Lauren Boebert blames Barbra Streisand and Ryan Reynolds for making her switch districts to politics – 399 points –
Lauren Boebert blames Barbra Streisand and Ryan Reynolds for making her switch districts

Rep. Lauren Boebert is blaming Hollywood for her decision to switch congressional districts.

"We have to shut down the Hollywood elites who are trying to buy my current district," Boebert told Steve Bannon on his "War Room" podcast on Saturday.

"There has been close to $10 million poured into this district to buy this seat. Colorado's 3rd District is not for sale," she continued.

Boebert then named the stars, who she said were backing her rivals.

"When you have Barbra Streisand coming in and donating to the Democrat, when you have Ryan Reynolds coming in and donating to the Democrat, it shows you that Hollywood is trying to buy their way into Congress," Boebert told Bannon.


Mfw the actual Barbara Streisand comes in and intensifies the Streisand effect:


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“When you have Barbra Streisand coming in and donating to the Democrat, when you have Ryan Reynolds coming in and donating to the Democrat, it shows you that Hollywood is trying to buy their way into Congress,” Boebert told Bannon.

Go on. What does it mean when the Kochs and Harlan Crow come in and donate to the Republican, Lauren?

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids with your $3000!"

I dunno, Lauren, I think they might just hate you. Specifically.

Can't win my current district, this $3000 dollar donation is proof that there is 10 million in dark money behind my rival - couldn't be me getting caught jerking off some random guy at a play for kids

Anyone still supporting her after that has got to be blind and deaf

Oh you naive fool, so many congressional elections come down to $3000 from two Hollywood celebrities.

In fact, every time a Republican loses in a congressional election, you'll likely find two Hollywood celebrities with one $1500 donation each behind the reason.

or they just want to take her to beetlejuice, too

I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet, but obligatory reminder that "Hollywood Elites" is a dogwhistle that means "Jews." It's antisemitic.

I don't know if Lauren knows that, but I'm sure she knows her supporters say that shit and doesn't care what baggage such a phrase comes with.

She’s just parroting other conservatives when she says this shit. She doesn’t really know anything. She’s legitimately the dumbest person in Congress. It’s not even close. Gosar is the dumbest doctor but still a doctor. Tuberville at least knows how to coach college football, for what that’s worth. And MTG is probably twice as smart as Boebert, which still makes MTG the second dumbest person in Congress.

it's going to be interesting when blaming Streisand effect ...triggers the Streisand effect and even more people discover just how dumb she is. because by bitching about... well you understand.

What it could do is show rich educated Democrats that they can accomplish something when they donate and show up

I’m looking at you, people who are hard headed and tech savvy enough to navigate the fediverse.

uhh those conservative democrats like everything exactly the way it is, which is why the struggle so hard to conserve it by not actually accomplishing much.. ya know, like when obama and clinton took a giant dump all over bernie and then wondered why they lost.

democrats are still playing the old, conservation game. republicans have moved on to straight what-can-we-get-away-with-fascism

and that leaves the general american public and the actually terrible 'economy' with fucking nothing.

You mean like get Biden reelected so nothing “changes” and we continue this slow slide into fascism?

Centrist democrats are the new conservatives. Republicans have shifted into regressionists- which is why they’re so concerned with deregulation and controlling women’s bodies, etc.

It's either that or Trump, which is basically just a full swan-dive into fascism. Is there another viable path?

All this really does is just lower the bar for future candidates. If every vote is either fascism or the current state of affairs, fascism is eventually going to win due to apathy

Right, fascism is all the fault of Democrats and not the fascists. /s

Did... I say that it was?

No. I didn't.

I may not have explicitly said this... but the point that you clearly are either ignoring (my assumption) or just didn't get... is that Biden is not doing enough to stop fascism. which is why, under his leadership the US is continuing to slide to fascism.

You don't win fights- be they full on battles, street brawls, or figurative fights- simply with falling back and staying defensive. if you want to win- if you want to defeat fascism- you're going to have to hit back. in politics, this means going to the opposite end, that is to say, by pushing progressive policies over the regressive policies of the fascists.

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Nothing changes? Are you insane or just a cynical jackass? Have you even been paying attention?

yeah. have you been paying attention?

  • Economy sucks for average americans. While the economy is "strong"... that's not translating to gains for normal people. that's all going straight to record profit and fat bonuses. the trend of increasing numbers of americans living pay check to paycheck has only increased- and indeed accelerated- under Biden's policies. While the fundamental causes are not his fault, per se, and there's limits on what a president can do... the fact is, he keeps trotting this out as a good thing, and he's full of shit. Suffice it to say, he's not done enough.
  • He's done more harm to stalling climate change than good. He personally made the decision to allow the Willow Project to go forward, for example. Under his leadership, Oil production is reaching record setting highs... and he's released more oil from the strategic reserve than all other presidents combined. (and before you trot out the BBP stuff, realize that most of that is tax breaks for things corporations were going to do anyhow, or subsidizing EV's so manufacturers like tesla could get away with selling cars that are substantially overpriced... aka corporate profits. same goes for the jump to 40% renewable energy... that's not anything he's done, specifically.)
  • fascism is increasingly on the rise. We have a bonafide insurrectionist *who almost succedded in over throwing Biden's presidency... still free. it took Biden's administration over two and a half years to get extremely sensitive secrets back... and they're still missing some of the most sensitive secrets. it took over two years for them to finally get a proper investigation, nearly three years for them to start indictments on things we all knew were crimes.
  • Civil Liberties... are being attacked and he's sitting around with his thumb up his ass. Abortion, LGBTQ rights, education. On a federal level, he's done fuck all to defend it. most of the gains (for example, Ohio) are being won despite his leadership.
  • equality in criminal justice is still massive problem. I don't think I've seen fuck all from that. his adminstration doesn't seem to have cared so much, except in token gestures- that while meaningful to the people they help, could have been done on day one. (the mass pardon of pot charges, for example,)
  • similarly, he could have ordered DoJ to focus on white collar/corporate crimes, as well as going after domestic terrorism. before they get to shoot up election polling places next year...
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This is referred to as the Streisand Paradox, wherein one blames Barbra Streisand for something, thereby triggering the Streisand Effect. 

This is different, of course, than mentioning Streisand and Cloony together, which produces The Perfect Streistorm.

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So she thinks she’s owed a job in a public office? I bet she thinks people who receive welfare are entitled.

Tell her Citizen's United makes it possible for the "elites" to do this.

You'd probably end up having to explain citizens united to her during your handjob.

Her sandpapery lizard hand hj should be banned as cruel and unusual punishment by the UN if it hasn't been already.

If she doesn't like it then her party shouldn't have blocked H.R.1 For the People Act which would have restricted campaign finances and lobbying.

Really? She's calling out Barbara Streisand and Ryan Reynolds? Has Streisand or Reynolds given a guy a handy in a crowded theater with children in view? Well, Reynolds maybe, but Babs is pure!

I blame the collapse of the U.S. education system for incentivising an even dumber district where this queen of hatred and awful can be safer.

I blame the collapse of education for her ever being a serious contender for a seat in any legislature at any level. This woman is NOT qualified oversee a bakesale, let alone govern.

Is Barbara Streisand in the room with us right now?

Yeah deffo had nothing to do with acting like an entitled shit stain while getting sexy time in a fucking movie theatre as a fucking government representative.

A move, I will remind you all, somehow sunk peewee Herman’s fucking career and he went to a fucking PORN THEATRE MEANT FOR THE SHIT.

Just when I thought I couldn't like Ryan Reynolds any better.

She’s just salty because it turns out those two Hollywood phonies had a taser. And they tased her in the butthole. She fell to the ground but the phonies didn’t let up. Her butthole was on fire.

You can’t trust the system, man.

Lemme get this straight: Her main complaint is when democrats are rich enough to pull the same shit as a Republican when buying power?

So… it’s not because she was going to lose a race that she only won by ~500 votes last time despite it being a GOP-leaning district? Ohh, damn that Berg from Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place

It's not because she is a complete embarrassment to her district, state, and country... it is totally because of that guy that starred in the smash hit superhero movie filmed exclusively in varying shades of green.

If Barbara Streisand is against you, you should probably reconsider your life choices.

Either that or you have the Triangle of Zinthar.

It might be that some of us are tired of seeing people who amount to real life Internet trolls like Trump, Boebert and MTG incite hatred and dictating the future of the country that we live in.

Trust me, nobody would spend this amount of money and effort if this isn't important.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Rep. Lauren Boebert is blaming Hollywood for her decision to switch congressional districts.

"We have to shut down the Hollywood elites who are trying to buy my current district," Boebert told Steve Bannon on his "War Room" podcast on Saturday.

"My opponent has plenty of funding from Soros dark money and even Hollywood liberals like Barbra Streisand and Ryan Reynolds," she wrote in a post on X.

According to the Federal Election Commission, both Streisand and Reynolds have donated $1,500 each to Boebert's rival, Democratic candidate Adam Frisch.

On Tuesday, Business Insider reported that Frisch had raised over $7.7 million, according to the FEC.

"I will not allow dark money that is directed at destroying me personally to steal this seat," Boebert said in a Facebook video on Wednesday.

The original article contains 324 words, the summary contains 129 words. Saved 60%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

The Mint Mobile SuperPAC took her down by donating a rounding error amount of money. Will the foreign meddling in American politics ever cease?!

Babs has that effect on people sometimes. You can't deny it.

Some might say she's scapegoating Streisand... Happy 2024! Gonna be a close one!

Wait. She’s from California??? I thought she’d be from like, somewhere not there.