Hunter Biden convicted of three felony counts in federal gun trial to – 376 points –
Hunter Biden convicted of three felony counts in federal gun trial

Why wasn't the NRA fighting for his second Ammendment rights?

The NRA will not defend anyone if drugs or police are involved.

Leaving aside the NRA a lot of 2A Advocates were / are hoping that this case will bring an end to these questions being on the 4473 form. They are obviously unconstitutional and they should not be on there.

Lol, gotta love that.

NRA won’t defend anyone who got in trouble buying a gun.

But he should have got the gun because those questions suck.

Appeal to the Supreme Court and let them overturn the conviction on the History and Tradition grounds that there's no historical precedent from infringing on the gun rights of people on crack. 5th Circuit already ruled on this matter and acquitted the defendant on similar grounds, in the case USA v. Daniels.

For anyone curious. I mean I disagree with these ridiculous overlay broad second amendment interpretations personally, but looks like he has an appeal argument based on how the courts have been treating the second amendment lately. I look forward to the mental gymnastics of the second amendment extremists on this case. Seeing marijuana spelled "marihuana" over and over in the ruling above is also pretty funny.

It was always spelled marihuana until they propagandized it.

Mary Hane just doesn’t have the same ring to it

Wikipedia suggests that the origin of the j in marijuana is a bit more obscure than that:

The origin of the word "marijuana" foreshadowed its current use. Historically, the earliest and most numerous group of users in the Americas were slaves from western Central Africa (modern Gabon to Angola. Their words for cannabis are now used in nearly all the places they (involuntarily) ended up during the 1700s and 1800s…Most notably, in Central America, the Kimbundu (Angolan) word mariamba became the Spanish word marihuana.

The word "marijuana" as we know it today did not appear until 1846 in Farmacopea Mexicana, though it was spelled "mariguana". In most following instances, the word was spelled marihuana. In Chilean Spanish, mariguanza is the dance of a shaman in an altered state of consciousness.

I might be wrong but doesn't being drunk count against you too in this case, no more drinking and hunting

Just another example of Joe Biden weaponizing the Department of Justice! ...oh wait.

In all seriousness, most people could see this result coming from a mile away. The prosecution had a solid case against him. I expect the justice system to hold everyone accountable for their actions, regardless of who they are. Republicans expecting us to do backflips to defend Hunter Biden as some sort of "gotcha" are completely out of their gourd. He earned this conviction through his own deeds, just like how Trump earned his.

They don't understand that we don't worship Biden like they do Trump. Hell, most of us don't even like him that much.

My sister was the victim of public enemy #1 in my state. She survived but there's cyber stalking laws now because of her. Biden as a Senator sponsored her to speak to Congress. She's the recipient of the Jefferson Award.

My sister doesn't like his politics, she probably didn't vote for him. But there's no question that Joe Biden is a good person. He is

I think he's a good person, but I agree with your sister and don't like his politics.

I will most definitely be voting for him and anyone else who isn't a Republican for the rest of my life, though.

I will most definitely be voting for him and anyone else who isn’t a Republican for the rest of my life, though.

I wish I had more years on this earth just so I could vote not Republican for longer than I'm going to be able to!

Ideally, there either won't be any more Republican candidates to not vote for or they'll somehow salvage themselves as a legitimate political party, but I doubt either of these things will happen in my lifetime.

I believe they can reform themselves, but like you I know I'll be dead of old age before they possibly could.

Theyd have to stop being giant pussies and slightly less dumbass so yeah your lifetime probably not

Theyd have to stop being giant pussies and slightly less dumbass so yeah your lifetime probably not

These things don't even appear on the top twenty list of things that would have to change for me to vote R.

Yeah, believing in objective reality would be a great start.

It's kind of a shitty law in the first place, but he was assuredly guilty of it. It's still unusual that they went after him for it when it wasn't connected to any other crime (which is usually when federal prosecutors use this law) and really unusual that the judge threw out the plea bargain.

I don't really get this take. I've seen the same people wanting stricter gun control and also saying this is a dumb law. Most responsible gun owners who are pro gun rights would agree that we don't want drug addicts to have guns. Why isn't this something people can all agree on? Admittedly, this is hypocritical as hell because police don't bother to follow up on felons who own guns, and even infrequent marijuana use prohibits people from purchasing firearms. But, it's just good sense for someone who is addicted to crack to not own guns.

Even with the details of this case, my understanding is that it all started because he was on drugs, and didn't have his gun safely stored and his then girlfriend, also a drug user, took it and threw it in a trash can in a public place, which is an excellent reason not to let drug users have guns.

"Drugs" are a pretty broad category of thing, it's unlikely that you're ever going to get an honest answer out of anyone, and it's even more unlikely that anyone using illegal drugs who wants a gun is going to not buy a gun because of this. It's just more war on drugs bullshit.

I'll also add that if people were actually worried about the competency of people buying guns to own guns, then it would make far more sense to put the burden of proof on the person buying to prove their competency. But that's not what this law is really about.

Republicans expecting us to do backflips to defend Hunter Biden as some sort of “gotcha” are completely out of their gourd. He earned this conviction through his own deeds, just like how Trump earned his.

Look at all the tears I'm crying because of my blind loyalty to the Biden family! Ah wait, actually I figure if he did those things then justice was served. Sorry magas.

So far a fair number have actually come out against the verdict, including Lindsay Graham... which makes me think there are a number of Republican legislators who own guns and enjoy partaking in a little nose candy from time to time, as well.

Surely now the NRA will come out and protest this flagrant violation of Hunter Biden's second amendment rights!

There is a strong argument on constitutional grounds here, it's why it's almost never charged.

You can drink and buy a gun.

Do a little crack?

(Okay, a lot of crack)

As long as you don't smoke crack or drink with the gun, it's okay by me.

Look, my gun likes to have fun. He's not loaded so we can't get too out of control. Plus we don't want to relive the lampshade incident.

Always practice safe sex folks.

I know multiple people, several of them fine upstanding Republicans that have violated this same law by lying on this same form. Hell, one of them has done it repeatedly in order to straw purchase firearms for his son, a convicted felon.

Wouldn't it be unfortunate if someone reported that kind of thing? Which one should do, since we're talking about a convicted felon possessing firearms.

we had one around here who shot up highland and whos bussiness went bust. Its funny how the community does not appreciate such loving family behaviour.

Highland Park, IL? I know someone who was there and had to hide in doorways on the street just below the shooter before sprinting away, while his friend was in the crowd being targeted.

yup. was not there thankfully but man I don't get how stupid people can be. Its pretty obvious if you have a son like that you don't help them get a gun.

Well it's official.

I will not be voting for Hunter Biden in November.

I guess I’m not voting for Hunter anymore.

I admit I was on the fence. Now definitely not. Couldn't in all good conscience vote for a convicted criminal.

Yeah I don't want to be a hypocrite like some so called americans. He is not even a possibility for me now and I might even vote for his opponent to show how much my morals and religion mean to me.

Not voting for him but maybe party with the guy if vibes are right

If I cared about this guy, or he was important in anyway, I'd feel something probably.

That this is even news is just odd.

I guess I'd take note if Trump's kids or Kushner were convicted, but then they were in and out of the White House far more frequently than Hunter. Nepotism ran rampant.

GOP is trying really hard to push the "crime family" narrative.

Every accusation is a confession.

Are you telling me that a white rich person was convicted of a gun crime, in America?

Ironically if he wasnt a rich white guy, then he would have either gotten away with it entirely, or would have got a misdemeanour plea deal.

Literally the only reason this became a felony conviction is because his name is Biden.

Exactly, it's sad.

No. It's what should happen. Because then us rich white people can get our heads around the fact that these laws are fucking barbaric.

Welp, I'm convinced. I certainly won't be settling for only the FATHER of a felon. I'm going to get the REAL THING.

Wonder if this opens the gate for cops on steroids to be charged?

I'm genuinely confused as to why I'm supposed to care? Yay, good for you, conservatives! They got trump, so YOU got Hunter Biden! Wow, good job! Anyway....

This wasn't political as much as Fox News might want it to be.

Actually it kind of was.

This is what they could dig up on the Biden’s after giving a special prosecutor near-carte-blanch to look for dirt on President Biden (and the rest of his family.) this, and the tax stuff.

Even then, they would have had a plea deal, which was more inline with normal sentencing and shit, except that, it wasn’t “enough” so the prosecution decided to fuck around.

As for the tax stuff also being brought in California… that’s been settled by the IRS and still being prosecuted all the same. Because politics.

I get that the law is the law, and the jury has to rule as such (barring nullification), but this is such a stupid law.

None of our other constitutional rights are contingent on not using controlled substances.

Serious question: are there other constitutional rights that can provide the direct means to kill?

Non-serious answer: depends on how sharp your insults are.

I don't give a fuck about any Biden beyond my firm-but-disheartening vote for Joe, but this particular law is bullshit. That question ought to be removed from the federal form.

What upsets me is that it's pretty much never actually enforced except as an add-on for violent criminals.

I used to sell guns, and people would attempt to illegally buy guns from my store all the time and the Feds didn't do shit. I had convicted felons on camera outside the store giving cash to people to go buy guns for them, and law enforcement didn't care.

But THIS they'll prosecute.

Wonder how Don Jr and his daddy filled out their paper work?

Whoop de fucking doo.

Since this was never actually newsworthy, can he go away now?

So what's the typical sentence?

Side question: Should't it also be illegal for Hallie Biden to dispose of an illegal firearm by putting it in a trash can outside a grocery store for a random person to find? That seems like a very irresponsible way to handle a firearm and evidence.

Should’t it also be illegal for Hallie Biden to dispose of an illegal firearm by putting it in a trash can outside a grocery store for a random person to find?

It likely IS illegal to do so but she'll never be prosecuted for it.

Those are rookie numbers, you gotta get those numbers up

Yeah I was wondering if I was the only one thinking like "only 3" - we deserve better! :-P

Ah yes, they finally caught the Biden Crime Family, surely they will be forced to yield to the all powerful might of the very strong and handsome Trump. He's a shoe in to win the election now, no Russian or Chinese meddling or rioting to overturn the results needed!

Sucks to be him. His name short wires every Republican's brain into a frenzy, otherwise they'd probably be in full support of him for 2A rights. Very consistent party!