What's a good podcast you like?

BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 158 points –

My personal favourite is Beautiful/Anonymous. Tell me yours.


Behind the Bastards!

Do you know who else listened to Behind the Bastards?

…the products and services that support this podcast🤷‍♂️

I love his segues.

I hope I spelled that right, it looks really wrong to me for some reason.

Came here to say this. I feel like everyone can benefit from listening to BtB

You know who else could benefit from listening to Behind the Bastards.

The products and services that support this comment.

Actually, nevermind, that would be too good of an ad transition.

Besides, they’re all busy on the island where censored hunts children for sport.

Definitely don't binge it tho, it can be a lot.

+1 for Behind the Bastards. Robert Evans might be one of the few leftists around these days that I can tolerate to listen to for more than 5 minutes.

I tried it but wound up feeling the same way I do about the many nazi shows they used to play on History channel. I understand we should be wary of the villains of our past, but devoting hours of time laughing and talking about them seems disingenuous to the many many others who suffered from their actions.

My three favorite podcasts gotta be,

  1. Behind the Bastards - They basically pick a "bastard" from history talk about them.
  2. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History - Explainers about interesting (and often, grim) historical events in great detail.
  3. A Podcast of Unnecessary Detail - Three fellow nerds talk about nerd stuff.

I wish Behind The Bastards would be in another format. Just can't stand that style of podcasting

I honestly really like it. Their casual humor brings balance to the otherwise dark content of the podcast.

Yeah, they talk about some FUCKED UP stuff on there. I'm glad Robert, Sophie, and guest(s) can joke a bit about things between some of the atrocities.

The Dollap - comedic American history podcast

Behind the Bastards - Robert Evans’ exposes some real rotten people with guests

Bill Burr - I just really like his weekly podcast even though I have no interest in sports

Knowledge Fight - this has been a hilarious/scary journey of 2 dudes reviewing Alex Jones Infowars since 2016

Love Bill Burr - his podcast is the reason I got into listening and enjoying podcasts back in the day!

If you’re someone who likes these you’ll probably like This Past Weekend with Theo Von. He’s usually got really good guests, and his energy is different than his stand up. I’ve really enjoyed listening.

I never see this mentioned but Darknet Diaries is actually a really informative and entertaining podcast about hacking, the dark web, physical penetration testing (gone wrong), nation-state cyber attacks.



Yeah, I know little of IT (as I'm a mech engineer, in construction) but find the story telling to be so good it's one of my favorite podcasts.

My favorites:

  • Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
  • Behind the Bastards
  • Radiolab
  • Stuff you should know
  • The Rest is History
  • Nature Podcast

If Books Could Kill

5-4 Pod

Know Your Enemy

The Climate Denier's Playbook

Unfucking the Republic

I think 5-4 is the best legal podcast out there. It's refreshing to hear legal takes from a leftist perspective by people that know what their talking about. It helped keep me sane in law school.

Climate Denier’s Playbook is great. After enjoying Rollie’s YouTube stuff for so long it’s nice to see it translates well with bouncing off someone instead of just monologuing.

Opening arguments is also a good legal/political podcast for fans of 5-4

Hey! I've listened to Opening Arguments, too. They're just not my favorite like 5-4.


It's the podcast I'm listening to right now. If you're interested in It you have to listen to it. The storytelling is just soo good. I really recommend the Episodes "Xbox Underground" and "Operation Bayonet"

Most episodes aren't actually about the dark Web and are instead about Cybersecurity.

Jack is the man. This is literally the only podcast I've ever listened to.

I'm a big fan of the following:

Maintenance Phase: discusses health/diet fads and scams

You're Wrong About: debunking the popular (but misinformed) narratives surrounding many well-known events of the past

Underunderstood: going down the rabbit hole of strange "ungoogle-able" questions (this one really fills the void Reply All left behind)

Darknet Diaries: super riveting cybersecurity (or just general security) stories

Also can really recommend darknet diaries.

Gonna check out the others you have listed.

Well, there's your problem. A podcast about engineering disasters, with slides.

It's actually a podcast about leftist takes on the news, and then they go into an engineering disaster after.

They know the audience is split on the additional content, and they don't care. Or they do care, and they land on the side of "we're doing it anyway".

Some I've been listening to lately:

  • Hard Fork - podcast about technology and science from the NYTimes that does a pretty good job of being varied and interesting.
  • Search Engine - newer podcast by PJ Vogt from Reply All about understanding weird or poorly understood topics.
  • Darknet Diaries - IT security stories, hacking, and red vs blue team defense of infrastructure.
  • Behind the Bastards - Stories about terrible people and their effect on society. Start with the Dulles Brothers or Kissinger.
  • Mother Country Radicals - Limited series about key members of the Weather Underground during the civil rights era.

I haven't seen anybody else suggest it but "99% invisible" is one of my favorites.

Dungeons and Daddies, Behind the Bastards, and the Always Sunny podcast. To a lesser extent, "that happens."

Upvote for an actual play to try out. I'll happily add:

Redemption (a star wars podcast, just changed their name to smuggler's blues)

Friends at the Table, they play different systems and have fun running them. Players are having fun, but it's not a comedy podcast.

The Magpies, blades in the dark play. Not humor.

And Spout Lore, it started off as the GM trying to have a game with depth and it's a scaffolding held up by dick jokes. (Imagine that however you'd like)

I am not a D&D a person and my husband very much is. He loves actual play podcasts and desperately wants me to love them too, but I just can’t.

Dungeons & Daddies is the solution. It’s pure gold. It’s the first and only podcast I’ve ever joined a Patreon for. (I admittedly do also appreciate many parts of The Adventure Zone, but the daddies are comedy start to finish. No weird sappy awkward dramatic improv taking itself too seriously.)

Love Always Sunny! I just finished all 15 seasons of the show on Disney Plus and am really enjoying the podcast. The Dayman Cometh episode made me so happy.

Lions Led By Donkeys - fun, irreverent military history podcast that is still quite informative

Hardcore History - more like an audio book that comes out once or twice a year. The WWI series is like 20- something hours BY ITSELF

I love this thread! Many of my favorites have been mentioned. My first first few are acquired tastes, but I have come to really enjoy them.

  • Last Podcast on the Left - true crime, aliens, paranormal, horror comedy show
  • Timesuck with Dan Cummins - similar to LPotL, but single host
  • Knowledge Fight - commentary on Alex Jones and others with humor
  • Internet Today - opinion based comedy news for all things tech, gaming, etc.

On the shorter side:

  • Everything Everywhere Daily - something new every day on various subjects
  • Today in History with the Retrospectors - short daily episodes bringing you curious moments from this day in history
  • Atlas Obscura - curious and wondrous travel destinations

And a classic that I don't think has been mentioned:

  • Stuff You Should Know - interesting discussion about a wide variety of topics

I have added Chilluminati to try based on this thread.

Man, LPotL has really come a long way in their research depth and quality. Started listening for the true crime but I like their paranormal and cult stuff more.

Some of my favorite ones are their in-depth historical pieces. Their Black Plague and Manhattan project episodes left me emotionally devastated for days afterwards.

Agreed! They have matured a lot… well, at least in the depth of research. 😂

Last Podcast on the Left. Cryptids, UFOs, serial killers, cults, history of bloody incidents, and other true crime, but it's a comedy podcast.

Ironic that a podcast covering cults has its own cult following. /s Their cult episodes are my absolute favorite.

I like video games, goofy stuff, and tech. So lately, it's been:

  • My Brother, My Brother, and Me
  • Noclip
  • Besties
  • We Have Concerns
  • Search Engine (New podcast from PJ Vogt of Reply All fame - if you haven't listened to Reply All, there are a number of great episodes to enjoy)
  • How Did This Get Made
  • and occasionally Swindled (my girlfriend likes true crime stuff and this is about as close as I like to get to that)

I listen to so many, its hard to pick one. My current favourite is probably Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford. He does really good podcasts and I've followed him over from his BBC Radio 4 podcast (More or Less) which I also love.

Cautionary Tales is about a major screw up from history and the systemic problems that caused it. It takes away from society's bias to lay blame at the feet of the last known individual involved and looks at the whole causal chain leading up to an event.

Excellent stories and wonderfully produced

Ologies by Allie Ward!!

She basically interviews scientists about their job and asks all the dumb questions you wish you could ask. She has a huge number of episodes on everything from black holes and dark matter to squirrels to Emojis. And it's all from the perspective of "the study of".

One of my favorite episodes is "Ferro-equinology". The study of iron horses. Trains. I knew trains were cool, but had no idea how cool they really were until that episode.

Her energy is addictive too. Great personality. If you are a part of her patron (which I am) you'll get a heads up before her interviews and she give an opportunity for you to post questions that she'll ask the Ologist.

It's (Probably) Not Aliens-Podcast debunking Ancient Aliens on the History Channel.

The Magnus Archives- Horror podcast about an institute that investigates paranormal activity.

Knifepoint Horror-Horror anthology podcast.

Sonic the Comic the Podcast- A podcast reviewing the British Sonic the Hedgehog comic issue by issue. An interesting look back at 90s nostalgia, even if you aren't British.

Comedy Bang Bang - batshit crazy improv comedy

I personally like Latteral with Tom Scott

The Greatest Generation: a Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are just a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast. Ben and Adam watch an episode of Star Trek and discuss it with lots of dumb jokes. Worth listening from the start!

Defunct, now, but Revolutions by Mike Duncan is an EXCELLENT breakdown of many historical revolutions, including all the major figures and intellectual currents that inspired and led them.

A few I love:

The Constant: A History of Getting Things Wrong. Host Mark Chrysler tells stores from the distant to not-to-distant past of people being wrong. Wrong science, crockpot ideas, and more. For example, one episode looks at where people thought birds went in the winter, such as flying to the moor or turning into barnacles. There are 2 different episodes on different doctors that thought sewing animal testicles (one ape balls, the other goat balls) bought great health benefits. Another series of episodes looks at how most forensic techniques (at least before DNA) ante based on pure BS.

Our Fake History: Host Sebastian Major tells the truth about historic myths, be it about people, organizations, or places. Did Shakespeare write his plays? Was the story of the Trojan War based on real history? Was their really a black samurai?

Blowback. I'm only on the first season which is about the Iraq war, and it's great so far. Great use of audio clips from Bush admin officials to prove their points.

The Dollop, Behind the Bastards, Dungeons and Daddies, and The Rest is History are my standbys.

I also listen to The Constant, Levar Burton Reads, 99% Invisible, The Always Sunny Podcast, Past Gas, and Twenty Thousand Hertz.

Love Always Sunny. I just finished all fifteen seasons and I want to talk about it all the time.

Lateral with Tom Scott - quiz show style with questions that make you think.

Ologies - interviews about science topics with a different anything-ologist for every episode

This is so hard to answer because I have so many I love to listen to - which are basically all Australian comedy podcasts. Here’s 10 that I’ve listened to the longest and most frequently:

  1. The Little Dum Dum Club
  2. The Phone Hacks
  3. Somehow Related with Glenn Robbins and Dave O'Neil
  4. Mid-flight Brawl
  5. The Mugg Off
  6. Big Natural Talents
  7. Shitting with the Door Open
  8. Community Noticeboard
  9. Feed Em Brah
  10. The Becky & Cam Show

Even with this list (initially it was just 5) I’ve still got some great ones I listen to regularly that I’ve left off!

On The Media is the best news podcast. It reports on how stories are being reported, hence “on the media”, and in the process ends up being the most informative and deep reporting available. Journalists and academics love it, it’s a legendarily good show that started on NPR radio.

Lage der Nation

from Germany. It’s like the weekly newspaper, where a judge and a journalist sum up and talk about what is happening in and around Germany. I like how they put everything in perspective and that not everything is as easy as it seems.

Dungeons and daddies for dnd and campaign: sky jacks for star wars rpg

The Adventure Zone as well for DnD. Love those guys. They hit my sense of humor so perfectly and Griffin is an excellent story teller.

Good recommendation. I have been listening to this before bed for the last 2 weeks and been loving it. I originally just started listening to try to understand how a DnD game actually works, but they are hilarious. Viva La the great wizard Taco!

Triforce podcast for silly and fun chats from the Yogscast members, Sips, PFlax, and Lewis

Love Triforce. It’s one of the few that I actually manage to keep up do date on.

"Homestuck Made This World" is a critical analysis of the webcomic Homestuck that morphs into a discussion about how the culture of the Internet changed immensely from 2008 to 2015.

"Lavar Burton Reads" is as it says, a podcast about an actor reading science fiction pieces.

The first season of Good Assassins is incredibly gripping. It tells the story of a Jewish spy after World War 2 who spends months befriending a Nazi who escaped justice known as 'The Butcher' with the goal of killing him. It's a roller coaster

99% invisible.
This Podcast Will Kill You.
And for something light: UnderUmderstood.

By far Completely Arbortrary. A podcast about trees and tree related topics. The host are great, one of them you might recognize from the podcast Ologies if you are into science topics.

The hosts compliment each other well and deliver a funny, educational podcasts with fun series for certain months. Highly highly reccomend

I listen to quite a few episodes by the Economist. Science Vs, Freakonomics are couple of others that come to mind right now.

You're Wrong About Maintenance Phase Sounds Like A Cult Scarred for Life Pod and the Pendulum

Gastropod easily. They are so informative and it’s generally pretty entertaining if your into food and food history

Beach too sandy, water too wet.

Brother and sister duo that read mean, outrageous and plain weird product and place reviews. Very funny.

Mysterious Universe

OK buddy this is the podcast that radicalized me. Its also low key turned into a rightwing antivax conspiracy fest, but seasons 1-25 were good. Just stop listening when covid arrives. Moderately funny, good if you like paranormal stuff.

Lets talk about sects

Not funny, actually usually horrifying, but its a great resource for anyone interested in learning about cults around the world and the shit they got up to.

Chilluminati. Jesse Cox who was previously on co-optional with Total Biscuit talks paranormal, internet stories and true crime. Jesse is a skeptic, his stoner co-host is way too into it and the third guy is neutral and just kind of laughs at it all. Better than it should be due to the balance.

Been really into hiking/backpacking lately so "Out alive" has been good.

I listen to way too many to name, but the two I always move to the top of the queue when they drop are Fright Pub (three very funny friends drink and talk about horror movies, to much hilarity) and Film Reroll (a bunch of talented actors and improv folks reenact and rewrite popular movies using tabletop dice mechanics).

Recently the latter did an insane reroll series of Memento that they recorded in chronological order and then re-edited and released in reverse order like the movie. In their E.T. reroll, they succeeded in getting E.T. off the planet and involved in an interstellar war. For Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, the GM invented a whole system for randomizing their trips back in time based on their phonepad keypresses, leading to a completely different set of historical figures collected for their final project. Truly nutso levels of craft and effort go into these episodes.

  • Sci show tangents
  • No Dumb Questions
  • Lateral
  • Lord of Spirits
  • 2 bears 1 cave
  • Your mom's house
  • This is important
  • Whiskey ginger
  • Blocks
  • We might be drunk
  • Are you garbage?
  • Spitballers
  • Fantasy footballers
  • Almost Friday
  • The best one yet
  • Real dictators
  • The connect
  • Always sunny podcast

Your moms house is one of those podcasts that I really need to watch the video for the full effect.

Friends at the Table is the best podcast.

It's an actual play podcast run in game systems designed mostly for story generation, operated by people who who know there's no such thing as a monster, and I'd never seen anything like it.

They ran some seasons in a post-fantasy-apocalypse world, some in a Star-Wars-meets-Gundam science fantasy world, and one recently in a Western sort-of-horror setting. I started at the beginning, with Autumn in Heiron, featuring orc archivists who work magic using extremely specific shopping lists, undead pastry chef boyfriends, and an "evil" alignment of "destroy something rather than trying to understand it".

But for the impatient you can start with Marielda. Marielda is a series of heists by a crew of illegal knowledge dealers, in a fantasy city that sounds like New Orleans, patrolled by living statues and ruled by a god who forged the sun, whom our players proceed to fight.

The sci-fi side, which is running its fourth season now, starts with COUNTER/Weight, a game set in the aftermath of a mecha movie never made. It features a character who is "what if Han Solo used to be Beyoncé", psychic hackers, and mechs who might be gods.

Also there's no sponsors because the GM is too punk for that.

Stuff You Should Know and Conon O'Brien Needs A Friend

Timesuck. The long form, research based style is a refreshing departure from a lot of the content I consume most days. Plus, each week is a different topic, so you get a good mix of history, cults, serial killers, and a little bit of everything in between.

TrueAnon. I recommend the series about Elon Musk, "The Lamest Show on Earth".

Because that always comes up: Yes, the name is making fun of QAnon because it's not true. They started out talking about Epstein, and that's an actually true pedophile conspiracy.

Land of the giants is one of my favorites

Only about 1 season a year but each season is about the rise (and sometimes fall) of big tech companies

Unexplainable is cool too, about weird sciencey things that we don't have an explanation for

We're Alive is a great story! Top notch production quality also.

If you enjoy HHGTTG, the podcast Star Tripper, has a similar vibe. Good story too.

I have three that I listen to: Distractible, Brain Leak, and Go! My Favorite Sports Team.

Decoder Ring Theatre, phenomenal audio drama podcast that got better as time went on

The Dollop and Casefile True Crime are my two favorites

I am not sure how it doesn't seem like these have been listed yet, maybe they are too obvious. But here is my list:

-Radiolab (Amazingly well told stories about every topic)

-Reply All (Hilarious dudes talking about internet trends and memes mostly)

-More Perfect (Essentially RadioLab but specifically focused on interesting supreme court history)

Reply All has wrapped up sadly. I like Radiolab, but sometimes it feels like "doot dootily doo, SCIENCE".

The end of Radiolab was so rough. They got pushed into doing some more serious reporting and it started to lose its charm...and then the drama that finally shut it down was a bummer.

I wish Alex Goldman would start a new show with a similar format. I liked PJ as a host but Alex carried it for me.

Did you listen to PJ's new podcast yet? I'm liking it. I think it has potential because he's smart.

I think you'd like Beautiful Anonymous a lot if you like those podcasts. It's an intimate conversation with an excellent host who is both a comedian and quasi therapist, and anonymous caller, and it's often really funny or heart warming.

I haven't, it was my understanding that PJ was one of the problem people at Gimlet when the whole BA thing went down so I've stopped following him.

Don't take that as gospel, though! I could be wrong. I haven't looked into it since it happened.

I feel like PJ was just burned out on the Spotify shit, when I listen to this podcast. He seems humbled. I decided to give him another shot.

Do we have any more details about that?

Full disclosure, I didn't read the whole thing. But I found it referenced here: https://www.vulture.com/article/gimlet-reply-all-controversy-spotify-test-kitchen.html

Shortly after the release of the second episode, he took to Twitter. In a long thread, he accused the Reply All team — specifically Pinnamaneni and PJ Vogt, one of the show’s co-founders — of contributing to a “near-identical toxic environment at Gimlet” as described in the Bon Appétit miniseries.

I also always thought that PJ was needlessly mean to Alex sometimes and I love Alex lol

I actually did read the whole thing. It's interesting, I don't really know how to feel about it. It sounds like a cluster and even though those two may have been jerks called out by that one person, it sounded like management itself rested with lieber, some other person and to some extent Alex himself?

It kind of raps up sort of rosey, Alex is on the bargaining committee, Vogt now supposedly supports the union and its goals. And I think everyone is still part of the company in some way? Maybe with the exception of Piannameni, they were kind of vague about her fate with the company.

  • The Unmade Podcast - Podcast about podcasting ideas
  • Smashing Security - IT security news
  • Eagle Nine: Locked - Story podcast
  • World's Greatest Con - Season 1 is about misleading Nazis on DDay, Season 2 is about Game show cheating, Season 3 is about infilitrating research about the paranormal.

Shagged Married Annoyed

I like brittish comedy, but I'm not brittish myself :)

Kerning Cultures should be on the list of everyone who likes 99PI and This American Life. It's like those two shows had a baby and it grew up in the Arab world.

For Spanish speakers I recommend 'Las Hijas de Felipe', about medieval/modern History (herstory?). They usually cover mundane things, rather than battles or empires.

I really admire these two → Radiolab and 70 over 70

Three major ones for me: Dudesy, What's It Called, and Never Seen It. All great comedy podcasts!

I was a huge fan of The No Sleep Podcast specially during the early seasons. But recently they've been trying so much unnecessary stuff which kind of takes away the whole fun of listening to it. They also started advertising brands after every story. Definitely recommend listening to the first few seasons though if you like horror.

Thartharaa, stories from history told in a way that makes them very moving, bro like I cried one time or two

WTF with Marc Maron is a comedy podcast of interviews with comedians, actors, writers, and musicians. They’ve hosted some great guests such as Cillian Murphy of Oppenheimer.

Stuff You Should Know. Also a comedy podcast that is essentially a literature review on a plethora of topics covering everything from whether Mallory summited Everest to how HIV works.

I really like The Lost Drivein if I just want to tune out and laugh, their movie review style is pretty entertaining

This Podcast Will Kill You.

True crime:

  • RedHanded - British true crime podcast

  • Park Predators - Crime in America's National Parks

  • True Crime Bullshit - Series on serial killer Israel Keyes

  • CaseFile - Australian true crime podcast

  • Small Town Murder - comedy true crime in US small towns


  • God Awful Movies - Atheist reviews of Christian movies


  • Maintenance Phase - Debunking diet myths and fighting fatphobia

  • If Books Could Kill - Debunking claims from best-selling books

I started getting into True Crime podcasts. So far, I'm liking these

  • Crime Junkie
  • True Crime Couple
  • Casefile
  • Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories (Although I don't listen to this anymore because it's a Spotify exclusive. It is pretty good tho.)

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Morbid, Red-handed, Wine & Crime, Criminology, True Crime Garage, Dark Poutine, My Favorite Murder, Small Town Murder.

Varying degrees of comedy, I cycle through favorites depending on my mood.

If you love true crime, I absolutely recommend Sinisterhood! Amazingly funny hosts with great insights.

Hidden Brain, Search Engine, The Knowledge Project

Dudesy is a new favorite along with Bad Friends

CodeSwitch Pop Culture Happy Hour Stuff You Should Know Stuff You missed in History Class Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (more of a radio show but I like it anyway)

joe rogan is really the only podcast i listen to, lots of great guests and good flow of conversation usually

Yeah super great guests like Jordan Peterson and RFK. Yikes.

Rogan ran out of interesting fringe guests years ago. Now he hosts a platform for mostly nutjobs to promote their easily-refutable conspiracy theories while he replies with "Wow"

wow people really hate joe rogan lol, i watch the comedians not the politicians. "Wow"

I used to like him but I can't stand him now for the above reasons. I have no respect for someone who knowingly gives a HUGE platform to grifters. It's the biggest podcast in the world so anything said on there has a significant cultural impact.

Nobody was talking about RFK until he was a guest. Now there's tons of people who think he's a real candidate for the presidency because ..why else would Joe have him on the show?

I think Joe Rogan treads in dangerous waters with some of his guests and it ruins the whole thing. He should have stuck to comedians because I agree with you - those are funny and worth listening to

Joe Rogan experience

The origins podcast

I don't listen much podcasts

Isn't Joe Rogan a right wing antivaxxer?

He endorsed Bernie Sanders for US president

So he’s Leftwing on abortion and rightwing on vaccines.

how can you be "rightwing on vacinnes" or "leftwing on abortion"? Do words not have meanings any more?

Because people are not caricatures and don’t have 100% agreement with one political side or another. That’s why you have some Democrats who oppose gun control and some Republicans who support abortion. Politics is a spectrum, not something to pidgeonhole people into.

This isn’t hard if you understand the words and their meanings.

This isn’t hard if you understand the words and their meanings.

I already said that I don't.

Just because he doesn't support your stupid cultish ideology doesn't mean he is right wing

I think you should try listening to other podcasts because that's pretty close minded.

Why do you assume I only listen to him? You seem to be projecting your cultish behaviour on me