This laptop released in 2016 no longer receive OS updates. Which means I can't update Chrome Browser to Mildly – 532 points –

Install Linux and have updates for the Rest of your life. And more performance.

Edit: typo

I have a Chromebook and it’s ridiculous how difficult they made it to install another OS.

I eventually did, but I needed to get something to flash a third party boatloader and at first I was told my laptop was not supported.

But getting an actual Linux distro has been so much better than ChomeOS.

Back when I had a Chromebook I actually had to open it up and remove a screw to be able to do it.

The droid restraining bolt?

Yeah. Write protect screw.

No Cap, I used to have an old HP Pavillion where the case had to be pried apart for servicing and there was a screw on the Battery connector that would keep the computer from starting unless it was put back after battery removal. They work fine without batteries, but not without the screw. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The new chromebooks need special cables to unlock, either you have the skills and supplies to build a cable and adapter board or you buy a cable from a random company that is rarely in stock

I didn't think it too hard but it ended up being kind of fruitless, those things have almost no harddeive and I mostly did it to fuck around with Linux. Chromebooks, at least that one, had something like 16gbs and equally weak CPU to match (granted it might have changed since then but woof.)

The whole point of a chrome book is to push you to use Google’s online services. I think you are still better off if you can do that with Linux running the machine.

Same, I did this back in college because my Windows laptop shit out and I couldn't afford another proper computer. I ended up duct taping an external drive to the back.

i hate that this is now the future of computing

thankfully, once you get a proper UEFI bios on it, it's free, forever.

But yeah, i agree, total bullshit how much work they put into not using UEFI from the get go lmao.

It wouldn't be lemmy if this was not the top comment

It's a Chromebook. That's just the real answer to OP's issue regardless of where they ask about it.

Right. If it's not getting updates, then it's only a matter of time before it has a critical security vulnerability. If not Linux, then what? Will GNU Hurd run on it?

False. They're dropping support for 20+ year old cpus like it doesn't even matter!

I don't usually like all the Linux posts on Lemmy, but this is 100% the correct answer here. The computer will likely run a lot better if you do everything right!

It already has Linux, that's the issue.

Came here to recommend nuking it with Linux to get a much slicker experience but I see everyone else had the same idea.

Also gtf off chrome.

This device looks to be supported by the custom firmware project over here:

Basically it allows you to replace the stock firmware and just run regular ol' Linux, entirely replacing ChromeOS.

There's also a pretty good video outlining most of the process here:

Running xfce4 Fedora brilliantly on an old Dell Chromebook thanks to this, fully recommended!!

I'm pretty sure two gru_bob and gru_kevin have Libreboot support. I forget the name of the exact laptops, it should be in their documentation

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This post is like catnip for Lemmy users.

I can't believe this is anything other than fishing for engagement.


This /c/ is catnip for lemmy users.

Welcome to /c/

Which means it's time for you to switch to Linux

Looks like a Chromebook, which means Linux would be a bit hacky and not guaranteed to work well at all.

it's gotten a LOT less hacky now:

Nice! I gave up on Chromebooks after google screwed me over, but back then it was all very much an improvised hack to get Linux on them.

Glad to see that progress has been made!

It's arm right? Just fiddle a bit with the bootloader and that's it. Similar to Andorided phones

It likely will work, but may not work 100%. It really depends on how popular this laptop is, and how well-supported it is in the linux community.

Chromebooks are actually Linux.

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, Google/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Chrome plus Linux.

Yeah not not standard Linux distributions. Getting standard Linux to work requires a bunch of messing with drivers

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Asus 202c from 2016. They're EoL, so they don't get chrome OS updates. Which means the Play Store is also outdated.

Overall, they're pretty nifty. Battery life is still solid. Keyboard and case is pretty durable.

I actually have a few of these chromebooks! (You can buy them from schools) I've reformatted one with Linux. Another is Chromebook + side loaded for coding. This one is just for browsing and taking notes.

But just the thought that some old person buying a computer and going, "Lemme pick up these Google Things that are $100" only to end up with these errors makes me sad.

Maybe an unpopular opinion around here, but getting 8 years out of a $200 laptop is a fucking steal.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect more.

Had this been a $1200 laptop, the expectation would be different.

For me it's not about the price, it's about owning your hardware in ways that allow you to easily install whatever you want. As for chromebooks, that's not the case and you need to hack your way around. In the case of phones, many vendors don't allow unlocking the bootloader. This kind of practices means that in many cases, completely useful (maybe old) hardware goes to the dumpster.

Big companies want more e-waste for their own bottom lines.

I've got this huge fancy samsung tablet from 2015. It's made to be like a table top display. Has a mount on the back to keep it standing up.

It can't really do anything now. The android version on it stopped being supported by anything. No youtube or Netflix or nothing. There was a bit of homebrew effort to get root and a newer version of android on them about 4 years ago, but it kind of fizzled out. Now it went from a great portable streaming mini TV (what I used it for, anyhow) to e waste.

Try alternative apps such as NewPipe for YT, they might still run on your outdated android.

Otherwise, there's always LineageOS and other custom ROMs

ARM linux distros, phone nixes, nothing?

Nope. It's essentially a samsung tablet with about 2014 samsung tablet specs, only way larger screen. They were made more for retail stores to have set up for customers than for consumer sales, almost. Basically, they missed their mark, so not many were sold. Imagine back in 2015. A nexus tablet was like $100. These things were $600. Galaxy View 18.4" tablet.

There was a custom that I had found from like 4 years ago, but when the project stopped it was still left with a lot of issues/bugs.

Praise be to our lord and savior the UEFI Forum, that we might not all meet such a dismal fate.

most websites just check the browser useragent, and if you spoof the useragent, it works. most websites are blocking it artifically even if the website works fine with your browser. so i think it's worth a shot if there are chrome plugins who can spoof the browser useragent.

Usually they're building the website with browserlist and polyfills, and they specify how old a browser they wish to support, usually by analysing percentages of public usage, or they allow types only supported in newer browsers. Meaning if they use a feature only available in newer browsers, then it won't be automatically backported to support older browsers.

But that's only if they actually use those features, they're just available to them. And it'll only break in those places they do use them, which could be quite little of the site.

So often it's just "we can't guarantee it'll work in your old browser and enough of our users use newer browsers that we'll block you and not care".

yupp, and i hate that. i use a firefox version that don't supports private fields, and because a common js lib uses them a lot of websites suddenly stopped working for me just because of this bs. instead of just using a normal variable they use private fields and kill a ton of older browsers by doing so. and most website owners don't care so asking them just leads to them saying "just upgrade bro".

private fields

Man, javascript is starting to turn into java, isn't it? They added encapsulation. What else they're going to add?

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give it the mrchromebox treatment, and then install linux on it. Good shit.

Now my chromebook is an extremely low power idling node for anything i need it to be, with incredibly like UPS standby times.

Something something ~linux~ profit?

Linux and Firefox would get updates!

Firefox won't for much longer. Or at least not without significant spyware installed. I'm hoping it gets forked before the new CEO can do too much damage. Sucks that it will split the community with such a small user base already. But I guess that's the point.

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there crappy things are basically made to be thrown away, they're not even supposed to outlive their software support range.

Arch. Arch! ARCH! /pumping_fist_like_Arsenio

For the love of god OP don't start your Linux journey with Arch
Don't get me wrong, i use it and love it, but don't use it!

I use arch btw

They already started their Linux journey with Chrome OS! What's the worst that could happen, they turn a brick into a brick? And the best? transcendence 🧘

my first proper experience with linux on the regular was manjaro, a week later i manually installed arch and i'm still using it today, 4 years later.

Plus various debian installs on other systems.

By all means, pick whatever you think is correct for you, just be ready to learn lol.

I think I had a similar one. Is that the one you can detach and use as a tablet?

I tried cracking mine open .. I succeeded, in a sense.

It is not a good idea to use EOL software. It really sucks but you are putting yourself at risk. The only option is to find third party software that is supported.

Install Mr. Chromebox and Linux and you're good to go

Not trying to be the fifth dentist here, but at some point all devices reach the end of life. While I’m sure it’s possible for you to install Chrome OS Flex, or some other kind of Linux, at some point isn’t it just time to buy a new computer?

Until George R.R. Martin gives up his DOS computer, then there's never an excuse to upgrade so long as the machine you use can perform the actions you ask of it!

Sure, but by making that decision George also had to accept he can't install the latest version of Chrome. Maybe George is ok with that, but OP isn't.

Ok, but the only action George needs to perform on it is to not write a book. I don't even need a computer to do that.

It depends really. If you need to use old software or hardware, then no. I have some automotive tools that don't need the greatest PC to run and I'd rather not mess up my installation of the software they need to work, so I have an ancient Thinkpad with windows 8 on it that I can boot up and use for diagnostics. I just maxed out the ram and put in an SSD so it runs halfway decent.

You mean there's not still a team of developers working full time to make sure your 8 year old hardware is still getting software/security parity? Color me shocked. Shocked I say! They should support your hardware for free forever! How dare they advance in such a way that it's not possible for my 8 year old hardware to run the exact same as modern hardware that's been updated and iterated hundreds of times since then.

I have 11 years old phone that still gets updates. For free. And all my computers will have updates for ever. For free.

what kind of phone is getting updates that long?

Galaxy S4, (was) officially supported by LineageOS :)

oh dope. I'm on graphene run, so I think that gives me 7 years, but 11 is impressive. any idea how long they plan on supporting it? also, is that your daily? I feel like a phone that old would be quite slow by now.

My daily is Pixel 7a with GrapheneOS. Galaxy S4 is my mom's old old old phone. I have no idea how. On lineageos wiki it says that this device is not maintained anymore, but a month ago I got a system update. It's on Linegae 18.

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Google can choose to not update the operating system but I don't see why the browser is left behind.

Google supported chrome on windows 7 longer than Microsoft itself, they can't do it on their own Linux distro?

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