3 Expert Shoemakers Say Ron DeSantis Is Probably Wearing Height Boosters

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 476 points –
3 Expert Shoemakers Say Ron DeSantis Is Probably Wearing Height Boosters

Is this important journalism? No way. Is it funny as shit? I think so.


I’d rather have media focus on his neonazi agenda

We can walk and chew gum at the same time!

While waving a rainbow flag and flipping DeShitStain the bird.

It's not that he's short. It's that he's so obviously lying and expecting to be believed.

It's also the hypocrisy of banning drag while walking around in high heels every day.

I'll disagree with you there. Wearing heels isn't drag. Banning drag shows is bigotry and ignorance, and there's plenty of hypocritical men who dress like women for fun while latheting up their voters and owners by targeting drag performers.

You just know he's got a secret closet somewhere

"My calves are so well defined in these pumps, I'm going to try to make this work at the office."

He didn't ban drag, he banned children from attending sexual themed drag shows

Exactly. If he weren’t drawing so much attention to it, nobody would care. He’s not even that short.

Also, the argument that taller people get elected is a post hoc fallacy. Taller people live entirely different lives from short people. They grow up with simultaneously additional expectations and confidence. Tall children are treated as if they are more mature, more advanced, and more athletic. They're more likely to be eating well at home, getting exercise, and come from taller parents. The perception of maturity creates pressure to take advanced education classes, act as leaders among peers, and make decisions requiring authority, all advantages that compound across generations.

That doesn't mean a short person couldn't also experience the same advantageous upbringing due to the circumstances of their birth. It just means that, on average, society has a bias towards taller (but not too tall) people. Voters also have a slight bias towards taller candidates, but putting lifts in your shoes doesn't give you a lifetime of easy confidence and increased expectations. If anything, it reveals a sense of insecurity and inadequacy, not to mention brazen dishonesty.

Almost all the big politicians have PR consultants construct an image and brand for them. Clothing, makeup, cosmetic surgery (like Biden's recent lifts and fillers). The lying DeSantis is doing with his image is no different than the playbook of any public figure. It's like the diaper Donnie thing or whatever people come up with. These people can literally shit themselves in front of a live press conference and it doesn't make a single difference.

where did he lie? are you suggesting that using aids to alter someones appearance is somehow lying?

Yeah. It's slightly amusing to see his insecurity laid bare, but really idgaf how tall he is. But I will say this is someone else who lies about pointless things so he will definitely lie about important things.

No one gives a shit that he's short. We give a shit that someone that already has massive power, and is clutching for much more, is so ridiculously insecure and projects on people he should be responsible for, but instead targets them for harassment and worse. Insecurities play a big roll in bullying.

I agree, but also this will effect a different group of voters. I wish all voters were educated and used logic, but many will just vote for the strong man. This guy who's insecure about his height and needs to wear heels to appear taller next to other people might lose some of those voters when they're made aware of it. Anyone who cares he's a fascist has already made up their mind.

Sadly, that's not likely to keep him from being elected. This is.

I agree, though sometimes (sadly) these kind of tactics prove more effective than attacking on issues. They were having trouble pinning down Howard Dean on issues, so they went after his scream. Image matters.

Won't call myself an expert but as my username suggests I'm also in the industry. If nothing else just looking at how he walks and stands is enough to tell he is lifting his shoes.

This being said I really hate that the media is fixating on the turds height insecurity and not the fact he is a mask-off authoritarian fascist that is trying to become president. It's like making fun of Hitler for his mustache, I mean it's kinda humorous but let's not let that distract from all the other more important shit

I work for and teach for a University hospital located in the south, specializing in orthotics and prosthetics. I have built dozens of lifts for cowboy boots, mainly for people with severe limb length discrepancies.

He is 100 percent wearing a boot with around 3-4 inches of heel to ball internal lifts. The biggest giveaway in my opinion is that the boots are probably 2-3 sizes too big. The toe break in a normal shoe happens at the widest part of the shoe, you can tell his big toe is currently right where the first methead should be. This is why it looks like he's wearing genie shoes, the shoe is breaking closer to the toe box because there's nothing in them to prevent them bending backwards. .

Now if he wasn't wearing lifts he wouldn't be able to keep them on, as cowboy boots require a tight fitting vamp to stay attached. The lift raises the heels and thus the dorsum of the foot to press tightly against the vamp of an oversized boot.

The biggest thing I see that the article missed is that you can tell he is in hindfoot varus. Which is generally what happens when you do a sustained heel raise, enable to occasionally offload the posterior tibial tendon, moving some of the load to the peroneal tendon. This is why his foot is rolling over the lateral aspect of the boot.

This could occur naturally, but it's pretty rare outside of people who were born with clubbing in their feet. So I looked for other pictures of him walking in different shoes and found a pair of him walking in rain boots. In that picture he was over pronating and running over the medial side. So it's safe to assume that the supination in the boots are not a naturally acquired deformity.

If it makes anyone feel better, this guy is in some serious pain anytime he wears his lift. If he hasn't already done so, he looks like he's not to far away from a Jones fracture in his left foot. The left side looks like he's about 5-7 degrees of extra hindfoot varus than his right, which usually means he's damaged his peroneal tendon, or where it attaches to at the base of the fifth tarsal bone.

I love that I can find a expert who can jump on with their professional views on a random topic here haha. Cool!

I think having a laugh at him hurts him more with his base because that is something republican voters care about, the authoritarian facisism is a plus to republican voters so media focusing on his book banning or taking on Disney for LGBT stuff only shows things Republicans like and want more of but a short loser who needs heels to just make it to 5 11 is a big no vote. And the 24 hour news cycle has covered his fascist shit pretty well.

Because he's fully shameless about his moral bankruptcy and authoritarian tendencies, but apparently full of shame of about his height.

Yeah, we as citizens should care more about the former, but there is some catharsis to be had knowing how much he seems to care about the latter.

Taking the high road isn't working.

We can point out he is a authoritarian nazi chomo until we're blue in the face and it won't matter, because the people voting for him don't care, or don't believe.

But these people put a lot of effort into their Big Strong And Definitely Not Gay political fursona. So we make fun of how short they are, and how weak they are that they have to hide it, and we suggewt that maybe they'd like a nice strong bear of a man to cuddle them. That's not weird or wrong to me, and it isn't weird or wrong to most people, but it is weird and wrong to people who are trying to say he's a Big Strong Authoritarian Who Definitely Isn't Short And Gay.

Now do Trump. (He's gone from 5 feet 10 decades ago to "6 feet 3 inches" now, and that's not all his bouffant.)

Oh, people analyzed all of that for Trump while he was president, don't worry!

Heels. He's wearing high heels. Remember, it's projection.

Not just heels though, that’s the point of the article

Can we be certain that it's for boosting height and not the perkiness of his buttocks?

Love the double standard

Women = heels Men = height boosters

It would be one thing if it were just the heel

What’s hilarious is that heels started as a military thing- men who were cavalry would wear them so their feet wouldn’t slip through stirrups as easily.

They're gender-affirming appliances when they're not for looks.

I first saw them called heels a while ago. However, it's specifically because he's insecure about his height, so they're height boosters in particular. They aren't for style like heels typically are.

Am I missing something? I don’t see the negative side of heels? They’re just called by different names.

2 more...
3 more...

Trump has started a cargo cult.

They're all trying to replace him now, using stupid things that they think worked for Trump. Making themselves look taller while leaning forward at an unnatural angle, saying horrendous shit, being generally despicable and having no filter required for the top job.

Trump got popular because people knew him. He was a celebrity. TV shows and shit. People are dumb as fuck and vote for people they've heard of. You could put Dolly Parton up there right now and get 60% of the popular vote.

Dolly Parton is a decent human being so there's no chance she'd make it that far in politics.

Dolly is a gigantic supporter of libraries and books in general. She couldn’t get 60% of the vote because Republicans hate her.

Everyone likes Dolly. There's no religious or political indoctrination strong enough to break that.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure about that. Years ago, FOX News called Mr. Rogers an evil man for telling kids that they are special. And that was before the right got as rabid as it is today. If Dolly became a political candidate, I don't doubt that the right would find something to hate her for. (Likely the fact that she gets kids to read. How horrible!!!)

So high heels. Gateway fashion to trans.

Tangentially related, but more men should be openly rocking some heels. Make heeled boots fashionable again.

Then there's me, drooling over the pair of zero-drop Jim Green African Ranger boot. We each got our thing, I guess. Free the men from footwear oppression!

Man, a barefoot style boot. I had toe shoes for years and only recently discovered this style. They're a lot more discreet, but now that it's getting colder out I'm looking for something warmer.

Another example of how the cons are the biggest snowflakes - this headline in addition to the one about donnie's small "hands", again.

Enough fucking desantis spam. This cunt is of no consequence outside of FL.

The guy is literally a Guantanamo Bay torturer - I'd say the MAGA crowd is going to go nuts for him.

I'm fine with it so long as it's not something that they're putting out themselves like an inflammatory comment to gather support or if it tarnishes their reputation. This just makes him look insecure and the butt of the joke.

The only person denying this is the short man himself right?

I can’t believe people care about dumb shit like someone’s height in fields where it doesn’t actually matter. That 5’1" little brown woman in office with her finger on the big red button is always going to be much more of an actual objective threat than some 6’11" massive chungus of a dude with no real charisma to speak of and without any actual political power.

Hell, just give the little brown woman a gun and pit her against Big Chungus on the street and see who comes out on top.

People who analyze each other’s body condition and size and prioritize it in their judgement of everything other people do are such worthless fucking knuckledraggers.

I despise Ron DeSantis and even I can see this is an obviously petty cheap shot. Why not complain about him trying to drive Disney out of Florida? Or his fascist book censoring? Or his anti-trans garbage?

We care because he clearly cares so much.

To add. We've already done all the complaining. The whole world knows he's a piece of shit.

But he cares about being seen as tall and I want him to feel no joy in his life.

Because even though it shouldn't matter, it's subliminally important to Americans that our leaders be tall.

I mean at this point its either wedged heels or he's a lizard because no normal person's feet just look like that. His toes are just so floppy, it's unnerving.

Me, still looking for who TF cares

DeSantis, clearly. Which is why it’s so funny

I get why this is news, but who the fuck cares? I wanna stand over him and look down into his beady little eyes and call him, "Little Man." But I'll never get to so why do I see this on Lemmy? I'll think about Ronnie when I'm taking a shit.

So he could have bought a pair of custom boots that lift and look right

When I read things like this I have to think about Randy Newman's Short People. Ben Shapino also comes to mind...

Short people got no reason

Short people got no reason

Short people got no reason to liiiiive

They got little hands, little eyes

They walk around tellin' great big lies

They got little noses and tiny little teeth

They wear platform shoes on their nasty little feet


Every time I see this stuff about ronnie's high heels situation, Cheech & Chong's Earache My Eye pops into mind (since he's so anti-trans, I guess?)

My basketball coach He just kicked me off the team For wearing high heeled sneakers And acting like a queeeeeeeeeeeen...


Putin does same. Is this guy US version of Putin?