Trump Warns ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War Two’ to – 833 points –
Trump Warns ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War Two’

I just don't want to anything anymore

We're just monkeys with guns.

Humanity patting itself on the back about how enlightened it believes that it is is just masturbation.

World War Two DID happen therefore Biden retroactively caused it! Impeach him now!

Why did Hunter Biden do this??!

Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... stuff. That's how he caused it.

Biden is a deep state time lord of Gallifrey… believe me!

“We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and who is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war,” Trump said. “Just think of it. We would be in World War II very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man.”

Obviously, Trump meant to say “World War III.” Insisting that we’re on the brink of another great war, and maybe even nuclear annihilation, has been part of his stump speech for months. But that isn’t the only line he flubbed. At another point in the speech, Trump seemed to mix up Biden and Barack Obama, suggesting he’s currently leading his predecessor in the 2024 polls.


To be fair, he probably is polling higher than Obama.

I actually doubt it, but I can't find any semi-recent Obama polls to say otherwise. Michelle Obama is polling great right now however.

We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead

And this, students, is an example of Projection

Students scribble notes

Ironically that trump quote is a perfect description of Trump's government

Everything he says is projection, so it's not very surprising.

A cognitively impaired Trump thinks a ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War II’

Imagine being so cognitively impaired that you accidentally time travel.

The question becomes does America want a time travelling president? I mean I assume that they would, but I'm not American so what do I know.

His base already denies the holocaust, might as well just deny the entire war ever happened so he doesn’t get accused of plagiarism, too.

Can we finally add an age limit to all political offices, please!?

Aren't some states trying to do that in the US? But with a lower limit instead of an upper limit to prevent the "woke millennials" from taking office?

monkey's paw's finger curls

we just need to raise the government buildings by 50 feet and make them only accessible by stairs/ramp

As far as I'm aware of, there is already a biological age limit.

a biological age limit

And it's called death.

Basically, while you have to be 35 to run for president (and be a natural-born citizen of the US and be a resident of the US for 14 years), there's no age cap on running for president. It's been that way ever since George Washington became president, and changing that would require an amendment to the US Constitution.

you should have to be within 10 years of the median age of the country to run for president, to ensure you are actually in touch with the country you are going to govern, and the people in it, and the problems they have.

The "issue" with that is that, typically, most elected officials work their way up the ladder. Generally speaking, first, they're mayor of a city, then governor, then they typically run for a federal office, be it president or congressman/ congresswoman. If they run for Congress, there's a chance they may run for president later down the line.

There are other options to pick from in a climb to the top, so this is just a general idea. Basically, they have to make a name for themselves on the national political stage before they have a chance at winning the presidency. So that's what they try to do when working their way up the ladder.

Funny, it didnt stop Bill Clinton, or Obama, or Kennedy, from achieving office while being within roughly 10 years of the median age of the country, or having names for themselves.

Maybe some IQ one as well - it doesn’t have to be too high, something like 60 would already filter out this idiot..

I initially read this as him saying world war 3 and then realised he actually said world war 2 and I can't stop sad laughing at just how fucking stupid this.

And to think 70 million Americans said that's my guy and there is still millions that would vote for him without hesitation if the election was tomorrow.

I…think I need a drink. (I don’t drink)

I quit a little over 4 years ago. Since then we've had a pandemic, riots, war in Europe, too many natural disasters to name, and no real improvement on the horizon. I'm starting to wonder if my drinking was holding this world together.

If you quitting drinking was all it took to kick off the end of the world, we were screwed anyway.

The last time I was drinking often was when my mom was in her last couple years. She passed in 2016. My drinking is occasional (even rare) now. Can't let you take all the blame. We'll split it 50-50 lol

I'm just going to down this litre of vodka and you two let me know if anything improves, because I doubt I'll be able to figure it out on my own.

Well, between wars, the rise of the far Right (again), climate change and the utter fucking up of the world economies by the ultra rich, now would be a good time to start.

Remember that time he talked about how the US took over the airports during the revolutionary war?

This guy histories!

remember when he bragged about acing a dementia test, ignoring the fact that just having to take the test is kinda cause for concern.

The commander in chief bragged about our Abrams and Sherman tanks.

Better headline:

"Trump confirms that US president has time travel capabilities"

It’s like he learned the word in his own medical checkup and decided to throw it at Biden.

Even if donnie did not totally f this up and sound like he's ready for a memory unit, it's not like he is much younger than Biden. Every time he talks about Biden, it only reminds me of how old donnie is.

Every time he says anything about Biden being really old it always makes me think of my grandmothers.

My grandmother on my mother's side died at 80 with dementia. Meanwhile my grandmother on my father's side died at 99 and was basically perfectly normal and aware until about 2 weeks before her death, so age clearly isn't everything.

Also Trump is clearly suffering from some kind of neurological degenerate disease and wasn't exactly an competing in intellectual decathlons to begin with.

In addition, donnie does not seem to be doing anything at all to age well. Netflix has a series about living to 100; donnie seems to violate every single suggestion.

Well according to my grandmother the trick was to not die. Also she used to bleach her cookware, but I suspect she lived to 99 despite that, rather than because of it.

It's already too late since World War II already happened. Donald Trump tried his best but World War II happened. We could keep warning people about Biden but unfortunately he will enter the time machine anyway and tell young aspiring artist Adolf Hitler that his art isn't that good. He will have tried to tell Adolf in the nicest way possible to ensure that Adolf won't take this wrong. Perhaps he will have tried to encourage Adolf to keep pursuing art as a hobby and maybe try studying art again later. But the fact that World War II happened shows that nothing that Biden will have tried has worked.

I'm starting to think something might be off with this Trump guy...

World War II: The Sequel "Let's Gidderdone Right"

Wait not world war two, 'the search for more money'?! Lol

I facepalmed just reading the headline.

One should actually facepalm at "Trump", so the rest of the nonsense can't be read.

If we rush this section we can get to the space race and go to the moon by 2059.

Well obviously WWII ended badly for Hitler the First, so Hitler II has got good reason to worry about WWII Jr.

As Americans, should we just mass suicide to try to save humanity?

The problem is... the wrong one's would mass suicide and leave behind the assholes.

Murder/suicide it is then!

I'm thinking we can just learn some lessons from the Fyre festival and arrange to have them left on a deserted island without cell signal.

Just tell them that's where hunter hid his other laptop.

"Jason Aldeen and Kid Rock are hosting a week long festival with all you drink Coors light and it's free for god fearing patriots!"

  • beer isn’t refrigerated.
  • it’s 104 degrees out
  • water costs $15 each. It’s a 12oz Liquid Death.

COVID almost worked

Thomas Hartmann keeps quoting some stat that illustrates the die-off of Republicans due to Covid. I wish I could remember the exact amount, but it was not rosy for Republicans.

1 more...

Like... with a time machine? In a way that was somehow hidden to history?

Okay, now I'm honestly intrigued. More details needed.

I won’t vote for old, either side. Done with it.

Thats a long winded way to say you want repubs to win and create the fourth reich.

World war II is going to cause covfefe prices to skyrocket!

Remember that time when Biden thought he was debating against Abraham Lincoln in the televised debates?

Both Biden and Trump are borderline senile fossils that shouldn't be trusted with the Western economy and nearly half of the planet's nuclear weapons stockpile. Either candidate poses a very legitimate argument for maximum age limits to be imposed on future presidential candidates.

This isn't out of any dislike towards the elderly. People's mental facilities tend to decline substantially when they get to that age and that proves detrimental when making economic and political decisions. We saw the same thing with Ronald Reagan in the later years of his tenure.

When it's a two-horse race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, society loses.

Haha I love how I watched this live and knew conservatives wouldn't have a clue what Biden is saying here.

He's ripping on trump and it totally flew over your heads.
Conservatives really don't have the ability to understand sarcasm unless it matches their confirmation biases.

I've been waiting years for this to manifest. Thank you for being the idiot who fell on the grenade.

I just watched it ... it's mind boggling that could be interpreted as anything but a dig.

From Joe Biden, the man who said he was going to beat Joe Biden?

I mean, it could definitely be a joke, but I wouldn’t put it past him to do that. He’s definitely senile, the wrong thing about the “speech” in the article is that Trump is in no position to say that when he’s even worse.

I absolutely think biden's too old, but in this specific clip it kind of seems like he is making fun of Trump's "I am the least racist person ever" response.

I'm 100% confident that at the time that's how this was interpreted. After the guy talked about how he was the least racist person in the room (lol), calling him Abraham Lincoln doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

By mid 19th Century standards (the Civil Rights movement wouldn't come until roughly a century later), wasn't Lincoln progressive? Not only for leading the US through a civil war brewed partially over slavery, but also abolishing it?

and then we have senators that gave away power of attorney but still have power over the US.

Age limits are necessary. Term limits would at least patch the problem.

You cannot be this stupid.

I genuinely refuse to accept that you honestly believe what you say here