Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs to World – 831 points –
Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs

This generation in Western Europe is totally against Russia. It is necessary to uproot them in their entirety.

Why do you think this happened? This guy has no idea.

Like grandpa said! RATHER DEAD THAN RED!

Red? What's that got to do with this?

Putler has a nostalgia problem wanting to return the soviet union (a nazi shithole)

I think he wants to go back to the Russian Empire. At least that is what he himself is referring to again and again in his pseudo-historical ramblings. He cherry-picks from history whatever suits him and his imperialistic goals.

The USSR was just the Russian empire in a communist cosplay. It's all tzars all the way down.

Red is synonymous with commie in most ex-soviet states. In Poland communism is viewed exactly the same as nazism. Maybe even worse because at least Germans apologized.

this is great, posts like these draw out all the tankies who I can then add to my block list

Good idea.

Taiwan number one

1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre 15 Apr 1989 – 4 Jun 1989

What are tankies?

misguided people who simp for dictators and war criminals just because they oppose the west

People who've gone so far left they've come full circle and gone fascist and admire authoritarian communist regimes like China and the USSR. Like flat earthers I thought they were a made up joke until I started seeing a while bunch of unironic "Stalin did nothing wrong" type commentary.

I think a better question is "where are these tankies?" because I keep seeing people talk about them on these kinds of posts and have yet to actually see a tankie. Who here is defending the killing of POWs? You'd think they exist based on some of the posts here calling out this strawman.

They're on Lemmygrad which lemmyworld defederated from.

Their communities have been defederated from .world which is why you don't see them.

They can still post on communities here and I've definitely seen users from lemmygrad post in communities here, but I've never seen actual tankie rhetoric. What I do see are many here claiming that the tankies are rampant but nothing to actually back that up. Is pointing to lemmygrad like how some people point to Chicago or Detroit and make broad generalizations?

I had to switch instances to one that defederated from Hexbear because there would be hundreds of comments from them with a few tankies posting dozens of comments. It's real. You're just not seeing it due to the defederation.

If you're defederated you won't see their comments.

Creators of Lemmy are tankies. defederated from their lemmygrad instance but is still there unfortunately.

Amusingly, I see responses to this that I can't see.

The block function is beautiful.

You can block me as well, nazi.

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No different then when some SS officers admitted to what they did to the “undesirables” and that they deserved it, and would do it again.

At least the Nazis were smart enough to figure out why everyone hated them.

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Russia is a diseased country that's trying to spread its rot. Why they aren't dealt with more sternly is curious to me

because invading another country usually involves mass civilian deaths and should be avoided as a rule

Nobody wants to invade Russia. Whats absurd is that we sit around and let them invade other countries. I understand the desire to avoid escalation but if all other avenues fail there should be a willingness among free nations to boot them out swiftly and efficiently and make it clear that their dreams of empire building are done and it's time to get their house in order instead of distracting themselves with destroying others.

there is currently an extensive international effort to not let them invade other countries

Which is a nice change to their usual invasions of other countries.

Of course if that could happen if anyone were to invade other countries, it would be nice.

Yes but not nearly so committed that treating them more "sternly" immediately entails a full out invasion of Russia.

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They have nukes

And foreign policies

Basically, there's no direct laws to prosecute other countries. There's only sanctions. And since we can't pull them in front of the Hague, we are using sanctions. And with "we" I mean all of the world except for a few rogue nations like Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, India, and a few more iirc.

They maybe have nukes

They literally can't fuel their own tanks so whether or not their nukes are more than just expensive paperweights is very much up for discussion

It only takes one successful nuke to produce a world of regret, vastly worse than anything experienced to date.

Is that really a risk worth taking?

Gonna be honest dude I don't see anyone in the DoD listening to my hot takes or taking me very seriously.

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Huh, Where are all the hexbear tankies?

For me? Blocked.

Stalin shipped my relatives to the gulag for being elected representatives in Estonia. Fuck hexbear and fuck tankies.

Masturbating to the thought of killing innocent civilians and POW's. You know... Regular conservative shit.

Regular communist shit.


Conservatives are fascist. Not communist.

There's plenty of conservative communits if you leave the US.

At some point they become basically the same.

The people jerking off to Kremlin propaganda are not and never were communists.

They are half astroturfed bots, and half conservatives that started listening to hacks like fucking Maupin before Tucker Carlson got to them.

Absolute wastes of space far right pieces of trash adapting the aesthetics of liberatory politics.

Defending the tankies i see... 🤡 All of those that support Russia are a waste of oxygen.

Facism relies on authoritarian control of markets and property, it has much more in common with communism.

It seems like something that Putin would want.

Yet people still argue russians aren't barbarian terrorists.

You should be wary of labelling an entire group by the actions of a few.

Do the war crimes committed in Abu Ghrabi make all Americans barbarian terrorists?

While it's true that it's not the entirety of the Russian population, there's still the oligarchs, mercenaries, media outlets, the entire government body, and a fuck ton of the military, all more than happy to fuck over their ex-comrades as soon as they get the green light. I'm pretty sure that's who we mean when we generalize "Russians".

As a Latin American, this applies to Americans as well. Much love to a decent part (if not most) of the people there, but FUCK the US for fucking us all over with banana republics, neoliberalism, and red scare shenanigans, only for them to then have the galls to turn out to be xenophobic, warmongering, orangeman-loving fundamentalist pieces of shit.

Anyway, Russia, right. Fuck Putin and his greasy ball of oligarchs.

And the Americans used to be on the side of the Taliban when it suited them in a proxy war with Russia.

The point I'm making is that most people want a quiet and happy life. I know that dehumanising the enemy is a natural part of war, but try to be mindful of that and leave civilians out of it.

And the Americans used to be on the side of the Taliban when it suited them in a proxy war with Russia.

The Mujahideen of the 80s weren't the Taliban. The Mujahideen-led government of the early 90s was quite explicitly attacked and overthrown by the Taliban, and reformed into the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance, which still existed by the time of our intervention in Afghanistan in 2001.

Abu Ghraib perpetrators went to prison, while this asshole went on TV.

Case in point, you're making the assumption that all Russians support the killing of these POWs.

Huh, no I'm not? I'm saying the army's and the media's reaction to war crimes is better in the west than in Russia. Russian society seems pretty fucked up, but I know that most of individual Russians don't have a say in it.

russia is a terrorists state. It's up to russians to change this fact. Until they do, all of them are assisting terrorism.

What a silly response. Americans can't get their leaders to allow them a minimum living wage, yet this guy wants Russians to topple a terrorist state. Stop with the group labeling. Not everyone has the knowledge / courage / ability / nothing-to-lose attitude that it takes to fight organized government mafia that's been throwing opponents out of the Kremlin windows without restraint. Let's give the Russian people the benefit of doubt regarding their intentions, and not call them all terrorists at least.

russians are attempting a genocide upon Ukraine. They are castrating/beheading captured soldiers, murdering/kidnapping/brainwashing Ukrainian children. Until they prove otherwise, russia is a terrorist state and russians are terrorists.

Uff... as much as I think Ukraine is something of a corrupt western puppet, Russia is still, well, Russia. Not a great, humanitarian society.

Murdering POWs is an inherent part of communism

How is that relevant to the article?

Russia: a capitalist oligarchy, which hasn't been communist for 30 years.

Wagner Group: A private military/mercenary group/soldiers for hire.

Nothing about the Russo-Ukraine war has anything to do with communism.

Is the torture that goes on in the USA's Guantanamo Bay facility "an inherent part of capitalism"?

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So now we're posting literal Nazi websites?

Euromaidan is a Ukrainian news site, not a russian one

What does that have to do with the website (Euromaiden Press)?

If anything, they have a slight left-leaning bias, so how are they Nazi website?

Go home tankie.

I'm black fyi so no, I'm not going anywhere, you however will be leaving with your nazi trash

I’m black fyi so no, I’m not going anywhere, you however will be leaving with your nazi trash

What does that have to do with anything?

You accused the website of being Nazi, when it has a left-leaning bias. How does being black make any difference regarding an uninformed opinion like that?

What? care to elucidate us on this?

According to Russia, anyone critical or in opposition to Russia is a Nazi.

Sounds kinda like a fascist take on foreign policy, but really is there any actual info about this source being some sort of spawn of evil?

There is not. It‘s simply a strongly pro-Ukrainian website. Russian official propaganda and our tankies call everything that is critical of Russia‘s aggression „Nazism“ or „Fascism“. It is projection in its finest form, and borderline Orwellian.

The two words have lost all meaning in Russian propaganda and are simply used as a placeholder for „enemy“. They don’t seem to realize how absurd that makes them sound.

Well yeah, that is why I called the practice fascist. But I really want them to explain in great detail, it is a great joy to watch the gymnastics.

The only gymnastics here are happening in your head.

Kinda lame gymnastics then, I am still really interested in how this source is associated with the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

That's just you burying your head in the sand and not wanting to listen to the truth

Please educate us on this then. All I see so far is basic statements but not even the hint of a theory let alone evidence.

Ukraine joined the Nazi party as did Finland, so it's no surprise they're going back to their old habits

Russia allied with the Nazis to invade Poland. No surprise that Russia is going back to their old habits.

The Nazis invaded first and Russia lost many brave soldiers fighting against Nazi trash, looks like you're a literal Nazi apologist

Russia was allied with the Nazis to invade a country... Looks like you're a literal Nazi apologist.

Russia invades Poland

"Finland then turned to Nazi Germany for military aid. As the German offensive against the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) approached, the cooperation between the two countries intensified. German troops arrived in Finland and took up positions, mostly in Lapland, from where they would invade the Soviet Union."

Nice try Nazi

Sure thing, tankie. If calling out the USSR makes me a Nazi then dress me in jackpots and Hugo Boss clothes I guess, despite being first generation Chinese in the US.

Why did he talk about Finland anyway? You didn't mention Finland, unless I missed something.

Second, he didn't include a timeline of Finland:

-August 1939: Russia becomes allies with the Nazis

-November 1939: the Nazi ally, Russia invaded Finland.

-June 1941: Finland joined the Nazis in betraying and attacking the Nazis' ally, Russia. So, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Tldr: Russia joined the Nazis of their own free will. Finland joined trying to repel an invasion.

So is Finland today a Nazi nation? Does this make France a Nazi nation (well half of it)?

I thought according to russia, Ukraine was never a real nation? Does this mean they are, and are somehow also part of a third reich that never ended?

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