Judge Tells Ivanka She Can Probably Afford a Babysitter

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to News@lemmy.world – 764 points –
Judge Tells Ivanka She Can Probably Afford a Babysitter

Ivanka Trump lost her appeal and is officially set to testify in the fraud trial against the Trump Organization.


She claimed she'd face undue hardship because it's during the school week.


She's got a husband. I bet she still has a nanny - she mentioned having one in her book. She's got two brothers that aren't going to be testifying at the same time.

The kids will be in school for 8 hours, and literally any one of those people could watch her kids for the remaining time. Normal people have to deal with this all the time.

She's literally using her own children as a shield for her lies, those poor kids.

She learned it from her father.

I wonder if she also looks at her children the way her father looks at her.

She definitely has a thing for the puer aeternus, maybe she's just making sure they never grow up.

Who learnt it from his father. The shit Apple didn’t fall far from the shit tree.

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None of these people ever faced any actual hardship in their entire entitled lives.

Although, would you want those two Trump brothers watching your children?

I haven't read the article, so I'll continue to assume the baby sitter was intended for Jared.

They probably don't go to school, rich kids either get shipped off to a live in school or are taught in house by a nanny of sorts.

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Ivanka is likely to be less coy about her father’s business dealings, according to Mary, who believes that the heiress will “tell the truth and throw him under the bus,” since she’s “legitimately wealthy” without her father and doesn’t need to rely on him.

Lemme go out on a limb and predict that this won't happen.

Yeah doubt that'll happen. Though this next quote seemed pretty accurate.

“They’re going to have to walk a very thin line between obfuscating in a way that’s not perjury and appeasing their father’s ego so that he doesn’t throw them under the bus when he testifies, which of course he’s going to do no matter what they do,” Mary Trump said ... referring to the two sons.

Yeah, where are these reporters getting these theories from? This is a mafia family.

Yeah... regardless of her independent wealth, what does she stand to gain by doing that? Maybe if she was paid to do it, but not for free.

Yeah she seems to get along with her father ok so I don't see her doing that

She could probably arrange a temporary babysitter be flown over from Saudi Arabia.

She could even hire a SE Asian worker directly instead of using the middleman slaver. They'd never send a Saudi. She could even be nice and let them keep their passport but that would take having a conscience.

What scares me about Ivanka is that if she stays in politics she's likely to be Trump's heir to the Maga throne. Sure Trump is an idiot and will die soon, but she's smarter than him and can be president, as lots of "centrist" will jump to her over her dad

Somehow I get the impression she’d rather stay far away from political office after dealing with dad. Don Jr is more likely to try and fail on that front. She’d rather find a good sweatshop in China and start a new clothing line.

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I was going to say “she might actually be a better human being” and then realized the low bar I was setting.

She doesn't havea combination of toxic masculinity and an inferiority complex driving her to a self sabotaging rage, so I doubt she'll tilt at too many windmills.

I hope so, all his idiot children should be banned from politics

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Yeah, Ivanka. What are you? Poor?

I actually thought she meant her school. Which maaaaybe, kiiiinda made sense (apart from her helping fucking up the lives of many Americans.)

But it's her kids' school? What a lousy, lousy excuse!

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Guaranteed daddy told her to use that excuse.

Yup, it plays well with his audience - she's just a poor stay at home mom doing her best to take care of her kids, and the evil radical left is dragging her into their witch hunt, harming her kids

Yeah it's bullshit, but it's good bullshit

Yeah it's bullshit, but it's good bullshit

It's... it's not good bullshit though.

Disagree. It makes them look like victims. Which is exactly what their followers want.

Her husband gave up untold US security secrets for $2 billion. Anyone paying attention won’t be swayed by the childcare bit.

No, but it's their base they are appeasing, and they do not pay attention.

I've repeated this story a million times since 2016.

Right after the election, there was a panel discussion. They invited the creators of all the top political TV shows. VEEP, House of Cards, The West Wing, Scandal, etc. All the producers/writers said the same thing : if they'd had a TV character say that he 'liked soldiers who didn't get captured' the netowrks and advertisers would have demanded that the character be shown to be hated and despised by all Americans.

Possibly also responsible for a number of deaths occurring because of what sensitive information those files contained. I imagine we will know more about the later when James is done squeezing the juice out of orange fatsy.

Actually, it makes them look dumb. But it seems to me, that the majority of the US American society simply believes whatever they want and fits their agenda

"I used it many times when you were young. Now... take your clothes off..."

the best outcome i can hope for is that this whole mayonnaise family is barred from running for office in case any of them were thinking about it

It's gonna be a big week I think.

The warm up with the sons didn't disappoint but it seems like ivanka is less likely to perjure herself.

Oh, it's gonna be a big week. My son will be born. I'm not joking. Sorry.for capturing your comment, but I have to let the world know. Besides, there still are good things happening.

Oh, it’s gonna be a big week. My son will be born. I’m not joking. Sorry.for capturing your comment, but I have to let the world know. Besides, there still are good things happening.

Dont name him Donald.

What the.... I'd rather Name him Fartsgerald Dickworth than Donald.

Ooooh yeah! I second the name Fartsgerald Dickworth.

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Just gonna one up you here bro, my mrs is due this week too, but she has a son and a daughter on board!

I don't want to one up both of you guys, but my wife is making enchiladas tomorrow. So things are going really well around here. Sorry if I stole your thunder.

As a fellow Dad, this warms my heart to read. There will be no moment quite like that one in your life. Sending you good luck, good vibes and a whole lot of love.

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Ivanka may be less likely to perjure herself, but she’s also much more likely to intentionally throw Donald under the bus to save her own skin. She already feels the noose tightening around the entire operation, and is desperate to distance herself.

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I swear, this family will pull anything out of their ass to delay when they know they're guilty as hell.

Bro I just want to admit that I find woman who commit a crime and act innocent really fucking hot.

the bad thing about finding Ivanka Trump hot is that now you have something in common with his father, Donald Trump.

Won't someone please think of the children me!