Proud Boys leader predicts Trump will pardon him as he bemoans prison food to – 467 points –

In the wake of his 17-year jail sentence, Joseph Bigg said: "Oh, I know he'll pardon. I believe that with all my heart."


Regardless of political leanings, if one of the steps in your master plan is "receive pardon from glorious leader once they return to power", you might want to rethink what you're about to do.

People in the freaken gulags were waiting for Stalin to pardon them. No one, including myself, wants to accept the existence they almost certainly have and will have hope for saviour. Even if it is the person who put them there.

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Stop. Giving. These. Fuckwits. Attention!

On the contrary, make an example of what happens to insurrectionists.

Oh, I completely agree on that point. But let them fade into the dark where cockroaches belong and stop giving them free advertising for their gofundme accounts!

as delusional as ever

Trump May pardon him, despite all his pretending he doesnā€™t know what a proud boy is.

'trump will pardon him with his mind. from his own prison cell'

good luck with that.

Dollars to donuts Trump doesn't even know this dude exists.

irrelevant since he cant pardon anyone while he himself is in prison and disqualified from holding any office

The constitutional qualifications for being president are being a natural-born U.S. citizen, a resident for at least 14 years and over the age of 35. A person can be disqualified by conviction in a Senate impeachment trial, but a criminal conviction does not affect eligibility.

He can become president again even if he's in prison. And then he can pardon anyone including himself.

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I'd pay good money to see his face the moment he realizes that Trump isn't going to help him

Sorry, that isn't a pay to win feature. You'll have to wait the 16 years 11 months and 25 days for him to realize it.

but he believes it with all his heart.. all teaspoon and a half of it..

A lot of prisons have video phones now.

You could probally actually call him if you want to pay $10/min or whatever it is.

As tempting as that sounds, Talking to insurrectionists for fun is probably a good way to get put on a list.

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He thought Trump was gonna pay their lawyers as well.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed this one.

Dude, he's already forgotten about you, if he ever knew who you were in the first place. He most certainly doesn't care if you rot in jail or not. In fact, he'd probably get off on it if he knew.

If someone told Trump about this guy 4 years from now, he'd be bragging about how there were dudes doing long jailtime for him, because that's how great he is. Getting Biggs out of prison would mean less bragging rights. He literally has an incentive to keep him in there.

Trump could have pardoned him on January 7th.

Trump doesn't give a shit about them.

Also, Trump is about to get removed from the ballot in several states.

ā€œAlso, Trump is about to get removed from the ballot in several states.ā€

I hope youā€™re correct.

I wouldn't count on the 14th argument. There's going to be so many lawsuits flying around they're going to have to put a jetway at the Supreme Court, and Alito, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and whatsherface will tie themselves in knots to force that shitstain back on us.

If there weren't a million reasons to not vote for Trump already, keeping this POS behind bars is just one more to add to the pile.

Lol trump only cares about himself this dudes in for a wild ride. Don't drop the soap my man.

I'm guessing, because he's clearly a moron, that he doesn't realize that former presidents don't have pardoning power.

Depends how brain damaged you assume this guy is, but he either thinks trump will win in 24 or that trump is secretly the actual for real president. Probably the former but I wouldn't bet on it.

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Yeah, you served your purpose and you failed... enjoy prison.

Thoughts and prayers

Trump can't pardon the shiv your cellmate sticks into you because you won't stop talking about Trump all the damn time. Just put a little hydroxychloroquine on the wound and walk it off!

lmao, has this guy ever heard Trump's opinion on losers? Don't expect a pardon any time soon, bucko.

In my book, you get points for staying OUT of the can! šŸ¤Ÿ

Get over to the sopranos lemmy community. I'm the only one making posts, and yes, I want a boutonniere

You shouldn't have to come here - hat in your hand - reminding us of our duty to that community. Frankly I'm depressed and ashamed.

It's a good thing for me then, YOUR BOOK DON'T MEAN UGATZ TO ME!!

I don't think he gets that Trump will NEVER be elected again. It's possible for Trump to even wind up in a state or federal penitentiary; assuming that his defense fails to convince a judge.

He's almost certainly going to be the Republican candidate. There's a very real treath of him becoming president again.

You are wrong. He cannot be elected president. The 14th amendment prohibits it.

I wish I was...

Two activist groups are trying to convince the secretaries of a handful of states to disqualify Trump because they believe his actions on January 6 fall under section 3 of the 14th amendment. As of now these efforts have not born any fruit. I'll be celebrating with you if they ever do.

I remember being one of the fools who thought he wouldnā€™t stand a chance the first time around.

This time around Iā€™m praying and Iā€™m not even religious.

I live in red country. I hear them every day. Teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, police officers, farmers, constructions workers, welders, even dirt poor disabled welfare recipients. They all say, ā€œI canā€™t wait until Trump gets back in and fixes this mess.ā€

The media they consume all says heā€™s innocent. The podcasts they listen to all cheer for the day his political opponents are jailed.

Even with the recording where he pressured officials to find more votes. Even with all of the charges. Even with the republicans who come out and talk about his crimes.

To them itā€™s all political theater from the left. Itā€™s all a big conspiracy to take down the greatest man who ever lived.

Iā€™ve heard the words, ā€œpoor old Trump. Itā€™s a shame what theyā€™re putting him through, and he just keeps going because he loves America.ā€

The threat is real. Please please please, donā€™t think for a second he canā€™t win.

I remember telling people it's possible and having a whole bunch of online folk tell me how Stephen Wang from Princeton said there was a 98% chance that Democrats would win.

Nate Silver went from being congratulated for his predictions to getting criticized for mentioning that there were correlated errors which could easily result in a Republican president. It was interesting because Silver wasn't even predicting a Republican victory just a 40% chance it could happen.

Please stop spreading misinformation. Donald Trump cannot win. The 14th amendment prohibits it.

You are wrong and certain, which makes you dangerous. Unless convicted of these crimes, nothing is stopping him. Basically you are setting the bar so anyone can yell sedition in a crowded theater, and now no one there can be president.

No, you are absolutely wrong. Trump HAS charges against him on both state and federal levels.

The 14th amendment places no emphasis on a judge finding one guilty. Therefore yes; it can be that broad. We can show he did something; Congress, DoJ and a State would not be investigating otherwise.

Trump can be elected again. Holding that office is another thing.

This is blatantly false. The 14th Amendment prohibits it.

This is blatantly false. The 14th Amendment prohibits it.

Quote the part of the 14th Amendment where it prohibits someone from being elected to an office. I'll link the Amendment here:

If you read what i said, i differentiated between being elected and holding office. Careful when you say something is "blatantly false". That sounds like you were accusing me of lying, and that can create a toxic community.

There is no clear mechanic to do that with. I am sure some blue states will pull him off the ballot but he was going to lose those states anyhow. When it goes to court you know and I know the Supreme Court will grab it and say it doesn't count for whatever bullshit reason they come up with.

The wording of the 14th amendment is clear. SCOTUS will not save him if he catches a conviction; which he is under about 100+ counts of across Congress, Federal and State courts. I place the likelihood of all of those charges failing at near zero

Do you have $2 million?

After inflation it's probably $5 million now, Trump has been living the high life off his donations after all and if there's one constant he is greedy.

Where is the court room video of his crying and begging?

How many gramss of copium he's putting on his prison food as seasoning?

Well, if the worst comes to pass and that orange bastard actually does become president again, it'll be fun to watch Joey Bigtime Biggs squirm waiting for that mythical pardon. Assuming we're not all nuclear vapor by that point.

Sure, you could believe this asshat when he says, "We went there with no plan!"

Or you could believe the Mount Everest of evidence the prosecutor had via texts, emails, and call records.

Letā€™s say that trump wins in 2024. Does this guy have a gofundme that can raise $2 million?

They are probably right, trump will pardon them.

Trump literally doesn't understand doing something charitable for someone else.

He literally let his own fanbois and fangirls risk hypothermia after rallies in the winter because of stiffing the bus companies that got them there. TWICE.

Nah, he could have pardoned them before he left office but as usual doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone except himself. These idiots don't realize they were simply tools used and then discarded.

However, I could foresee a scenario where another candidate runs hard on the "pardon all the J6 'political prisoners' platform" and get some traction. That said, they would only follow-through if it got them political points or some other personal gain.

trump is not getting back in the white house, so thats going to be difficult for him

How are you so sure?

Biden has been narrowing all the doorways so trump physically can't get in.

I'll have you know defendant Trump is a svelte 6'3" 215 pounds of solid muscle. It says so on his rap sheet.