'WE ARE EVERYWHERE' Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida

TheJims@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 626 points –
Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida

Members of white supremacist and antisemitic hate groups marched outside Orlando, Florida, on Saturday screaming invectives, raising the Nazi salute, and yelling “Heil Hitler” and “white power.”

“We are everywhere!” neo-Nazis can be heard shouting in a video shared by former Florida House of Representatives member Anna V. Eskamani. Later in the footage, they yelled, “Heil Hitler” while performing a Nazi salute.


The m249 machine gun has a cyclic rate of fire of at least 650 rounds per minute with a sustained rate of fire exceeding 100 rounds per minute. From a stable firing position and with the aid of a bipod, it is possible to accurately lay down sustained suppressing fire on a mass of targets at will, providing that spare barrels and ammunition containers are at hand.

Unrelated, just thought I'd post some trivia

I prefer mockery; to quote Mel Brooks:

If you stand on a soapbox and trade rhetoric with a dictator you never win ... That's what they do so well: they seduce people. But if you ridicule them, bring them down with laughter, they can't win. You show how crazy they are.

I've been saying for years that you cannot win a bad faith argument in good faith.

When Tucker Carlson inevitably runs for president, nobody should converse with him, at all, without mentioning the fact that he doesn't have enough testosterone to grow a decent beard.

Just emasculate him.

Fight in bad faith. You do no win a bad faith argument in good faith.

Edit: for clarity, if he did end up growing a decent beard, you then make fun of him for being such a pussy that he grew a beard to try to shut people up about his low testosterone. "What a sensitive pussy."

This is how they fight. It's easy to do.


To drive home the point further, as a member of a great extinct species once said,

Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters... Their silence is your answer.

There is no prize for the best victim.


Where's that from?

Yes. Or... you know, shoot them.

Jean-Paul Sartre was on point, as well:

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

"Make Shooting Nazis in the Face Normal Again"

I mean, we did have a 4-year long federally-funded convention for that back in the early 1940s. I’d like to see us bring that sort of energy back.

I wonder if there's a place we can test this trivia of yours.

There's plenty of shooting ranges! If you go to a rifle range with an automatic gun rental, you can get pretty close. It's expensive, but it helps to be prepared and practice.

Unrelated, just thought I'd post some trivia

Uncle Sherman knew how to use this trivia effectively.

I’m confused. Is it 650 rounds per minute or 100 rounds per minute?

650+ rounds is the cyclic rate but it will overheat if continuously fired that quickly. At 100 rpm it can be used sustainably

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"We are everywhere" -> "literally dozens of us"

Any time a loser wants to feel like less of a loser they need only look at this loser and realize that they are, comparatively speaking, not a loser at all

Not defending the nazi loser, and I know it's uncomfortable to admit, but he's not wrong, they are everywhere - in the police and other agencies, working in prisons, in the "justice" system, in government..
They're not all as loud as him, but if you think they're not in and around every point of power in society, you haven't been paying attention.
White supremacy is not the shark, it's the water

That’s also the troublesome bit of WW2 history the books* don’t show so much, the reich had a lot of support in America, Henry Ford and Walt Disney being notable leaders. Our history is packed full of racist and authoritarian shit of all flavors.

Still though, we rallied and put enough lead downrange to make them stop last time, as a white dude, my type need to be doing more to shame and turn out these roaches to be stomped out for good this time. Enough is enough and eugenics never ends well for anyone. Trek showed us how to be better, just gotta bulldoze this two tone chucklefuck first

*the average school curriculum, several books have been published detailing the rich history of almost but not quite overt support of the rich to the other rich/potentially useful to get more rich

Our history is packed full of racist and authoritarian shit of all flavors.

Watching movies like Mississippi Burning as a South African teenager it was astonishing to realise that the USA was easily at or over the line we were at. It’s just that our government made it officially systemic.

The US has been trying its best to put a good face on for the rest of the world, but it's been a clusterfuck of waring political factions since forever. Some of those factions happen to be very dangerous.

Sorry, didn't mean to downplay that; my point is more that if you're a gigantic loser and you have to get up and yell about how there are actually lots of other gigantic losers just like you, that's not exactly coming from a position of strength.

(but yes, the classic Onion article on the subject of Nazi cops is not inaccurate)

that's not exactly coming from a position of strength.

It is though - he's empowered and encouraged to do it by the system, he literally has the full power of the state behind him.

Shouldn’t be since it’s literally “us vs the whole other human race”, but the dog whistles from our politicians and media (mostly funded by a few select rich folk) have shifted down into normal human hearing range lately and now they’re just shouting stochastic terrorism from the highest platform they can find.

Rosa Parks with a rifle scares the shit out of them all

I was jogging between Queens and Brooklyn a few years back. Two assholes, shirtless and with shaved heads, didn’t move out of the way and took up the full width of the bridge. Only when I got within a few feet did I see that at least one had tattoos all over, including a swatzika over his heart. I felt sick. Both my grandparents fought overseas in World War 2 and now here we are, with idiots in our own country emboldened by the GOP and Trump.

and now here we are, with idiots in our own country emboldened by the GOP and Trump.

The American Bund existed during WWII. This shit isn't new.

Links that talk about reparations and redistribution of resources as the solution are not good things to reference imo (your last link)

*in your racist coloniser opinion

Making you personally uncomfortable doesn't make something wrong.

It's also incredible that you managed to get through that article (x doubt) without learning a single thing from it other than to defend your own feelings (actively being part of the "water"). That takes some real effort.

No, don't minimize this, there are a lot of them.

Especially some of those that work forces...

There is at least one of us in every state.*

*Continental US below the Mason Dixon line.

There's openly racist chucklefucks north of the line too. Some are even the county sheriff.

I'm looking at you, "Dar", you shitbag-behind-a-badge...

Yeah, more than one of them in every southern state.

I mean, unless he means per capita, but that sounds too high again, somewhere closer to 50% sounds more likely.

Doxx these motherfuckers. Once they lose their livelihood they will start seeing the world in a much better way

Lol. No they won't. It will just confirm their world view. They will see it as persecution because they know the truth. And they will find another way to make a living. One that doesn't rely on the opinions of the public and doesn't care for its own image.

That's fine though, if you're too busy trying to make a living being a human piece of shit you're too busy to tell the world you are a human piece of shit.

While this will inevitably lead to claims that the Jews who run the world are just seeking retribution, it's still exactly the right thing to do.

Shine sunlight on this scum to disinfect.

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According to FL, this is a-ok for children to see and quite preferable over trans people.

We are everywhere!....... except our jobs.

Or on our children's birthdays!

Bold of you to assume that they even can see their kids.

More likely: they're teaching their children that this is an acceptable belief system...while voting for people who will make it illegal for the education system to teach those children any different.

Lost their jobs January 7th

Why don't these idiots ever take in the fact that Hitler was a loser who killed himself?

They're happy to copy the genocide and goose-stepping, but skip right over that bit.

If you were real Nazis - actual champions of the white race, you'd do a better job of following Hitler's example. Finish the job, you fucking posers.

Here they go again with the silent majority bullshit.

They still can't wrap their heads around the fact that they are a tiny minority.

Because they seem to have a disproportionately large influence on politics. In many cases the republicans can't win elections without pandering to them. They've got (or they think they've got) the American right-wing by the balls. Apparently that's enough to make a fringe whackjob pretty bold.

If they can delude themselves into thinking white people are superior in any respect then they can delude themselves to believe anything

They still can't wrap their heads around the fact that they are a tiny minority.

I wonder why that is.. maybe minorities in florida don't get the best treatment? The world may never know.

Wtaf? I can’t believe this is allowed to happen. The videos that were in the article showed just how tough and brave these cowards are. The leaders are the only ones actually showing their faces. The rest? Hiding behind ski masks. Fuck them. Ignorant racist pigs… start a fire then do me a favor and fall in

I wonder what could be done from a open source intelligence point about them?

Probably a ton. If they are showing their ass in public, their online profiles are probably much worse.

I would be down for a good ole public shaming website if a person's hate rhetoric is verified as true. Unfortunately, some of these people probably make a living by being a public idiot.

If the people supposedly in charge of preventing these kinds of threats were actually looking to stop white supremacists, these people wouldn't have gotten to the point they did.
I guarantee if they were BLM or generally leftist group they would have been arrested and beaten if not killed (if they even got to the point of protesting in public, and not stopped based on online activity, which these nazis absolutely will all have), not let to spew hate speech and get home in time for dinner.
Never forget - some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. And even those that don't actively, serve the state, that doesn't actually mind white supremacists because they serve it, and the capitalism it works for, well.

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Are they even educated enough to know that nazis killed americans?

2nd largest nazi rally was in the US and the nazis got their ideas for eugenics from the US. Nazis and America have closer relations than you might think

Fascism, and the nazis in particular, have an unfortunately long history in the US. Besides, these morons are probably more concerned about Americans killing Americans in the civil war. Which they'd definitely say was about "state's rights."

Nazis being everywhere in Florida might be surprising to some, I guess

That clip with Laura Loomer and then saying they don't support trump reminded me of the South Park episode where KKK were supporting the opposite side, because they knew people wouldn't associate with them.

They are just actors in costume and mask. Their little cult will soon drink the Kool-aid if we're lucky.

Prince Harry has really taken it too far this time.

Eh, despite that incident, by his family’s standards Harry’s not particularly Nazi-ish at all; his great-great-uncle literally exchanged Nazi salutes with Hitler.

Captain Darling : I'm as British as Queen Victoria!

Captain Blackadder : So your father's German, you're half German, and you married a German!

I understand people in other states saying " try that shit here", but I live in Kissimmee, and one thing that is known here is that damn near everyone and their grandma (literally) carries a concealed weapon (especially since laws here changed). I'm sure these idiots did, and it would've been a bad situation.

I happened to be in Orlando this weekend for another event. I wish I had known about this just to tell them what pieces of shit they are.

The dude in the picture looks like Satan.

Looks more like a dildo to me…

I can't imagine many men or women would want to put that inside of them.

Very true. I would imagine that the only ones who would were also at that rally.

I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what’s up with his head.

The open shirt, little leather vest, and the big piece of flair is telling a much different story here.