Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency to politics – 609 points –
Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency

We should all anticipate that.

Right.. I mean, to be quite honest... if Biden/Trump in 2024 is the best they can come up with, maybe something like that will waken up the Democrats to actual consequences when they continue to run such shitty candidates.

Look up how Hussein took power. Or Hitler. Or Putin. Or pooh bear.

There will be no Democrats. Or democracy.

Only bodies.

Seems like Biden should be begging for votes then yeah?

I never comment in politics threads. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth and invites the kind of discourse I try to avoid recreationally.

But I had to reply to you because a) it's weird how much I'm seeing the word "begging" lately, and b) what kind of "begging" should he even do? "Please, please, please vote for me?" And how would that change things at all? Or even help?

I mean the previous commenter is making it sound like Democrats are going to be executed if Trump is elected. Did I interpret that correctly? Does Biden know that? Is he worried? Because he doesn't seem worried at all to me.

EDIT: Anyone got an answer?

I didn't ask about or address what someone else said. I asked you a couple questions.

You responded to a question I asked without answering my question bud. Might wanna get off that high horse before you hurt yourself.

Here's my original question you responded to for reference:

Seems like Biden should be begging for votes then yeah?

If you want to answer that I'll consider answering your questions.

Man, pivot really is your only move.

I asked you what begging is supposed to look like here or accomplish; you tried to get me to defend what someone else said. I point out I'm not them and I asked you a question; so you pivot again to "my statement with a "yeah?" at the end is now a question so address that first.

I'm cutting my losses. You'll just move the posts to try and force me to address whatever it is you think I should be addressing instead, because you don't actually have an answer and you're not interested in a real discussion.

My mistake. This is why I don't engage in politics threads online. You never know when someone is being serious and has an actual answer and is capable of a dialogue versus when some jackass just wants to waste your time.

If they're arguing in bad faith, odds are high they're just a right-wing operative intending to sow defeatism and wedge-drive. Often they'll pretend being a concerned centrist but nowadays they feign being a leftist or tankie, which kills two birds with one stone.

With this in mind don't stop commenting, just make your strongest arguments upfront and target the bystander audience. It's the only way to act as damage-control. But don't waste your time with them, specifically.

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"I don't answer questions but people are obligated to answer mine" isn't the enlightened take you think it is bud.

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Buddy, I asked the first question. What gives your questions priority?

If you were genuinely trying to get answers to "why isn't the president begging for votes" you would've answered me when I asked what the hell that means. You proved it's not your genuine priority by trying to get me to defend a point someone else was making instead.

Get outta here with that Crowder bullshit. If you're asking questions and you want answers you'll be happy to explain your position, not point at someone else and try and change the topic at the first opportunity. And assuming, generously, that that was a mistake, you wouldn't have doubled down on "well answer my rhetorical that I refuse to define for you first or you're just proving you can't debate me!"

All of the time I spent typing this was on the very, very, very slim chance you mean well but are an ineffective communicator. Since that's statistically unlikely, feel free to reply however you like. I have no interest in continuing with you further.

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I’m SO glad to see people like you get downvoted here. It’s gives me hope that not all is lost and that lemmy may actually be worth something.

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I mean I'd like to think he's worried, and will actually start talking about nationalizing marijuana legalization with actual plan to implement it, or to make internet a utility... but he seems to think backing israel and getting some 20 year old debts canceled, and then reversed by the supreme court, is going to get him enough votes

Exactly. Either he's not worried or he's to egotistical to believe he needs voters help. 🤷‍♂️

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Seems like you should be begging everyone and anyone to vote for Biden then?

From whom? Bothesidesers such as yourself who are going to vote red no matter what happens?

I mean if Biden didn't win the 2020 general election with the help of people like me then he's got 2024 in the bag right?

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Holy fuck this obvious wedge driving hahahaha.

Wedge driving? Ask yourself, why are Democrats so scared? If you pick the best person on your team to go up the worst player of the opposition, you wouldn't be scared.

I mean, I'm scared because people I love are being made illegal and/or having their rights revoked. I'm scared because 8 years ago, I didn't know half of my country were only pretending not to be some combination of antisemitic, white nationalist, eagerly awaiting a chance to shoot their neighbors and anti-vaccine. Like, I knew that was the general flavor where I lived, but I didn't know it was this bad everywhere.

Ah who cares about actual reality when we can have a "Biden = bad" stroke off contest?

Nevermind the fact that prior to 2016 most people's lives in the US weren't a daily slog through a political hell scape, here's Internet Johnny to remind you that the US has always been this fascist and at each other's throats so it's fine actually if Trump wins. Nevermind your lying eyes, ears, and memory.

for sure. just like the lesson the Catholic Centre Party learned in 1932. so worth it.

The reason we got Trump in the first place is cause of the DNC and corporate Democrats that wanted him to win over Bernie. They just had Rachel Maddow and all the feelings-over-reality shills on the left working overtime to convince their party that it was somehow Bernie supporters fault.

You’re lucky you’re saying this stupid shit here and not in other communities where that type of bullshit propaganda isn’t tolerated.

But you know that already, don’t you? That’s why there’s so many of you here.

Propaganda? It's the truth and the DNC admitted it in court.

Seriously, does anyone believe this? Trump is the DNC fault? Ridiculous. It’s certainly not the RNCs fault or republican voters for choosing him. And it’s certainly not the voters fault for voting for him, or people protest voting because they don’t want a woman or whatever. No, it’s not even the electoral colleges fault! It’s the DNC for not pushing Bernie. I can’t believe I voted for the leopards eating faces party and now my face is eaten! Damn you Hillary!

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They wanted him to win because he COULD win. Bernie couldn’t. I say this as someone that aggressively supported Bernie.

The problem is that you don’t understand what’s at stake, so you can rest on your single-issue outrage and think you’re in a place to demand better.

You’re not in that place. The rest of us know that, but you refuse to listen. So you and others like you will do what you did in 2016- fold your arms and throw a temper tantrum.

This is how Trump will win.

Bernie couldn't win. Tell that to Hillary... cause she sure did lose and is why Trump got into office in the first place. Don't forget the DNC admitted that they had a "right" to sabotage Bernie, because they had no obligation to be impartial.

Okay man, I’m not going to argue with you. But not voting is a dumb way to express disapproval.

End of story.

Okay... So voting third party is okay in your eyes. Good to know.

Look kid, do what you want. You’re clearly incapable of seeing history repeating itself here because you haven’t lived through it long enough-

So make your mistakes and hope there’s a democracy remaining that will forgive you for it later on down the road.

I’m done arguing with you.

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Not really. The reason we got him is the people who voted for him. I was a bernie supported but I voted hilary. there is plenty of time to fix the democrats or completely eliminate the republicans and we will get a new second party anyway as dems are always pretty ready to fracture. Republicans winning is the only thing keeping dems at statis quo.

Trump lost the popular vote every single time, he won the first time because of the electoral college and gerrymandering

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We vote now to maintain and carry this frustration and momentum to make change. What we don't do is shoot ourselves in both feet and wonder why we can't walk.

So you're under a lot of frustration by voting Biden? Or you are saying you're so scared to say anything negative about him because he isn't a very good candidate and you're scared he'll lose to Trump?

Stop commenting on posts and attempting to twist narratives by offering the illusion of choice. You're creating traps by seeming to offer two separate choices that lead towards the same outcome. So here's the reality:

Trump sucks. The Republican party acts purely in its own interest. People who support either the candidate or the party do so because they believe harming others is an action they can support if it means some end they do mental backflips to justify. The majority of those supporting do not act in good faith in discussions and instead attempt to derail conversations with barely relevant "facts" and by making others feel as if they need to defend something, while also being unreasonable.

I support anyone who isn't claiming they will be a dictator. I support anyone who is attempting to enact positive and lasting change, which you will attack. I support those who do not attempt coups.

Who do you support?

It isn't a matter of who I support, it is about what I support... and neither candidate offers it. So, yes I'm stuck voting for Biden which isn't really a choice. But I've already been in this position before, and it is a bad choice by Democrats to have another election where people aren't really excited about the candidate and to simply argue that if you don't vote for Biden, that you'll get Trump.

No, if 2016 didn't wake them up I don't think anything will, I'm pretty thoroughly convinced they would still be whining about Nader voters as they were being taken to the gallows by Republicans,

Everyone who can be woke already is and its just about calling out their dumb moderate ideas while they can still be stopped and primarying their people with real progressives. Democratic candidates losing to Republicans doesn't make that any easier, if anything it just empowers moderates because the "leftist purity tests did this" narrative plays really well with low information voters.

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I mean he’s already been saying it in public at his rallies, so why would anyone be surprised?

He also said from day one he intends to be a dictator. So again, anyone who votes for Trump is voting for literal fascism.

hE sAiD "dAy OnE dIcTaToR" hE oNlY mEaNt He WiLl Be DiCtAtOr FoR OnE DaY!

...ok little Timmy. Don't forget to be a good boy so Santa Claus will come give you nice presents too.

Does Biden know this? Because he doesn't seem too worried about it.

Biden is worried, it's fairly obvious. However, he is trying to be a leader, which is foremost the job of the President: To lead. I don't envy him either. We are a very divided country right now. Yeah, some of you will talk about the war. Others about his bipartisanship. Someone will want to throw their hat in about other issues, perceived or otherwise. Let's be real though: Dude has had his work cut out for him. So while he hasn't been perfect I honestly and truly feel it could have been much worse.

At the very least he has completed, and is working on, many of the promises he initially made. Gotta give props where they are due. Though he was never my first choice.

If he wasn't worried, Biden would be much worse than he's been(aka, the average for POTUS). He's the best we've had since Carter, which is a condemnation of the office rather than praise of Biden.

If we got the President lemmy wants, a civil war would be the best scenario, but a coup would be more likely. The better the president, the harder their job. The more left wing candidate is always held to a higher standard.

He's all but said exactly this....and he may have actually said it.

He did, and he is framing it as if it was illegitimate to go after him as he was "innocent" and they did it anyways, so when he locks them all up for no reason, it's all good, because and eye for an eye...

Scary times.

In reality the addled brain orange mobster envisions a "bloodbath" if he is elected.

They really should pick someone better than Biden to run against Trump

Like who?

There are tons of Democrats they could have ran to generate more momentum than Biden. Heck, Michelle Obama could have ran. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would bring out more voters than Biden. Bernie Sanders obviously another great pick.

Michelle Obama is (shouldn't be, but is) a polarizing figure, especially on the right because she's both female and black. Putting her as the Dem nominee would likely galvanize and energize the GOP base because heaven forbid a black woman be in the White House.

AOC isn't old enough yet, and she is considered by many outside of her district as too extreme.

One of the main issues (and IMO, one of the dumbest issues) is age. One of the main complaints from voters is that both Trump and Biden are too old. Bernie Sanders is older than both and has already had multiple runs that didn't pan out. Sanders would just be considered more of the same if he tried running a third time.

The next pick down would probably be someone like Elizabeth Warren, and Trump would be cramming the "pocohontas" thing down everybody's throats from day one. There's also the fact that she's in her 70s herself, giving more support for the belief that all Dems have are a bunch of out-of-touch retirees during a time when the voting base wants younger people with newer ideas and values.

I've said from day one that Biden is going to be looked upon as this generation's Jimmy Carter: A man who actually achieved a lot but was always looked upon as the "lame duck" president after Nixon/Ford that never got the credit for his accomplishments that he deserves. And that's pretty much exactly what happened.

You don't understand why Trump is so popular to the right. The more pissed off and the more the right talk about and attack someone and think with their emotions, the more public attention they get which actually helps that candidate. The Democrats absolutely should have picked a black woman as their candidate. The Republicans wouldn't be able to resist saying the most vile things constantly and that would equate to non-stop media coverage that actually benefits the Democrats. AOC will be 35 during the election and legal scholars have determined that the age you will be at the time of the election is what matters, not how old you are leading up to the election. She would be a great choice and also get non-stop media coverage as a result of the Republicans hate for her.

You don’t understand why Trump is so popular to the right.

Not the person you're responding to but I certainly don't understand their love for him, but that's probably because I'm not a right wing shill that's in love with Trump and wants him to win like your posts strongly suggest that you are.

So my posts saying that AOC, Michelle Obama & Bernies Sanders would have been great candidates over Biden somehow tells you that I support Trump? What planet are you living on?

Yep because as it turns out none of those people are running for president, won't be running for president, and in 2016 there was a whole Russian effort to push "alternative candidates" to Hillary Clinton just like you're doing.

You're all about sowing discord and writing "Biden bad" in various ways across various threads, and you strike me as a concern troll trolling for Trump.

Geezus... Why is it that Democrats keep saying, "by advocating for better policies and more progressive ideas you're a Trump supporter!"

Seriously, are you trying to suggest that Trump is more liberal than Biden or something?

Or are you really just that scared that if everyone you come across doesn't praise Biden like he is the second coming of Pastrami that he'll lose? If you're that scared then write up Biden and tell him he hasn't done a good enough job yet then cause you are so stressed that you feel the need to make everyone praise him else you're afraid he'll lose.

Geezus… Why is it that Democrats keep saying, “by advocating for better policies and more progressive ideas you’re a Trump supporter!”

That's not even what you're advocating for, you're advocating for fantasy land like candidate switches months before the election.

But leave it to you, a person, place, or thing that is definitely not a concern troll, bot, or plant to wait a day and come back with an entirely new argument about why you're totally not a shill.

I hate to break it to you, but everyone that disagrees with you isn't a Russian bot or shill... some people just want to see more from the Democrats, and Biden ain't cutting it.

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AOC isn't even old enough to run. I am thinking you haven't thought through your argument as thoroughly as you think you have.

The Constitution doesn't say anything about an age required to run for President, it just says that they have to be at least 35 to be President. She'll be 35 this October, well before the election.

Besides, I think you'll find that under-35s can only be barred from the presidency if Congress passes a law because apparently the Constitution doesn't matter at all. Or something to that effect anyway, I find it hard to play devil's advocate for that dogshit opinion from the SCOTUS.

Yeah, fair enough. Especially the SC/Constitution-doesn't-matter-anymore thing. Geez. What a mess we're in.

Personally, I'd love to see a future Buttigiege/AOC ticket, but I'm not sure how well that would work in a general election. Who knows in 4 years, though?

What a mess we're in.

Preach, sib.

Who knows in 4 years, though?

Guess we'll see if we make it to next year first, and go from there! I'll vote for that ticket, though, if I get the chance.

Blame everyone except the morons who voted for Trump challenge successful!

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Yeah, but "genocide Joe" and Joe is old and real reason to vote and so on.... /s

My favorite one I've seen recently is: 'a civil war and new homegrown genocide is preferable to voting for biden'

Yeah, the favorite tankie mantra of "hey let's bring the genocide/civil war here so the sheeple will finally wake up and we'll have the utopia we've always dreamed about, ya'll!"

...that's even if these people are actually leftists in the first place (as opposed to Russian trolls and right wing hacks). In any case, you have be deeply stupid not to realize the difference between the two choices we actually have before us, and the consequences of fascists in the White House.

Take a good look at Wilson's presidency if you wanna see what a fascist in the White House would look like

They won't waste time on sham trials when Trump is already convinced they're guilty.
They'll skip the judge completely and be given a cigarette and a wall to stand against while they smoke it.

But mUh boTH sIdeS

No. They’re not the same.

One side is a racist idiot who just wants to rape prostitutes and Hollywood starlets and eat McDonalds dinners with basketball players and Kanye. The American Dream!

The other side supplies a foreign army with ammo to kill women and children in Gaza and fuels a war in Eastern Europe. Kissingers’ dream!

They are very different.

Whoa whoa wait now. You forgot to apply Paragraph #2 to the first as well, in addition to the fact that the first also seeks to enable genocide in Ukraine.

Then you're getting closer.

It's even worse with Ukraine. If Ukraine gets conquered, WWIII likely starts. Poland and others will probably put boots on the ground to prevent Ukraine from losing, triggering attacks from Russia, triggering NATO involvement, and pushing us to potential omnicide instead of genocide.

Israel is pushing towards nuclear war as well, only with Israel as the only nuclear player. Things are bad on a serious level right now that people haven't comprehended

I mean, he said he would. He's also become a better asshole since the last attempt, and now he said on day one he's gonna fire everyone who's loyal to the united states and replace them with people who are loyal to him personally. That's how you put yourself in a position where the military actually listens to you when you tell them to "crack the skulls" of, "beat the fuck out of" and "just shoot" peaceful protestors.

The military is not going to do any of that. The US Joint Chiefs have made it clear on multiple occasions that they take their oath of office to uphold the US Constitution very seriously, including at least 2 times in direct opposition to Trump's bullshit.

They basically are the unofficial 4th branch of the US government, and their checks and balances are effective against fascists.

Genuinely asking because I can't seem to find it online - who decides who the joint chiefs are?

So it behooves them to ensure he doesnt get back in then

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Rep. Pete Aguilar, who chairs the House Democratic Caucus and was a member of the Jan. 6 committee, told reporters last week that he takes Trump's threat of jailing seriously.

"Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, and the Corrupt Democrats on the sham January 6th Committee have lied to the American public for years, denied key witnesses from testifying to the truth, and covered up evidence that proved President Trump, nor any of his supporters, ever engaged in an alleged 'insurrection.'

Their entire narrative is a lie and Americas know that Joe Biden is the true threat to democracy," a Trump spokeswoman said in a statement to CBS News.

The committee spoke with hundreds of witnesses, including Trump's top White House aides, as it reviewed his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The committee voted to refer criminal charges to the Justice Department for Trump and accused him of threatening the future of democracy and inciting the violent Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

In remarks to reporters last week, Aguilar said Trump's ongoing rhetoric raises the risk of continued harassment, threats and danger to public officials.

The original article contains 935 words, the summary contains 190 words. Saved 80%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

If you guys are worried about targeted prosecutions, why are you worried about the potential ones and not the ones currently happening?

Literally logged in just to downvote your comment. First time I've ever done that so congrats I guess.

Cults are gonna cult

You know prosecuting a criminal for committing crimes isn't a targeted prosecution right? It's just how the criminal justice system always works.

In other words it's just a regular prosecution.

But as you just said cults are gonna cult right? And I know Big Daddy Trump is up there telling you how to think. So keep on culting you beautiful snowflake.

The audacity of a redcap telling anyone else "cults gonna cult." One of the most insane cases of projection I've ever seen.

As a person that is not going to vote for trump, I am the one that is not in a cult. And as a person that knows real estate very well, I fully understand what happened with the new york real estate case and how much bullshit it is. The problem is that you are beholden to your side and you dont see what is happening. I really do want you guys to see what is happening, but you are blinded by ideology, and its literally destorying they country.

Because Trump is being prosecuted for crimes? Your first comment was about targeted prosecutions. Trump is not being targeted, if anything he's been given more leeway than 99% of the criminals in this country.

So, within the context of your first comment I find this comment disingenuous. In other words I think you're full of shit.

Except that he is not being given leeway and is being prosecuted because he is running for president. And that doesnt even get into the different treatment of Jan 6th people vs George Floyd riot people.

Thousands of BLM protestors have been arrested: I didn't have to look very hard to find this. It's simple - break the law, get arrested. Keep pushing your agenda though.

Thousands of BLM protestors have been arrested

EXACTLY! Now do the next check where you see how many were convicted. This is where you dont respond because you will see its less than jan 6th (from all the sources I have seen).

It looks like there weren't many. I think everyone that committed a crime during the BLM protests should be held accountable. And I'm glad that the people that broke into the capitol on Jan 6 are being held accountable. Surely you agree with that?

Thank you, I appreciate that you seem to be reasonable, and I do agree. So we see the government throw the book at the jan 6th people, and the george floyd rioters get much less prosecution even though they did much more damage and there was much higher loss of life. Do you see how they are unequal prosecution?

They were unequal events. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by comparing the two, but in my eyes breaking into the capitol building with the intention of overthrowing the government is a significantly worse crime and I'm glad the people responsible are facing justice.

I'll say it again, all people responsible for a crime should be prosecuted. But stop trying to tell me apples are oranges.

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I really do want you guys to see what is happening, but you are blinded by ideology, and its literally destorying they country.

"That's why I'm offering nothing but vague statements and empty platitudes to show you what's really happening. Facts and actual arguments would just get in the way."

I directly mentioned the New York case about trumps real estate as something I am very knowledgable about, but sure I am super vague... Have you ever talked to someone in a cult? That is the reason I dont typically go deep.

I directly mentioned the New York case about trumps real estate as something I am very knowledgable about

Cool, and what specifically did you say about the New York case about how it is a problem? Did you share any of that knowledge?

I saw your post and thought "Interesting, maybe there is an angle on the New York case I am unaware of", but you failed to actually say anything other than your displeasure.

Ignore this idiot. He has no critical thinking skills and is so far up his own ass you’ll eventually give up and he’ll just think he won another internet argument.

The entire case is nonsense. To be specific, he didnt do anything wrong and it was exactly what every other serious investor does, and its not fraud, its literally just advocating your position. I can expand on this if you wish, but I dont write gigantic comments because they become unreadable and wastes everyones time.

he didnt do anything wrong

The law seems to say otherwise.

it was exactly what every other serious investor does

"They are all criminals" is not the defense you think it is.

its not fraud

It's literally fraud.

So because a government person said its true you just believe them? And they are all not criminals and its not fraud, its literally perfectly normal.

So because some rando on the internet said it's not true you expect me to just believe them? People on the internet say the Earth is flat too, I'm not just going to take them at their word. You've presented no evidence other than "IS NOT!"

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What prosecutions would that be?

The most important would be the discrepency in treatment between the Jan 6th people and the George Floyd riot people. Also I think almost all of the trump cases are just targeted prosecution.

Well, yeah, of course they're targeting him. He's the one who's committed all the crimes. That's generally who we prosecute in this country. The criminals. Ideally.

That is the same boring line you guys all use. If you dont know what is happening then you should probably watch different media sources. "OH YOU MEAN LIKE ALEX JONES!!!!" No, like ones that are not influenced directly by corporations and government.

We've literally watched him commit these crimes on live fucking television. And we watched his criminally negligent handling of the Covid pandemic over the course of months. He should be in the Hague for that alone. Fuck off.

Gotcha, you are just going to continue to repeat that standard lines that the propaganda says are true.

Right, so his firing of disease response teams abroad, and him saying at a live event on camera to "Slow the testing down, please!" was a fabrication?

Why would the federal government do anything about BLM? They didn't break into the capitol to smear feces on the walls.

Could you clarify? Do you want us to be mad that individual state legislatures are acting differently than the federal government, or is it that you want us to be mad that the federal government isn't doing an overreach and prosecuting protestors outside its jurisdiction?

They would target BLM because they were an organized group that attacked many federal buildings and officers. They much worse than smear feces on teh walls, which is exactly my point.

I dont know what you want me to clarify, Trump is getting attacked by the government in a variety of states and jurisdictions, and almost all of it is bullshit.

No, I meant what did they do in reality, not in the delusions you were told to believe.

They caused billions of dollars in damage to cities around the country and they terrorized people and neighborhoods, do you not remember all the damage and the rioting?

No, it's hard to "remember" delusions you were having from being fear addicted and watching propaganda.

"Around the country." Again, whatever it was you were imagining is not within the jurisdiction of the federal government. The insurrection led by Donald on January 6 is within the jurisdiction of the federal government. What do you want to happen?

They were directly attacking federal government buildings. In Portland it literally happened for over a month every night. But I can tell at this point you dont actually care about an honest discussion, so have a great day!

You mean these guys? So you are a dishonest liar pretending both that the few people who did violence or arson represent the whole, and also that they are not seeing consequences for anything. As expected of a redcap: lies, propaganda, and delusion from top to bottom.

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They should be worried. With the political show trials going on, if this all doesn't work and he does get back in the White House, the gloves are gonna be off. Yeah I know this'll piss people off, but they've literally decided to weaponize the judiciary against him for being president. Guy does think his term did throw a wrench in TPTB's plans and they don't want that happening again. The states these trials are happening in and the timing is not fucking subtle. If this was not politically motivated, these trials would have been happening in 2012 or 2005.

If this was not politically motivated, these trials would have been happening in 2012 or 2005.

Trump's criminal charges involve his handling of documents after his Presidency, his attempt to illegally hold on to power at the end of his Presidency, and his financial records from when he ran for President in 2016. Do you think Antifa has a time machine?

We actually do have a time machine, but only one. Jay, if you're reading this, it's my turn to use it last week.

Could I have made it more obvious what I was talking about than by stating those years and using the words "trials" instead of "charges"? like did you really think I was talking about those? JFC.

The article is talking specifically about the Jan 6 stuff, which he is facing a criminal trial over. In fact, when Mitch McConnell voted to acquit Trump in the impeachment for that, he directly stated that it was because it was more suitable for a criminal trial.

That doesn't mean I have to be limited to talking about that, and I made it REALLY obvious i wasn't.

Unfortunately It not obvious to me what trials you are talking about. I don't follow all the things that happen so forgive me. What trials are you talking about. I would be interesting in looking into them.

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You made no indication what you were talking about and you're "surprised" that people think you were talking about the article.

Ladies and gentlemen, the intelligence and honesty of trump supporters on full display right here.

You can't read

The problem is not my ability to read, but your inability to think outside of yourself. You'll continue to pretend it was clear because, again, you are so wrapped up in your own head that you can't even step outside of yourself and see a different perspective.

Which, again, is probably why you aren't smart enough to avoid defending trump here.

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explain to me how the election interference and classified documents trials could have happened in 2005. be detailed.

Read the whole thread, you're very late and confused

The reverend has aaked a valid question regarding your position and you have run away and hid, in typical conservative fashion.

Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word. Honesty is simply not a conservative trait, so I think it was nice of the reverend to even include you in the adult conversation. You can't say we didn't try.

Whole thread read. Answer the question or surrender that specific point. Refusing to argue entirely is a concession of the whole. You don't have to concede your whole argument. Just one point. Have responsibility for your words

They haven't weaponized shit. He's still being handled with kid gloves. TPTB are still protecting him for the most part. The reason he wasn't investigated in the past is because TPTB are mostly rich assholes like him that protect each other from being treated like us peasants.

Most of the opposition still isn't willing to hold Trump to the same standards as most people because even they're rich, corrupt, conservative shitheads. The prosecutions are politically motivated to be weaker than they should be for his crimes because all prosecutions against elites are weak. Most of them would spend life in prison if justice was blind.

The TIMING of these Trials that Trump keeps DELAYING and DELAYING is EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS! I think for my SELF!

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