Israeli settlers storm West Bank village, setting cars and homes ablaze to World – 529 points –

It's estimated that between 1,000 and 1,200 settlers surrounded the village, and around 500 stormed it just after midday local time on Friday, blocking all the roads in the area.

According to Abu-Alia [head of the village council], the Israeli military arrived at the scene at around 3 p.m. local time, but did not stop the settlers from attacking the village. Instead, Israeli soldiers allowed them to raid homes, prevented Palestinian residents from moving around and blocked ambulances from reaching the injured, he alleged.

Israeli security forces had informed Palestinian officials that the settlers were looking for an Israeli teenager who had gone missing earlier in the day.


Armed Israeli Settlers are terrorists. Killing innocent civilians and destroying their property to further their political agenda.

Seems like a pretty clear cut case of terrorism to me.

They would need to be a few shades darker.

What does it take to drop the word Terrorists?

Terrorist means you're waging war with the West without spending a lot of money.

US would have to switch sides first for that to happen. No ally of the US is a terrorist.

A violent riot is not the same as terrorism.

That's interesting that a thousand "settlers" are rioters but those on Oct 7th are terrorists.

Oct 7th was an organized invasion of Israel by Hamas, a known terrorist organization. They also entered Israel with the express and sole purpose of killing as many Jews/Israelis as possible. The rioters in the West Bank didn't go there to kill people by all accounts. If they had, there would be more than just a single death.

Buddyboo, stop resetting the clock to Oct. 7th, the world didn’t start then. Israhellonearth has been terrorizing, murdering, and abusing Palestinians long before then.

Also stop watching Ben Shapiro.

Really seems like those settler would classify as terrorists by that definition then

The settler rioters were not terrorists by that definition, because they were not trying to accomplish a political aim, they were angry and lashing out because islamic terrorists from the West Bank kidnapped and killed (?) a 14 year old child.

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important note - the west bank is not gaza and Hamas has never been in charge in the west bank. the only thing that makes this lynch mob feel justified in its violence is the race of its victims, and the only thing that makes them feel confident they'll get away with it is that the state of Israel sent armed men to protect them while they carry out their terrorism. This makes Israel an openly-racist terrorist state.

It's not a lynch mob. It is a genocidal onslaught for capturing land. This is not some emotional reaction. It is a decade lasting strategy of ethnic cleansing carried out by state supported Israeli militias, often directly aided by the formal Israel army in an occupied territory.

We only now get more attention to it, because of the 07. October, but this has been happening for decades and it only ever got worse over the years, because the US and western allies have actively endorsed this. They endorsed this by saying that this is illegal and shouldn't happen, while singing off on the next billions of military aid and arms deals.

no, this specific event is a lynch mob, the general situation is a genocide

All the people daring the MSM to call them “terrorists”…

Maybe we should just remind the public how bad the word “settler” is: These are state-armed violent militias whose explicit goal is to displace the indigenous occupants of foreign territories.

Terrorists at least tend to emerge in response to (real or perceived) political disposession. That is not the case here. The settlers are the most privileged class in Israel, rewarded for breaking international law.

And we should probably also remember that oppressors always have legitimate grievances to cite when you question what they’re doing. Nobody ever says “We’re invading this land cuz we want it” in the moment.

"Colonists" might be a good term for them as well.

Why not Invaders? It's not their land.

Sure, but Colonists brings up a lot of negative history nowadays. Without a doubt, "Settlers" was their chosen term in an effort to control the language used to describe them.


They aren't just in a colony, they are actively engaged in colonizing and trying to take more land through violence.

How about inmates? Let's use that term. And make sure its accurate.

Colonists has more of a controlling government connotation to it. The people stay, but are subservient to the rulers.

This is genocide to completely replace the original inhabitants.

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State sponsored terrorists? It's not like blowing up cars and burning homes bring a calm mind to the people's who own the cars and houses...

Wait, there are people upset they didn't go to terrorists? Well, of course there are, but I was shocked a CNN article even used settler, for the points you made. It specifically invokes taking from the people there to benefit themselves, which I didn't expect CNN of all places to do.

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Terrorists, both the settlers and the IDF.

Why is no one talking about the last part where it all happened because a teenager got abducted? These comments are weird.

Collective punishment is a war crime.

Punishing random members of an entire ethnicity is not helpful and only screws over Israel in the long run. These extremist settlers are making coexistence impossible and that’s intentional since they are the group in Israel who are most opposed to any two state solution.

I don’t understand? Didn’t someone go missing?

That’s the most recent case that provoked this latest pogrom, but Settlers have been attacking Palestinian towns for years. The Israeli Supreme Court ruled that settlers don’t have to be punished equally as Palestinians for the same crimes.

Well for starters it might be because there's zero proof that Palestinians had anything to do with it. Even if (and again it's IF) Palestinians had something to do with it, that's not justification for what happened. Finally, this is just another instance of the increased settler violence in the West Bank (not Gaza), which has seen over 460 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire since Oct. 7th.

Because this part is more shocking? I think if the last 6 months has taught us anything it's possible to retaliate to something so extremely that everybody ends up thinking you're the asshole.

To spell it out: this was a very extreme reaction to the problem, mainly harming innocent people which is playing out against the backdrop of what seems to be a genocide.

What if the missing person was your child? And what if it seemed likely they were the culprits? (Serious answer please)

I’ll be able to tell you actually considered this by your answer

If they just seemed like the likely culprits I would certainly not get together 1,000 of my unhinged friends and storm the town, burning cars and homes, stealing 70 sheep and blocking ambulances. Because I am not evil or stupid. Shockingly, they did not get the kid back.

Honestly, I would look for more evidence or more likely, tell what I know to the police. This is how you deal with these problems in civilised countries. Where I am from doing what these people did would get you arrested.

If you think punishing innocent people for this IMAGINED crime (since they do not know and apparently didn't find the kid) is acceptable you seriously need help. What they did is an unjustified crime, and blocking ambulances from reaching the injured would be the most disgusting thing I'd heard in a long time of the IDF hadn't raised that bar way too high already.

So there is strong support for Hamas from the Palestinian people. Hamas killed and kidnapped 2000 Israelis. In fact, Hamas still has kidnapped Israelis. And somehow, this according to you is acceptable because you’ve only mentioned how disgusting it is for Israelis to block ambulances - nothing about holding innocent people as hostages.

I’m going to make my point very clear. Blocking ambulances is wrong and disgusting yes. But not talking about literal innocent hostages because it doesn’t fit your narrative is also disgusting

In fact, Hamas still has kidnapped Israelis. And somehow, this according to you is acceptable because you’ve only mentioned how disgusting it is for Israelis to block ambulances - nothing about holding innocent people as hostages.

Sorry but this is pathetic. Can you find anywhere where I actually said that this is acceptable? NO! Because I don't think it is and would never say so. Feel free to look if you want to waste your time. So why would you make this suggestion? I think I can answer this too:

Blocking ambulances is wrong and disgusting yes

You bookended this with comments about innocent hostages held by Hamas because you think that no matter what Israel did, Hamas are still the bad guys. So rather than just criticising Israel - which you did do, to be fair - you have to put in all of this "Hamas bad" hasbara as well even though we can all read the story of what happened here. You don't want to just criticize the IDF and settlers even though they are obviously in the wrong here.

The facts in this case are that a group of violent settlers stormed a town full of innocent people on the basis of undoubtedly flimsy evidence to dish out mob justice for a possibly even imagined crime. I don't know why anyone would have an issue with just calling it out for the horrendous shit it is and condemning the IDF for letting it happen and blocking the fucking ambulances. Where are your morals?

Also, fyi, Israel has plenty of hostages (aka people held in "administrative detention" without charge). Does the fact you didn't mention this mean that you support it? Or is this all of a sudden a very dishonest way to argue?

Ah yes, the best way to search for missing people: by shooting up am entire village that ended up having nothing to do with the boy!

Because it's not a valid justification for attacks like this. That's the rhetoric nazis used against jews.

Lots of tankies/leftists in the Fediverse :(

Calm down. Not everyone can be Zionist and make disingenuous false equivalencies for horrifically over the top behavior.

Fuck israel.. fucking terrorists. Genocide victim descendants commiting one of their own. Fuck israel.

I'm afraid we've reached the point of no return for Gaza. Israeli settlers are exploiting Oct 7 for maximum effect and are aiming to settle all of Gaza. I really hope the US withdraws all support soon before Joe is fucked. I bet this is not the legacy he wants to leave before he retires.

You are correct, but this particular event isn't even happening in Gaza.

I think we've reached the point of no return for Palestine as a whole without serious international intervention.

This isn't Gaza and the people who did 10/07 do not have a presence here. Call it what it is - ethnic cleansing.

20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs and practicing Muslims. Your comment makes no sense.

Yes and the ruling government openly is racist to them and excludes them from government jobs. It’s called apartheid.

False. A significant number of these Palestinian Arabs are members of the IDF, and there is no second-class citizenship in Israel. The Israeli government also does not prohibit employment based on race, ethnicity, or religious affiliation. Calling Israel "apartheid" is a tankie talking point and is observably and patently false. Do better.

False again. A few token Bedouins in the IDF does not whitewash the de facto and de jure discrimination, or the many laws on the books that relegate Arabs as second-class citizens. Even Netanyahu himself has said that Jewish citizens are superior to non-Jewish citizens and his 2018 Nation-State Law spells that out.

The Israeli military has a policy where Arabs can never be promoted to be Air Force pilots regardless of qualification or recommendations. It’s known as Glass Ceiling.

But since you have such trouble believing this, let me list a few laws:

The Citizenship and Entry Law (2003) bans family unification in Israel between Arab Israelis and their spouses from the Palestinian Territories, Iran, Syria, Lebanon or Iraq. In contrast, Jewish Israelis can bring their spouses over without issue.

The Benefits for Discharged Soldiers Law (2008) allows all institutions of higher education to consider military service – from which Arab Israelis are exempt for historical and political reasons –when determining applicants’ eligibility for financial assistance.

The Economic Efficiency Law (2009) gives the government sweeping discretion to designate “National Priority Areas” and to allocate vast resources for their development, which it does so in a way that systematically excludes Arab communities.

The Admissions Committees Law (2011) allows hundreds of small towns built on state land to select applicants based on their “social suitability”. The law is used in practice to filter out Arab Israelis and members of other marginalized groups.

The Nakba Law (2011) strips state funding from any public entity, including educational institutions, that commemorates the Nakba.

The Expulsion Law (2016) allows for the expulsion of Arab Knesset Members by their peers on ideological grounds, based on majority claims that they incite racism or support terror. That law is not used against Jewish Extremists like Ben-Gvir.

The Kaminitz Law (2017) increases enforcement and penalization of planning and building offenses. The law has a disparate impact on Arab Israelis, many of whom are forced to build illegally due to decades of discrimination by the planning and building system.

The Jewish Nation-State Law (2018) guarantees the ethnic-religious character of Israel as exclusively Jewish, denies the right to self-determination of Arab Israelis, and entrenches the privileges enjoyed by Jewish citizens, while simultaneously anchoring systemic inequality, discrimination and racism.

Amnesty International has analysed Israel’s intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this system amounts to apartheid. Israel must dismantle this cruel system and the international community must pressure it to do so. All those with jurisdiction over the crimes committed to maintain the system should investigate them.

Amnesty International Report, Human Rights Watch Report, B'TSelem Report & Explainer about how Israel is an Apartheid State.

Arabs represent one-fifth of Israel’s population. Systemic discrimination, outbreaks of communal violence, and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict continue to strain their ties with Israel’s Jewish majority.

What to Know about the Arab Citizens of Israel - CFR

Arab Israeli citizens are second class citizens including when it comes to Education (2001 report)

Agreed. But some damage to Joe's reputation is already done in my opinion. While I must hold my nose and vote for him, I will always know him as Genocide Joe. This genocide is now his legacy in my eyes.

Honestly, this whole situation in Israel is fucked. But it's a track that's been laid down by decades of US policy and the influence of money in politics. Biden is the unlucky president who inherited a millennium of hate that has come to a head. If he tried to stop it, the Israel lobbies and Zionists would destroy him and ensure a Trump victory. This country is so strongly intertwined to Israel and its interests that we cannot separate from them. Notice how Congress is doing fuckall to stop us arming the side committing genocide while also perfectly happy to deny arms to a friendly nation that was invaded and is being destroyed.

US policy is fucked by the greedy bastards at the top who pull the strings.

You do not need to vote for Genocide Joe. There are several candidates who have condemned the genocide from the beginning. No issue is more important than genocide.

Joe is fucked. I bet this is not the legacy he wants to leave before he retires.

probably too late for that

I genuinely have no problem with people who fight back against their oppressors by any means necessary.

I agree with everything except the last four words. The ends do not always justify the means.

Yeah there's a reason that we have Geneva conventions. Some things are unacceptable, even in war

Nah, we stop at rape and killing babies. That goes for both sides.

This year I learned that Israelis are inhumane genocidal monsters and should be treated as such.

The settlers, yes. Generic Israelis, no. The settlers have all but shed their "innocent civilian" status. But there are legitimately a lot of innocent civilians still that are not the enemy.

The IDF and settlers are absolutely genocidal monsters that should be treated as terrorists and dealt with accordingly though, I totally agree.

Okay, now bring up stats for what percentage of Israelis support zionism.

Generic Israelis are largely in full support of this. The settler terror has been going on for decades. It was continued by every Israeli government. It doesn't matter if Likud and other fascists, or centre or centre-left. Every Israeli government in the past 30 years was voted to continue this.

The Israeli people as a whole bear full responsibility for this. As is always pointed out, Israel is "the only democracy in the Middle East". If that is true, then the majority of voting aged Israeli citizens is fully responsible for the settler terrorism.

Only those that speak out against it showed that they do not want to be complicit in this. And these are the Israeli people belittled, systematically silenced and accused of being "antisemitic" in western countries. They deserve our full support and highest respect.

Not all of them, but the IDF and government are abominable.

Generalisations are dangerous.

So is genocide.

No one is arguing otherwise but enjoy pummeling that strawman

the genocide of calling a genocide, a genocide?

What the actual fuck?

oh, ya just got an editorial note that I'm not to use the words "genocide" "ethnic cleansing" and "occupied territory" in relation to a certain state in the Middle East

And they wonder what sparked attacks from Iran, why people in Jordan keep trying to burn down their embassy. Israel as a whole needs to oust Netanyahu or else they will deserve what is coming to them.

Who's to say he doesn't have support? I'm genuinely not sure he can be removed.

He's already demonstrated very clearly that he cannot be peacefully removed, he went to trial for corruption starting in 2016 and decided he was immune in 2020-2021.

Protest by Israelites are not uncommon by any means. Israel markets it's ability to control narratives online to other countries, but news of dissent has still spread far and wide. Here is an image of Israelites holding up signs comparing Netanyahu to Pablo Escobar

Even some of the Irsaeli military officials are distraught over the situation

Anat Arbel, a reservist in the Israeli army who holds the rank of major, came down hard on Netanyahu.

“This government is fighting us,” he said.

Many blame the current government admin for refusing to reach a ceasefire or hostage negotiation for the 129 known hostages, and 12 hostages have been killed in Isreali Strikes. I say all of this because there is some, however small, opposition in Israel and there is a potential future where Israelites take back control of this situation and walk away minimally scathed.

UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/38/17 (22/11/1983), page 186:

"2. *Reaffirms *the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, *apartheid *and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;

3. *Reaffirms *the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination to self-determination, national unity and sovereignty without foreign interference;"


You know what this sounds like? Anyone ever heard of the Tulsa massacre?

Waiting outside the prison just foaming at the mouth at the chance to kill those they think of as lesser. Those that can be easily blamed for any and all issues.

I am so fucking done with humanity.

Whoa lets hope the people in the West Bank don't do anything back that would be terrorism and gives israel the right to defend themselves! Get ready to condemn everyone in the West Bank!

I wonder why we can't just decode the term 'settler' for what it is:

"terrorist", but with state aegis and pliant media cooking up anodyne narrative cover

Israel clearly chose the Policy Card that gives Settler units an Attack value of 5.

Thats one entitlement program that can definitely go

Gaza should announce they plan to launch air strikes and demand that israelli civilians move to southern israel, where they also plan to bomb. If assholes are going to murder you anyway, at least remind them they’re assholes.

Are current combats causing civ 6 developers to consider new content? Find out how one conflict could cause the civilization of Israel have settlers buffed in the information era to pillage tiles, tonight, on Sick Sad World! 😈

Quo vadis Israel? Like what the actual fuck?

It's especially sickening that the IDF not only just let's this happen, but participates/helps it along. If it was just a civilian mob that would be bad enough, but official support makes it functionally official policy. Breaking the Silence, a site that collects testimonials from IDF vets about what really happens in OPT, has one testimony that says, "The mission there is not to maintain order; the mission there is to enforce Jewish supremacy in the city of Hebron. It’s not that we soldiers are between a hammer and an anvil, [but rather] we are the hammer being hurled at the Palestinians by the settlers."

Genocide Joe supports this

What's Trump's stance on Israel?

Almost as bad as Genocide Joe's. I'm voting for Jill Stein with everyone else with morals.

Trump critized Joe Biden fpr npt doing enough for Israel. He wants more genocide.

It makes almost zero sense to call him genocide joe on its own, but in this case it's obvious there is no thought behind it at all and this has just become the knee jerk response any time Israelis do anything.

It's more attacks from shills and foreign powers who want Trump to win.

I want Jill Stein to win. Also to be able to sleep at night knowing I did not consent to genocide.

Jill Stein has as much a chance of being president as Tommy Wiseau does of winning an Oscar

Trump, however, lost by as little as 50k votes last time, because the electoral college is something we need in 2024

I'm expressing democracy by voting for a candidate that has decent polices.

You're consenting with all 3 choices, that's the fun part

Join a radical militia if you actually give a fuck

Not true, I'm expressing democracy by voting for a candidate that has decent polices.

You're being a useful idiot without a long term plan.

Its the opposite, nice projection. You're a useful idiot for capitalist Dems and have no plan to change that because you consent to it.

It makes almost zero sense to call him genocide joe on its own

He's the president and has been an avid zionist his entire career. He refuses to stop giving israel weapons and money, so he is Genocide Joe

You're avoiding the actual point to parrot your same talking point. It makes you look like a bad faith actor.

You’re avoiding the actual point

That the man with the power to stop a genocide chooses not to? You're avoiding that point. Genocide Joe is not a knee jerk response, it's the only reasonable response, and will be his legacy whether you like the name or not.

Genocide Joe is not a knee jerk response,

By no stretch of the imagination can Biden be held responsible for perpetuating these attacks, or that these attacks even be a part of youre genocide, yet you still parroted it. Im not sure I could come up with a better example of a knee-jerk response.

How I feel about his legacy has absolutely zero bearing on how no thought went into you parroting your taking points.

By no stretch of the imagination can Biden be held responsible for perpetuating these attacks, or that these attacks even be a part of youre genocide, yet you still parroted it

He is directly responsible because he approves funding and weapons that enable the genocide.

Where did I parrot it from? I literally made it up.

Are you claiming you coined "genocide joe?" lol

Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that they found that teenaged Israeli lad dead, could it?

Oh they found him dead, and was there a speedy trial of the entire village in absentia that afternoon? Dark parallels to mass lynching of black people in the Jim Crow south.

I know right? Only a few months ago, a teenager from down the street was found dead, so we went to the neighborhood over and burned it to the ground, killing every man woman and child, and the cops came and just kind of watched. now we sit around drinking coors light and and talking about how cool its going to be to go to hevean where the coors light never gets cold

Yeah...because the West Bank is just like your community's next "neighborhood over," right? I provided context not included in the title. Just because you can't handle the truth doesn't mean you won't hear it.

ya, fuck those sub human savages! they are all the same! they are all in kahoots/s.