Hillary Clinton warns birth control is ‘next’ after Alabama IVF ruling

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 718 points –
Hillary Clinton warns birth control is ‘next’ after Alabama IVF ruling

Hillary Clinton is warning about the legality of birth control in the wake of a decision by the Alabama Supreme Court that found frozen embryos created through fertility treatments are children under state law.

“They came for abortion first. Now it’s [in vitro fertilization], and next it’ll be birth control,” the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and secretary of State said in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“The extreme right won’t stop trying to exert government control over our most sacred personal decisions until we codify reproductive freedom as a human right,” Clinton added.


It only makes sense that the club that's been pushing abstinence only sex ed for however many years would move to ban birth control. After all, birth control is for sinners.

The same folks bemoaning birth control have endorsed state sterilization and euthanasia policies in the very recent past.

So much of this shit is just White Replacement hysterics with a legislative knife. The fixation on skin tone as a defining moral indicator has been the poison pill gagging this country since it was founded.

It only makes sense that the club that's been pushing abstinence only sex ed for however many years would move to ban birth control. After all, birth control is for sinners.

There is also a contingent among conservatives who have been taught that birth control is tantamount to abortion. They think that since if an egg WERE to become fertilized it might not implant because of the birth control, that’s an abortion. (Even though as I understand it this secondary mechanism isn’t proven in hormonal BC.)

(As I got older and experienced the world I became far less conservative. My sister became more conservative. So I get to learn some of the crazy firsthand.)

The extreme right won’t stop trying to exert government control over our most sacred personal decisions

It's not the extreme right, this is mainstream for conservatives. The extreme right is the one calling for eg. the extermination of gender / sexual minorities or non-whites (and the extremists aren't nearly as rare as people generally like to think)

It's not the extreme right, this is mainstream for conservatives.

You're both right and wrong: the Republican mainstream has become extreme. Fascism, anarcho-capitalism and bizarre combinations of the two contradictory ideologies are extreme no matter how common they become.

The extreme right is the one calling for eg. the extermination of gender / sexual minorities

That's already a pretty mainstream view/goal in the GOP. Most of them are just using coded language rather than outright saying it yet.

It’s not the extreme right, this is mainstream for conservatives.

Nonsense. Mainstream conservatism is the Democratic Party and they've taken a firm position of "We'll say whatever we think makes the current audience we're facing happy then hope this whole thing blows over".

I'd like to see a statistic on that bcz I don't think that's accurate.

Are you seriously asking for a statistic for whether being anti-abortion is a mainstream conservative view?

Probably they weren't serious, but why not take the moment to educate others and possibly even, OP. Sometimes facts can change minds.

Edit: That's why I posted a direct response. You just never know who needed to hear that.

Yes I am. Conservatism is a spectrum, believe it or not, just like liberalism. You're making broad strokes assumptions, that may or may not be backed up by any science. And guess what, I know conservatives that are 'pro abortion' and others who are more extreme and are very anti abortion.

And believe it or not, the guy in the white house right now isn't a liberal, just bcz he puts a D next to his name.

Nobody is pro abortion. People are for having the freedom to make choices pertaining to their own bodies and it not be dictated by someone else. Pro abortion would just mean aborting every child and therefore the end of humanity. That is why they call it pro-choice. Those against it should honestly be called anti choice because they believe governments should control your births. Please keep the government out of my bedroom. If it pertains to a sexual act that involves consensual adults, it is no business of the government. That goes from flirting to birthing.

I am pro abortion but that's mostly because I am actually a child hating psychopath who really just wants to watch humanity drive itself to extinction, for the schadenfreude, more than anything. I assume I'm not the only one.

Well no shit. You're preaching to the choir buddy. It's just the word I chose to use in my comment.

Just take a look at what people voted for and against repealing Roe vs. Wade. You can hopefully connect the dots from there.

I know conservatives that are 'pro abortion'

And they're always uninformed. I consider myself progressive and I find a ton of common ground with hardcore republican voters because most "progressive" beliefs are reasonable. Things like more social programs, higher taxes for corporations, and even abortion rights. They consistently vote against their best interests because of momentum or fox News propaganda.

Next women will have to marry their rapist.
Remember the anti abortion bullshit is from the same book, that mandates women marry their rapist!

The good thing is most of the populace is growing to hate these fuckers. Lol They'll be kicked out and never win another election. Ever.

Don't count on it. We've been saying that since the 90's.

Conservatism is a plague that must be dealt with. Voting is needed, but it's not all that's needed.

The cons are planning on fixing that little problem they have and it's: majorities voting in things called elections.

Remember HRC helped Trump win in the Republican primaries because she thought he'd be easier to beat.

These are the same people who tell you progressives and leftists are "too radical".

We can't defeat fascism without fighting moderates. They would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists and progressives.

I mean, can you fault someone for thinking Trump was unelectable?

While Hillary/Democratic party are at fault how they treated democrats during that election cycle, I think the US at large was at fault for its overall outcome.

Why did so many establishment Democrats get this one wrong though? I'll tell you exactly why. They were/are so in love with their technocratic elitist bullshit that they had no conception of how fed up most of this country is with them.

Hillary was the most establishment candidate possible running against a political outsider with attitude in a country full of people who have been routinely ignored for decades.

It sure wasn't obvious to me that Trump couldn't win. I remember every single clueless thing Hillary did in that campaign raising my concerns a little bit more. It became more and more obvious as the campaigns went on that Trump was a serious contender.

She and the rest of the establishment couldn't see the threat because their egos got in the way, and I do blame them for that.

I think they truly underestimated just how many deplorables there are, and how racist/misogynistic/homophobic they really are.

The "deplorables" were mostly already reliable Republican voters though, so I don't think that was much of a factor.

The states where the election was lost were in the rust belt. The swing came mostly from. Obama to Trump voters. The commonality between the two is that both disengenuously ran as reformers.

I think the US at large was at fault for its overall outcome.

I think these kinds of statements just seek to dismiss the very necessary conversations we need to have about the ineptitude or outright corruption of establishment Democrats which results in unnecessary losses or unnecessarily close races. I also think people are very quick to revert back from this broad blame attitude as soon as leftists or progressives state they'll be voting 3rd party or write in. Ultimately moderates are the largest voting bloc in the Democrat party. If we assume the primaries aren't straight up rigged by the DNC then it's the moderate voters who control the outcome of the primaries. The lions share of the responsibility falls to them and yet they've done nothing to change course.

The lions share of the responsibility falls to them and yet they’ve done nothing to change course.

I think you're agreeing with them here. There's a point to be made that the voters are the problem too.

No. When moderates become the focus of the blame they deflect with "Well we're all responsible." but when progressives and leftists say they're voting 3rd party or write in they're like "You're the reason why Trump won in 2016." There's never any moment where the moderates take responsibility for the garbage candidates they vote for in the primaries or their complete refusal to compromise with leftists or progressives despite desperately needing their votes.

Let me ask a hypothetical -- if Sanders had been the candidate, would you have expected him to move a bit to the right to compromise with moderates and get their votes?

The whole "earn my vote" model often doesn't consider the opposite. If you won't vote for a moderate candidate because they haven't earned your vote, why should a moderate vote for a progressive candidate if they feel their vote hasn't been earned? What if moderates aren't voting for progressives in primaries because the progressives aren't trying to earn their vote?

I'm saying this as a progressive by the way. I think it's a worthwhile critique that if moderate candidates need to earn our votes, so do progressive candidates. And if moderates don't feel like their votes have been earned by the progressive candidate, it's worthwhile for us to talk with them and explore why. I'm not going to deign to think that I'm right about everything and morally superior compared to them.

The whole “earn my vote” model often doesn’t consider the opposite. If you won’t vote for a moderate candidate because they haven’t earned your vote

I did though. I voted for Biden in 2020. I compromised and got nothing in return. I'm out. I'm not voting for Biden again. I'm voting 3rd party or writing in.

You've just demonstrated how backwards and ridiculous the thinking is. Moderates have gotten so used to winning elections on their own they don't even realize when people are compromising for them. They take it for granted and then throw a hissy fit when expectations come their way. Even worse they have the audacity to call it "entitled", "spoiled" and so forth. It's a complete lack of self awareness.

Moderates would rather lose to fascists than compromise with progressives and leftists. It's pathetic.

I mean I agree, that's my point. I don't like the "earn my vote" model of thinking

What is the benefit of democracy if candidates aren't trying to earn your vote?

Candidates are trying to earn the majority vote, not your vote specifically. Democracy is largely about compromise. It's not about convincing people that you're right, but about serving the majority. Your issue here is with the majority of voters, not the people seeking their votes.

Democracy is largely about compromise

From who? Does a majority who cannot win general elections on their own have to compromise? Or is the compromise purely one way?

Your issue here is with the majority of voters

It's both. The moderates as the majority voting bloc decided on Joe Biden in the 2020 primaries and are failing to remind him he can't win elections on their votes alone. Joe Biden should realize this and tell the moderates they can't win elections on their own and will have to concede some policy decisions to progressives and leftists.

Progressives and leftists don't need to be reminded democracy is about compromise. It's the moderates and the people they elect who fail to understand this.

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Yes, I can fault someone for thinking Trump was unelectable; any professional politician who thought that would have been incompetent. But more importantly, Hillary Clinton isn't incompetent - she knew it was a risk, and she played Russian Roulette with the country. Beyond that, she has been part of the neoliberal establishment that has set policies that we know historically set the stage for fascism, for decades. It's amazing to me that people can look at the most powerful, privileged, and entitled people in our country, and somehow think they are guiltless, but put all that weight on our fellow citizens.

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Last I checked, Hillary wasn't running this year 🤔


So, your comment was just out of left field. By all means, I dislike Hillary and what her astronomical failure has lead us to and I completely agree that the DNC is borderline useless if not outright harmful, but your comment appears to shoot down the message just because of who it comes from.

The point here is focusing on the conservatives going after further reproductive rights issues and you're over here going "both sides are baaaad!".

Like, at the end of the day I don't disagree with you, it was just kind of random lol.

I think it's relevant to point out HRC is the reason we're living in this reality.

That's an absurd take. Fyi I'm from the UK and don't have any skin in the game, but blaming the opposition instead of the people who are actually causing the issues is just bizarre and kind of self destructive. Yes the DRC made mistakes, but they aren't responsible for what the GOP have done since.

HRC helped Trump win the Republican primaries in 2016.

Do you believe that she actively helped trump over herself, or that she messed up? It's so much easier with hindsight...in essence you're making the "the west is responsible for ww2" argument, sure they messed up with the restrictions put on Germany after WW1, but WW2 wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for a bunch of tyrants...

So many people seem to think they have a right to the perfect candidate for them, but democracy is about the best compromise for the masses. (In reply to some of your other comments on this thread)

Do you believe that she actively helped trump

It's a well documented fact.


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That's weird, because from my experience on Lemmy, leftists are far more hostile to me than I am to them.

Your hostilities are committed at the ballot box. You vote against our interests. You refuse to compromise with us. You blame us when your garbage pro-corporate, strike blocking, genocide supporting candidates fail to get elected in the general.

So you just remove the agency of everyone you disagree with and believe that makes you the victim?

Hey if you want to respect my decision to vote for 3rd party or write in the general election and take responsibility for picking a loser candidate in the 2020 primaries when Biden loses in the 2024 general then I will absolutely respect your agency. But we both know that's not what you're after is it? You want the agency to vote for whoever you want in the primaries and then turn around and lecture people for not supporting your choice in the general.

You like the control you have being a part of the majority voting bloc in the Democrat party, but you're refusing to accept the responsibility that comes with it.

I voted for Bernie in the primaries, worked for his campaign, and donated the maximum personal donation. How about you?

I phone banked, canvassed and donated in the 2016 and 2020 primaries. I hated Joe Biden from the beginning but I voted for him in the 2020 general. He's not compromised with leftists or progressives in any material manner so I won't be voting for him again.

I'm not going to apologize for calling out moderates for being uncompromising pieces of shit and voting for procorporate trash candidates in the primaries. And you shouldn't waste your time sticking up for them.

Leftists on Lemmy are hostile to everybody, especially other leftists.

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And after birth control women are going to be fined for having their periods, because each period is supposed to be a god blessed baby for Christ's sake. THINK OF THE CHILDREN YOU HEATHENS!

Teaching them a lesson for leaving the kitchen. Seriously though, woman (and men) fought hard for their rights to their body. Now, they have less freedom. If they aren't careful they could lose much more of it like in Afghanistan.

The more this develops the more I think it's actually "replacement theory" bullshit. Religion is the only "acceptable" avenue to push this from as they know the majority of the population has no patience whatsoever for any disgusting discussion about "too many dark skinned people." so they stick to "what God intended."

I think they believe that white people get abortions and use contraception more than minorities so if they outlaw that then white people can't become the minority population as they're forced to carry to birth every fertilized egg.

I was on the BC pill for years before I was ever sexually active - my periods were so heavy that I became severely anemic and sick.

Literally the pill and some prescription iron tablets for a time were all I needed, none of the other shit I was given for months before 1 woman doctor thought to prick my finger and see if the drop of blood sunk in the solution or not.

It pretty much stayed towards the top.

I had to drop 2 classes that semester as a result. I was so pissed.

“That’s why I’m pushing for an actual democratic primary and supporting progressive populist candidates and their broadly approved policies such as minimum wage increases and universal health care,” Ms Clinton did not add to her remarks.

Lol nah they're using the tried and true strategy of...checks notes using actual fascists to bully people into voting for slightly less fascist candidates. Bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off twice.

What's the better play? Voting for third party candidates tends to split the vote and empower the farther right candidates, no?

There not being a better play doesn't mean that play is a good one. It is a bad play, just the least bad one. What it means the system overall is broken and careening ro a crash, since the actually good plays are not politically viable. Mind you not that they wouldn't be voter viable, but the gatekeepers who get to choose what is put in front of voters viably don't want them there, that kind of politically non viable.

I think it was an American who said it that if people lose faith in the ballot box, they'll take the soap box, if that fails, they will go for an ammo box. I think progressives seem to be at station 2, while the far right is skipping right to station 3.

I think progressives seem to be at station 2

Yeah because it's hard for many of them to believe moderates would rather lose to fascists than compromise with progressives and leftists.

That's what I'm planning on doing. People will be able to see my vote for a 3rd party or write in candidate. I'm not going to reward Biden for refusing to compromise with leftists and progressives. Moderates are the majority voting bloc and got him elected in the 2020 primaries. They will take the lions share of the responsibility when he loses in the 2024 general.

So you'll help elect Trump to show everyone how pure you are and then tell the moderates it was their fault? That sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Trump WILL hurt you and the causes you care about in a worse and more permanent way than the alternative. Yes the choices are shit. There's still a meaningful choice.

Edit: Maybe a better way to ask the question would be what would you need to be able to sign on to the less shitty choice, keeping in mind that too much leaning in your direction will shear off the more conservative moderates at the other end of the Democratic coalition. There is strength in unity. Unions teach us that.

90% of these people are right wing trolls, trying to repeat the 2016 GOP traitor's playbook. The more you engage with them, the more opportunities they have to spread this nonsense.

Yeah, that's right. I don't mean to feed the trolls so thanks for the prompt. I just figure some might just be young, immortal, angry, traumatized and idealistic and not able to appreciate the negative consequences of their proposed actions.

So you’ll help elect Trump to show everyone how pure you are and then tell the moderates it was their fault?

As someone who is a part of a wing which is too small for moderates to bother compromising with it's impossible for me to help Trump. Moderates have been very clear that my views and vote don't matter. Are they wrong?

That sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Have you said that to moderates who refuse to compromise with leftists and progressives?

There is strength in unity.

What unity? There were a wide range of progressive and leftist candidates running in the primaries. Moderates said "fuck all that we're going with this old guy who's gonna block strikes and support genocide".

Moderates would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists or progressives.

I just hope some semblance of democracy can continue as imperfect as it is.

Then you best get on the moderates for being uncompromising pieces of shit.

...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Michael Caine

Tags: criminals, evil, insanity, the-dark-knight

Yes, it is clearly the moderates holding the party hostage here...

They're the majority voting bloc in the party. That means they hold the lion's share of the responsibility yes.

She didn't need to mention anything about a primary because the push to criminalize abortion is coming at the state and local levels. Vote for progressive local representation and that will do lot more than Biden ever could

Did you see the part where I talked about progressive populist candidates? That’s not about a presidential race. The Democratic Party has made a habit of sabotaging popular progressive candidates at all levels, and Hillary could actually do something about that. And if we had a real majority in congress, we might see things like nationwide abortion protections passed.

Vote for progressive local representation and that will do lot more than Biden ever could

Which the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Yellens, Powells, Pelosis and all the rest will fight with the help of Boomers for being too radical.

These people would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists and progressives.

Gotta protect that critical Texas House seat for Henry Cuellar or the Squad might get another member, which would be the worst thing ever.

Y'all know it's the end of February right? The time for whinging about no better candidate was a year ago. As usual you've waited too late. You better build up candidates years in advance to have a chance at running them. Which unfortunately no one really wants to do on the left. Every single leftist candidate will be cannibalized by the left itself. That's why we almost get never get them.

We’ve been talking about this since 2015, but kudos on your attempt to move the goalposts.

Probably because she is smart enough to know that populism is always dangerous

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At least she wasn't completely useless for this and actually said the word abortion. I haven't heard much from democrats suggesting or pushing any policy or solutions to this crisis. They seem to just leave the field open to let the republicans dominate the discussion.

They treat it the same as Republicans did, a talking point to rally around. That is, until the Republicans actually did something and stacked the Supreme Court. They could have codified roe when Obama was president, but I don't think they even tried or considered the possibility that roe would be overturned.

Now that roe has been killed, women have shifted significantly blue. Why the hell would they actually fix the issue when they can campaign on it for the next decade at least?

They could have codified roe when Obama was president

Or when Clinton was President in '92 or when Biden was President in '21. Multiple opportunities, but they all meant staking a position as a party and not being 300 little local independent influencers, trying to soak up as much campaign cash as they can before the next wave year tosses them out.

You need 50 Dem senators willing to overturn the filibuster or 60 in favor of abortion. Unfortunately, we've never had those numbers.

It's much more of a problem that we can't find even 10 Republican senators who are willing to enshrine abortion in some fashion.

You need 50 Dem senators willing to overturn the filibuster

Which they have had on repeated occasions.


1993, 2007, 2021...

Hell, Bill Frist offered to blow up the Filibuster with the Nuclear Option back in 2003. A minority of Dems could have simply let him, rather than caving on Judicial nominees.

There were not 50 willing to kill the filibuster in 2021. Manchin and Sinema were against it.

There was never a vote for or against removing the Filibuster. The rules decision was one more sloppy rush job by a mismanaged Senate.

You're presupposing then that if there was a vote, they'd have gotten rid of it

I'm not presupposing anything. I'm observing the failure of the Senate leadership to hold open the vote.

Your argument then is that the Senate could have held a vote to overturn the filibuster, but not that it would necessarily pass. And that would be true for every year and every day, the Senate could have voted on that during every presidential administration.

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No kidding. IIRC, Trollito and Coke-can Clarence both signaled they hate that right as well as a few others...so tired of these creepy weirdos having so much undue influence over this country. They don't represent any kind of majority.

That's why John Oliver's offer to that aforementioned coke-cantard makes a lot of sense.

Yep they'll be ridiculoued and they'll never win another election. They're morons.

Oh you'd be amazed. There's a lot of conservatives who tacitly support this shit, they just don't wanna air it out loud.

I don't know. There are a lot of dumbasses that will vote for the likes of donnie and will never vote for a Democrat because they just cannot imagine doing so (no matter how much sense it makes).

Then there are the ones that I'm sure pop a chubby at the notion of emulating the Saudis and telling the womenfolk here they can't even drive a car, nevermind imagine that they control their own bodies. Those freaks will probably always be a certain part of the population.

Soon jacking off will be a crime

I mean they are literally passing laws which require attaching your real name to your porn habits. So yeah, I'd say it is 100% the goal to leak this stuff and eventually, openly persecute people for it.

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Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson:

It scans all the activity on your phone, or your devices, your laptop, what have you; we do all of it,” Johnson told the panel about the app

It sends a report to your accountability partner. My accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. He’s 17. So he and I get a report about all the things that are on our phones, all of our devices, once a week. If anything objectionable comes up, your accountability partner gets an immediate notice. I’m proud to tell ya, my son has got a clean slate.”


Ahh yeah. Nothing has helped my relationship with my son like cold distant surveillance.

My accountability partner right now is Jack, my son. He’s 17

Ah yes, I'm sure a 17 year old teenager has found absolutely no way to watch porn other than his (now infected) phone. Nope. No siree.

That, and if this dumbazz thinks his son is not yanking it because he infected his phone, he's about as deluded as it gets.

These people won't stop till its literally illegal to be naked by yourself without some homely chapped-ass chaperone

Amusing as it is, nah. You've all got the conservatives pegged wrong. They don't want abortions, they just want people abandoned for sake of their twisted virtue signaling. It's perfectly acceptable to have a baby then abandon it in a dumpster. They also like their porn and booze. Most preachers are guilty of a hentai fetish or some weird shit. Jacking off will be a crime if it's to gay porn only.

You've all got the conservatives pegged wrong.

I'm pretty sure they're against that too, at least until you get them alone.

Or maybe being single will be a crime? A fantasy dreamed up the utterly deranged.

I'm sure there's a relevant bible verse that can be used to justify that.

There's that one where "and Jesus spoke unto his flock, 'maketh my words weapons, and ye shall have the word of God to force women to have sex with you for all eternity' and everybody clapped"

Uh oh, the incels won't be happy with that at all. Same with the MGOTW bunch (who are probably also just incels, too, if we are being honest).

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She is 100% correct.

But she is not helping. She can’t help. She is not liked. At all.

She could help by disappearing from public view and donating some of her ill-gotten gains to key races. But no, she prefers to keep flapping her jaw in public.

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Condoms used to only be legal for married couples.

Get ready. As long as conservatives have any power at all, they will use it to oppress the normal people. They always have.

Yep. Call them what they truly are: creeps, weirdos, perverts and freaks.

It is not normal to want to police others to the extent these freaks want to be able to do. Something is deeply wrong with them. It's on us to point this out at every turn. They are so creepy.

Don't really need her to say it when the Supreme Court justices said it themselves.

What is next after they ban birth control? Forcing women to get pregnancy tests every month in order to detect miscarriage or abortion later on?

Probably prison (or the death penalty ) for women who miscarry, I remember reading some states Alabama tried passing legislation so when a women has a miscarriage the authorities investigate her for murder.

Wow they really just declared themselves a religiously affiliated state. I can't imagine this doesn't make it to the US supreme court. The scary question is will those goons back Alabama's play to become a Christofascist state? If so it would definitely be my breaking point to leave.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Hillary Clinton is warning about the legality of birth control in the wake of a decision by the Alabama Supreme Court that found frozen embryos created through fertility treatments are children under state law.

Now it’s [in vitro fertilization], and next it’ll be birth control,” the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and secretary of State said in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“The extreme right won’t stop trying to exert government control over our most sacred personal decisions until we codify reproductive freedom as a human right,” Clinton added.

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra decried the court’s decision in a post on X, saying it will have “heart-wrenching consequences for women & their families.”

“I’ve long made clear that overturning Roe was just the beginning of the attacks on women’s health, privacy, & autonomy — and that’s exactly what we continue to see,” Becerra said.

Following the decision, GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley said she agreed that an embryo is an unborn baby but added in an interview that “we need to treat these issues with the utmost respect.”

The original article contains 364 words, the summary contains 185 words. Saved 49%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Probably, but also please go away.

Curious that she'd bother to say this on a fascist's social media platform.

She was anti-gay for a long time. Her husband is the one who created "Don't Ask Don't Tell."

I agree but to put it in context, basically everyone was anti-gay back then by today's standards. DADT was considered a pro-gay move back then.

Back then that was progressive policy. I was alive when California voted against gay marriage. These things change over time.

I wish she would follow in the footsteps of all other 2 time losing political candidates and fall off into obscurity and never be heard/seem again.

Its easy to forget that, back in 2002, she was the US Senator from New York rubber stamping a bunch of Bush Era federal judges.

Now she's here to "warn" us. Uh... thanks.

Hey, isn't this the lady that campaigned with Henry Kissinger, traitor and war criminal?

Yeah. Correct message, awful messenger that most people think should have faded out of politics when she was the main non-Russian reason for Trump being inflicted on the nation.

I wish she listened to the warnings in 2016. Now she's here stating the obvious and trying to look insightful.

I wish Hilary would shut the fuck up.

Her being involved just fuels the GOP hate machine. If she stays quiet it's better for the Dems. Don't give Trump or his ignorant voters any more fuel.