Elon Musk: "zuck is a cuck"

ghariksforge@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 445 points –

Need I say anything?


It's real, i feel dirty after looking it up. You're welcome

we appreciate your service

now it's time to get decontaminated

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wouldn't Elon be the "cuck" in this scenario, as Mark is taking what was his as he watches intensely?

Unfortunately you're operating too far above his level.

He noticed that a mean word rhymed. That's apparently where he's at now. I wish he'd hit rock bottom, this is just sad now.

Like a toddler that discovered the word "poo poo", and now that's everything he says.

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Pretty big talk for someone whose mom called off a fight.

what, did that really happen?

Yes, in that she did tweet that she didn't want Elon fighting. But no in that it actually had any effect on the status of the fight

As far as anyone is aware the fight is still ""on"", but i don't think it was ever truly "on" to begin with

Although if he keeps egging on Zuckerberg, he could snap and he won't wait for a cage match.

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Mom should have stepped in years ago for all sorts of things.

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It's quite telling that I can't tell if this is real or not and I can't be bothered to log in to check.

It’s real, however is anybody going to disagree with this statement

Im going to disagree because this is the internet.

Zuck cant be a cuck because robots cant form complex emotional relationships with other beings.

I don't have the strength to check it out

Every single person I've ever met that has used the word "cuck" has been an absolute loser with nothing going on.

So I guess bullying and harassing people is OK if you own the platform that you do it on?

As long as you don't acknowledge that anyone is cis lol

I thought they stopped using "cuck" as an insult after their poster boy wore horns on January 6.

Elon thinks he's the funniest most Online Boy ever, but he has never posted a meme less than 5 years old.

Born too late to explore the world, born too early to explore space, born just in time to witness this. What a time to be alive.

Maybe he got hacked?

Like... in his brain five years ago?

Seriously, it's embarrassing to watch this. I'm experiencing pity. I didn't think I could pity such a rich asshole, but the levels of divorced dad energy here are genuinely making me wish someone would take this guy out for ice cream and talk him into deleting his social media and getting his life back in order.

Elon was always like this.

It's kind of rich for a guy with a handful of girls, almost a dozen children of which almost all of which were through ivf and surrogacy

You seem like a good person. This alone would be good for him and other people in mental crisis to witness. take care

which reminds me is that what happened to kanye?

last time I heard, he was trying to convince the world that 21 jump street had exorcized the nazi in him

You sure it's just 5 years ago and not before that? I could have swore his pitiful ego ate out his brain at least a decade ago.

Maybe he insisted on trying an early Neuralink prototype back when he made his investment, and the Elon Wrangler couldn't get there in time to stop him?

This is the man who called a cave rescuer "pedo guy" because the rescue was successful and Elon's idea was stupid. He is a child who can't take anyone doing better than him.

Threads is up to 100 million users since it launched on Wednesday of last week. This is Musk tweeting his ever worsening narcissistic injury in realtime.

Based on Elon's dating history...Yeah, I think we both know who the real cuck is.

Grimes left him for a transwoman and he will never get over it.

Grimes took "I wouldn't be with you even if you were the richest man alive" to new extremes.

I've just run out of adjectives to describe #ElonMusk.
Does human history have an equivalent of someone so rich who is so publicly and so very infantile, fragil and immature (I will spot you Trump).

He is so unprofessional. I can’t see why anyone would like him.

I never thought a day would come where i would root for the zuckerman but here we are.

Meta is a danger to society but at least there is a brain behind it.

There's no need to root for Zuckerberg either. Root for wasps that only eat billionaires.

r/oddlyspecific. Wait... Wrong site.

Time to start /c/oddlyspecific!

All I see is, "please keep talking about me"

He could've at least been creative with it and called him Cuckerberg

Oh, I’m looking forward to the fight. 🍿

It'll either be one of the greatest moments in human history and an absolute bloodbath, or a complete let down where one of them gets knocked out immediately

What if they just sucked off each other and the one who ejaculates the most amount of semen to the other's mouth wins.

I would do everything to be able to join that contest. For scientifically experimenting with their fluids of course. Not anything gay. 🤨

Is there any way to filter out keywords on Lemmy? I'm sick of hearing about these assholes. It's what they want.

yeah i too would appreciate keyword-based filters.

I still feel like this is a bad idea, but it keeps coming up.

How do you envision this working? You type in a word or phrase in your feed options, and it hides everything containing it? Or something at the account level, where it checks everything?

My thoughts are, putting a time limit on it might be a good idea, and doing some statistics to make it a little smart (although I'd have to spend a day deep diving into language theory, so I'll probably wait until I look at custom feed algorithms down the line)

i think you're overcomplicating this a bit. a list of regexps in the user profile would work.

I used Apollo for Reddit. It had filters and it worked beautifully. It pruned my timelines and kept me from doom scrolling. It’s should be possible locally to just remove posts with the filtered keyword from parsing on your timeline

Huh... Well that makes things easier now that I could just see how they did it

I mean, I still don't get it, but if that's all people are asking for, I knocked it out while writing this reply.

Posts I can just set aside easy enough, do you know how Apollo handled comments? I could throw out the filtered post and any replies to it, auto collapse it with a "filtered" message, make it look like it's deleted and just show the replies

I want to open Twitter now to report it… if we all report it, we’ll, nothing will happen but it’s be a data point at least. I guess I’ll just move on.

kinda makes me feel just a bit better knowing that he pissed away all that money on twatter.

Clearly, musk is feeling the fabric of Twitter winding

If Elon was any more salty he would sink in seawater.

Bring on the Fuckerberg vs Phoney Stark fight then!

Anyone else think Elon is starting to look more and more like Brian Peppers?