Accused adulterer Trump who paid to keep Stormy Daniels affair secret professes ‘love’ for the Ten Commandments

theprogressivist to politics – 573 points –
Trump, an accused adulterer with Stormy Daniels, talks ‘love’ for Ten Commandments




"Serial Adulterer"

1977 - Married Ivana
1990s - Starts cheating with Marla Maples
1991 - Ivana divorce!
1993 - Married Marla Maples
1995-1996 - Adjudicated rape of E. Jean Carroll
1997 - Divorced Marla
1998 - Meets Melania
2005 - Marries Melania
2005 - Sexually assaults Natasha Stoynoff
2006 - Karen McDougal affair
2006 - Stormy Daniels affair (while Melania is pregnant with Barron)
2006 - Multiple counts of assaulting pageant contestants.
2007 - Sexually assaulted Summer Zervos

Are the Commandments on display at any of his properties? Were they on display in the Oval Office when he was in charge? Why do I even bother asking?

The rubes he's talking to with this fake tweet will accept what he's saying uncritically like always. So unfortunately you're right, there's no point in asking.

"I start kissing them. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful ancient texts. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the tablet. You can do anything."

I don't know if it says more about me, or more about trump that I almost thought this was a real quote.

Same energy as him holding that Bible. The people who believe this weren't ever gonna question him anyways.

His hat reads 45-47

That's wrong. It implies he was the 46th president too.

It should read 45, 47

What a dumbass.

He is such a fucking narcissist, I can actually see him running with his ridiculous claim of the election being stolen, so he thinks 46 is his too. So in his mind he's 45, 46, and 47. I can honestly see him using this idiotic "logic", and his cult lapping it up.

The other bit of irony is that being the 46th would disqualify him from being the 47th

wouldn't it be awesome to get a case pushed up to the supreme court or something arguing that trump is ineligible to run for president because he "won" in 2016? it would just so perfectly highlight the hypocrisy of it all

Once he is dictator, 'Rule of Law' is going to be fundamentally-redefined.

_ /\ _

Are these praying hands or a bird looking up ?

He'd try to get the Supreme Court to ruke Biden's presidency was illegitimate and that he deserves an extra 4 years. If Trump gets elected it will be the end of democracy

It should read -1 because he's a shitstain.

It should read:


And if he spins around fast enough his hat will look as if the wojack rolling around is animated.

I would love for an interviewer to ask him to name, like, three of the Commandments.

He's in the middle of a rosary. His priests advised him not to.

Trump also worships a false idol (money), bore false witness (and keeps getting judgements), steals (doesn't pay for work), doesn't keep the sabbath, covets pretty much everything, and is too chicken shit to commit murder but has called for the death penalty on exonerated people and was recently in the news because while president he wanted his opponents executed.

Somebody needs to tell Trump that his religion expects him to follow the commandments, not break them. Bet he'll feel real silly for mixing that up.

It’s not just ‘accused’ anymore

Legally, we weren’t convicting him of adultery, he’s a convicted felon for trying to hide it in order to subvert the election.

Even though the entire case is predicated on adultery, it is not a legal fact, so they’re covering themselves from a libel lawsuit.

I’m not a lawyer, however, so that’s training from my journalism degree years ago talking. Someone with better knowledge can correct me.

I feel like a large news organization should take their chances with a lawsuit. Bezos has got enough money to have the Washington Post do it. Make Trump argue in court that while he was found guilty of paying off a pornstar to cover up his adultery, it doesn't mean he's an actual adulterer.

I respect people who have faith... but those religious idiots out there using religion as a weapon and the scum of society, and those from, the ones that think Trump is a kind of messiah, are so completely utterly brained fucked that should be legally declared incapacitated

Why should faith be respected?

Respect as a person in spite of their faith.

Oppose to not respecting someone as a person for not respecting (the authority of) their faith.

My guess anyways...

Why shouldn't people who have a faith be respected?

First, I didn't say the people shouldn't be respected. I said faith shouldn't be. It's the worst, least reliable way to draw conclusions about the world. A method that only ever produces falsehoods is not respectable. Why should I respect it?

Oh, I know. But the original comment you responded to said "I respect people who have faith" which is why I brought it up. I also believe faith itself is dumb and have little respect for it.

Faith is just a personal trait. I did not mean "respect" as in "revered", I meant respected as in "not my business, not gonna judge".

To clarify further, I believe we all have faith in something. Scientists have faith/hope/expectations without direct evidence, that science will answer all questions given time. I have faith/hopes/expectations that my sport teams will prevail one day. I don't think there is anything wrong with having faith (as in hopes without direct evidence) about anything. The problem is when that faith becomes the driving force of your life and you want to impose it on others.

The first 4 commandments all say "love no other god but me" and trump prolly thinks hes god, so it checks out

Why wouldn't he love them? He keeps breaking them without repercussions. It's the kinds of laws Trump loves.

For leaders it's 10 important lines to oppress all the others. And to start witch hunts. Long ago it was rules for personal life.

Trump: "I love your 10 commandments," you insolate moron. They mark you as a gullible fool that is easy to manipulate because you oversimplify from a lack of cognitive depth and believe in magic. I can say and do anything, and you'll charge into my sword because you see red and believe. At least a bull gives some fight, you on the other hand...

I've been saying this for almost a decade now, but if I wrote a book with someone like this guy as the biblical antichrist people would say it was way too on the nose.

just a reminder: the stormy Daniels thing was about election fraud. It's not illegal to pay someone for sex in some places, but it is illegal to defraud the voting public.

I mean, yes, sex out of wedlock is not an Old Testament sort of thing to do, and it's the right POV for this context.

Just wanting to remind everyone: he's guilty of election fraud.

(I've had someone confused thinking that was what Georgia is about, but that's election interference. I know, they all start to blur together after a while.)

"Accused" adulterer? The fuck? That's a matter of public record.

Accused? The proof of the affair was part of the evidence for his criminal trial.

The guy who literally embodies all of the Seven Deadly Sins "loves" the Ten Commandments.

Of course he loves the Ten Commandments. He views them as a to-do list.

Come on do I have to say at this point? He will say anything, he is a compulsive liar.

So 1. John 2:4 is perfect for him: The one who claims, “I know him,” while not keeping his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in this person.

He also conspired in (ETA because I misremembered) the cover up of* torture and murder, not to mention raped people.

How come (so many) people think that when Trump says something, he actually thinks it?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

His post came after Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed legislation this week that requires the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in the state.

He was accused of having an affair with Stormy Daniels and was convicted in New York of 34 felonies to make hush money payments to keep it secret.

On Friday, the federal judge presiding over Trump’s classified documents case in Florida is hearing arguments on a long-shot defense effort to get the indictment thrown out.

He is also facing state and federal cases in connection with his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results which he has falsely claimed was stolen from him.

Landry in court,” Rachel Laser, president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State said on Wednesday.

In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that the public display of the Ten Commandments in two Kentucky county courthouses was similarly unconstitutional.

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