Trump will likely run out of legal defense funds by summer, report says to politics – 551 points –
Trump will likely run out of legal defense funds by summer, report says

Former President Donald Trump will likely run out of legal defense funds this summer, Bloomberg reported.

In 2023, Trump spent $51.2 million on legal costs and has a further $23.5 million available for lawyers' fees — but that source of money will likely dry up around July, the report said.

The ex-president may now be forced to turn to a few undesirable options to cover his costs.


Man, I really hope the RNC decides to help him so he can bankrupt them too

Why do you think state GOP chapters are filing for bankruptcy?

The ex-president may now be forced to turn to a few undesirable options to cover his costs.

Isn't that his entire M.O.?

Sure is. Remember Trump Steaks? And Trump University?

4 more...

Fortunately $399 sneaker grift has landed just in time

Huge sneaker orders coming out of Russia. Huuuuge!

Yes $400k will put a huge dent in this. As it's supposed to be a limited run of 1000, unless of course there's going to be more fraud involved.

The 399 sneakers were just to draw attention to his other sneakers that are more affordable on the same site. Those will presumably bring in the lion share of the money.

Donald's shoddy products are going to fuck up some spines.

Nah, most of the people buying them will be in mobility scooters.

The ex-president may now be forced to turn to a few undesirable options to cover his costs.

Like selling ugly scene clothing? Magats sporting the ugly red hats and gold T sneakers. Worst brand ever.

Don't worry, he'll end up still having enough funds for a legal defence after the RNC is backrupt due to it. We will find out in 5 years or so that it turns out Russia backed his funds for legal defense and some loans or something. He'll say it was due to a 'great business deal because Russia are great business people, maybe the greatest' due to like a $500 million 'business' deal to put Trump's name on a random warehouse out in the middle of Siberia.

after the RNC is backrupt due to it

I consider this an absolute win.

The nice thing about this is he's using SuperPAC money that diverts from the RNC Campaign funding.

I really wanna see his hair wet. I wonder how long those whispy little strands really are. I bet they're like a foot long, all coming from the one random spot on his bloated head that still grows hair with any structural integrity, the rest being brittle and unable to hold any shape, even with a whole bottle of hairspray applied. Disgusting. I'm mad at myself for making myself think this thought lol hence why I am now cursing all of you.

He just twirls a few long strands on the top of his head like spaghetti every morning then hair sprays the crap out of it

We need a hero - a hero with a garden hose. While Trump always looks foolish, making him look the right kind of foolish might just shake a few of his cult away from him

He did the ice bucket challenge during the 2016 race if you want to see that. It was less eventful than you'd think.

Is there a law against using party donations on legal defense? If so, then I'll take "things he is charged with in Nov 2024."

There is, but it doesn’t cover PACs. He’s technically not been using campaign fund, but asking supporters to give for his campaign with some very specific fine print to say they’re actually giving the PAC to do as they please.

It’s shady but not illegal.

It’s shady but not illegal.

It can't help but think that should be used as a catchphrase for advertising purposes, by the political parties.

If he's asking for people to give to a PAC doesn't that shift from shady to illegal? I thought politicians had to be completely separate from the PAC.

I guess the plus side of Trump being president before is all the loopholes the public have learned about. We are living in a very very failed democracy.

We are living in a very very failed democracy.

Democracy really requires ethical people being voted into office, as we can't watch them 24/7 since we are busy with our own lives. Unfortunately we citizens don't seem to be able to do that very well.

There's always money in the banana stand. Eric needs a break from running it anyways.

Love this reference! It got me thinking - is Eric more like Buster? Jnr is Gob. Baron is George Michael. Melania is Lindsay, ivanka is maeby, Ivana was Lucille, Lucille 2 is about to take over the RNC. Michael cohen = Barry Zuckercorn and Trump is George Sr who may have committed some light treason and definitely hires the worst lawyers.

I'd say Eric is more like Buster because if they had a Michael they might not be in so much trouble.

Yeah, there is definitely no Michael in this family, because anyone with a good head in their shoulders actually did manage to leave the family before being caught in their miasma of chaos and grift

[season 4 Michael disappointed me so much]

I’m sure he can just keep selling his golden sneakers to launder rubles from Russia.

(Wow… we live in a world where that sentences makes sense)

That's the end of the article. He's selling $399 Trump-branded "never surrender" sneakers claiming it's "not political"

"never surrender" sneakers from the guy who checks notes surrendered.

Right. He claims everything else about him is political, like being prosecuted for crimes or civil offenses, but not the shoe selling though..

It's not political...or at least it's more criminal than political.

Correction: Trump supporters will likely run out of legal defense funds by summer

Trump isn’t running out of anything, unless you count whatever hall leads to the bathroom, in which he won’t make it in time

Correction of emphasis, Trump supporters will run out of funds in the summer. Then he'll shift to the RNC paying his legal bills. They already were, prior to when he declared as a candidate for 2024.

No he won’t. He’ll fleece his cult and/or rob the coffers of his and/or the GOP campaign funds to cover his legal bills.

Putin will get the tab. Commentators in this thread aren’t seeing the big picture.

Why would he? He's running the whole GOP now. Surely he could find another tool to serve his needs without all of Trump's baggage.

Trump has zero baggage with the republican traitor filth. He is their Orange Calf.

He has almost half a billion dollars in baggage at the moment and Pooty ain't exactly flush right now.

Half a bil is nothing when it comes to reversing the outcome of the Cold War.

Putin is the richest man in the world. He has fleeced Russia for at least a trillion. Half a billion is nothing to him in exchange for controlling the US.

It's tiring reading news about him still and there have been no consequences. I'm kind of just resigned to that fact that he might win the election anyways and all his problems will just go away.

He just got fined $350+ million and banned from running his own company for 3 years. He just got hit with an $83 million judgement against him for sexually assaulting a woman.

The consequences have begun.

Once he has to actually pay them vs appealing, I’ll believe it.

He can't appeal without bonding the full amount and nobody was willing to bond the 5 million he got hit with last year. Looks a lot like he just has to put up the cash.

I can't see him doing this... he's going move money his money to somewhere he thinks the government can't get it and declare bankruptcy.

He's gonna go full Alex Jones.

He has a monitor overseeing him. Too late for any shenanigans.

Right... forgot about that. But I feel like that just limits his shenanigans and hes got a lifetime of experience at shenanigans. I dunno really, but I'm not betting against Trump's crook skills.

Regardless. He cannot appeal without putting up the money or a collateralized bond.

He's already had to put up $5.5 mil that he couldn't weasel out of.

Trump has already deposited $5 million owed to Carroll for the first defamation case into a court-controlled account, along with an additional $500,000 in interest required by New York law. Carroll will not have access to the funds until the appeals process plays out.

He may soon be forced to do the same for the $83.3 million judgment in the second Carroll verdict. Alternatively, he could secure a bond and pay only a portion up front — though that option would come with interest and fees and likely require some form of collateral. Trump would have to find a financial institution willing to front him the money.

Yeah $5M for the publicity of an appeal which he'll likely lose, that he'll pay. When it's hundreds of millions, which he may not even have the full amount? He's gonna Alex Jones that shit.

There’s no appeal here. He has nothing to point to for procedural errors or unconstitutional laws. Plus he has to put up the money before he can do anything.

He lost his business empire and has to pay more than $450m. How is that not consequences?

He lost his ability to do business in one state, which likely just means he'll do it by proxy

And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he weasels his way out of paying somehow

And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he weasels his way out of paying somehow

He has a deadline of 30 days to pay, and in order to appeal he first has to put 110% of the amount owing in escrow.

He won’t. Stop spreading misinformation.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Former President Donald Trump will likely run out of legal defense funds this summer, Bloomberg reported.

One option for Trump is getting the Republican National Committee (RNC) to help pay for his defense.

While it wouldn't be the ideal time to ask the cash-strapped party for money, that's what his GOP presidential nomination rival Nikki Haley recently speculated he might do.

The ex-president could also look to take more money from small donors for his "Save America" leadership political action committee (PAC), per Bloomberg.

But the leading Republican candidate is also facing huge legal penalties as the run in to the presidential election ramps up.

As his financial and legal woes mount, Trump made a surprise appearance at "Sneaker Con" in Philadelphia on Saturday.

The original article contains 387 words, the summary contains 124 words. Saved 68%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

That's only an issue if he intends on paying for any of it, rather than getting in office again and declaring himself and all his flunkies immune.

Anyone who does any work for him without getting payment up front is a fool who deserves what they're about to get

He plans on getting back into office by this summer?

That will be just in time for trial. Good.

Good thing those shoes will be a hit lol