What is the dumbest reason to kill somebody?

Lanky_Pomegranate530@midwest.social to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 88 points –

In the name of religion.

But my god is more peaceful than yours. You'll accept this or I'll have to kill you. /s

Yeah. If god's so powerful why can't he do it himself?

He’s on a rest day. Asked us if we could come round instead…

Fucking hell America. That wasn't even the only shooting of a young person that week. From the Wikipedia page about one of the other shootings:

The shooting gained notoriety for being one of four shootings that occurred in a one-week period in the US that were characterized by young people being met with gunfire after making a mistake.

Oh, and one of the other ones involved a 6 year old child and her parents after a basketball they were playing with rolled down the street and onto his property. Nobody died, thank the gods, but the guy who did that one was already out on bail for domestic abuse/assault.

What the fuck is wrong with that country that shit like this can happen and it doesn't step back and reevaluate its relationship to guns?

Listen, I think there should be a lot more regulation of guns in America. But just from a media literacy standpoint, can we not take two incidents as a statement about every American?

This was four separate incidents in one week.

And I know that there are some Americans who want to see change, but the fact is that as a society you've gone for decades knowing this was a problem and deciding you'd rather keep the problem than fix it. I feel for those Americans who are more sane, I really do. Certainly I don't agree with everything my government has done or is doing. But I also wouldn't take it as a personal insult if someone were to say "wtf Australia" when criticising that government's decisions, because it would be accurate.

You're right it's appropriate to say "wtf America" about gun violence generally. I think what I was stuck on is while extremely fucked up that someone shot a person for turning around in their driveway, in a country of over 300 million people that particular thing is still a fluke. I hadn't heard of the other incidents mentioned in that Wikipedia article until you said there were four.

This is the eternal stalemate of our two party system. Everyone agrees that there are many big obvious problems that need addressing, both parties want to solve it their own way, but (for better and worse) both only have the power to prevent the other from doing anything.

A few years back it snowed in Seattle, which is uncommon. I saw a video where folks were having a snowball fight, as you do. A snowball entered the partially open window of a driver. The lady proceeded to Hop the curb, and drive up some embankments trying to hit people with her car.

For a fuckin snowball.

Guy I know was in his car when it was hit by kids having a snowball fight. So he drove straight at them onto the pavement, trapped them in a shop doorway and cracked their heads together before heading in his way. There was an article in the local paper about the police looking for him because one of the kids suffered a broken jaw. He still feels that it was a justifiable course of action .

That guy is a fuckin menace, and a liar to boot. If he really thought he was justified he'd have turned himself in to the police, but he knew what he did was wrong even if he will never admit it to anyone including himself.

The dude is an asshole, but this is bad legal advice. Never talk to the cops directly. Always go through your lawyer.

Yes, I - a not-lawyer - am dispensing legal advice on this internet forum post. Fine work identifying it as such, detective; I'll see you back at the law factory.

That guy is a fuckin menace, and a liar to boot.

Yes and yes. I am frequently shocked at the things he will admit to doing.

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Because someone in your government has decided that you have to.

This is mind blowing to me. I understand different perspective and everything and am not trying to knock anyone that genuinely and whole heartedly gets into it. But I cant wrap my head around "X knows best so we must kill for them because they taught us that way." Like there's actually people that think like that while acting like they are their own individual and not just a cog in someone else's game.

On the other hand some people grow up in that culture and are that. Those are the real ones.

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Revenge. How should killing a person make it better?

And war, some rich people profit, normal people die

Black Sabbath's War Pigs jumped into my head reading this.

because they're mad at the person for being gay, trans, or a different race or religion than you.

Because they don't have same color skin.

Well if you kill everyone, will there be anyone left to shame you? Therefore, it wouldn't be dumb to kill people then.

"Your not a war criminal if there's no more military to judge you."

And when you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many and you're a conqueror. Kill them all and you're a god.

Edit: oh. That's my answer to op: religion.

We get in a fight at a tripple crossroads. He dies. Then I go back to his kingdom and marry his wife. Little did I know she was my mother and he was my father...

Hold on.

There's reasons to kill someone‽

"If someone tries to kill you, you kill 'em right back." - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly


You can almost always try to kiss someone and they'll recoil and back down. Or is that just me?

Ime it works great for small town guys.

Except Bill. Bill.... Bill went all the way.

You want them to live

What if we are in a simulation and the only way to truly live is to die in the simulation?

Well, the dumbest reason I've seen people get murder-y for is typically fighting over inheritance.

It's like... now there's even more inheritance to fight over. Then also you just paid for one funeral, and now you want to pay for another?

A frozen yogurt (no joke, almost happened at my high school)

Because in your impaired judgement you were 'good to drive home' after a few drinks.

Wanna light up a Wendy's?


because they were unable to speak

Because you had to eat without a table.

But mental breaks are a great reason to kill someone... wait until you put your victim's hat on.


Followers stake the moral upper ground and turn otherwise awful douchebags into martyrs.

There will never be a dumbest reason to kill somebody. Humankind will always be inventing the next dumbest reason.

I'm trying to think of the dumbest one I've heard of, and there's so many options I can't quite pick one. So, this.

Because they had to turn around in your driveway

In what circumstances would you consider murder a smart choice?

When someone is about to testify about Boeing’s safety violations.

Maybe in some instances of self-defence?

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The entire motivation of the bad guy in Madame Web is that he saw the heroes killing him in a dream so he wants to kill them first...

The only reason they want to kill him is because he keeps fucking attacking them...

That movie is so fucking stupid

The entire motivation of the bad guy in Madame Web is that he saw the heroes killing him in a dream so he wants to kill them first...

The only reason they want to kill him is because he keeps fucking attacking them...

That movie is so fucking stupid

I haven’t seen it, but that’s like, most Ancient Greek stories about prophecy. The only reason the prophecy comes true is that people take actions to prevent it.

For example, Oedipus’s parents find out he’s gonna kill his father and marry his mother. So when he’s an infant they nail his feet together and throw him out of the city. He’s taken in by some kind people, eventually makes his way back to the city later in life, kills his father in an altercation without knowing it’s his father, marries his mother not knowing she’s his mother. If his parents had never heard the prophecy and just, you know, raised him, he wouldn’t have done those things.


That movie wasn't like those ancient Greek stories because in quite a few ways but most notably the prophecy is just some guy believing that 3 teens are going to kill him. In the end... Madame Web kills him with a Pepsi sign! (Buy Pepsi! Drink Pepsi! PRAISE PEPSI!)

The movie does actively try to be like those ancient stories but it falls flat with even a slight amount of thinking about it because the villain's motivations make no sense... Let's break it down!

For the last 20ish years he's had the same recurring nightmare about 3 teens showing up into his New York apartment, smashing some of his stuff, stealing from him and then throwing him out a window...

During that time every action he took seemed to recreate that dream? He moved to New York (he didn't live there before), bought the apartment from his nightmare, bought all of the furniture from the nightmare, decorated it exactly the same, and then spent the rest of his time making sure that the 3 teenage girls he is afraid of have a reason to dislike him. This whole movie could've been prevented by... Moving to a different place... At any point in the last 20 years...

Unrelated to the story but also every single line from the villain is dubbed for some reason??? Every other character clearly sounds like they did the voice during the scene and then he sounds like he's in a recording booth and they just slapped it on... ???

This turned into more of an essay/rant than I planned but holy fuck that movie was so bad. Funniest shit I've seen in so long and will watch it again. I'd never seen a superhero movie before where the main character's super power includes hitting people with her car.

You went to sleep in the driver’s seat of a vehicle at a festival, hit the parking brake with your unconscious hand, and rolled over a tent with somebody in it.

My favourites are killing refs for making bad calls, or killing other parents because their kid did something in a game

On accident. Oops. Damn. Sorry! Fuck now you're dead and everyone's sad/mad and I'll be in prison the rest of my life. Dammit 😭

There is no good reason to kill. Only bad excuses

Sounds like someone who's never been in a self defense situation.

Luckily 100% of the people i know are in this situation and the society around me push the general idea that killing is always wrong no matter what. And it works.

Then yes, condition may change in third world countries

IRL when you are in a self defence situation, you are already laying on the floor bleeding profusely and/or knocked out, I'm talking from personal experience, most of the time you get sucker punched or/and jumped on or/and punched in the back of the head or/and assaulters have weapons, so unless you're heavily trained, when self defence situation happens you're not gonna protect yourself, as Mike Tyson said, everyone have a plan before they got punched in the mouth, so unless you can act on trained "instincts" you gonna get stomped on the head

I have taken Mike's advice into every fight I've been in. No amount of armchair training can prepare you for when your adrenaline really hits.

Absolutely this, however, doing drills and sparrings is necessary so your body know how to move without your mind, i mean, completely untrained people just flailing and doing haymakers while those who doing drills at least can throw some straights and jabs and clinch and double leg takedown and some throws, at least i can do this automatically without thinking

Some personal experience: I've trained a little, I'm not a professional fighter. All my very few fights have been street fights. I've been trained how to takedown but I can't find enough thought to actually do it fight. The absolute best thinking I've ever done in a fight was remembering my boxing hits and even that was more of a flash than a rational thought. Honestly the thought "RUN!" comes up more often in a fight for me than anything actually useful to fight.

Yes) this! You train for exact that flash of memories when your body do the job without mind intact, body just by reflexes should act on self defence, because everyone's mind screaming to run and muscles are becoming like jelly when time to fight comes, i mean every country trains their professional soldiers exactly for this, so their body would work/fight properly without mind intact

I believe the point of their argument is killing is ok if your in a life or death self defense situation.

Whether you are actually able to defend yourself is irrelevant for that point to be true.

My point is, in most self defence situations is kill or be killed, better run if you can of course, but that's if you can do it at all, basically it's not you who decides what to do in most of self defence situations, but situation you're in

Oh you're certainly correct. Self defense training should be mandatory IMO. Both with and without weapons.

My point was that a life or death situation changes the "there's no good reason to kill" argument.

Sounds like an argument I wouldn't win, no matter how valid arguments i present, so I won't bother

But... but... someone is WRONG on the INTERNET.. are you just gonna let that slide?

/s obviously

Why do you think I'm wrong?

I don't. I was referring to the other guys willingness to simply not engage in a discussion stemming from disagreements. Not every opinion different from ones own requires a response. Not every discussion needs to be an argument.

Fair enough. I wasn't tryna argue with the guy. Just have a discussion. I think its a shame he jumped to "I can't win".

Well thats rather defeatist. Also I wasn't tryna start an argument breh. If you wanna have a conversation we can do that.

You could watch a documentary about serial killers or check current wars, it's full or dumb reasons to kill other people.

Because they've given you everything you've ever wanted, been nothing but genuinely kind to you, and done nothing you've ever disagreed with.

These other answers are dumb, but for it to be the dumbest it has to be dumber than "they did something I don't think is wrong" and instead is "they did something that everyone agrees is right."

My ex beat his mom to death when she, after having bailed him out of jail for a dui while he was still a child and in high school, told him he was ruining his life with alcohol and if he didn’t watch out, he’d end up a loser or in prison. That’s somewhat harsh and probably feels bad from your mom, but it’s also a pretty standard attempt at good parenting that was probably intended to be a wake-up call.

For what it’s worth, she was 100% right, he did end up in prison and a loser.

For context, I met him a year or so after he got out, and he lied to me about basically every aspect of his life, to the point that I only even found out about the murder a few days after we broke up. I didn’t intentionally date someone who murdered their mom.

I had, however, already made bad dating decisions before meeting him, which was actually protective, because I’d learned the hard way not to argue emotionally. Especially important, because I did actually break up with him because his drinking was out of control and he did seem to be turning into a loser (I don’t use the term a lot, but he started casually scamming people for small amounts and kept getting fired from jobs because of something totally out of his control that was less and less believable every time. He just wasn’t contributing anything positive to the world nor was he enjoying his life). I’ve thought a lot about what might have happened if I’d told him that plainly.

I realized after we broke up that he’d been skimming my ADHD medication (along with literally any pills he could find, including some for a friend’s congenital heart condition with zero psychoactive effect) and selling it as Molly to my friends and me. A few months later, my friends and I realized that he’d been the person who stole my purse with my rent money in it on new year’s. He didn’t even “mysteriously find” my phone (it was a tracphone, there was zero value in it to anyone but me) or any ID cards to help me out a bit, just stone cold watched me try to replace everything and scramble to pay double rent with no ATM access in the first week of January. So yeah, petty scams. I’m autistic and a bad character judge (no, really?), he could have literally scammed me forever if he’d had a little planning ability. I know this is coming off like I support big scams, but it just makes it seem even stupider in the end. Like, stealing my $500 rent gets him $500, which is pretty good. It loses me (at the time a college student working part time as a waitress) $500, a phone, a beloved purse, my ID, debit, and insurance cards, which is worth way more than $500. Plus, he again had a trust fund! I think he really did like me, too. He just didn’t know how not to take advantage of people. I have a google alert set for his name and he got arrested for violating the restraining order his next ex had against him to beat her up (not enough to charge him with attempted murder, but I haven’t read the details). I tried to get one at the time, but the process to get one would have made all the information about my schedule and addresses available to him before a decision was made. I just moved and bet on him not remembering the one or two trips to my sisters house well enough to get back there, which he didn’t.

I’ve also wondered a lot about what was wrong with him. He was absolutely an alcoholic, but even if he started very young, alcohol addiction doesn’t immediately turn you into a monster (my sister started in early high school and she was totally out of control with drinking, but she didn’t cause pain just for the fun of it much more than other teenagers, but maybe that’s luck) and it’s pretty difficult to empathize with bludgeoning your mother to death for what should be a pretty transparent attempt to help you (even small children know that they get yelled at for scaring their parents when they wander off- parents being emotionally invested in their kids can’t be a surprise, plus he was generally pretty perceptive). It could be that his mother or both parents were abusive and either the words or the intent of what she was saying wasn’t reported by the neighbors, but his dad still had limited contact with him and had set up a trust for him during his time in prison that would provide him with enough money to survive, but not enough to get into much trouble every month, which seems like a pretty reasonable way for a loving parent to react to something like this- make sure he’s safe and stay in his life, but at arm’s reach. He could also have just been missing some combination of foresight and sympathy for his whole life, but that’s the second worst option. The worst one is that he was a completely normal kid who made one ghastly violent decision because his brain wasn’t yet mature and he was still tipsy, got shuttled off to a crucible of trauma for two decades and then spent the rest of his life taking the resultant guilt out on those around him.

Because they are gay for people that older than them.