'It's the wrong house': Audio of Ohio police raid that left a baby injured raises new questions

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'It's the wrong house': Audio of Ohio police raid that left a baby injured raises new questions

The mayor of Elyria has ordered a probe after the woman who lives at the home accused police of raiding the wrong house, an incident that she said left her baby with severe burns.

The mayor of Elyria, Ohio, has ordered an investigation after a woman alleged that police officers who raided her home had the wrong address and deployed flash-bang devices that sent her 1-year-old to the hospital with burns.

Police have offered a conflicting account of what happened Jan. 10, saying in a statement Friday that they had executed a search warrant at the correct address and the child did not "sustain any apparent, visible injuries."

Courtney Price says audio from her Ring camera proves them wrong. In a clip shared exclusively with NBC News on Tuesday, someone can be heard saying "it's the wrong house." It is not clear who made the remark because the camera fell to the ground and went dark after police deployed the flash-bang devices.


Police have offered a conflicting account of what happened Jan. 10, saying in a statement Friday that they had executed a search warrant at the correct address and the child did not "sustain any apparent, visible injuries."

Never ever, ever, believe a police statement of any kind. Police reps are gangsters and liars.

Honestly at this point I feel like if I was on a jury for some court case and some of the evidence was the testimony of a police officer, that'd probably make me less confident of whatever they had said than if they had said nothing at all. When a profession has every incentive to lie, little consequence to doing so, and in some cases consequences for revealing the lies of one's coworkers, there is precious little room for credibility.

Every public school should have a class where you get to read the police report about George Floyd's death, and then you see the video.

Based on historic police statements, the fact it conflicts at all should let you know it's full of lies. Usually they get their story straight AND still lie, the fact that they can't even do that is damning imo.

Cops showing up at the wrong house and throwing a flash bang at a baby is entirely on brand and raises no new questions.

I clicked the last story and it made truly me sick to my stomach. I had to skip through the details halfway. I'm angry and sad, and I am once again confirmed in my belief that I will never, ever want to live in the US. There are so many of these stories, and for so long now, and yet nothing has changed. The country is morally bankrupt.

There are definitely some Americans that would rather live in a first world country but it's not as easy as just pickup and leave.

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The search warrant was for the Parmely Avenue residence, but it was issued for a person who hasn’t lived there in more than a year, Price said, sharing the search warrant left by police at the home.


Price said she learned police had visited the home at least five times within the past year. "The landlord even told [police] she had new tenants," she said.

This is after the article mentions that they only waited six seconds between knocking on the door and busting in.

If your police department shows this degree of incompetence executing a raid, it should have all its toys taken away. No more flashbangs, no more SWAT gear, no fancy guns. You get the wrong address, you hurt an innocent person, you fail to identify yourselves, you lose privileges. Hell, I seriously question whether they need most of that shit in the first place.

I legitimately believe that a disturbingly high number of these raids that go wrong happen because the cops want to play with with their shiny new equipment.

that is not incompetence.

that is malice.

i'm tired of reading cop apologists tell me about incompetence.

Fuck your incompetence. They are murderous thugs. They are quite competent at it.

¿Porque no los dos?

These aren’t mutually exclusive categories. For my part, I’m not prepared to attribute competent malice to everything the police do.

100% this. Agents of the state want to feel like agents of the state. They get excited at the opportunity.

We need police reform.

Six seconds?! Holy fuck, it takes me about a minute and a half just to get the dogs corralled. Thank god I keep yelling, "just a minute!" Hopefully if this ever happens to me, the cops will hear me yelling.

They will ignore you and kick your door down if it's a raid, knock or otherwise. Excellent chance they shoot your dog too because apparently the cops just love murdering family pets.

From everything I've seen, they'll hear it, take it as an excuse to claim you weren't complying, bust down your door based on that and shoot your understandably agitated dogs.

Good luck.

these raids are approved by judges. want to guess how many raids are denied by judges?

why arent they also being held accountable?

cops are paid liars. they are legally allowed to, and encouraged to lie. they work closely with district attorneys, who would be the ones to prosecute them if they lie. that is why you can never trust a police officer.

sorry guys, it is the nature of your shitty job.

A cop would pretty much never be prosecuted for lying, it's perfectly legal in the US for them to lie their asses off to witnesses and suspects alike. Part of the reason we have a such a problem with innocent people being imprisoned over false confessions.

Yeah, because nobody notable has realized American cops as organizations were founded to be slaver patrols and if you were white and tried to protect their targets they would KILL you. I'm not saying my own country is perfect, but when the corruption rate among American police is claimed to be 98% and the corruption rate of the RCMP (yes, the Mounties) is claimed to be 0.02%? I'm literally waiting to defend myself in court and I will at least say the cops involved were fair. You know who originally the RCMP was founded by? They're an offshoot of the UK's royal bodyguards, the beefeaters, and as silly as that might sound, somehow it works.

Canada has a relatively shitty mental health system but seriously, at least there's a way to sue, convict or discredit corrupt doctors. Cops can't be allowed to be corrupt, this is only going to be solvable if there's a unified and violent citizen's revolt. Go out there and pretend to be peaceful, then murder all the cops with extreme prejudice and without waiting for direct provocation when they show up and anyone who survives continues to kill police on sight until the fucking US Government gets it through their fucking heads that when the "police" are a criminal syndicate and former slaver you get fucking anarchy, a "system" of "government" that I am under no delusion is capable of producing anything of value. The government doesn't want anarchy? Stop fucking oppressing people and the people won't need to threaten you to get you to be a tolerable person. Being legal and rational means nothing if the system is rigged against justice.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to try and get a judge to begin an investigation into an entire psychiatric ward as well as an unrelated ex-psychiatrist, because thanks to years of malpractice my life is irrecoverably ruined and I fucking hate everyone.

The RCMP has its own history of suppressing and murdering indigenous people. Colonialism, apartheid and genocide are some of the main reasons the RCMP exist.

That said, I agree that the RCMP are much better on virtually every measurable metric, as is policing in Canada in general.

Oh, for sure. I am still f-ing pissed about McGill covering up that they experimented on kids. I was personally screwed out of a proper childhood because of RCMP and Social Services corruption, and I'm about as white-looking as any half-Colombian, half-Ukrainian can get including accent and mannerisms, I have no doubt that what those poor women said McGill did to their children was really what happened, that the full details were unimaginably horrifying, and I honestly feel like the University should be forced to shut down for doing such a thing at the full expense of those who were profiting from the University as running their business or investing in a business.

I think I know why I never liked Westerns. Even at 5 years old, discriminating against natives never sat right with me. Sometimes I feel like I have no country, even though my family isn't currently being oppressed and even my grandfather lived his whole life here, because so many things happen here in Canada that go against everything I was told this country is supposed to be that I never really became a "Canadian". I value the ideal, but I refuse to be blinded and I cannot deny that Canada has failed to uphold its own values so much that if not for the UK having been in control until the 60s I would have already written us off as not even trying.

On that note, I get that racial issues are not as clear as they seem in the US. White plantation owners and most of their descendants have acted like greedy assholes but " white" = / = white and even white = / = racist, and while I get life as a black American sucks, stealing from even other black neighbours is not okay (though it should be noted that intraracial crime - against those who are categorized with you for whatever trait or excuse outsiders invent - is universally more common than interracial crime) by the victim's standards or by the standards of any fair-judging outsider.

The point being, I don't think much of America is salvageable, but you have to realize you're doing far better from being exposed to the need to discuss it than many Europeans feel they are towards Muslims and Roma ("gypsies", though it would be more understanding to remember that they exist because Rome didn't collapse in a day and not owning land is extremely financially debilitating in Europe) considering that despite what those plantation owners claim, slavery in some form has been legal since 1776 and has only been restricted and not banned for, well...

When slavery was "banned" after the American civil war, it was indeed banned and reparations to be given to former slaves... For two days or something upon which Lincoln was assassinated and his vice president reversed it all (presumably while meraphorically twirling his moustache, since true bigots who are sure they've done no wrong all seem to think like a spiteful Disney villain) like the scumbag the VP apparently was. Slavery proper was not banned until 1942 (as a wartime PR move) and everything from sundown laws to private prisons has kept a form of forced labor, especially forced on disadvantaged persons, in use in America. But that being said...

Canada has "only" been attempting to move away from the UK for 80-ish years and I still think we can get over spitefulness instead of getting stuck in intergenerational feuds. America hasn't even reached that point yet, as far as I'm concerned the US is well-prepared for the day private prisons are outlawed.

I'm angry because I think we can succeed if not for people that only ever seem satisfied when they can toy with the fate of an individual like capitalism is literally how it was portrayed in Mun Mun (terrible book, IMO but in some sense I feel like "littlepoor" has always described me) and the kind of condescending pretentious "visionaries" of the Solarpunk genre...newsflash, vegan organic homegrown space Amish, you're ableist if you think anyone with Aspergers/Autism/whatever my condition should be called is going to consider your "unplugged" world desirable, especially without my pharmaceutical psychiatric medications which would leave me not just angry and bitter but foaming at the mouth with enough rage to go around burning down every civilization that tries to rebuild after the loss of the internet and video games)... and people keep trying to prevent that from happening by encouraging discrimination by everyone against everyone else. Everyone else that cares this much about the way the world works tends to be not just insane (I'm saying this as someone who is already mentally unstable) but arrogantly so.

I just want to see the world get better, and I feel like everyone else that cares about how humans progress only cares how that will benefit them personally. Of course I have personal values and selfish reasons, but this isn't a high school and I have to know better than to propose anything that is global or national in scope unless it also benefits as many people as possible and screws not one person over because the means always must justify the ends, not the other way around. I've tried sites like Change.org but the fact is that when it comes to fixing the world I refuse to work with someone who clearly exclusively cares about their own interests. Homeowner's ASSociations and narcissists don't get to have a say over the individual right to do something that is actually beneficial in my hypothetical near-utopia, and that spinelessness has been enraging me by screwing me over and over for the past 7 years. I get screwed, I ask someone to help, and in most cases they can't but even when they can they won't because they'd lose something.

I have a game console, a OneXPlayer. Custom preorder with the exclusive nametag. It's my prized possession.

I'd give it up as fast as I could if my option was to save it from a fire or save a child from a fire. All I ask is that when heroism is within easy reach, that people grab onto it for dear life. It might not be only their own dear life that they save by doing so, and if someone can't live with that knowledge, then pretending you/I/they don't remember a child's haunting cries of pain means they're a coward. If you have kids and can't afford to lose them, I get it, but this is a Millennial talking. I don't have kids and neither do "they" in many cases, but from what I've seen people honestly seem to believe that kids dying is "normal".

Tell a 10 year old that kids dying is just how things are, and watch how fast they decide on some level that adulthood is no different from any other inner party. Unfortunately, none of the world's many other activists had to live with a foster mother because of illegal conduct by the Ministry of Children and Families. Yeah, sure, Ministers of " Truth" and "Plenty" and "Love", you just want to Atlas Shrug off to some private island...

Sorry for the rant. Thanks for having a good faith argument despite my temper, you're clearly living up to your username!

Another flashbanged baby aside: No knock SWAT raid for a kid who stole stuff seems uh... insane?

This isn't better but they actual did knock, but then waited less than ten seconds before they used the ram, so they busted the door down as the resident was approaching the door.

In fact I'd agrue it's worse because they turned a (presumably) knock warrant into a defacto no knock by refusing to wait for a response. These cops clearly wanted to play storm trooper.

Yup. Probably in an area where they knew a judge wouldn’t sign off on a no-knock warrant. So they just knocked once, then rammed the door anyways.

Also I thought the SWAT stopped doing "breach and bang" systematically ? I guess their new doctrine isn't much better if they still end up throwing grenades at babies, in the wrong house nonetheless

This most certainly will depend on where you are.

To be fair, what they thought he stole was weapons, and this headline insinuates that they knew it was the wrong house beforehand, while that doesn't seem to be the case... Regardless, we shouldn't be doing SWAT type raids on secondhand info, and I personally don't think we should do them ever.

This is America. Someone having weapons isn't an emergency; it's just a typical day. Cops only treat it as an emergency when they want an excuse to cosplay as commandos.

IMO police rules of engagement should disallow use of any tactical equipment until they at least run into active opposition. There's an innocent until proven guilty assumption built into the legal system, the police should also have a passive until proven violent assumption.

The only reason a single mother and baby should ever be flash banged is if they are shooting at the police. With the technology today, they should be aware of who is going to be hit by a flash bang before it's even thrown.

The only reason a single mother and baby should ever be flash banged is if they are shooting at the police. With the technology today, they should be aware of who is going to be hit by a flash bang before it’s even thrown.

That, and there isn't ever really a need to do raids in the first place.

there isn't ever really a need to do raids in the first place

Exactly! There might be a reason to be ready for a raid, for example if there's a strong suspicion that someone's heavily armed and might attack. But you don't start acting offensively until you're 200% sure that someone poses an immediate and serious threat.

They'll use the teeniest justification to play soldier. Many of these raids are simply to catch someone on stuff like probation violations or unpaid fines, yet they act like they're trying to capture an international hitman.

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Eh...raids are necessary sometimes. Just...not 99% of the time these fucks do them and, in the end, they should be done by people who are....you know...educated and competent.

Right. If there's a criminal, ask them to come out.

I can't tell if you're being snide with that comment, but yes. That should absolutely be the first step.

and if they don't...yeah. raids might be necessary. I really get all the anti cop shit here...because our cops are absolute shit and most of them need to be just be thrown away for life. But this website acts like society would just suddenly behave if the cops went away. No more crime, no need to ever pursue people. No need to ever raid anyone's home because nobody in history has ever done anything bad enough that they need to be forced to leave their home to face prosecution.

Again...I fucking get it. I hate our police in this shithole country but the answer is not no police ever no raids ever no arrests ever. The answer is massive fucking reform of our entire god damn system starting with EXTREMELY harsh punishment's for everyone involved in shit like this article.

If someone barricades themselves in their home, why not just wait them out? Cut off power & water, couple days max.

And if they have people in there they are threatening? Ah, well. They kill them its whatever right?

Again, I'm very sorry, but yes...some times society is going to need police. we just need to fix the system because our current usage of the police is completely fucked.

This isn't tv. Cops aren't going into a hostage situation as it is right now. Cops go in guns blazing when they are confident there is little threat, if there is actual threat they take their time.

Which, again, leads back to my main point that how our police use these tactics is the issue not the tactics themselves.

I'm glad you agree with me.

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Most police are cowards, and bad at their jobs simultaneously.

disallow use of any tactical equipment until they at least run into active opposition

Sure, but baby steps. How about we start with “disallow lethal force until they at least see or hear a weapon.”

/s but also true

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Raises new questions? No you dumb insincere assholes in the American media, we've been asking the same damn question and have had solid answers to why and how to fix this kind of bullshit for over a decade now.

oh and

Police have offered a conflicting account of what happened Jan. 10, saying in a statement Friday that they had executed a search warrant at the correct address and that the child did not "sustain any apparent, visible injuries."

Otherwise known as cops lied once again and they'll get a tax payer paid vacation while they investigate themselves and found they did nothing wrong.

Otherwise known as cops lied once again

Despite all the other problems (and believe me, I'm very, very strident in my criticisms of policing in the US), if it didn't always ALWAYS come down to this, I could possibly begin to understand the "well it's a really hard job we're doing our best" defense.

No, cops. You fuck up, and you lie about it. You got away with it for decades to centuries before there were cameras you couldn't control everywhere. Don't tell me about your integrity or about how I just don't understand the job. Talk to me about those things when lies aren't the go-to for police when shit hits the fan every. single. time.

As a combat veteran it boils my blood that cops here aren't held to ANY standard domestically while I've been in situations under fire where we had to wait for confirmation to fire back.

Call me a commie but I think domestic beat cops shouldn't be able to shoot at somebody easier than a soldier in a war zone can. 🤷

That's honestly disgusting. I dunno how they can keep getting away with this.

I figured out this game about 15 years ago when I read an article about a police car in NYC running over someone who had the walk sign in a crosswalk. Within an hour, there was a statement that the person was at fault because they did not exercise needed caution--this was well before any sort of investigation could occur. The police simply lie and the media reports it as stated.

So if it wasn't the police action that caused the burns, what did? It's an easy question to answer: it was the police action. The pre-existing conditions had nothing to do with them picking the wrong house and burning a kid.

We barged into the house and the fucking kid just burst into flames aggressively so we shot their dog.

"I set you on fire but you were predisposed to being excellent kindling so who is really at fault here?"

"Raises new questions," no the fuck they did not. It raised the same question it raises every time; why are these clowns allowed to do this bullshit with 0 accountability?

Yes it should be something like: “Audio of Ohio police raid that left a baby injured contradicts police report”

Is this the same baby that got flash banged a few years ago and the family is still trying to get justice for what happened? Or is this another baby that got flash banged? Either way, it's fucking disgusting and outrageous!

That big case a few years ago was in GA I think

No, this 1-year-ole is not the same one from 3 years ago.

If the baby got burned by the flashbang imagine what it did to their hearing. I bet it got permanent damage.

"Price said she learned police had visited the home at least five times within the past year. "The landlord even told [police] she had new tenants," she said."

They knew and they went for it anyway. Typical.

I want to see a new version of CSI in which they depict police doing shit like this that the unsuspecting public are dealing with and not the super heroes it tries to be written as.

It is a tremendous amount more difficult to make a police show without the cooperation of actual police. They only help if you portray them acceptably positive. Like B99 is about as critical as they can get I think.

So make a show without police cooperation.

The Rookie on the other hand is almost an ad for the police.

You don't even need to know Dick Wolf is a big shot Republican to realize how Law & Order is basically fascist copaganda.

Yeah, I love the show because it’s entertaining and Nathan Fillion is amazing, but it’s 100% blatant copaganda. They don’t even try to hide it.

That show is my guilty pleasure. At least I am not giving them my money, if you know what I mean 🏴‍☠️🦜

Maybe Law and Order?

"Yeah so this perp got away while we raised the wrong house and we just lost a multi-million dollar lawsuit for flash-banging the neighbours baby. Also another perp just walked because we failed to follow due-process and violated his rights"

The Hayes Code probably still blocks this, even if it's not enforced. Part of it was that producers of TV and movies could never portray the police in a negative light.

The Hays Code was never law, just an agreement between studios.

Gosh I looked it up and confirmed. I had actually thought it was law. In any case, that set us back for generations and is surely at least partially responsible for the rampant NIMBYism that is ruining the country--people don't have the capacity to recognize these things for what they are.

Fun fact - the Hays Code was set up to preempt real government censorship. If Hollywood hadn't started censoring itself at the time it's possible that the federal government would have. Some city and state governments were already doing it, and SCOTUS had ruled that movies were not art and that somehow made them not subject to the First Amendment.

The SCOTUS has a history of absolutely mental decisions.

Apparently we now live in a world where toddler abuse is more acceptable than basic reproductive health care....

American police put a child in the hospital, but refuse to acknowledge it had been hurt in any way, shape or form.

Typical of those murderous thugs.

no new questions. all cops are bastards. surprised more people don’t understand. they need the cops to beat them bloody and senseless before they may consider not backing the blue.

I don’t support the police because I am morally opposed to domestic violence and pedophillia.

Worse: it turns out that the police don't actually solve crimes--the clearance rate drops year after year. Their only real function is to have someone sitting in a parked police car outside of some place while the officer plays on their cell phone all night. The only way the police solve crimes is by witnessing them, otherwise they can be used as an in-place deterrent. Outside of that, they have very little use.

The police do shit like this and then their funding increased each year.

It's kinda fucked up, but Sanders i think explained it well. We need increased funding so there's higher salaries to attract better people.

I bet we could claw back a lot of money for that without increasing funding though if we stopped buying military surplus.

They have excellent salaries. It's a culture change they need.

Which again though, needs new people

Sure, but thee culture has to change first, the recruitment ads are so tone deaf, they really don't realize it's because decent people want nothing to do with these organizations anymore. I'd suggest no longer allowing high level management to have ever been cops, but maybe defense attorneys or any sort of lawyer who has never been a prosecutor. It's been done before, PM Stephen Harper got so mad at the RCMP Superintendent he put a lawyer in charge, first time a non cop had been put in. They lost their minds over it.

It's pretty much like what happened with the military. People are no longer enlisting because the benefits aren't there and people who enlisted and were screwed over are telling family and friends not to enlist.

Oh for sure, it needs to be a twofold effort. We need good, decent people to become cops, and we need leadership that is committed to changed policies.

I think it makes a lot of sense actually to remove all current police from leadership. We can follow the military model and have a civil police chief, like a mayor or city planner.

Nah, police commonly earn in the $150,000 to $200,000 range because of overtime and powerful unions.

Can you provide sources from this? I'm genuinely curious, the highest I've heard was $80,000 and it was a campus department with endowment funding.

Also, I wouldn't count overtime as part of the salary. Having to work that much is going to put extra stress on you, make you irritable, wear you down, etc. and result in turnover.

That's because NIMBYs are people without any sort of compassion or empathy for other humans. They only want the scary people who want their stuff to stay away and don't care what the damage is in the process of that.

Is NIMBY the right term here...?

They are the ones voting for the law and order types for mayor or city council.

NIMBY to me would be things like people who want Wind power but not near them. Seems like you're using it fairly differently so I'm asking about that.

If only they all had the new Apple AR helmet thing, a tragedy like this wouldn't have happened!

It's weird how no politician wants to reign this in

Well that would be actual work and if you read their contracts they are forbidden from doing that vile act ever.

The book “Rise of the Warrior” cop cover this type of thing in great detail. The militarization of our police along with continued funding being tied directly to the antiquated War on Drugs leads to countless wrong address forced entries.

Grenade to the crib seems to be the new cop basketball.

It's not new unfortunately, this is at least the third time they've flashbanged a small child in the last decade.

If only this was the first time.... The exact same thing happened just a few years ago.

How do I flashbang proof my home? Many rooms and ways to dampen the blast?

They set the flashbangs off outside the house, which shattered windows. Putting some security film on the 1st floor windows should do the trick. Generally a good idea anyway as it makes it difficult for a burgler to gain access by breaking a window.

Flashbangs aside, reinforcing and bracing the doors isnt a bad idea either -- metal plates around the lock on both the door and the jam, screws that dig into actual house structure, etc. You won't make it impenetrable but they won't be getting in 6 seconds after knocking on the door.

Generally a good idea anyway as it makes it difficult for a burgler to gain access by breaking a window.

Doesn't sound like they're worried about being protected from the illegal type of criminal gang member.

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I detest low-life criminals, but I’ll take an honest heroin dealer next door any day over the hideous travesty that the police forces have become.

Fucking drench every one of those corrupt pigs who dare to call themselves police with oil and set them on fire. Maybe that will send a message to NOT. FUCK. WITH. KIDS. I am done negotiating, it's time I started fucking dealing punches to the corrupt bureaucracy. All of you start fucking demanding these asshole's heads, the heads of Trump and Putin and Xi Xinpeng and Trudeau and the government of Iran and both the Hamas and the Israeli government, or you are not fucking human in my eyes, you are a monster who feeds off the blood of children. DO. NOT. HURT. KIDS. END OF STORY.


another failed promised by biden promising to address policing issues

maybe if people vote for him again he might just promise it again

politico says the other promise on policing has been kept but here is another news headline stating otherwise


It's ok, just vote for the other guy. Brown shirts are much more fetching on police anyway

Trump personally fucking had kids locked in cages. You vote for him, you're dead to me. You got a problem with Biden, then fucking march and demand a return to freedom or a fucking revolution, and I don't mean to install a dystopian government straight out of 1984, The Handmaid's Tale, Cyberpunk 2077, etcetera because I know your pathetic shitstained nose will fuck it up somehow unless I tell you that Capitalism doesn't fucking work any better than Communism and Democracy doesn't consider children people enough to protect them from corruption and greed. Fuck you.

Don't forget that Trump also wanted police and the National Guard to straight-up gun down protestors in the streets. In fact, he had to be talked out of it several times over the summer of 2020 if I remember correctly.

You know the saying about terrorists and freedom fighters? The thing the politicians don't like to have people acknowledge is that democracy only works when the governing understand that, within reason, they SHOULD fear the people. The world, regardless of ideologies, has been governed by the terrorists in some form ever since people proved that 9/11 worked because most people have (had) too much to lose to not give in.

You're right to question, is my point. Unfortunately, at some point you have to roll the dice at the casino of revolution. The house seems to always win, unfortunately, so that's why that should be a last resort. I will admit I don't know what the Godzilla Threshold is for a civil war, but I suggest if Trump is not barred from running in November, and if you're an American, that you not be willing to take the risk.

One missing politician started WWI but Franz Ferdinand was more than a random aristocrat, he actually tried to make the world better and people universally loved him. Ferdinand was not killed for treason, he was killed to falsely justify every King in Europe's shot at domination of their continent and to justify sending an entire generation to slowly and painfully die or return home a permanent cripple with irreversible percussive brain damage in combination with PTSD (shell shock). Trump is not a hero, his death will not be worth fighting a war over, and even Kennedy and Lincoln dying did not kill the USA. Nobody should have to die if they are innocent or redeemable, unfortunately narcissists like that they think they're "superior" and don't like being told that they're being a jerk because they're flawed anymore than a normal person. The difference is, a narcissist will then strike back for daring to not see them as perfect.

I will admit, Mary Trump agrees her family is shit and I have a nasty, unprovable but sinking suspicion that "the Don" has raped his own daughter. That kind of abuse tends to trigger the very genes that make a clinically narcissistic person a narcissist. It's not truly inherent or even biologically inevitable, it can be unininherited and it can be avoided.

The thing is, you do that by treating the next generation, every last child, as equals to each other and as if they were your most treasured friend. Kids are ignorant because they're new to reality, not because they are legitimately ignorant, not because they are too stupid or undeveloped to understand (at least not after grade 3), and never because they are "cruel". It's not kids that are cruel, it's spoiled brats. Nobody likes spoiled assholes, not even kids, yet people say that immaturity is evil? Immaturity is a recognition that you are and always will be flawed and that you accept that you don't know how to be responsible. Maturity is an acceptance of responsibility for your actions and responsibility for letting your flaws get out of hand. Brattiness? That's wanting two cakes so you can have one and eat the other too, even though you were told that getting it means other people won't get any.

When you break a kid's trust, they will never recover from that. If anyone in Israel or (by some miracle) the Gaza strip is reading this, I wish no harm upon your children but this campaign against Gaza is such obviously hypocrital Hitleresque bullshit that if you are under the age of 18, you need to start threatening your own side with extreme physical violence if this war and this X-thousand-year-old feud your ancestors started doesn't end now, because I guarantee that if you live on either side, you will be killed by the other side's children's parents or you will live to see me dedicate my life to having your parents charged in an international court for this pointless, overblown war. Why? Because your parents killed their children and vice-versa and all of it just to spite the adults of each side. Killing someone as "revenge" for something their parents did is not revenge, it's spite, and spite isn't even justifiable by the standards of someone whose longest grudge goes back to when I was 4 years old.

I don't want to get "revenge" on that then-teenage girl (long story, irrelevant too) by hurting anyone she cares about, that's not justice and revenge is supposed to be the substitute for justice, not an excuse to justify hurting someone who has never directly hurt you and has never intentionally and unrepentantly hurt anyone. Tbh, considering what she did was not even severe... I admit it's petty, but can you blame someone who has always felt too irrelevant and "different" to have real influence over even his own life for wanting even a small victory, when he tells his brother "I never succeeded at or won anything" and his response of "that's hyperbolic" is met with "name one time I ever succeeded with an untainted victory, a victory that wasn't taken away after the fact" and his horrified response is "oh shit" and not "what about X" despite him knowing me better than I know myself, that is seemingly disproportionate, except I just want to take away something that is super-important to her now but will not be detrimental in any debilitating way, something that she'll look back on in 29 years and realize I just wanted justice and it never came, and what I did didn't destroy her in the long run.

It's called "an eye for an eye" and not "a life for an eye" and especially not "an innocent child for the death of someone who would be long dead by now anyways". Taking eyes so to speak is controversial for obvious reasons, yet people seem to think that taking the eyes of a person who hasn't even taken any eyes is the way to punish the person who did.

And you know what? I bet it fucking started because two guys wanted a woman or a stash of riches and one point in the triangle decided to murder the hypotenuse and suddenly everybody is taking sides. If I had a time machine, I would go back in time,and tell both those idiots "NO, FUCK YOU, you ruined every life that came after you fighting over something that either has a mind and will of her own except apparently not to the minds of you two, or something inanimate that was shiny enough to sell someone else to death for. I'm going to kill both of you, paradox be damned, and then I'm going to stick around to make sure your families hate only one thing, me, because clearly somebody has to play god or you insignificant yet entitled assholes will think that playing god is acceptable if you call it "sins of the fathers". Enjoy the bullets my not-magic wand is going to put in you, I hope I'll see you in hell for all we've done."

I've got issues. Unfortunately, someone irreparably sabotaged my reputation by essentially drugging and gasliggting me for 7 years, I'm not exactly in a forgiving mood at the best of times. Maybe it's a good thing I'm not able to play god, if the one in the bible is anything to go by that kind of anger is understandable but only because free will deserves immortality. Unlike that god, I'd give that immortality but I'd also be too much like the vengeful thundergod with a temper who I honestly think deserves a smack upside the head if he thinks anyone should have to go through THIS shit to be entitled to having a soul, because any god who lets kids die more than any other group in history just because he hates what he created is no better than the devil opposing the heavens.

Tl;Dr: Life is not unfair. People are unfair, and I am currently having a mental crisis because I no longer even care about the laws of reality let alone the laws of people. I am dangerous because I have nothing to lose but I am not a monster, I am a cornered animal and if the world does not back off (not anyone here on the FediVerse specifically, but like I said my life was shit and it only got worse after 2017) I don't think I am capable of taking even a slight inconvenience right now without destroying the last worldly possession of mine that every person needs but I can no longer make use of, my freedom (legal or mental or even "still alive"). At least I know I'm not likely to encounter that if I'm occupied with Lemmy.

Man, the kids in cages did not start or end with trump. just the coverage.

He literally gave an executive order to have a secret police handpicked by him to go out and do it, because the border patrol refused to do it. Two kids STARVED in those cages.

I don't even care what happens to that bald fat fuck and his insignificant pathetic ego in this court case. I hate what he did so much that once the justice system is through with him, I plan to kidnap, torture and mutilate him, his bitch-ass wife, and his fucking bastard son-of-worthless-whore father.

I hate you all, humanity can fuck off now.

Yeah, you seem reasonable and well informed.

Reasonable was never on the table with that worthless arrogant shitstain, especially not from someone who hates cheaters so much he is willing to kill a former "president" while giving advanced notice to basically the entire world.

You're the fucker who thinks his behavior is forgivable, maybe I should fucking kill you too?

Edit: Okay, to be fair, you're right about the RCMP improvements.