If you could only communicate using quotes from one TV show for the rest of your life, which show would you choose and how would that change your interactions?

merari42@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 94 points –

I'd say Simpsons, because it has probably the largest base of useful quotes.


Futurama. I don't what I would do if I couldn't tell people to bite my shiny metal ass.

I basically already do it with Futurama, to the great confusion of everyone around me.

I think Simpsons would still have you covered, they've had crossovers in the past

Star Trek: TNG

“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra”

Wouldn't change much honestly.

Yeah, I was going to cheat and go with “the entire Star Trek franchise”

And… I pretty much already speak entirely in Star Trek quotes.

Rule of Acquisition 111: Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them.

Shaka when the walls fell

That's how you speak isn't it, through metaphor

This broke my brain when I watched again, because I constantly use star trek, wars, Simpsons, Seinfeld, and so many other references to explain how I'm feeling.

Unfortunately no one else watches them.

It's ok, we understand here. This is your safe space. If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are.

Arrested development! Not sure it would change my daily interactions.

I've made a huge mistake

Pulp Fiction. I can still say useful everyday phrases like "Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."

I'm pretty sure nobody around me understands why I always say little KANGaroo so strangely.

And no, I don't often have reasons to say that, but that doesn't stop me from making my own.


EDIT: changing my answer to Taskmaster, if only so I can still say "all the information's on the task"

South Park - not much would change since it would be only a slight increase in the number of f bombs I use.

I take "Yes, Minister" together with it's follow-up "Yes, Prime Minister". It's old, yes, and British, but I've yet to see a series with more memorable quotes.

I must rewatch this, I feel I was too young to get most of the more subtle humour when I first watched it.

Absolutely. The scenes where Sir Humphrey explains British Newspapers to the minister or talks with Frank Weisel about conscription were absolutely gold! Or "The Prime Minister giveth, and the Prime Minster taketh away." ;-)

I remember the scene where Sir Humphrey, explains why the UK must be inside the EEC in order to make a mess out of it. So good...

The Simpsons.

It’s been on so long that you’d never notice you’re quoting the show. That and they seem to be good at predicting the future.

Smithers ... You ... Are ... Really ... Good ... At... Turning me on.

Trailer park boys. Way she goes boys

Schitt's Creek. Half my online conversations are already gifs from the show.

Venture Brothers, probably. I already quote it too much. Hot dolphin!

what up my glipglops

ol Rick n morty should cover all my wubalubadub dub.

Local station news program. I suspect that would cover the most broadly applicable things that you'll need to deal with. Aside from local place names you'll still be able to talk about national and international news, finance/taxes, medical situations, weather, sports and entertainment, food... You'd have decades worth of back catalog to access from. You'd probably be wanting for specifics on some super niche hobbies, but it's hard to think of much that you'd be missing entirely from your available phrases.

"30 Rock" No interaction I've ever had would be different...

Firefly. Using gorramitt, shiny, "I'm shocked my own self", and "big damn hero" on the regs would be right some good.

Same, but mainly because I already have all of the quotes and I do use them fairly regularly. The only downside is that the show was murdered in its infancy by Fox who I will never forgive and thus provides a limited vocabulary.


Also, "Per-maybe-haps I'm thinkin'."

I always think of Fox as the Alliance. They change the order the shows aired and the time/date. Bastards.

The Office, basically it wouldn’t change anything because I already speak in mostly deep cut quotes and references from the show.

probably like general hospital since it has so many episodes you would likely be able to speak anything.

"yes" "I" "would" "it's" "not" "hard" "if" "they" "are" "short" "quotes"

30 rock.

"Are there any other black nerds or is it just you and Ukel?"

Over the Garden Wall. It's not terribly long, yet remains one of the most quoted shows in my family.

The Simpsons or similar.

It's been running since forever. If you're going to constrain my vocabulary, I'd rather have it as large as possible.


Get organized and then engage with Zorp. What else is there to say?

My household quotes Adventure Time quite a bit. Oh my glob!

"The Sopranos" would be a fun one.

Anyways, $4 a pound..


It'd help me finally clean up my language, while still saying what I'm thinking most of the time.

The Regular Show. Mostly means I'm going to tap the nearest person to me to present all questions/answers in a synchronized choreographed song and dance.

IRL tho, ever since watching Letterkenney, all my friends and I do the fancy "To be fair" thing constantly.

I’ll tell you what: I may have fucked my life up flatter than hammered shit, but I stand here before you today beholden to no human cocksucker

Psych, because I am a fan of delicious flavor. It wouldn't change much because I already quote it a lot