France to quit making cigarettes as last factory prepares to close to – 893 points –
France to quit making cigarettes as last factory prepares to close

France to quit making cigarettes as last factory prepares to close The last remaining factory making cigarettes in France is set to close by the end of 2023, the site's owner told its employees this week.

Issued on: 01/10/2023 - 09:08

The Manufacture Corse des Tabacs (Macotab), on the Mediterranean island of Corsica, is the last to manufacture cigarettes in France since the closure of another in the centre of the country in 2016.

Around 30 employees work at the Corsican site, down from 143 in the early 1980s.

The factory makes cigarettes on behalf of industry giant Philip Morris, which recently signalled it was ending the contract.

Contraband packets have also cut into legal sales, according to the factory's owner Seita, the former French state-owned tobacco monopoly that is now part of the British company Imperial Tobacco.

Seita had already closed France's last tobacco processing factory in 2019, in the traditional growing region of the Dordogne in the south-west.

Some former factories in Marseille and Lyon have found new as cultural and exhibition spaces, or even a university.

Kicking the habit Efforts by authorities to curb smoking and its health hazards, not least by prohibiting puffing in restaurants and cafes and banning ads for cigarettes, have prompted sharp reductions in cigarette sales in recent years.

Smoking remains the main cause of avoidable deaths in France, according to Santé Publique France health agency, which estimates 75,000 tobacco deaths each year.

The bulk of European production these days is in Germany and Poland.


What the FUCK is a French man supposed to do after sex now?

You act like wine and a baguette isn't already at their bedside

Wait, my vision of a man wearing a striped shirt and a beret smoking a cigarette is not actually what French people are like?

Not anymore. It's all changing for the worse. I hear they're coming after the baguettes next. The mimes are speechless.

Sacré bleu!

No accent on the e

Maybe that is the mime speaking for the first time since childhood.

I can't find any source of the spelling or meaning of the phrase that does not have an accent over the e other than Wikipedia, which has both depending on who made the edit. You sure 'bout that?

No no that's still accurate, it's just that the cigarettes are imported now.

How can they truly be French and not smoke Gauloises I ask you?

Jokes aside, I swear they really do walk around with baguettes in hand. 3 days in Paris, sitting at multiple cafes, and we saw it in the morning, at lunch, in the evening. Men, Women, Children, well dressed, poorly dressed (for a Parisian), black, white, brown, blue, green, every combination in between, we'd see someone walking around with baguettes. I've lived in multiple cities and visited even more in the US and Europe. Never have I seen so many people walking around with bread!

People eat bread and pick it up from their local bakery then walk home with it instead of stuffing it in the trunk of their SUV to drive two blocks. What do you expect.

You're right of course, nor was I making any judgements. I loved seeing it! It made me smile. As did the quintessential "scowling french waiter" standing 15ft in front of us on the other side of the side walk, with apron and and all. And despite a previous poster's comment about their infamous cultural rudeness, these slightly overweight, non-french speaking Americans didn't experience any overt rudeness at all. If they were bad mouthing us quietly in french they did a great job of hiding it. [shrug]

I would visit Paris again in a heartbeat; though I would never fly Air France nor pass through CDG if you paid me. Such a horrible experience. Guess we'll fly BA into LHR and take the chunnel or a ferry for the experience.

They also live up their their infamous cultural rudeness.

The bagetttes make my poor mouth sore after a couple of days as well. I much prefer the breads in northern Europe.

[shrug] we really didn't experience the rudeness they are so famous for. But I'm not denying it's a thing. Either way, I enjoy both styles of bread very much.

Well you still have 50% of the adult population regularly smoking so nothing change on this part.

When I went to Paris this summer, lots of locals were smoking. The odor of Paris was urine and cigarettes.

Nothing speaks "city of love" like the smell of stale piss and burnt tobacco at the Eiffel Tower!

Kicking the habit Efforts by authorities to curb smoking and its health hazards, not least by prohibiting puffing in restaurants and cafes and banning ads for cigarettes, have prompted sharp reductions in cigarette sales in recent years.

While I support bans in restaurants and cafes, I don't support prohibition, which is what a lot of Western nations are aiming at. We learned our lesson during the alcohol prohibition years in America, and for the last 70 years around the world with marijuana prohibition. The social effects are far worse when forcing recreational drugs underground. Educate support addiction programs, but don't ban.

Ban use in public in general. I don't want to be forced to walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke in front of a train station or waiting at a traffic light any more than in a restaurant. People can do what they want at home but constantly having to deal with drug addicts polluting the air around me shouldn't be accepted.

Now do cars

I don't need a cigarette to get to work or the grocery store.

Congratulations on discovering false equivalency.

Neither do you need a car in a well planned city.

Cool, I don't live in a well planned city and I would have to immigrate out of the country to do so, or wait likely decades for reforms to make their way here. In the mean time, I'll still need a car. I don't need to smoke a cig in public.

Nah mate. Just rip up the streets and relay them yourself, it's so simple smh.

Shame living in a city absolutely sucks.

Rural shitholes are MUCH worse, I spent 14 years of my life in one and I'll never live in a small town again. 90% of them are half full of worthless drunks and losers and the rest are constantly gossiping about everyone else. Do something dumb? 99% of the town will know before you even wake up the next day.

Cities are WAY better than small town shit holes where everyone is up in everyone else's business. Fuck small towns and the people that live in them.

To people completely lacking social skills and with below average intelligence, maybe.

Or to anyone who can't focus when there's a shitload of background noise, or anyone who doesn't want to have to share a one-bedroom apartment with 3 other people just to be able to afford rent, or anyone who has difficulty in large crowds...

I've lived in a city before and I fucking hated it.

Europe is working on it. They will ban the sale of new gas powered vehicles by 2035

When this was announced, my opinion was that only hobbyists would even be interested in gas powered cars by 2035. I have to admit I thought the transition to electric vehicles would pick up pace a little quicker more suddenly than it has so far, but there’s still time to have my prediction come true.

Weren't they by 2032 earlier and 2030 before that?

Bruh keep it in your fuck cars community. The rest of the world has bigger shit to deal with.

We learned our lesson during the alcohol prohibition years in America.

We're not America and we're not banning alcohol, nor are we banning the drug in tobacco that people smoke it for.

So it is an entirely different scenario to either American prohibition or to cannabis.

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Yep, all the while alcoholism is at all time highs, so much so that they had to rebrand it as social drinking. Alcohol, still allowed to advertise every where, and can sell fruit flavors, but tobacco...nope. Tobacco should be left alone at this point. The majority of people don't smoke, like like 7% in the USA, this includes all tobacco users. Prohibition just creates blackmarkets and death.

Alcohol, still allowed to advertise every where, and can sell fruit flavors, but tobacco…nope.

Tell that to the vape industry. Nothing more disgusting than walking through a cloud of shit that smells like cotton candy.

Yeah, a kid was just kicked off my sons siccer team for vaping in school - someone failed somewhere that he was able to develop a habit

He's not vaping as a habit, dude is just trying to look cool. A ton of those kids vape 0mg juices, because they can't handle the amount of nicotine you can get from vaping.

I’m sure he looked cool getting caught alone in the school bathroom vamping, and being kicked off the team. Which do you think is the coolest, being ostracized or kicked off the team? Maybe walking home by himself because his former buddies on the team think he’s a dumbass?

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Alcohol, still allowed to advertise every where

Actually alcohol advertising is pretty limited in Europe due to EU wide regulations and some countries have even stricter rules, ranging from "not in public spaces" to straight up "no alcohol advertising at all"

Also I would point out alcohol is a big cusine thing and has been for centuries and you're nuts if you're upset schnapps are a thing but not strawberry cigarettes. Also like, flavoured vapes totally exist?

It used to be restricted in Sweden. Now of days, commercials on TV are 50% for online casinos, and 50% for alcohol. On billboards, they just write "non-alcoholic" text, yet the exact same bottles are primarily sold with alcohol.

I don't think either should be regulated like it is, but the idea with tobacco was that kids are drawn to it but somehow not alcohol with their fruity flavors. It's a bullshit double standard. And flavored cigars are what they went kid is smoking an $8 acid cigar.

Same thing: tax the hell out of both. Vice taxes are too low. It may not help current users but it should help over time by discouraging new users.

I do drink alcohol sometimes, so yes I’m advocating more pain on myself. It won’t effect me since as an occasional drinker, it just won’t add up, but lets try anyway. I have kids who will need to make such decisions

Vice taxes are insane already. You sound like you have no clue how much taxes is pulled already from tobacco and alcohol taxes.

What should be taxed to hell is fast food and sugary shit. Obesity is our number one killer now and has been for a while.

Ok. Sure, junk food is horrible for people’s health, not least because it can seem like the cheapest way to eat. If it no longer being cheap encourages people to make healthier choices, I’m all for it. As someone who would pay more in multiple of these categories, I’m still all for it

Fuck that. Vice taxes are taxes on poor people. Make healthcare actually affordable and maybe people could get help with their addictions instead of getting punished by the government.

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It's weird there's such a push to ban cigarettes while smoking marijuana is becoming more acceptable.

People simply smoke a lot more cigs than pot per day. If you smoked 10-20 joints a day for many years your lungs and body would be wrecked too.

That amount would quite possibly make you unable to continue using weed via Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome. Killed at least two folks too.

Never heard of that before, I will do a little reading. Always nice to learn new things.

You have an article to link to that, that is peer reviewed by a medical board and scientists that this claim is real?'%20study%20was%20the%20first,at%20least%20one%20CHS%20attack.

It’s a real disorder, but we’re just recently getting to the point where it’s even legal to study cannabis use so data is sparse. What we do know is that there’s a subset of heavy users that develop a persistent vomiting disorder and cessation of cannabinoids clears it up. My brother in law’s brother has it and he has to be careful with some chemicals in foods that mimic cannabinoids even.

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I don't find it weird at all. Cannabis is less harmful, less addictive, and subjectively, I find it way more fun.

Tobacco (nicotine) is hyper addictive to the point where people gradually get chemically compelled to smoke just about all the time. Arguably maybe caffeine is similarly compelling (I certainly drink caffeine all day), but most people consider caffeine to be pretty benign. Cigarettes are one of the hardest soft drugs to quit.

The long-term health effects of cannabis probably need to be studied more, but prohibition has actually made it harder to do just that. Now that the laws around weed have relaxed a little bit, it'll be much easier for people to legitimately do the scientific studies needed to show how cannabis affects the human body, how it affects the mind and mood, how additive it is compared to other common drugs, how it is typically used, and what effects legalization has on society compared to decades of criminalization.

The thing that I find truly weird, and actually pretty upsetting, is that I can stop by one of the many dispensaries around here and pick up weed flower or a 10-pack of cannabis gummies for like 15 bucks, but in other parts of the country there are people sitting in jail for less.

I mean breathing in smoke seems is bad for you no matter what.

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Prohibition causes problems when there aren't substitutions, but there are less dangerous ways to consume nicotine and less deadly things to smoke.

You drinking alcohol doesn't affect my health. You smoking cigarettes does - even in your own 4 walls, unless you have a few hundred meters distance from every neighbor. So I do support the idea of completely forbidding smoking - but I concede it's not very practical and can't really be done. Forbidding it in public spaces and restaurants / bars however, and whereever smoke will be blown to people who don't like it? Yes, at least the legislation to enforce that would be very welcome.

Thank you armchair analyst, but governments will move on ignoring you, we dont like lung cancer sorry

The taxes collected through cigarette sales more than cover their costs on the healthcare system. Don't act like governments actually care about the health of their citizens, either, it's just about production maximization and writing policy to help their friends.

Ask yourself why full tobacco bans are becoming so popular now, instead of any other time in the past 50 years since we learned how harmful smoking is. It's because big tobacco companies have pivoted and cornered the E-Cig market now, which is much more profitable than traditional cigarettes. The only difference is that small/independent farms can't grow disposable vapes like they can with tobacco.

Ask yourself why full tobacco bans are becoming so popular now, instead of any other time in the past 50 years since we learned how harmful smoking is. It’s because big tobacco companies have pivoted and cornered the E-Cig market now, which is much more profitable than traditional cigarettes

You have the cause and effect on this backwards. More and more laws were passed restricting smoking, so number of smokers went down, so companies pivoted to vaping.

Smoking is ok because I can treat my lung cancer from it's tax money, thank you analyst

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If tobacco/nicotine itself isn't banned then this could potentially get a lot of chainsmokers to switch to a relatively healthier form of smoking like dry herb vaporizers.

or they will smoke some herbs and it will be natural

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Ironic that back in the 50s physicians used to prescribe smoking as a health benefit! 🙄🤣

It helps against one disease, as far as I know (believe me I'm a doctor.).

The disease is ulcerative colitis.

Fun fact: Alcohol improves symptom of one disease too. The disease is called essential tremor.

That's a little outdated info now, isn't it? UC is helped by the nicotine. So why not get prescribed a patch instead?

That's true. :) I don't even know whether they treat UC with nicotine nowadays.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most French smokers roll their own?

Not really. In general, those who rolls their own do this because it's less expensive

That tobacco is packaged in plants, too.

Well yeah, but the post title is that France will stop manufacturing cigarettes not process tobacco for sale.

It's increasingly rare all over. Rolling your own is cheaper but not by much these days. I always preferred the taste of self rolled when I did smoke but most smokers I've found, wherever you go, would prefer to smoke pre-rolled if they can

As far as I'm aware, 1637 is still made in France. Does this article only refer to pre-rolled cigarettes?

As opposed to cigarettes that haven't been rolled yet? Isn't that just called tobacco and papers? Pretty sure cigarettes means cigarettes, but I haven't read the article