The barbieheimer debate rages

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 1110 points –

I actually enjoyed Barbie more. Both good movies though.


I didn't. Barbie was a nice time watching a movie that didn't even seem to take itself seriously so it allows surreal and fun moments.

But Oppenheimer was just a masterpiece

Pssh. Everyone knows that the lead actress whats-her-name takes herself super seriously and would never, ever, say or do anything just because it's funny.

Is that academy award winning actress Margot Robbie, star of the silver screen sensation Barbie?

Nominated. Would have been winning* if they let me name the movie "It's Hardin' Time" instead of "I, Tonya" then have Jared Leto rip me off.

True genius is never appreciated until it is too late.

Lmao It’s Hardin time would have made it one of the greats. I’m sorry they held you back from your true potential Margot.

I strongly disagree. Both were middling and forgettable. In a year or so most people will struggle to recall anything about either movie.

cuz maybe you are not smart enough to understand Oppenheimer.

But I guess some people are just simple.

Here I'll translate, bomb go bombom humanity goes die die. Unstoppable process , no stop.


it's not about that at all.

my criticisms in brief:

  • creating a post-post-modern work but centering the drama around the pre-modern harmartia in a character
  • the absolute break neck speed of narrative in an incredibly long work, without intermission is very draining and not enjoyable
  • the absence of charisma from the lead character coupled with the inexplicable attraction and support of everyone around him to him
  • "who's story was it?" there were so many conflicting POVs, and about half a dozen endings
  • the surrealism wasn't earned or justified
  • the entire thing is about the possible human cost of such decisions but the only victim we see is imaginary
  • most of the dialog is essentially exposition of scientific or legal terms
  • although what happens - post hoc - was interesting. the actual experience of watching it unfold was just watching a bunch of people bicker about their jobs

XD well I'll make it simpler, we are all dead men walking. In a society without patience I understand what you mean.

But 3 hours to build up to one sentence is something that I've never seen benfore in any other movie.

Considering the sentence, well nah this movie was something else.

You can expres you complaints however you want. But I never saw it as boring at any point....

Honestly man, have you never heard of atom bombs and nuclear power before that movie? You make it sound like this movie is enlightening humanity about the dangers of nuclear weapons and revealing some kind of secrets that haven't been common knowledge for decades.

Or to use your degrading language that you seem to like to make us dumb dumbs understand: small thing goes boing, that bad, we deady-dead, just as granny said.

I feel like me and my gf are the only people that had zero interest in Oppenheimer . Just didn't appeal to me at all , barbie was great though !

I loved Oppenheimer because I love biopics. Didn't bother with Barbie because it seemed not my style.

For what it's worth, Barbie was way weirder than I thought it was going to be. Worth a watch imo

Didn’t bother with Barbie because it seemed not my style.

What I assumed the movie would be about being a Barbie movie isn't my style either. However, the Barbie movie was quite a bit more than I expected. I rather liked the subtle feminist messaging underneath the obvious message. The movie also didn't take itself too seriously on what could be considered very delicate topics. I'd recommend it even for non-typical Barbie doll audience.

There was subtle messaging beneath the extremely overt messaging?

While the feminist message was not meant to be subtle, there are plenty of subtle messages that people still haven't figured out yet. At it's core, Barbie is about identity and existence.

It's not that deep, but it is a bit more complex than at first glance.

2 more...

It didn't seem my style either but I went anyway and enjoyed it.

2 more...
2 more...

I smell incel.

I'm hoping that he's just making a joke about social ineptitude rather than making sexist claims.

That’s what is unfortunate about some of these jokes. I find them funny, but most of the times it turns out that the intention was incel-ish. Reddit’s subreddit, DankMemes, is a prime example of this, you think you just saw a harmless sex based joke and then you jump into the comments and you find out the truth.

I would say a joke about how hard it can be for people to get a girlfriend immediately setting of incel alarms for you is being overly sensitive. It's a very relatable and common experience for a lot of young men, so it is ripe for comedy. I guess struggling to get a girlfriend can technically make you involuntarily celibate, but I don't think that was what you meant.

I would say it's basic pattern recognition.

All men struggling to find a girlfriend are hateful misogynists? No, so it doesn't help to immediately brand them as such.

“Hard for people to get a girlfriend”. People? GET a girlfriend?

The thing is that ALL HUMANS have a hard time finding someone meaningful for them. But only with the misogynistic and immature viewpoint of some men does it become this toxic and dangerous. Blaming some outer system instead of getting a grip of themselves and stop acting like whiny assholes.

If you think 'get a girlfriend' is some deeply misogynistic language indicative of how terrible the patriarchy is, you need to get some perspective.

This was a throwaway joke about struggling to find a girlfriend. There is nothing toxic or dangerous going on here. They're not blaming an outer system. Lots of men do genuinely have problems getting the confidence and self esteem to approach women, calling them whiny assholes is not very helpful.

Tirade against incels elsewhere.

You can also watch either movie if you're stupid and alone. I should know because I did it.

It's actually much harder to watch Oppenheimer, because you have to see him say his famous catchphrase in a scene that could show John Green how to make sex more awkward

It's oppen time?

He says, as Tatlock remounts him with the book in hand. "It's ancient sumerian, and translates to... It's Oppen-time-r"

And it diminished the value of that phrase.

Oh yeah. It's an absolute fucking insult to the man. He didn't actually feel any of the gravity of the situation when he remarked "now I am become death, destroyer of worlds," he wasn't making a reference to a religious text, he just remembered that cool time he had sex and his lover dismounted, walked over to the bookcase, pulled a random book off the shelf, and asked "what does this means?" before getting back on

pulled a random book off the shelf

Interestingly enough, this is where Serge Tankian got some of the lyrics for "Chop Suey".

Where is the shitposting here? This is just straight up incel cringe.

Where is the incelness in this?

Seems like a self roast about not getting girls

People in here lack humor to such a degree that they can't even recognise a joke.

It's the combination of self roast about not getting girls and sexism.

The sexist remark about Barbie is the set up for the self deprecating joke. It's not said seriously, it's there to make you feel a little bit offended and engaged to then realise that they are making fun of themselves.

incel cringe

Internet user can’t detect a joke

I've heard almost this exact thing said unironically to no laughs where people believe they're too smart to have girlfriend so it just strikes me as either a tone deaf joke or a cringe real thought so it doesn't land.

Why the fuck is there a debate? Why do we care? Just watch the movies you like and don't fucking gate keep maybe?

Maybe we aren't gatekeeping, maybe this debate is us discussing the movies. Don't like it scroll on.

Why do you need a girl to go with for Barbie? If you want to watch it, just fucking watch it. Who cares what people think.

Tfw you're the woman who fit both criteria

No no that's not me, i'm a guy who's dumb as fuck.

My gf and me watched both Oppenheimer and Barbie a few weeks before we got together. I loved both movies equally and my gf definitely preferred Oppenheimer.

I would watch Barbie 500x before I watch Oppenheimer again. That movie was made for people with 10 second attention spans and that cinematographer should be arrested. Im surprised people didnt get epilepsy watching Oppenheimer.

Skill issue. Just reading the Wikipedia article on the Manhattan Project would have given you most of the knowledge you need. I watched Oppenheimer and Barbie and liked both for different reasons.

Wow, one has one of the most important and impressive complex storyline ever.

The other one slightly defies gender roles and they rush the end...

Shit I liked them both, but if you don't like Oppenheimer it might be BC your IQ sits under the requirements man.

Edit: I'm sorry for you guys :(, the world must be so simple too you I kinda admire it

Like most Nolan films, it is pseudo-intellectual tripe that allows people to think they're smart because they can follow the plot of a simple Hollywood blockbuster produced for the lowest common denominator. Its cinematography is like they're making a tiktok to hold your atrophied attention span.

The fact that you refer to the plot as 'the most important and impressive complex storyline ever' portrays your age, how little film you watch, and probably why we shouldn't believe your take on either Barbie, Oppenheimer, or anything else.

Hey you are absolutely right, if we die because of climate change instead of nuclear war.

But I bet if the last thing you see is a bright flash it sudently becomes a lot more important

That has nothing to do with what they said

No, because Oppenheimer was not an instructional video on nuclear drills. Not that there are any; if nukes successfully hit, it's the lottery if you survive healthy enough to continue humanity. I'm not sure how Oppenheimer is meant to change that fact. Good job reading my comment with zero comprehension I guess.

In a world where so many people don't belive in the holocaus it's called spreading awareness.

That's grasping at straws. The Holocaust is tangentially related. It's not doing anything for people who don't believe.

"To be fair, you need a pretty high IQ to watch rick and morty"

If you think opp was intellectual you're the self-important mediocre schlub it was meant to impress

An important and complex storyline can still be executed awfully either in writing or cinematography. But you gotta have at least a somewhat under the average IQ to understand that.

Well I've whatched it's really good. If you don't understand people like west Anderson and directors in the same category I really wonder if you think this movie was bad

It's not about the movie(s) in question, it is a general statement. Saying a movie is automatically good because the underlying story is good or worth telling is denouncing so many factors that play into making a movie a good movie. PatFussy was only pointing out that the cutting was terrible (I haven't seen the movie itself so I cannot judge it) and too fast paced. This is something that can absolutely ruin an otherwise great movie and make it unbearable to watch. The story, the script, the dialogue, the acting, the effects, the cutting, the lighting, the sound and soundtrack- all these things (and many more) are individually important and only when everything works well together a movie can be good (doesn't automatically mean it is a good movie). Is Oppenheimer a story worth being told? Probably. Most stories are. Has it been told in a well executed way? I don't know, and also this is a highly personal matter of taste. If someone thinks the cutting is epileptic then that's a valid opinion that has nothing to do with their intelligence, not understanding a movie, or having an unsophisticated taste in cinema.

As a side note, putting "West" Anderson in a category with Christopher Nolan is ridiculous. One makes arty, more indie movies with rather obscure storylines that rely heavily on the script and dialogue, while the other makes grand style blockbuster action movies. Except for both of them being famous and making movies, the difference could not be vaster.

You can watch The Barbie Movie alone as a single man but you'll be the only single man in a room filled with couples and girl groups. I know because I was that guy.

Big dick energy!

With all the horses in that movie, it's one of the most masculine movies ever made!

Instructions unclear, took a girl to see Oppenheimer.

Quick, somebody make a meme of "the virgin Oppenheimer vs the Margot Barbie", I need all the help I can get for my Oscar campaign!

Why not both? Or none? Why are these two films compared even?

Close release dates for two overhyped movies

But it's kinda weird how polarizing it's become. I don't remember this happening for any other two shows.

I'm guessing that the American right party needed to diminish the barbie movie since it's feminist and all that so they used openheimer as a pivot to shit talk barbie. From then it just became its own thing.

I'm not sure it even is polarising.

Most people seem to thing they're both good movies, aimed at different audiences. Not really seen anyone saying one is bad.

The worst big movie this year by far has been Expend4bles, which is objectively awful even if you liked the previous ones.

Am I the only one who didn't care to watch either of them?

You're not like other girls, are you?

I don't know if this is an American joke or something, but I'm a dude. I just don't care for hyped stuff.

They were pretty good, Oppenheimer I was excited for but was a bit long, barbie I wasn't excited for and it was pretty good throughout which surprised me. I just like watching movies in theaters but there haven't been to many lately that I wanted to watch. There were 3 recently but each was 3 hours long so forget it

You aren't the only one, i haven't watched them either.

Watching Oppenheimer is just easier on the soul.

I don't know, they were both pretty depressing

Oppenheimer wasn't easy, it's true. But I rate Barbie below it because it's current.

What about M3gan though?

Did you like it? I expected more, I think.

Yeah, I mean it doesn't do anything particularly unexpected, but did exactly what I wanted from it, and did it extremely competently.

It also was a smidge over 90 minutes, which is refreshing in an age where everything has to be about 45 minutes too long for some fucking reason.

Lol these are the two.movies that were playing when i last went to the drive in movie theatre near me

Old meme, this is not the debate raging on because I saw this exact image ages ages ages ago. Just saying

A little sexist on this joke don't you think?

All things exist so I don't understand your point. Btw if you meant sexist then it's not.

I did mean sexist, and it is.

Sexist, no.

The person making the original comment being insecure in their masculinity, yes.

It’s implicit bias based on the fallacy of both stereotypes and gender roles in society

The dictionary defines sexism as…

noun: sexism prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. "sexism in language is an offensive reminder of the way the culture sees women"

In this comment chain, I intend to examine…

Fellas is it sexist to be shy, awkward, boring person to hang around, or have shit luck.

Oppenheimer was really boring but so was Barbie.

Both were shit, but highly rated.