Whats a stupid ritual in your life that makes you happy?

SnokenKeekaGuard@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 171 points –

Having coffee, smth sweet and a followup cigarrete in the morning makes me happy to be awake. Or kiss goodbyes and hellos.


Every night when we go to bed, whoever gets up and leaves the living room first gets to wish the other one "good luck with the lamps!". As in, turning off the lights. I have no idea why it started but it's been going on for years and years.

If we're watching a TV show and the last episode of the night is ending the whole atmosphere changes, we get super tense and both start trying to get ready to go without the other noticing and then we'll spring up and run for the door to be the one who doesn't have to have good luck with the lamps. If we were lying snuggling together on the couch, we'll literally wrestle to be first one up. I got him a custom printed mug with it on, and our first lamp is like our relationship mascot. It's just a whole thing.

We are middle-aged marrieds.

I expect one day, hopefully far in the future, as one of us peacefully passes away while the other holds their hand and gazes tearfully into their eyes, regardless of which of us it is their last words will be "good luck with the lamps".

That sounds absolutely mental in the most wholesome way haha.

I've been replacing our light switches with smart switches. We tell Alexa good night and she turns off all the lights and locks the doors. I'm chuckling at the idea of telling Alexa "good luck with the lamps!"

We actually tried this! Tried to get her to say "Good luck with your lamps" as the reply because we're British and terminally sarcastic like that, but ofc she doesn't really do tone so it was underwhelming.

We turned it off and went back to the old fashioned way 😂

Google has a decent British voice. But no tone either. I wonder if you made it 'ya or lamps'

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We do this with the dog. He refuses to move. He needs to go out and then coerced upstairs to bed. It's a real hassle. So whoever is last has to deal with it. I'll leave a show halfway through just so I don't have to deal with him. Spoiled diva

This sounds like the build up of a scary as fuck movie.

One evening, she didn't have good luck with the lamps.

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Every morning before I go to the kitchen for breakfast, I call out my bunnies, lie down in my bed, and have them jump on top of my chest to ask for food. I'd give them some pellets for breakfast right there and watch their little moufs chew for 10 minutes, then depending on their mood I'd either pet them for a bit, or watch them jump and zoom around the room.

This is almost always the best part of my day; every day I wake up half an hour before I'm supposed to, just so that I can do this :)

Bunnies are the best. I give mine a kiss everyday before work.

My nerdy dad liked to tell us to "watch out for orcs!" dropping us off places. I carried on the tradition, and even though he passed a couple years ago I get to enjoy his joke since my SO and I say it to each other all the time, or variations of it. If its a water related destination I like to evolve it to "watch out for orcas!"

We've been playing Baldurs Gate 3 lately so its been "watch out for mind flayers!" a couple times, but the point is just a silly reference to something we love, just to add some goofy fantasy to an otherwise normal day. I like to imagine Orcs popping up irl in goofy ways when I hear it, like one charging the car while I wait for the atm thinking its some great metal beast. Or taking all yhe ground beef at the grocery store for a "great feast!" Plus one box of twinkies. Dumb shit like that :)

You just reminded me. My dad used to say "Don't take any wooden nickels!" Had to get him to explain this, the first time he said it to me.

visiting a nearby cat colony every single day before work. The cats have gotten used to me and I get to play with a lot of them everyday

EVERY day? What a way to start your day. Sounds awesome!

Every morning my cat needs to play follow leader (she's the leader of course) for a few minutes. She leads me around the house to make sure I see all the things she rubs her face on. Then she'll jump up on the cat tree for pets and her morning pill. It's probably close to a 10 minute ritual we go through everyday.

I leave food and water out for the local birds, and sit outside under a beautiful big tree, and birds come up, eat the food, have a drink and a bath/splash around, then some of them land on me and we have a chat. I actually get a lot more sense out of those interactions than I do with any human where I am, so it really helps. One little goober gets a crazy look in the eye, then (most of the time) gently bites my finger and half rolls over. So I roll him/her over and tickle the belly. It's hard to stay grumpy when you start your day like that!

That's sweet. Don't birds relieve themselves in the vicinity due to this?

Love Mr Little Goober

I trained most of them to aim their tail feathers away before they do, but yes, sometimes it just gushes out when it gushes out. They're wild birds, it's part of the package. But I do put a towel on my lap, so that makes things easier. Also no scratches on the legs if the birds decide to fight each other on my lap. They do that especially in spring, when the hormones are fluctuating.

I call all of them goobers, so "Mr Goober" is called Derfred. It is the goofiest bird I have ever seen. I suspect it might've hit a window or car or something at some stage and stayed a bit silly. Derfred even bites and climbs on other birds, just playing. But the other birds aren't always prepared to put up with it haha. Poor thing. But Derfred is healthy and happy.

Here are names I've given to some of the other birds:

  • Signore Salieri (has an unusually large beak and high "hair line")

  • Mr Faith No More (actually a girl, but looks a lot like Mike Patton. Sounds dumb but I swear it's true).

  • Mr Roy (has a rainbow-ish pattern on the head. Full name is Roy G. Biv).

  • Cleopatra (a lady bird who gets a lot of attention from the boys, and takes no prisoners. She's always very nice to me, though)

  • Mr Blackbottom (he has a large black patch on his lower beak - completely harmless. Beaks are black as juveniles, then the black gradually fades as they get older).

  • The Scream (a girl bird who enjoys landing on my arm, staring me square in the eye, flapping her wings and screeching at me. No other reason than to chat/play. Weirdo).

  • John Deere (when I sing or talk, this goober stares at me like a deer in the headlights. As if I am threatening it. It knows full well I'm not threatening it, just a bit of a drama queen).

There are more but I can't remember them right now.

Aww, I love this!! & I love that one of them looks like Mike Patton! I wish I could see that for myself, lol! I'm so glad you and the birdies have each other :)

I always make sure I say "I love you" to family members, when we part. It's a tiny thing, but you never know when something could happen to either of you.

That's sweet, Ive only said that to my gf and I cringe at the idea of ever saying that. Saying it to one person is tough enough I can't imagine saying it to anyone else. That's a really nice habit to have!

I sadly lost my nan, unexpectedly a while back. It's a significant comfort to know some of the last words I spoke to her were "I love you both".

So sorry for your loss, i've had terrible luck with last interactions with my grandparents before their deaths.

It's one of those things. I've managed to purge the negative feelings now.

Ironically, I don't really remember our last interaction, in person. It was pleasant and enjoyable, but so normal as to just blur with other visits. That amuses me quite a bit (so many nice visits I can no longer pick 1 out). My habit of saying "I love you" at the end of every visit helps a lot.

It takes a bit of practise to get over the awkwardness. But it's totally worth it.

When i started doing this, my other family members were a little weirded out, but now it feels natural to part this way and their response feels natural too. I'm so glad i started.

It took me time to get there, but I say it to my close friends now, because it's true. I love them, platonically and they deserve to know that. You never know how long it's been since someone felt loved

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Particularly when leaving on bad terms, or in a fight, or just nagging, you would probably forever feel guilt and remorse

I have to start doing this.. Saying I love you even when, or especially when, someone did something I did not like..

"I hated what you just did.. It make me feel like crap. Still, I love you."

This, you should tell yourself as well. Many of us hate ourselves, because of what we did or didn't do, or how we are, or how we should be.

Then tell yourself; this was not a nice thing to do, you can do better. But still, i love you :-)

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No matter how hectic her morning, if I make myself a coffee, i bring it over so my SO can have a sip.

She loves coffee but can't deal with too much caffeine.

When giving hugs, I never let go first. Though I let go promptly when the other person does. You never know much of a hug the other person needs.

I've been in a bad place lately and I kind of needed this. Thank you... At first I didn't know how to answer this question.

Going to bed and calling the cats in to sleep with us. Some one always goes in the 'leg basket'. When I wake up I pet anyone around, kiss the S.O. and start my day.

It's not everyday but I leave sticky notes around with sayings or love notes for the S.O. I enjoy everything about this.

That's beautiful, keep spreading the love and hope you do better ❤️.

Thanks. 💛 For the last couple months its just been one thing after another. Hopefully on the other side of this problem is time to relax. Cheers.

Can't have cats in the bedroom. I'd wake up 3-5 times a night because somebody jumped on me or is sniffing my face with all those tickling whiskers.

I hear this! Mine now tries to snuggle up by shoving his butt toward my face, and draping his tail across my mouth.

Currently have not one but two in the leg basket, lol. They rarely sleep with us and when they do even more rare for them to snuggle together despite being litter mates. I have to pee but i hate to disturb the cuddling. They're in the early adult years and snuggled as kittens so I hope they'll eventually return to doing it more often.

That's why I'm here. I have one in the basket, one at my feet, and the other wrapped around my left arm... Its 4am, I can't sleep, as soon as one of them moves I'm going to get up ans watch some TV before work.

We have a two 1 year olds from the same litter, they cuddle as kittens but not so much anymore. The male is a bit of a jerk to the female but he's starting to settle down.

Also, 2 kittens, they were neutered a month or two ago. They're crazy and cuddle with everyone when they're not ripping up our toilet paper all over the house or locking themselves in a room (playing behind the door until it closes)

When I get home from work, I ask my dogs about their day and they freak tf out. I love it. My beagle gets especially wound up over it.

Getting home to dogs and feeling their attention and unconditional love must be great!

It is! They get so wound up. My beagle is so g-dang affectionate. My puppy isn't as cuddly, but likes to wrestle me gently.

When we drive over train tracks, we have to lift our feet so we won't get caught on the tracks. We'll be mid conversation and then both of us are lifting our feet all silly like.

Note the driver only does this when it's safe to do so. If traffic is slow or stopped on the other side, we're not just going to rear end anyone.

I has a friend once who would press his hands to the roof of the car when crossing tracks. It got to be a thing in the circle of friends, and eventually it got so he'd get irate if someone in the car didn't do it. I was sure he'd gotten it from a movie.

I've read about a variation of this and do it faithfully! Except you have to be driving under an overpass with train tracks, and there has to be a (preferably moving) train on the tracks above you. The idea is that when you press your hand to the car's ceiling, you get to send a wish to hitch a ride on the train going by above you. The moving train takes your wish along with it, giving it quicker travels, more exposure to the world, and thus more opportunities to be fulfilled.

Hah thats fun. Didn't know people drove over train tracks, never lived in a country with trains as a common method of transportation.

Every now and then streets and train lines intersect, just out of necessity :) no wya around it

Morning hugs with my partner, very first thing when I wake up. I tend to curl up to them and stay there for at least 5 - 10 minutes before starting my day.
I'm an early bird, but they're a heavy sleeper so usually they don't mind :)

This is honestly goals. I don't have a partner but I dream of this. This is better than sex in my opinion.

I agree. If I had to choose between one or the other, I would choose hugs and cuddles without hesitation.
I hope you’ll find your special someone soon.

I'm the opposite. If we haven't had sex in a while cuddling is like hanging a big juicy steak in front of a starving person. It's just frustrating as hell. I guess I'm an all or nothing kind of guy when it comes to physical intimacy.

A nice manly bubble bath lol

Oh, I sometimes make my bathroom into sort of a sauna.. I turn the heater, put a really scalding hot bath and just stay there, sweating my ass off, for like 2h. It's great.

I like my morning ritual a lot. After I brush my teeth, I shave, and then I have a coffee before I get dressed.

I used to hate shaving, just an annoying chore that gave me razor burn and bumps, that I had to do because I can't grow a beard. So I switched to an old style double sided blade safety razor. Yup, like your grandpa. Yes, they still make those. I also got a badger brush for lathering, and I make a ritual of it. When I start, it's like "ok, it's time for something pleasant that I can't rush, and I will do it, and I will enjoy it". And you know what? I do enjoy it. The old timey razor irritates my skin a lot less, the result is better and smoother, and I like how the brush feels on my face. I feel like I look good when I'm done.

And I got a nice coffee machine, and good coffee, and I take the time to enjoy it before I leave for work.

Safety razors are great. One time purchase of a good quality one with very cheap blades that come in the hundreds. No stupid disposable plastic sticks.

Would they work on legs or would my knees get cut to ribbons?

I don't see why it would be any different, but you should stretch the skin you shave anyway. You can also buy a stiptic pencil if you're worried about knicks.

This is my answer too. Wet shaving is very relaxing to me. Side benefit is it's also cheaper as long as you restrain yourself when buying new soaps and gear.

I haven't bought anything else since I bought the razor, but I do want to get a shaving cream or something else that smells nicer than the basic foam. That's... whenever I run out of my current stuff.

Several places online sell sample packs of soap for like 20ish bucks so you can get some different ones to try out without too much cost. Even these go pretty far. I also bought a box of Arko sticks like 10 years ago and have only gone through 2.5 out of 12... I don't use that one every day but they last a long time and it lathers up really well when I'm in a hurry. Nothing special as far as scent goes though.

Thanks, I'll look some of those up! I think I want to get something classic such as sandalwood or something, and something a bit softer like a fruit or a flower, just for variety

Any idea how they fare for head shaving?

Sorry, no idea. I can imagine it being a little harder if you've been using the pivoting style razors. You have to keep the safety razor at the correct angle yourself or you don't get shaved.

Ah, makes sense. I use one that can pivot, but also has the single blade on the back. Maybe I'll try it out. Thanks for the info.

Having free time to cook something decent for myself. That and experimenting on dishes and succeeding of course lol. Even if it fails, I still learned something.

I always make time to sit outside at night during a full moon. It’s one of the most peaceful sights, for me at least.

Coming home from work, having a little snack, a glass of tea, sitting in my chair, and playing a few games of euchre on my iPad

When my fiancée goes to work, she leaves at 6am. I'm usually asleep still so she wakes me for a kiss goodbye. I reply with sleepily with "drive safe, I love you". If I'm to sleepy to say drive safe I worry 'what if today she is in an accident, and I didn't say it'. So I bought her a key tag thing that says it, so I know ive got myself covered incase I'm too sleepy

Letting my hair air dry with a morning walk after showering.

Stretching before sleep and then again in the morning.

Enjoying some tea and good food while catching up on YT.

Combining booze and difficult games.

Pretty simple: Every morning I watch at least one episode of a light headed tv show. Always start with something good in the day.

Rolling a joint then smoking it. It’s a ritual I repeat a lot… it’s pretty stupid but it does make life a bit easier to handle.

One bowl pack before work, 2 bowl packs when I get home

WFH gang represent, smoking all day long 💀

You are severely addicted mate.

The measure of addiction is whether it disrupts your life or harms your loved ones.

Addiction is if you can't stop doing something. Looking at your phone every 5 minutes, can't get through the day without coffee, etc.

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Cigarettes are kinda cool, till they fucking kill you :(

Unfortunately that would take YEARS :(

Hahaha. I hope this was just a joke and you are actually ok.. But who am I kidding, existing is horrible.

Regardless, maybe if you stopped smoking you would feel better?

at least you take out innocent bystanders with you

Dying is the easy part. It's the years of having cancer or lung/other organ failure and other complications from smoking. It ain't quick you suffer for years sometimes.

I cut my own hair once a year and then watch it change with the seasons

Do you cut it in spring so it's long in winter?

I cut it on the winter solstice. I need something to get me through.

Whenever we cross state lines we raise our hands and go "whoop, whoop." I have no idea when this started, but it brings us joy whenever we're on a road trip.

Eating M&Ms by color - it has absolutely no purpose and they're bad for me, but oh so satisfying.

Every day when I come home from work, I kneel on the top step of our stairs and call our dogs over. They sit on the landing and put their front paws on my shoulders while I scratch their sides and pet them. My wife has taken to calling this ritual "motivation." The dogs really love having a couple minutes of solid attention when I come home and it's a good way for me to switch gears into home-brain, since my work is very stressful and tends to take over.

Put a smile to my face to see so many cats (and dogs) involved.

When I get up and do my morning business on the toilet, the cat comes and rolls around on the bath mat in front of my ear scratches and cuddles included. Turning on the bidet (yes, hidden flex) is the audible clue that business is concluded, he gets up, wait patiently in the door frame while I start brushing my teeth. I then walk downstairs (while brushing my teeth), cat as added tripping hazard on every step. He again waits patiently while I start the coffee maker, and only when I open the door of the cat food and treats cabinet, he starts being agitated until I put food in the bowl and put it down for him. And then there's always this glance back, blinking before he digs in, and this very moment is my treasure for the day.

work nights, and sometimes afterwards I'll head up to the top of a fire escape of a nearby warehouse, have my breakfast and watch the sunrise

Doing psychedelics and getting in touch with my creativity or inner child. Tending to my altar, and spiritually feeling like I connect with my ancestors.

Psychedelics are.. greatest thing I have ever done. Though I wouldn't call them a ritual.

I guess it's how you do it, I wouldn't call it a stupid ritual but sometimes I like doing them recreationally for no reason but to enjoy myself when I need a pick up. So I'll just watch movies or listen to albums a lot of the movies I pick are from my childhood

Watching memes and weird videos with my kids and wife every evening before bed: Daily Dose of Internet, People are Awesome, Failarmy, pwnisher, 131216, You Suck at Cooking, Kotte Animation, etc.

After I shower I will blow dry my hair for 30 minutes (they are dry after about 5). I need that time somehow.

Making tea gongfu style almost daily makes me happy.

It's a relaxing ritual for me. And I get to enjoy good tea.

It's also nice when my partner and friends join me, so that we can enjoy it together and have conversations over tea

I make a point to name files and folders in a goofy way pretty often. "BigListOfSerialNumbersIGuess", "SurveyStuff", "RandoDocs".

Somehow I keep it all straight, much to my colleagues' dismay 😂 good thing cloud-powered search is friggin quick