Are there any games you're planning to pick up during the Steam and GOG sales? to Patient – 135 points –

We've got two big sales going on, and I'm currently deciding what I would like to pick up. I'm planning to get Expeditions: Rome since it's 60% off, and I'm trying to decide if I want to finally get Terra Invicta.

What patient games are the people here planning to pick up? Maybe I'll find a few that I "need" to try!


Disco elysium and hades.

Disco Elysium shouldn't be bought because the devs won't get a cent from the sale, pirate it, that's what they want you to do.

Can you cite a source for the devs requesting it be pirated? I can't find one.

That would be a poor legal strategy since the whole issue is still in the courts. So there is no official statement on that.

If the issue is still in the courts it might get reversed and the devs'll see some money from the outcome.

I'm not a fan of pirated games, maybe I'm an internet pussy, but I trust steam.

The game has probably made 90% of the money it'll ever make. I paid $5 bucks on sale, $3.50 is headed to the shitbag company who pulled this nonsense, I feel bad for the devs, but I've sent more money to worse people while trying to make it through this bullshit society we live in.

I hope the devs win their case, my heart is with them.

Don't buy Disco Elysium. Pirate it.

The original devs got screwed over by the publisher ZA/UM. The devs actively encourage people to pirate the game so the scumbag publisher won't get to profit off what they created.

It's a great game and the OG devs want you to play it for free by pirating :>

Can't recommended DE enough, and for that price it's a must buy.

Never encourage people to buy that game, the devs don't get a cent and don't want you to buy it, they want you to pirate it.

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

I encourage everyone here who hasnt played Celeste to pick it up for $2. One of the goats

Thanks for the recommendation! It's not necessarily something that would jump out at me, but it seems people really like it.

My backlog has reached that point where I need to be a responsible adult and finally beat some games, so this time I'll pass.

But the PS games like Horizon: Zero Dawn are tempting.

You're an inspiration to us all. Well done, sir!

I on the other hand may have crossed the threshold where I have more games than time to live. I'd better get a move on.

I bought Horizon Zero Dawn when it was 50% off. For me it was really worth it. Got every achievement for it. I plan to do the same when Horizon Forbidden West is 50% off.

It's definitely a great game, when it reaches the right price point for you

I too have a backlog, but it's fairly small. I tend to play genres of games by spells, so I often have a few of each type in my queue for the day I'm interested in that kind. While I don't force myself to finish a game I don't like, I do try to keep the number of unplayed games low!

I often find myself looking at some of the PlayStation games, but I often find myself disappointed once I start playing them. The main series of the former exclusives that I like is Uncharted, but many of the others I've just lost interest in after a few hours. That being said, Uncharted games are very short, so maybe I just don't like most long games anymore! Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy were both a lot of fun though.

no i still have a huge backlog to go through and i still have to pray i dont contract skyrimitis and play that for the 400th time

I know the feeling of getting sidetracked by old favorites! I run into that with Morrowind as well as Stardew Valley, The Sims, Farming Simulator and a few others!

Baldur's Gate 3. Currently 20% off on steam, but I want to wait for at least 50% or something, especially for a $60 game.

I'm keeping an eye on it as well, but I'm waiting for a major price drop/bigger sale. Divinity Original Sin 2 didn't really click with me, and BG3 reminds me of it a little too much. Fantasy isn't really my favorite setting, so it may just not be the game for me.

I am waiting half for this reason and half because I'm busy! I won't get around to playing it anytime soon, so why buy it at this price now when it'll probably be for sale cheaper in a few years, which is when I predict I will have time to play?

If you can't afford it you can't afford it. My two cents though is I would have paid double the cost to play BG3.

Infant I did, I bought it for myself had such a great time I bought it for my wife too

I finally picked up Witcher 3 for like 4 bucks. Excited to start playing that. I also got Euro Truck Simulator because it was like 1.99 and seems like a chill space out game.

Witcher 3 was great even though the pacing almost lost me. I'm the kind of player who plays one main story mission and then has to complete all available side quests, before continuing the main quest. It's the reason the only Bethesda Game I have ever finished is Oblivion.

That's why I recommend people to stick with it and finish some main quests if you ever feel like the game loses yo.

Oh man. Once you get some of the higher level fighting moves that games can just be a ballet of rend and slice.

The Witcher 3 is pretty good. I normally don't like a lot of fantasy games, but the Witcher and Elder Scrolls games are two that I like for some reason! I finished the whole game and both dlcs once. I started a second playthrough, but that is mostly running around and playing gwent! 😂

Both Euro and American Truck Simulator are really good games. I like to just put on a podcast or some music and drive for a while. If you find you like it, the dlc states are worth the price in my opinion. Especially since they go on sale pretty often!

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Dying Light, and Hades. $10 a piece on Steam.

I put a ton of hours into Bloodstained RotN when it was on gamepass, but never beat it. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is a game I end up replaying every few years, so I really enjoyed its spiritual succesor back then (around when it first released), and they've only added more content (three new playable characters, a few game modes) to it over time.

For Dying Light, I love the Dead Rising series, but the moment to moment moving around is nothing to write home about. Dying Light has a focus on movement, and got a lot of good reviews, so I figured I'd give it a try.

For Hades, I've always loved Supergiant Games since their first game, Bastion, and I never picked up Hades because it was never priced low enough when I had money to burn. Now that Hades 2 is in early access, I watched some gameplay of that and the first shot up on my list to buy. I've been craving an isometric real time combat game too.

Dying Light's gameplay is pretty good, but I like immediately got a mod to fix the idiotic weapon break system. It's the extremely tiresome "Your hammer breaks after hitting 20 zombies" system plus "you leveled up! now you can use a better hammer with bigger numbers!". Easy enough to mod to taste.

The story, however, is kind of bad. You don't really get any choices, which is fine, but what happens is not satisfying. The DLC is also fun, but the story ending is trash. I just uninstalled it after instead of doing any of the extra bits.


Hades, on the other hand, is very good. No complaints.

Bloodstained is $3 on cdkeys. I Kickstarted it and got the Switch cart when the PS Vita port was cancelled. For that price, it was a no-brainer getting it for PC now, too!

Picked up Shadow of War. Only ever played Shadow of Mordor so interested to check it out especially given the 90%+ discount.

I loved Shadow of Mordor. Shadow of War didn’t really feel like a good continuation of it.

Oh dear, well at least I picked it up for cheap I guess. Maybe I should just replay Shadow of Mordor

Is that the one where you start with a stealth mission that never appears again in the game? It acts as a mandatory tutorial and makes the whole thing unreplayable because of its heavy handed enforcement? If I'm right, this game is a really good minor evolution of the original for exactly one play through. However I wanted to enjoy it a second time a few times but never got through the intro. Hmm exactly how I'd describe metal gear solid 5. I've got great memories just can't revisit it.

Is this the one with the weird multiplayer stuff where you fight other people's orcs, and sometimes they're suspiciously like level 100 and super annoying to kill? And it has stupid sexy shelob?

I never finished it because of those things, but otherwise the core gameplay was alright.

I already have a lot of unplayed games, so I'm keeping my list small. I also really like indies, so here you go:

  • The Hex - in the "deep discount" section; I liked the dev's other two games (Pony Island and Inscryption), so I'll probably enjoy this one; they're all on sale too
  • Firewatch
  • Celeste
  • Gris
  • Filament
  • Chaos Reborn

These are all <$5.

And some other games I might get if I finish an in-progress game:

  • Psychonauts 2
  • Hogwarts Legacy
  • Bomb Rush Cyberpunk
  • Little Nightmares 2

These are from larger studios and are at historical lows (I think). I just need to finish some longer games before I get even more.

It sounds like you've got a plan! Once I get all the bills paid for this month I'm planning to get my partner a Steam Deck as well, so both of us are looking at games. They're a Harry Potter fan, so Hogwarts Legacy is one that came up on the list.

Have fun! I hope you find some good games in your and your partner's budget to play on the new Deck!

I'm sure we will! I saw a list being created, so I'm sure there will be a few. I did give a warning about the infamous Steam backlog, but I don't want to ruin the fun of a new device! So we'll see what happens.

Mostly the sub $5 games since if I don't play it, its fine. Like Celeste

I'm up to about 30 unplayed games in my Steam library. I really need to stop buying more.

Those are rookie numbers! I don't want to think about how much money I have wasted. Stay strong.

Yeah, I have... hundreds... over a thousand if you count EGS games I've claimed.

Don't be like me, only buy games you'll actually play.

Yeah, you don't want to stack up too many! I've got some in my queue until I feel like playing them, but I've started moving more toward just buying a game when I want to play it rather than stacking a bunch up during sales.

So I've just bought a PC. I haven't had a new computer for 12 years. The newest game I've played is Subnautica (and Below Zero). I've basically missed everything from the last 15 years.

I own a few games that I haven't been able to play until now (Fallout 4, Star Wars Squadrons, Witcher 3, few others). Thinking I probably have enough games in my backlog to play those and maybe look at new stuff next sale.

Enjoy your new computer! There's some good games that came out in that time period, so you'll have plenty to enjoy. You'll probably get some really good prices on some of them too!

Finally picked up Dave the Diver.

Hey me too! Put around three hours in so far and am absolutely loving it!

Love the game so much. It is such a fun concept for a game and they executed so well. I’m still in the first phases of the game and unlocking new content and I’m hooked.

First game I've 100% in a long time. I absolutely loved this game.

I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for 2.99€ and I've been enjoying it. I've always heard good things about the series, but never tried it before. Definitely feeling that Cyberpunk had some inspiration from Deus Ex.

I also bought Firewatch for 4.99€ and beat it in a day. I wasn't spoiled about the story, but I had read a bit about it. At the end of the day, I'm glad I played it, but I'm not sure that I would necessarily recommend it.

All the Deus Ex games go for ridiculously cheap and are such a great fun-per-dollar ratio IMHO.

Yes, even Invisible War, if one embraces its weird consoley quirks. XD (bias: I enjoyed it on my OG Xbox back in the day. Universal ammo is so stupid though.)

Still gotta play Mankind Divided. I hope they finish the series one day. They absolutely nailed it with the iconic aesthetic, and Adam Jensen is just so freaking cool. :)

Just got Stardew Valley. I'm a little reluctant to start it though- it seems like one of those games I could sink hundreds of hours into and I have a huge backlog. But I'm excited to try it.

I originally played the iOS version.

I then bought it again on Steam and have 200 hours logged, which is probably only going to grow. All of these hours happened during the adult phase of my life in which I usually have to be mildly peer-pressured into gaming instead of actually taking the initiative to do something I like (though I am trying to fix that). However, I do think that the way it breaks the game up, into days, gives a nice stopping point.

If only I could stop thinking "one more day, I still need to turn in that quest/plant that new crop in the exact place I want it/get that one last fish I need for the community center before I forget".

I don't play Stardew Valley that often or that much, but what I do play is delightful. It's a pretty versatile game.

My partner and I both have hundreds of hours in it, so that could be possible! Try not to have super high expectations for it before you start though, I wouldn't want you to miss out on a fun game because fans hyped it beyond what it is.

That being said, both of us are pretty big fans of the game. We drove quite a distance to go to one of the Stardew Valley concerts, and it was really great. I'm not someone that likes crowds, but all the fans there were very friendly and it made for a great time.

I bought like 20 games within the last year on sales and played maybe 4 of them, this time I try to be strong.

Good luck! I have run into the same thing before, although not quite that many!

After a while I finally picked up Parkitect. I've been having a blast with OpenRTC2 lately, and everyone says if you like Rollercoaster Tycoon, Parkitect really follows that idea.

Still burning through the old school games, but I'm excited to play this one! Especially with workshop support.

I've had that game on my wishlist for years now! 😂 I enjoy that style of game, but all I end up doing is building roller coasters, so I end up sticking with things like Planet Coaster instead. I have definitely spent some time on OpenRCT2 though, so maybe I should give it a try.

I just got the pack with Tunic and Death's Door. I had Tunic in my wishlist for a while and finally bit the bullet. Yay! 2 more games into the backlog!

I have never played a From Software game. Sekiro is really tempting to get, because I never could see myself dodging/rolling around the big enemies and bosses. Mostly human-sized enemies and parrying sounds much more appealing to me. But the difficulty has scared me off thus far and it never went below 50% off

Think of it as more a rhythm game then a souls like, probably better you don't have to unlearn any dark souls habits

This was my barrier of entry. As someone who put around a combined 1k hours in the Souls games, it wasn't until I treated the game differently than Souls did I finally start to make progress. Same thing happened with the aggressive, faster pace of Bloodborne.

I'm somewhat the same. Really no interest in Dark Souls/Elden Ring or any of that, but Sekiro did catch my attention before. The difficulty is a turn off though. I often play games on hard difficulty, but I prefer it to be a choice, and to be able to turn it down if it's too difficult.

It's the only game from FromSoft that I've ever beaten. I find QoL much more bearable compared to DS1. Parrying allowed me to stand toe-to-toe against bosses also. No more rolling around.

I'm kinda offended with these deals. They were great when games were $50. Now that they're trying to charge $70, the deals are just getting prices down to the old regular price, not seeming like a deal at all to me. Now I have to be even more patient. Oh well...

Plus most sales are the same deal as past sales, and they happen often.

To be honest though, if the price of games kept up with inflation over the decades, then they'd cost like $120-200 today.

Prices are largely in line with historical prices, after inflation. $70 today is worth about the same as $50 in 2011. IIRC, new releases were often $60 back then, so new games may actually be cheaper today than ever.

That doesn't make it any better though. I'm patient because games don't release in a solid state these days, and by the time they're properly patched, they're on a solid discount. I'm not paying $70 to be a beta tester, I'd rather pay <$50 for a solid, patched game, even better if it's less.

I mean my paycheck certainly hasn't been in line with inflation 😭

Bought Icarus and State of Decay 2 today. One was 50% off and the other 66%. I almost bought them last night. Glad I waited. Always on the lookout for more co-op games to play with the wife. Can't wait for Ark 2!

Icarus looks interesting but I've been eyeing Enshrouded. My wife liked playing Volcanoids, Astroneer, Drake Hollow, Smalland, Conan Exiles, Dinkum, Palworld, and of course Stardew Valley, among others. Not sure which of those are on sale but check them out.

SoD2 is a solid game! I wouldn't describe it as amazing, but it's pretty unique and scratches a particular itch.

Great description. I like to get into SoD2 if zomboid is feeling too simmy. Still has survival elements but not as hard-core unless you make it that way.

Icarus is one that's caught my attention a couple of times, but I've never bought it. I don't do a lot of co-op or multiplayer in general, but it does look interesting.

Planescape Torment

This was a game many people have forgotten but really, really must play. It was amazing when it came out. There is a patch set for it that is pretty necessary, I forget the details but there are walkthroughs for it.

There's a Pacific Drive + Techtonica bundle I'm looking at and might grab.

Part of the problem is I'm obsessed with Satisfactory which scratches a lot of the itches Terraria did but in 3D.

I used to play Terraria years ago, but it's been a while! Satisfactory looks pretty interesting, but I've never played it.

My plug on Satisfactory is you come for playing around with and making sculptures with conveyor belts, and then stay to play with jump-pads, pneumatic hypertubes and later, trains (that actually carry freight and have a purpose). Also the planet is pretty (and you're going to ruin it all by turning it into factories).

As with other automation games, it's coding in disguise, and if you get a buzz from configuring logistics to distribute parts and fluids from sources to processing machines, then this game can take over your life. The two principle schools of players are make it efficient and make it pretty. In the end, you have a giant playground to zoom around in and watch all the parts zip this way and that down conveyors, each with actual purpose behind them.

I do enjoy that type of game by spells, so I might have to get it the next time I'm in the mood for that! It does look interesting.

Dead Space (remastered, I guess?). Only played a demo version that had 5 minutes of play, way back in the aughts, and have been meaning to try it since.

It's sometimes fun to go back and buy those games you found years ago! When I was pretty young I couldn't afford games and computers, so I would fix old broken computers and play mostly game demos. I got many more hours out of that than those designers probably ever imagined! Since then I've gone back and bought a lot of those games, and it definitely reminds me of some good times.

I bought the entire spiderweb software catalogue and now I will just play spiderweb software games for the rest of my life I guess.

Last night for $4.99 and $2.99 I got Worms W.M.D. and Worms Armageddon on Steam since I haven't played any worms games outside of Worms 2: Armageddon on xbox360.

Tried Armageddon last night and it was pretty fun. Only gripe I have with it is that I had to plug in a mouse and keyboard to my deck dock.

Have yet to try W.M.D. yet and don't know if it has an offline singleplayer player vs computer mode, but I've seen enough videos of people playing it for me to think I'd have a good time playing it.

  • I keep hearing that Mass Effect is a series I would like, so I finally got the Legendary Edition for $5.99.
  • I have also heard of Mages of Mystralia as a good game for magic mechanics, so got that for $4.99.
  • Trombone Champ for $5.99. I like silly memey stuff and I'm a former band kid. I also never played the trombone, which explains why I am buying the game instead of just playing my own trombone instead.
  • Sixty Four for $4.19, as an incremental game fan

I am not sure whether to pick up Noita because I have heard of its great magic mechanics, it also sounds like something that will frustrate me way too much. I'll probably try on a friend's computer first

Noita is a fantastic game.

The magic is that you have two major components. Wands and spells. After every level, you get an opportunity to tinker with the wands you've found by replacing spells you have on them with other wands to make something better.

It's a roguelike, and has no real tutorial, but it's definitely one of those niche games I've put serious time into.

You've got a nice variety of games to try there! Trombone Champ was pretty huge for a while there, but I had pretty much forgotten about it. Maybe I'll grab it just for the laughs.

I finally got spiderman remastered. I don't have much time to play it so I've already downloaded a cheat table so I can have unlimited everything.

I yoinked Undertale and Fallout 76. I just finished FO4, before that was New Vegas, and 3 before that. Finally got hooked on Fallout after years of trying and just not jiving. The show motivated me to try again.

I never got into Fallout either, although I only ever tried 4. I did have someone mention that I should try the earlier games as apparently the tone of them is different. It's sometimes hard to overcome first impressions though! It's great that the show gave you the boost to get hooked!

From a new fan, I found that 3 had the coolest environment. New Vegas bad much better gun mechanics. And 4 is good, a lot better than reviews I read made it sound. And the Nuka Town DLC was a lot of fun.

I'm really hoping for an armored core 6 sale soon!

My pickups have been Horizon Forbidden West, Subnautica, Spelunky, middle-earth: shadow of war, and Pony Island

I don't have exact price breakdowns, but it was total about 60$ with the vast majority of that being H:FW at 45ish.

I'm thinking about either Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth or Warhammer40k: Rogue Trader.

However, I wouldn't be playing them anytime soon with my backlog. So, I'm likely to just sit this sale out.

I bought Dreamfall Chapters, which is back to its historical low on Steam. I've heard good things about it, and Dustborn from the same dev looks super promising.

Debating to either purchase Hi Fi Rush or Persona 5 Royal.

Already got Persona 5 Royal on PS5 but kind of want to replay it on PC and I’m not sure whether I’ll like Hi Fi Rush.

I generally do a fair amount of debating like that too. I don't like wasting money, even when something is heavily discounted!

I spent about $140AUD on euro truck sim 2 DLC, plus American truck sim and a lot of DLC

That'll bring you quite a few hours of enjoyment I'm sure! I've got a lot of hours into both of those games.

indeed! tonight I discovered those wide load missions that must have been from one of the cargo packs I picked up. brings a whole new element to the game!

Crow Country and Chained Echoes were ready choices for me.

Monhunt Rise seems like a good price. Undertale would be a nice gift for my nephew.

Firewatch for $4, Dave the diver for $13 and Total War Atilla for $11.

The Total War games look really interesting, I should give them a try. I play Civilization, Age of Empires, and Crusader Kings though, so it's sometimes hard to fit a new series in. I do see that Atilla is the newest game without Denuvo though, so I might just grab it!

Personally I find that terra invicta requires way too much micromanagement and waiting for turns to pass so I can't recommend it but if that seems your speed or idk if there are mods to help then go for it

That's really what is holding me back from getting it. The idea sounds really interesting, I'm just worried that I won't enjoy the actual gameplay. I've had it in my cart a couple of times during sales but I never end up getting it.

What you said about micromanaging things does help. I don't mind a little micromanagement in games like Age of Empires or Civilization, but if you get too much of it happening I tend to get a bit sloppy. I've found it depends a lot on my goals for the play session and also how long I've been doing it.

Just picked up battlefield 1 cause my friend wanted to play. Wonder if I should get the other battlefield games

Nah, Warframe still keeps getting updates and it's free and not p2w so I'll see y'all there

It's something I've looked at before, and while it looks like it could be a fun game, I don't have that much time to spend grinding! It definitely appears to be one of the more fair f2p games out there though.

Warframe is the most p2w game I have ever played, and I don't understand how people can say otherwise. Imagine you could buy the best pve gear in a mmo like WoW instead of grinding out raids. Warframe is this and then some. Resources? You can buy that. Skip crafting times? Yes. Buy boosters to shorten leveling and item acquisition? Definitely multiple versions. And the game still creates problems and sells the solution, the classic monetization of inventory space.

The game is very good, has an amazing story, and the movement system is the best, but it's extreme p2w if you want it to be. At its core, It is a very grindy looter shooter which is severely monetized.

You can pay to get things done more quickly, but you don't have to pay to win. It just takes more time. From what I hear from players of the game, there's no actual gameplay advantages locked behind a paywall, only cosmetic items. They obviously want you to pay to proceed faster, but it doesn't appear to be like some games that make free players use lower tier weapons and items. You can earn all gameplay items through grinding it out and never need to spend any money.

Critical mistake thinking paywall is pay to win. There is a difference, one is locked, the other can open their wallets but don't have to, but can. Any type of advantage that can be bought with money IS pay to win. The key word is advantage and can be applied to any view point, like 'skipping' and 'easier'. A person that pays will always be ahead of a person that doesn't, hence paying to win.

I mean, if you are trying to argue against this means you probably wouldn't mind buying premium bullets in a video game, like a CEO, John Riccitiello, suggested. Premium bullets would be very convenient and make killing players easier! You wouldn't need to grind levels as long with those boosts!

Rule of thumb is to ask: would paying allow me to finish the game faster? Yes means pay to win.

I would have a problem with a game that sells premium bullets, because as I said in my previous comment, it gives an actual gameplay advantage when playing against other players. Which means it's what I would call pay to win, and means I wouldn't play it. To this point I've played several free to play games fairly extensively, but never spent a cent on them.

You have a different definition of pay to win than the other poster and I do, and while I don't agree with it, that's fine. My primary purpose for responding to your comment was to try to explain what they were referring to. I'm not trying to start a big argument over a game that I don't even play, so I won't be going any further with this.

I got Witcher 1 and SW:KOTOR for like $2. Not sure when I'll play them since I'm currently in the middle of a BG3 obsession and then I'm going to play Ghost of Tsushima. But it was cool to get them for so cheap.

Sounds like a really good deal! I've got all of the Witcher games, and they're pretty good. I'm not really a Star Wars fan, otherwise I would pick up some of the games while they're on that deep a discount! It makes me wonder how good some of them are for a non fan.

Ghost of Tsushima is a game I'm definitely keeping an eye on. I've unfortunately been disappointed with a lot of the recent PlayStation PC releases though, so I'm a bit wary. I'll wait to see what kind of discounts show up in a year or so!

I already picked up a bunch, not sure when I will manage to play them >_< I mostly play retro emulation games these days lol

edit: I checked and some of the ones I picked up include Team Sonic Racing, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, and Black Mesa.

No because my wallet hasn’t tasted the sweetness of money in weeks.

I shall make my own sales, in time.

Also I am not a patient gamer because I wait until a price drop. I am a patient gamer because new AAA games are fucking shit.

Great contribution to the thread, thanks!

Don’t mention it. I am a natural beacon of wholesomeness, always ready to help