Which Futurama line(s) do you find yourself quoting for no raisin?

Awa@lemmy.worldmod to Futurama @lemmy.world – 82 points –

with blackjack and hookers


"My kajigger!"

"I don't want to live on this planet anymore"

"Shut up, baby, I know it"

"Good news, everyone!"

"My manwich!"

Wait, I'm having one of those things: a headache with pictures.

An idea?

She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro!

...come to think of it, I quote Zap an awful lot.

You are technically correct

Which is the best kind of correct

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.

This and the whole "blackjack and hookers" thing, at least once a day lol

We give our dog an inner monologue. We decided he has a Bender personality and he uses the blackjack and hookers line a lot.

My husband and I use this one all the time

Don't you worry about Planet Express. Let me worry about blank.

Whats the matter professor? Nothings the matter fry, now that I turbocharged the matter compressor

Two live full-time in my brain:

  1. "No dogfood for Victor tonight."
  2. "That's a good old-fashioned gun. Simple point-and-click interface."

"I don't want to live on this planet anymore!"

I actually have it on a t-shirt. It keeps getting truer every day.

Not so much a quote I say out loud, but I often think of the scene where Lurr is buying human horn:


Lrr's wife Nndnnd (when they're preparing to fuck): "MY ORGANS ARE MOVING INTO POSITION!"

She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro.

Everyone saying "Good news everyone" but the real Dr gem is

"Oh my, yes"

And the variation

"Oh my, no"

I use them weekly

"This concept of 'wuv' confuses and infuriates us!"

"Uh, see, it used to be milk and, well, time makes fools of us all."


Not a quote, but I frequently just crack up remembering that Bender's full name is Bender Bending Rodríguez.

Shut up baby, I know it!

My wife was truely offended the first time I said this to her, which is very rare, because she didn't know it was a reference. Now its good for a double laugh.

My boyfriend loves that he can say that to me and I’m not offended. He says it to other people and they are confused

This is the worst kind of discrimination - the kind against me

But existing is basically all I do!

Let me worry about blank

Our boys have taken up stealing - one of the worst and coolest of crimes

Our policy is - if you're unsatisfied for any reason, I hate you

Your music is bad and you should feel bad

Tell them I hate them

Hello, lawsuit

That's it - you just made my list

I apologize for nothing

I propose we make Zoidberg do it

This is not a pet license. It's a fishing license - and it's mandatory!

So god damn many quotes, all of the highest quality.

Tell them I hate them

Yep I find myself using that at work a lot 😜

My go-to favourites are "Shut up baby, I know it" & "To shreds you say".

"first the firefighters, then the math teachers, and so on in that fashion."

I've finally found what I need to be happy and it's not friends, it's things.

Cliche but I'm gonna make my own "insert thing" with hookers and blackjack. And I always use "stuff and junk" from Amy and Fry

"No I'm... doesn't!"

Edit: also "I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness."

Morbo is pleased, but sticky.

Why is my Fry fro all frizzy?

"Most folks just call me Orange Joe."

I have brown hair.

Also "Ow, my sperm".

Valentine's Day is coming? Oh crap! I forgot to get a girlfriend again!

I just found one tonight. I didn't realize where is stolen it from, but in the episode Bender Gets Made, this (paraphrased) conversation happens between Leela and the doctor:

What do you see here?

A greyish blob?

Yes! And this one?

A greyish blob?

Not... As right...

I've been saying, "Not... As [blank]" in similar conversations for years, and forgetting where I got it from.

My favorite line, "There. I turned a regular board into a diving board." <3 Scruffy.

At work: “Good news everyone!” when it is, in fact, not good news at all.

The specific way Zapp says "Oh God, no!".

"You watched it! You can't un-watch it!"

Linearchaos top 10 futurama quotes:

10. Not even if we rub the engine with cheetah blood?
9. It's like a party in my mouth and everyone's throwing up.
8. Did everything just taste purple?
7. kill all humans
6. what?! My mother was a saint!
5. hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?
4. Let me show you some of the different lengths of wire I used.
3. I was going to eat that mummy
2. now that's walkin' around money
1. Antiquing (boom)`___`


You callin' me CRAAAAZEH??

(I seem to have a thing for psycho robots.)

I find myself saying, "What about what?" everytime I don't quite hear or understand someone.

We take out that bullseye, the rest of the dominos will fall like a house of cards! Checkmate

Bon jour. Crazy JGibberish! Edited for typo and to add the ‘crazy’ part.

"...but I am already in my pajamas..."

You know that safe where you keep 10 grand? There's 5 grand in there!

You guys like swarms of things, right?

Fine, I'll make my own [thing] with blackjack, and hookers.

Don't you worry about [thing], let me worry about blank.

Woop woop woop woop woop woop!

"I'm Dr. Zoidberg, homeowner!"

And "Good news! It's a suppository!

Kissenger: "We have all seen too many body bags and ball sacks"

Anytime someone asks me if I'm ok after I get a small injury I'll say "Yet, thanks to my trusty safety sphere, I sublibed with only tribial brain dablage."

Most times I startle my cat "I'm sorry, I thought you was corn."

I have infrequently quoted lines from Futurama in the past and not a single one of those quotes has ever been rewarded with a delicious raisin. I feel as if I have been bilked out of my raisin.


The professor calls out to his pet Griffin

I often say this because where I work we have many Izuzu brand trucks and the show never showed the name in the subtitles so I found it to be a similar sound. When I tell people what truck they are using I say it's the PaZuZu.

Pazuzu, you ungrateful gargoyle! I put you through college and this is how you repay me?

Pazuzu was the name of the deamon that possessed the little girl in The Exorcist

No raisin for sure, you are technically correct (the best kind of correct), good news everyone, and snusnu.

You can't just have your characters announce how they feel... That makes me feel angry!

I earned me a cooool fifty wing-wangs.

Death by snoo-snoo!

Who is your Smizmar?

Another job well done! (Whenever something has been resolved on its own)

Look at me, Zoidberg, house owner!


every time I save a password

I sometimes say 'why not zoidberg?' but usually do it for at least 1 raisin

Tell my wife.... Hello

Oh no, my superhero cream is out of itself.

Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder

That and the blackjack and hookers

With my last breath I curse Zoidberg! Or variants therein. In other words I'm blaming a lot of my ills on that crustacean.

the atom must smells like a grape

Because of this post.

Obligatory "Good news everyone!", "I am [title] ruler of [thing]" in Lrrrr's voice, "bite my shiny metal ass", "shut up and take my money", and I'm sure I'll notice more now that I'm thinking about it.

Shut up and take my money any time I see something I'm real excited about for sure

Whenever I'm grinding through some beaureacracy : "it's all about the filin'!"

Not the worst song and dance number.

Why am I naked and sticky? Did I miss something fun?

you changed the result of the race by measuring it!

Even in contexts where it doesn’t make sense. That was my favorite bit.

You'd think it would be something you'd have to freebase.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

"I thought you was corn". I say it whenever I startle someone.

This is quite a shock! On the other hand, it's not surprising in the least...

Some folks call me Orange Joe

"You ever kill a man with a sock? It ain't so hard. ha HAAA!"

Number associations are also big for me. So any time I hear 56, 27, or 5:15 I always relate it back to three shows. Extra points if you know what show I’m talking about for each of those numbers.