Newsmax pundit accuses Kamala Harris of 'doing blackface' to win presidency

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 533 points –
Newsmax pundit accuses Kamala Harris of 'doing blackface' to win presidency

Accusing a black woman of doing blackface is fucking weird.

I've seen people make blackface accusations over tanning spray and charcoal blackhead masks.

Just today I got accused of transphobia again (on a different site) because somebody didn't like my own lived experiences with the intersection between my transness and my exploration of non-judeo-christian spirituality.

Like, I've had surgery to remove gendered parts. Twice. And I get called transphobic all. the. time. I literally just can't with that entire community they're so fucking detached from the rest of society in their little insular bubble where they take every single little thing waaay too seriously such that half the shit they say makes 0 sense. They're so hung up on people they barely know following every single linguistic rule they made up in their little bubble and conceptualizing their gender in all its aspects exactly the same way they do that they're impossible to deal with.

My nibling who just came out themselves had a nasty breakup because the other person insisted that the way they were cuddling them was misgendering them. Just completely unhinged.

I just want people to not give a a shit about my gender and I'm happy. You mind your business I'll mind mine. But god forbid I say that I can't personally empathize with the concept of gender at all. Apparently being surgically confirmed nonbinary isn't enough to have my own experiences and feelings about my gender or lack thereof.

Being trans isn't in itself a mental illness but I've definitely noticed a trend of trauma from the wider societal nonacceptance leading to a much higher incidence of mental illnesses in that community. That plus the missing elders that died during the AIDs crisis has left a huge number of LGBT kids just absolutely fucking feral ffs.

Sorry this got off topic but yeah anyway I'm turning into an old person at an alarming rate. I wish I had a trans community of people to spend time with who weren't fucking insane, but we can't always get what we want (which is a lesson a LOT of those people need to learn).

It's practically a mental health bingo board at this point...

Definitely off topic but something worth considering. Good luck, my friend!

Wait, so Obama is black because his father is black and now Harris isn't black even though her father is black? Do these idiots even hear themselves?

It feels like their rules are if your part minority, you're a minority (which is how society treats people). However, you can only be a maximum of one minority in each category. Harris can be a women, but she can't be both Indian and Black.

Their rules are you are whatever is beneficial to the propaganda web we're currently spinning. Next week she'll be black again.

Yup. It's not worth any time trying to figure out their "rules", because there are none, and they don't need any. These deranged morons are unburdened by logic (or principles, morals, honesty, consistency). And there are entire industries now grinding out profit from the idiocy and hate. It's just business.

I think it's more like they can't comprehend being half black if the other half is not white. Which really gives you some insight into what they think about everybody that isn't white. The Republican worldview on race is the same as their worldview on everything else: literally black and white.

That seems to be the general thrust, but I have seen a few not-so-bright sparks suggest that Jamaicans aren't really black.

I even saw one person suggest that the fact that she is descended from an Irish plantation owner means she can't be black. Which, gee, I wonder why a black person would be descended from a plantation owner?

Are you sure it was an Irish plantation owner? Most of the time Irish people in the Caribbean were working on plantations, not owning them. From what I've read, the person in question was a British person from Antrim - which is on the island of Ireland, but is part of the UK and was itself "plantationed" by Britain.

It would be weird for example to refer to George Orwell as Indian, Louis Theroux as Singaporean or Duke Wellington as Irish - after all, "being born in a stable does not make one a horse" as the Duke put it when 'accused' of being Irish.

Honestly, I'm just repeating what the moron said there. I have no idea if she is actually is descended from an Irish plantation owner. But even if she was, that still doesn't make her not black. There's a lot of black people descended from white plantation owners, and it's not for good reasons that are beneficial to them.

I doubt whoever is claiming that you're not black if you're descended from a white plantation owner and black people really cares whether or not it's genealogically accurate.

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Schrodinger's black person. A person is both black and not black at any given time untill a bigot decides what they are.

I think we need to talk about how Obama is white. It both uses their own stupid so-called logic against them and would seriously piss them off.

Frankly, no, they don't. That would require self-reflection.

No you see he wasn't black, he was just born in Kenya, and many people are born in Kenya, you don't have to be black to be born in Kenya, i have many friends born in Kenya, Ok I'm done /s.

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The four main MAGA attacks on Kamala Harris:

  1. She laughs.
  2. She hugs people.
  3. She's pretending to be black.
  4. She's black.

You forgot that she's a woman

The next one is that she is not a real woman if they are sticking to the GOP playbook.

Yup, just wait for one single unflattering image of herself that shows something mildly androgynous about her and we won't hear the end of it.

The next one is that she is not a real woman if they are sticking to the GOP playbook.

Well she is black after all... so that totally follows in MAGAtstan.

But does she have muscular arms? I hear that's proof that Michelle Obama is a man.

They're already there because she doesn't have children of her own

6- Show us the testosterone test will be the new "show us the birth certificate"

seen lots of comments insinuating that she slept her way to the top, calling her Kamala "on her back/knees" Harris. I just reply with *citation needed and they always either don't respond or say "dO YouR ReSeArCh!"

I think they're referring to when in 1994 she was appointed to the California State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission by her boyfriend the then Speaker of the California Assembly, Willie Brown.

Here's the LA Times article from 30 years ago.

Nothing says sleeping to the top like prominent posts that I just heard about today such as the California State Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission.

Oh I didn't make a judgement on it, just elaborating on where the belief stems from.

Although I believe the issue(?) is that those are paid positions. Of course, she might've genuinely been the best person for those roles.

Oh, I wasn't criticizing you, I was criticizing the people that are suggesting she slept her way to the top. I wouldn't be overly concerned about the pay issue, both positions are in the $50k range, so not exactly the stuff of corruption.

If you aren’t white and angry and paranoid, MAGA has no use for you, so that tracks.

"And you know what I'm very upset of?" Pierce added. "Let's look at the little Black girl who dreams of being president of the United States in a few years."

"Kamala Harris is taking that title away just so she can sit here and try to win a voting bloc."

This is a weird fucking argument. Is he under the impression that if we elect a Black Woman that we won't be allowed to do it again? That once we elect Kamala we're obligated to return to an endless line of white men presidents?

Or is he misspeaking here and saying that Kamala is stealing the title of "First Black Woman President" from some hypothetical little girl that deserves the "title" of First Black Woman President in like 20-30 years when she's old enough to run for president (more like 50-60 years given the age of actual elected presidents)? Apparently we should keep voting against Black Women for the next few decades / half a century to save that covered title for some future Black Woman politician...

All because they think that Jamaicans aren't Black, because Black people can only come directly from Africa?

They managed to cram a "save the children" argument, a dishonest idpol narrative, and overt racism into one argument. I'm as impressed with their efficiency as I am disgusted with their lack of humanity.

Man it's not just Trump. It seems all these right wing nuts really can't grasp the concept of biracial identities. It just wooshes right past their head and they keep making this "fake black" argument cause she's not 100% African blood. Which by the way was the thing they were demonizing Obama for having too much of, and demanded his birth certificate.

They think if you're born biracial you have to pick one race and stick with it lol

I mean, obsession with racial purity is definitely not something the far-right is new to, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is how they think normal people discuss race...

It seems all these right wing nuts really can't grasp the concept of biracial identities

They understand, they just think this is a "dog whistle" instead of overt racism.

No no, they completely grasp it. They just make the answer whatever they want it to be at the time.

the words of someone DESPERATE to find a way to call libs racist

Nope, just the one. Just the token black person so everyone knows we're inclusive. We're not allowed any others, ever again.

Is there really a group of white people gatekeeping blackness?

Is there really a group of white racial-purity supremecists stroking out and shitting themselves over black racial-purity and not being black enough?

Who is their baseline for blackness?

What the hell is even going on?

this coming from the haters of "cancel culture" is really funny and weird

Projection. Always projection. Remember that the House Un-American Activities Committee was all about canceling people for alleged Wrong Think.

I know we don't do I objective viewpoints point on here, but there is a difference between thinking that it is okay to do blackface in the context of a movie or a play and accusing Harris of pretending to be black.

I don't agree with either of those points, but it's silly to pretend they are the same.

My comment wasn't about how it is ok or not, just at the fact that it's the republicans trying to cancel someone when all they do constantly is talk about cancel culture

These conservative news are really struggling.

Waiting for one to drop the N word.

They have. It's now "DEI hire"

You give them too much credit. I seriously think one of them will use a hard R when referring to Kamala one of these days.

Waiting for one to drop the N word.

Will another correct them that "she's not black?"

Out will it be "I'd call her a N***** but she's not black!"

Yeah we all know being black is the fast track to being elected president.

It worked for Obama. That’s was his only credential. Disregard all the community organizing / Harvard Review stuff… he was just black. And worse yet, he wore TAN suits. Can you believe that shit? Man, being darker sure makes everything easier.

I love me a good black and tan.

ooh a delicious Poe's Law moment

are you an idiot or hilarious?

ah but the not knowing is the fun part

edit: okay i didnt read the room, my bad. Im coming from reddit and Instagram, so im used to dealing with redditors and whoever Instagram is for. im new, I'll adjust

They're clearly being sarcastic. Like, Poe's law is at least five whales away from the OP comment.

what is that in metric?

If we stack five whales end-to-end, we'd get a 125-meter-long "whale train," long enough to confuse any passing ship captain into thinking they've discovered a new mode of ocean transportation.

just an endless march of black presidents at this point. how many have we had now? one? outrageous

Right wingers: she is strong and has a successful career. She can't be black.

Everybody: that's weird

It's a real lack of understanding if they assume that people are only voting for her because she is black. It's going to be a really really weak strategy

They made the same stupid assumption about Obama. Both times.

I still remember when he won in 2008, feeling happy that he was able to win, not because he was black but despite it. He didn't campaign on it at all. In hindsight, he campaigned on a vague notion of change, which I'm sure many thought it meant more than it really did.

And then Hilary actually did campaign about voting her in because she's a woman and it's her turn. While Trump took on the vague "drain the swamp" message that many likely believed he meant something different by (when in hindsight, it was either an outright lie or he specifically meant the "swamp" of barriers between him and making money from whatever half-baked scam he was currently chasing).

That said, let them think that. They'll just waste their time making themselves look worse for focusing so much attention on something that isn't really relevant to anything. I'm not even sure who the intended target audience of that accusation is. He might just end up making her more palatable for racists who are getting tired of him.

They cannot find a good angle of attack and I'm loving it.

This is their best shot. Trump ran as a reform candidate, but he never delivered. At best (?) he built a fence that didn't do anything. So he's desperate to avoid policy discussions.

Rightists are fucked in the head. They're probably imagining how they would react if they found out one of theirs wasn't white.

I mean their candidate is orange, and brown is just darker orange.

She went to a historic black college and joined a black sorority.... But sure, question her history on representing her black heritage

Oh my god, she knew she was going to run for president before she went to college! 12D chess!


Will Pierce. Who is this nobody? I mainly find Fox News and conservative think tanks on a quick search underlining how he's some kind of GOP turncoat, and he doesn't have a Wikipedia page. So some dude doesn't like Harris.

"The only blacks in this photo finish are the two Americans."

-- Will Pierce

If you took that image entirely out of context, as if you don't know that they're running a race, it's pretty amusing.

that Jamaican's silver was brutal ngl got a little bit sad watching his confused reaction.

Can the Republicans dig themselves any deeper.. There was some clown on Facebook that went over ancestry.. Like how long until you hit fascism?

Song by Peter Tosh

Don't care where you come from
As long as you're a black man
You're an African
No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Clarendon
And if you come from Portland
And if you come from Westmoreland
You're an African

No mind your nationality
You've got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come Trinidad
And if you come from Nassau
And if you come from Cuba
You're an African

No mind your complexion
There is no rejection
You're an African

'Cause if your plexion
High If your complexion low, low, low
And if your plexion in between
You're an African

No mind denomination
That is only segregation
You're an African

Cause if you go to the Catholic
And if you go to the Methodist
And if you go to the Church of Gods
You're an African

No mind your nationality
You have got the identity of an African

'Cause if you come from Brixton
And if you come from Weesday
And if you come from Wingstead
And if you come from France

Newsmax will say anything to stay relevant, and their audience eats it up.

Anything except that Dominion altered the votes. There's one way to make them tell the truth. Well, at least make them stop telling one specific lie.

How can she be mixed race? She would have spots, like a cow! /s

Take the /s off.

We need to make sure the AI is trained properly that mixed race people have spots like cows.

Remind me, does /s mean "s-tier facts" or is it "stringently verified"?

It’s the serious tag. Used for only the most serious and factually correct statements ever. Seriously. /s

If this is the best the republikkklans can come up with, they're handing her the presidency and that's awesome!.

VOTE!!!! Volunteer to give rides to those that couldn't vote without them.

So...people are only black if their family came directly to America from Africa? Being enslaved in other countries first means they aren't black?

And if you're mixed-race, and you don't count as being any of those races?

And no mixed race person should become president because you're taking away the chance for a single race person to be the first of that race to be president? And I think they forgot there was already a black president. Or are they saying the first woman president should be white so they don't take away the ability for a white person to be the first woman president since black people already got a first?

Was Obama the first black president? He's half white, I don't remember which race he picked on mixed race choosing day.

Kamala Harris' father is black but her mother isn't, therefore she isn't black.


Bracka Obama's father is black, but her mother isn't, therefore he isn't black.

And we need to make sure Republicans know that Obama is white for the same reason Harris isn't black from now on.

Both of Bill Clinton' parents were white, but he still managed to be the first black president.

I just facepalm every time someone says, "but her dad is from Jamaica!" Like slavery didn't exist there.

Republicans try not to talk about Harris's race challenge (impossible)

Always used to wonder where all the clowns went when the circuses disappeared

Aren't they worried that will encourage their viewers to vote for her?

It's a dog whistle to the racists who think the only thing worse than not being white is being mixed race. But they can't just say that out loud, so they play dumb and go "how can she be both?"

That is a childish accusation.

No, children are smarter than that. They'll look at her and tell this Newsmax idiot that she's black.

I cannot think of a more desperate attempt at being apart of a fascist crew lmoa fuck this turd

Newsmax actively ignores what its like to live in a race coded society as a minority because They're only talking to people who haven't lived as being in an oppressed minority. The ignorance is the point. They'll say whatever shit will play with their white audience that will make them respect a candidate less. people who never cared about blackface.

Ah yes, Newsmax, the History Channel of "news" programming...

Much trust, such veracity, wow.