Founder of Anti-LGBT Moms For Liberty Filmed Sex Tape with Other Woman: Report to politics – 769 points –
Founder of Anti-LGBT Moms For Liberty Filmed Sex Tape with Other Woman: Report

Amid sexual assault allegations against Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, a sex tape of his wife, Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler, with a woman has been recovered by the police, according to a non-profit Florida watchdog group.

The Florida Center for Government Accountability report clarified it is not known if the woman in the newly-surfaced video is the same person accusing the GOP chair of sexual assault.

The woman accusing Christian Ziegler told the police she's had a longstanding sexual relationship with both Christian and Bridget Ziegler.

Bridget Ziegler is a member of Moms for Liberty, a conservative and known anti-LGBTQ nonprofit, and a member of the Sarasota School Board — whose members voted to call for her resignation earlier last week.


The best response that I've seen to this so far is this video of a former student speaking to the school board:

Bridget, our first ever interaction was when you retweeted a hate article about me from The Nationalist while I was a Sarasota County school student. You are a reminder that some people view politics as a service to others while some view it as an opportunity for themselves. On this board you have spent public funds that could have been used to increase teacher pay to change our district lines for political gain, remove books from schools, target trans and queer children, erase black history, and elevate your political career, all while sending your children to private schools because you do not believe in the public school system that you've been leading. My question is why doesn't an elected official using our money to harm our students and our teachers for her gain seem to matter as much for us as her having a threesome does? Bridget Ziegler, you do not deserve to be on the Sarasota County School Board but you do not deserve to be removed from it for having a threesome. That defeats the lesson we've been trying to teach you which is that a politician's job is to serve their community, not to police personal lives. So, to be extra clear: Bridget, you deserve to be fired from your job because you are terrible at your job, not because you had sex with a woman.

Closest to the original source I can find (referenced in numerous news articles):

I'd only add "you're terrible at your job, and you're a terrible person"

This tells you something about the will of the people in her community.... sadly.

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Every Republican accusation is an admission.

Agreed. I highly doubt these people really believe the shit they're trying to sell. They just know if you're going to grift, the best way to do it is on the right.

I reckon most of them do believe their vitriol. Some number of them may be pure opportunists who seize on the culture war nonsense for personal gain but are not true believers; however, in my opinion the vast majority are not just putting on an act.

It's comforting to imagine that people with insane views don't actually believe them because we'd like to think nobody could actually think like that. The problem is, they do. Lots of them. Just like "birds aren't real," it's easy to imagine no one actually believes that obvious troll but many do! It's the same tendency that leads us to picture Nazis as inhuman robots instead of actual people who believed that shit. The problem is that rosey view of humanity leaves us open for that shit to happen again.

Fkn lol, of course she did. Side note: we should really be looking at all pizza shops in the DC area for a republican-led torture cult that rapes kids and extracts their adrenochrome.

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Soooo.... anyone got a link?

Right? Just so I can make sure it was actually her. For verification reasons only.

You disgust me. I want to stay away from it. I don't care to see republican porn. Please send me the link so I know what to avoid.

Yeah, its appalling. We need the link to make sure nobody ever looks at it.

I'm going to review it thoroughly and ensure it's blocked by my firewall. So I'm going to need that URL also.

Yeah I need to run the hash of the video through my detection engine so I

…Okay I admit it. I wanna jerk it to some repressed republican hottie dumbass bitch idiot

Is this a consensual sex tape or not? I'd ask that question first

I don't care that she's bi, but I do hope her hypocrisy ruins the rest of her life.

There literally aren't enough bad things that can happen to #christofascists.

“It doesn’t count, we’re both Christian” —her probably

All sex is multiples if you leave room for Jesus.

I'm going to get a priest to bless the rains down in America and that'll baptize the entire landmass. There, now everyone is "christian" and they should be OK with people being gay.

/s There's like 3 terrible ways this is an awful idea.

bless the rains down in America

Gonna take some time to do the things we always had, huh?

Does this mean that being gay is okay down in Africa, since the rain was blessed? Asking for a friend.

If this is a rule I am gonna have so much gay sex. Thanks Jebus!

How are they so incredibly consistent!

I mean every time there's a prominent anti-lbgt figure they're almost always found diddling the same sex!

There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids the same sex than by writing a song about it leading a group hating them!

That's why I hate Bruce Springsteen. Can't read these lyrics without getting a bit nauseated.

Hey little girl, is your daddy home? Did he go and leave you all alone? Mhmm I got a bad desire Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire

Tell me now, baby, is he good to you? And can he do to you the things that I do? Oh no I can take you higher Oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire

You think this ugly, homophobic pissant would produce good material? There's plenty of lesbian/bisexual porn out there starring much better and talented people than this human waste of space.

Still wasn't a drag queen.

Are we sure Bridget isn't just a drag queen that's good at passing and is working a long con?

I keep reading about this piece of shit woman recording porn, yet not a single fucking link has ever been posted.

Because the sextape was seized by the police. The lady who is accusing her of having the threesome supposedly had the tape, then the police seized it.

As to why they seized it, that’s still up in the air. As far as I know, the lady hasn’t filed any police reports for rape, so it’s not like it could be evidence in a criminal trial. And her simply being a closeted bigot isn’t a criminal offense, so it wouldn’t be for that. Maybe they seized it to prevent it from going public?

But they likely wouldn’t have any justification to hold onto it, since no crime (like potential revenge porn) has been committed until after it’s posted. It’s not like police can legally lock you up because they thought you were going to do drugs in the future. Or maybe that’s exactly why they seized it, because cops are a legalized mafia and can do whatever they want with impunity.

The call is coming from inside the house.

Well well well, if it isn't Mrs. Projector....

As an open-minded person I shall refrain from making judgement until all the facts are in.

"Open-minded" means I can think she's a piece of shit while still jerking off to the video, right?

You can do anything if you work hard and believe in yourself

My mom, multiple occasions

Anyone got a link? I need to see it for masturbation research. 😁

Just tune into Cspan. A senator might just present it to the floor.

A proud moment for the great American experiment of democracy. I kinda thing in a few centuries from now when some overload rules us students will be told about that incident as an example of why democracy supposedly doesn't work.

Can you imagine a better example of it failing?

I am placing bets now. She just pillow princessed it while getting oral. I can't see a conservative reciprocating.

Every 👏🏽 single 👏🏽 time! 👏🏽

While I'm vaguely curious, I think knowing who this person is combined with the inevitable southern accent which can be adorable when not paired with hateful beliefs, I'm afraid the result would be a classic case of "the weirdest boner."

Bridget Ziegler

Briiiidget. Zieeeeegler.

Briiiidget. Zieeeeegler.

Briiiidget. Zieeeeegler.

What's she doing, man? What's she upto?