two-keyboards-at-once 90's movie style hackers. The tables are littered with empty energy drink cans and empty pill bottles.

A man walks in. Smoking a thin cigarette, covered in tattoos and dressed in the flashiest interpretation of "Yakuza Gangster" imaginable, he grunts with disgust and mutters something in Japanese as he throws the cigarette to the floor, grinding it into the carpet with his thousand dollar shoes.

Flipping on the lights with an angry flourish, he yells at the room to gather for standup.

Cigarette is stomped.

Stickies fall from kanban board.

Backdoor dishonor.

I have been reading about this since the news broke and still can't fully wrap my head around how it works. What an impressive level of sophistication.

And due to open source, it was still caught within a month. Nothing could ever convince me more than that how secure FOSS can be.

Idk if that's the right takeaway, more like 'oh shit there's probably many of these long con contributors out there, and we just happened to catch this one because it was a little sloppy due to the 0.5s thing'

This shit got merged. Binary blobs and hex digit replacements. Into low level code that many things use. Just imagine how often there's no oversight at all

Yes, and the moment this broke other project maintainers are working on finding exploits now. They read the same news we do and have those same concerns.

Very generous to imagine that maintainers have so much time on their hands

Bug fixes can be delayed for a security sweep. One of the quicker ways that come to mind is checking the hash between built from source and the tarball

The whole point here is that the build process was infiltrated - so you'd have to remake the build system yourself to compare, and that's not a task that can be automated

I wonder if anyone is doing large scale searches for source releases that differ in meaningful ways from their corresponding public repos.

It's probably tough due to autotools and that sort of thing.

I was literally compiling this library a few nights ago and didn't catch shit. We caught this one but I'm sure there's a bunch of "bugs" we've squashes over the years long after they were introduced that were working just as intended like this one.

The real scary thing to me is the notion this was state sponsored and how many things like this might be hanging out in proprietary software for years on end.

Can be, but isn't necessarily.

Yea, but then heartbleed was a thing for how long that no-one noticed?

The value of foss is so many people with a wide skill set can look at the same problematic code and dissect it.

In a nutshell you say...

I'm going to read it later, but if I don't find a little red Saddam Hussein hidden in there I'll be disappointed

edit: eh my day wasn't good anyway

I think going forward we need to look at packages with a single or few maintainers as target candidates. Especially if they are as widespread as this one was.

In addition I think security needs to be a higher priority too, no more patching fuzzers to allow that one program to compile. Fix the program.

I'd also love to see systems hardened by default.

In the words of the devs in that security email, and I'm paraphrasing -

"Lots of people giving next steps, not a lot people lending a hand."

I say this as a person not lending a hand. This stuff over my head and outside my industry knowledge and experience, even after I spent the whole weekend piecing everything together.

You are right, as you note this requires a set of skills that many don't possess.

I have been looking for ways I can help going forward too where time permits. I was just thinking having a list of possible targets would be helpful as we could crowdsource the effort on gitlab or something.

I know the folks in the lists are up to their necks going through this and they will communicate to us in good time when the investigations have concluded.

Packages or dependencies with only one maintainer that are this popular have always been an issue, and not just a security one.

What happens when that person can't afford to or doesn't want to run the project anymore? What if they become malicious? What if they sell out? Etc.

What if the repository becomes stupid and takes a package away from a developer and said developer deletes his other packages. See leftpad.

no more patching fuzzers to allow that one program to compile. Fix the program


Remember Debian's OpenSSL fiasco? The one that affected all the other derivatives as well, including Ubuntu.

It all started because OpenSSL did add to the entropy pool a bunch uninitialized memory and the PID. Who the hell relies on uninitialized memory ever? The Debian maintainer wanted to fix Valgrind errors, and submitted a patch. It wasn't properly reviewed, nor accepted in OpenSSL. The maintainer added it to the Debian package patch, and then everything after that is history.

Everyone blamed Debian "because it only happened there", and definitely mistakes were done on that side, but I surely blame much more the OpenSSL developers.

OpenSSL did add to the entropy pool a bunch uninitialized memory and the PID.

Did they have a comment above the code explaining why it was doing it that way? If not, I'd blame OpenSSL for it.

The OpenSSL codebase has a bunch of issues, which is why somewhat-API-compatible forks like LibreSSL and BoringSSL exist.

I'd have to dig it, but I think it said that it added the PID and the uninitialized memory to add a bit more data to the entropy pool in a cheap way. I honestly don't get how that additional data can be helpful. To me it's the very opposite. The PID and the undefined memory are not as good quality as good randomness. So, even without Debian's intervention, it was a bad idea. The undefined memory triggered valgrind, and after Debian's patch, if it weren't because of the PID, all keys would have been reduced to 0 randomness, which would have probably raised the alarm much sooner.

This has always been the case. Maybe I work in a unique field but we spend a lot of time duplicating functionality from open source and not linking to it directly for specifically this reason, at least in some cases. It's a good compromise between rolling your own software and doing a formal security audit. Plus you develop institutional knowledge for that area.

And yes, we always contribute code back where we can.

We run our forks not because of security, but because pretty much nothing seems to work for production use without some source code level mods.

There's gotta be a better way to verify programs then just what the devs do. For example patching the fuzzer, that should be seen as a clear separation of duties problem.

That constant issue of low Dev/high use dependencies is awful and no one I've met on the business end can seem to figure out that need to support those kind of people or accept, what should frankly be, legal liability for what goes wrong. This isn't news its just a cover song. And its not an open source problem, its just a software problem. (

A small blurb from The Guardian on why Andres Freund went looking in the first place.

So how was it spotted? A single Microsoft developer was annoyed that a system was running slowly. That’s it. The developer, Andres Freund, was trying to uncover why a system running a beta version of Debian, a Linux distribution, was lagging when making encrypted connections. That lag was all of half a second, for logins. That’s it: before, it took Freund 0.3s to login, and after, it took 0.8s. That annoyance was enough to cause him to break out the metaphorical spanner and pull his system apart to find the cause of the problem.

The scary thing about this is thinking about potential undetected backdoors similar to this existing in the wild. Hopefully the lessons learned from the xz backdoor will help us to prevent similar backdoors in the future.

I think we need focus on zero trust when it comes to upstream software

exactly, stop depending on esoteric libraries

It is fine to use them just know how they work and check the commit log.

That of course requires you to pull from got instead of a tarball

this was well hidden. not sure anyone would have spotted this by checking commit log

It was hidden in the Tarball

i'm not an expert, but my reading was that it was hidden in a binary used for testing EDIT: oh yeah, i see what you mean

I have heard multiple times from different sources that building from git source instead of using tarballs invalidates this exploit, but I do not understand how. Is anyone able to explain that?

If malicious code is in the source, and therefore in the tarball, what's the difference?

Because m4/build-to-host.m4, the entry point, is not in the git repo, but was included by the malicious maintainer into the tarballs.

Tarballs are not built from source?

The tarballs are the official distributions of the source code. The maintainer had git remove the malicious entry point when pushing the newest versions of the source code while retaining it inside these distributions.

All of this would be avoided if Debian downloaded from GitHub's distributions of the source code, albeit unsigned.

All of this would be avoided if Debian downloaded from GitHub's distributions of the source code, albeit unsigned.

In that case they would have just put it in the repo, and I'm not convinced anyone would have caught it. They may have obfuscated it slightly more.

It's totally reasonable to trust a tarball signed by the maintainer, but there probably needs to be more scrutiny when a package changes hands like this one did.

Downloading from github is how NixOS avoided getting hit. On unstable, that is, on stable a tarball gets downloaded (EDIT: fixed links).

Another reason it didn't get hit is that the exploit is debian/redhat-specific, checking for files and env variables that just aren't present when nix builds it. That doesn't mean that nix couldn't be targeted, though. Also it's a bit iffy that replacing the package on unstable took in the order of 10 days which is 99.99% build time because it's a full rebuild. Much better on stable but it's not like unstable doesn't get regular use by people, especially as you can mix+match when running NixOS.

It's probably a good idea to make a habit of pulling directly from github (generally, VCS). Nix checks hashes all the time so upstream doing a sneak change would break the build, it's more about the version you're using being the one that has its version history published. Also: Why not?

Overall, who knows what else is hidden in that code, though. I've heard that Debian wants to roll back a whole two years and that's probably a good idea and in general we should be much more careful about the TCB. Actually have a proper TCB in the first place, which means making it small and simple. Compilers are always going to be an issue as small is not an option there but the likes of http clients, decompressors and the like? Why can they make coffee?

You're looking at the wrong line. NixOS pulled the compromised source tarball just like nearly every other distro, and the build ends up running the backdoor injection script.

It's just that much like Arch, Gentoo and a lot of other distros, it doesn't meet the gigantic list of preconditions for it to inject the sshd compromising backdoor. But if it went undetected for longer, it would have met the conditions for the "stage3"/"extension mechanism".

You’re looking at the wrong line.

Never mind the lines I linked to I just copied the links from search.nixos.org and those always link to the description field's line for some reason. I did link to unstable twice though this is the correct one, as you can see it goes to tukaani.org, not github.com. Correct me if I'm wrong but while you can attach additional stuff (such like pre-built binaries) to github releases the source tarballs will be generated from the repository and a tag, they will match the repository. Maybe you can do some shenanigans with rebase which should be fixed.

For any given tag, GitHub will always have an autogenerated "archive/" link, but the "release/" link is a set of maintainer-uploaded blobs. In this situation, those are the compromised ones. Any distro pulling from an "archive/" link would be unaffected, but I don't know of any doing that.

The problem with the "archive/" links is that GitHub reserves the right to change them. They're promising to give notice, but it's just not a good situation. The "release/" links are only going to change if the maintainer tries something funny, so the distro's usual mechanisms to check the hashes normally suffice.

NixOS 23.11 is indeed not affected.

They’re promising to give notice, but it’s just not a good situation.

cache.nixos.org keeps all sources so once hydra has ingested something it's not going away unless nixos maintainers want it to. The policy for decades was simply "keep all derivations" but in the interest of space savings it has recently been decided to do a gc run, meaning that 22 year old derivations will still available but you're going to have to build them from the cached source, the pre-built artifacts will be gone.

I don’t understand the actual mechanics of it, but my understanding is that it’s essentially like what happened with Volkswagon and their diesel emissions testing scheme where it had a way to know it was being emissions tested and so it adapted to that.

The malicious actor had a mechanism that exempted the malicious code when built from source, presumably because it would be more likely to be noticed when building/examining the source.

Edit: a bit of grammar. Also, this is my best understanding based on what I’ve read and videos I’ve watched, but a lot of it is over my head.

it had a way to know it was being emissions tested and so it adapted to that.

Not sure why you got downvoted. This is a good analogy. It does a lot of checks to try to disable itself in testing environments. For example, setting TERM will turn it off.

The malicious code is not on the source itself, it's on tests and other files. The building process hijacks the code and inserts the malicious content, while the code itself is clean, So the co-manteiner was able to keep it hidden in plain sight.

So it's not that the Volkswagen cheated on the emissions test. It's that running the emissions test (as part of the building process) MODIFIED the car ITSELF to guzzle gas after the fact. We're talking Transformers level of self modification. Manchurian Candidate sleeper agent levels of subterfuge.

The malicious code wasn’t in the source code people typically read (the GitHub repo) but was in the code people typically build for official releases (the tarball). It was also hidden in files that are supposed to be used for testing, which get run as part of the official building process.

The malicious code was written and debugged at their convenience and saved as an object module linker file that had been stripped of debugger symbols (this is one of its features that made Fruend suspicious enough to keep digging when he profiled his backdoored ssh looking for that 500ms delay: there were no symbols to attribute the cpu cycles to).

It was then further obfuscated by being chopped up and placed into a pure binary file that was ostensibly included in the tarballs for the xz library build process to use as a test case file during its build process. The file was supposedly an example of a bad compressed file.

This "test" file was placed in the .gitignore seen in the repo so the file's abscense on github was explained. Being included as a binary test file only in the tarballs means that the malicious code isn't on github in any form. Its nowhere to be seen until you get the tarball.

The build process then creates some highly obfuscated bash scripts on the fly during compilation that check for the existence of the files (since they won't be there if you're building from github). If they're there, the scripts reassemble the object module, basically replacing the code that you would see in the repo.

Thats a simplified version of why there's no code to see, and that's just one aspect of this thing. It's sneaky.

I think it is the other way around. If you build from Tarball then you getting pwned

did we find out who was that guy and why was he doing that?

It was Spez trying to collect more user data to make Reddit profitable

Any additional information been found on the user?

Probably Chinese?

Can't confirm but unlikely.

Via https://boehs.org/node/everything-i-know-about-the-xz-backdoor

They found this particularly interesting as Cheong is new information. I’ve now learned from another source that Cheong isn’t Mandarin, it’s Cantonese. This source theorizes that Cheong is a variant of the 張 surname, as “eong” matches Jyutping (a Cantonese romanisation standard) and “Cheung” is pretty common in Hong Kong as an official surname romanisation. A third source has alerted me that “Jia” is Mandarin (as Cantonese rarely uses J and especially not Ji). The Tan last name is possible in Mandarin, but is most common for the Hokkien Chinese dialect pronunciation of the character 陳 (Cantonese: Chan, Mandarin: Chen). It’s most likely our actor simply mashed plausible sounding Chinese names together.

That actually suggests not Chinese due to naming inconsistencies

Could be Chinese creating reasonable doubt. Making this sort of mistake makes explanations that this wasn't Chinese sound plausible. Even if evidence other than the name comes out, this rebuttal can be repeated and create confusion amongst the public, reasonable suspicions against accusers and a plausible excuse for other states to not blame China (even if they believe it was China).

Confusion and multiple narratives is a technique carried out often by Soviet, Russian and Chinese government. We are unlikely to be able to answer the question ourselves. It will be up to the intelligence agencies to do that.

If someone wanted to blame China for this, they would take the name of a real Chinese person to do it. There is over a billion real people they could take a name from. It unlikely that a person creating a name for someone for this type of espionage would make a mistake like picking an implausible name accidentally.

I'm not suggesting one way or another, only that the quoted explanation taken at face value isn't suggesting China based on name analysis.

There's also no reason to assume a nation state. This is completely within the realm of a single or small group of hackers. Organized crime another possibility. Errors with naming are plausible just as the initial mistakes with timing analysis and valgrind errors.

Even assuming a nation state, you name Russia as a possibility. Russia has shown themselves to be completely capable of errors, in their hacks (2016 election interference that was traced back to their intelligence base), their wars, their assassination attempts, etc.

And to me it doesn't seem any more likely that China would point to themselves but sprinkle doubt with inconsistent naming versus just outright pointing to someone else.

It's all guesses, nothing points one way or another. I think we agree on that.

A big part of it is also letting other people know you did it. China and Russia are big on this. The create dangerous situations, then say they aren't responsible all while sowing confusion. The want plausible deniability, confusion and credit for doing it.

So this doesn’t really tell us one way or the other who this person is or isn’t.

They're more likely to be based in Eastern Europe based on the times of their commits (during working hours in Eastern European Time) and the fact that while most commits used a UTC+8 time zone, some of them used UTC+2 and UTC+3: https://rheaeve.substack.com/p/xz-backdoor-times-damned-times-and

It is also hard to be certain as they could be a night owl or a early riser.

Yeah - The post goes into a lot of detail, and they did take that into account. It's worth reading.

Just because somebody picked a vaguely Chinese-sounding handle doesn't mean much about who or where.

This whole situation just emphasizes the fact that rebasing >>>>>>>>>> merge squashing.

The tukaani github repos are gone, is there a mirror somewhere?

Tukaani main website

Though unfortunately (or I guess for most use-cases fortunately) you can't find the malicious m4/build-to-host.m4 file on there afaik. The best way to find that now, should you really want to, is by looking through the commit history of the salsa.debian.org/debian/xz-utils repository which is, as far as I understand it, the repository that the debian packages are built from and consequently also what the compromised packages were built from.

At least microsoft is honest enough to admit their software needs protection, unlike apple and unlike most of the people who have made distros of linux. (edit: microsoft is still dishonest about what kind of protection it needs though)

Even though apple lost a class action lawsuit for false advertising over the claim "mac can't get viruses" they still heavily imply that it doesn't need an antivirus.

any OS can get infected, it's just a matter of writing the code and finding a way to deliver it to the system....Now you might be thinking "I'm very careful about what I click on" that's a good practice to have, but most malware gets delivered through means that don't require the user to click on anything.

You need an antivirus on every computer you have, linux, android, mac, windows, iOS, all of them. There's loads of videos on youtube showing off how well or not so well different antivirus programs work for windows and android.

A "antivirus" tends to be a proprietary black box. Such "antivirus" programs could not of detected the XZ backdoor

All it took was one set of nerd eyeballs

But a good whitelisting antivirus could've stopped it.


Prevention and detection

Most of the time, detection also means prevention, but with a whitelisting antivirus, prevention often means that the threat isn't detected, it was just prevented from running.

A whitelisting application has a list of what it knows it bad AND what it knows in advance to be good.

Anything it can't identify on the spot is treated as unknown and not allowed to run, not deleted, not quarantined, just blocked from running until the user can upload it to things like virustotal and other services like it to figure out if its safe.

upload it to virustotal, if it wasn't already known, do a re-scan a few hours later to see if it's malicious, if it was already known, do a re-scan to see if anything has figured out if its malicious.

which is why I think it's borderline criminal that most antivirus programs don't work that way.

That would do nothing for liblzma as it was trusted.

who was it trusted by? There's whitelisting applications that indiscriminately block everything that isn't already installed too.

The developer of XZ. What your describing is package verification which already happens

A whitelisting application has a list of what it knows it bad AND what it knows in advance to be good.

How would it know this? Is this defined by a person/people? If so, that wouldn't have mattered. liblzma was known in advance to be good, then the malicious update was added, and people still presumed that it was good.

This wasn't a case of some random package/program wreaking havoc. It was trusted malicious code.

Also, you're asking for an antivirus that uploads and uses a sandbox to analyze ALL packages. Good luck with that. (AVs would probably have a hard time detecting malicious build actions, anyways).

Also, you’re asking for an antivirus that uploads and uses a sandbox to analyze ALL packages. Good luck with that. (AVs would probably have a hard time detecting malicious build actions, anyways).

three different antivirus programs already do that. Comodo for example has a built in sandbox to do that.

It places unknown/new software in a sandbox. You want an AV that tests all pre-existing packages in a sandbox.