(Mildly NSFW) Welp, I guess that's it. The single photo that got my ~10-year-old, 60k+ karma Reddit account "permanently suspended."

ivanafterall@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 538 points –

Went out with a bang. Absolutely worth it. I had to delete my account myself, what a hassle.

They permanently banned my 9yo account with 2 million karma for using the "boxes of Liberty" metaphor in a highly up voted comment about Republicans taking away access to voting. They said it was a threat of violence. 🙄 Meanwhile fascists make literal death threats in conservative subs with no consequences.

The site has systematically been banning high volume contributors who aren't right wing enough for at least the last 3 months. They, like Twitter, are trying to suppress the voices of people who are against fascism. It is deliberate and planned.

Not to be conspiratorial, but this is an aspect I've pondered that hasn't gotten much discussion: given spez's fanboy emulation of Musk, we could see Reddit become a lot more right-wing as those voices are the ones allowed to continue, like-minded mods are put in place, etc...which means those folks gain yet another messaging platform. It's not great.

The principals of capitalism align with their interests and perhaps their swing that direction could be seem as a defense mechanism against their better nature and any sort of guilt associated with their, what i consider, morally corupt actions.

They will. These people are trying to break up our means of communications. That’s why it’s important we get the word out about alternatives.

Hell, reddit was a friendly host for r/t_d for many years.

In their defense at that time subs like FULLCOMMUNISM were also around posting edgy memes where it wasn't always clear, if they jokingly or actually defended Stalins and Maos genocides.

Heck until 2018 or so there were subs about darknet markets where people rated the drugs and services sold there.

Somehow in my head I've always put the far left and the far right in the same boat.

They gave my twelve-year account a three week ban for reporting bots.

“Report abuse” for reporting comment stealing bots, as we were told to do! Insane… unless you want plenty of active bots.

I got the exact same treatment for "report abuse" for reporting a comment copying bot. Like, ok. If you want Reddit to be nothing but spam bots parroting each other, have at it

What's more, they'll ban any other account you make, if they can associate it with you (mainly IP but who knows what else).

I was temp suspended for suggesting an “untrainable” pit bull be euthanized instead of re-homing (local city sub)

Reason: threatening violence

I also got the reddit admin “please dont kill yourself” pm at the same time, speaking of report abuse…

Hot. (But could you mark NSFW? Thanks. Nearly creamed myself in the office)

I've sincerely tried several times and it won't stick, but I'll give it another go.

Yeah, it's because of the messed up leg, the rule clearly stated only "Sexy Pictures of John Oliver", not "Eldrich abomination that looks like John Oliver".

What an absolutely chad way to go out. Honestly I'm jealous.

Farewell to your ancient Reddit account.


What a perfect way to go. Incredible. Your account died with honor!


Thanks, I was honestly a little shocked to see the alert, as it had gotten a bunch of upvotes on /r/pics, but what a way to go out, I guess.

Do you know who banned you? I certainly hope it wasn't an r/pics mod?

It wasn't a subreddit ban, it's a Reddit-wide permanent suspension of my account, so I can't interact with the account in any meaningful way anymore. So I doubt it was anyone on /r/pics, but maybe. Presumably it came from somewhere on-high.

did your old comments and posts also get deleted?

Does anyone else have a craving to eat a peach right now?

Of course they suspended you! You can't sell beef jerky, diapers, and car insurance with naked Photoshops of John Oliver.

I mean.... I'd buy Jerky if that's how they advertised it :P

Lmao they banned you for that? That’s incredibly legendary of you.

Going out with a bang. We salute you.

It's so goddamned sexy... OP's goin' out with a bang while I'm going to bang one out.

I'm OOTL, what's the joke here?

Several image themed subreddits voted to change their rules so that only "sexy" pictures of Jon Oliver were allowed. (in practice, any picture of Jon Oliver) It was intended as a form of protest against subreddits receiving threats from the admins to have their head mod role transferred to any mod who was willing to reopen the sub.

This one was apparently too sexy for the Reddit admins to handle...

Basically reddit admins said they will remove mods that don't open the subs back up.

Mods opened the subs and took a poll.

A) open like normal

B) only allows submissions of sexy John Oliver.

I think r/pics and r/gifs both did that. Not sure about any others. The vehement majority voted only sexy John Oliver posts.

So now the subreddits are technically open. And posts like this are what are filling them.

I saw that r/WellThatSucks is only doing posts about vacuums now.

/r/aww and /r/art are now both John Oliver. /r/steam is focusing on water vapor.

r/piracy is starting on sexy pirate John Oliver pics tomorrow. The poll is on now, anyway, and I'm assuming it will go John's way.

Lots of subreddits are being forced / threatened to open back up so that Spez can fix his IPO valuation and stop these mean mean moderators from hurting his feelings

Some subreddits are opening up and changing their rules so that only specific exact content is being allowed. For example the r/steam subreddit for the steam gaming platform is now discussing literal steam, the idea being that the subreddit is open but it's either a joke or crap content

It's a good enough solution, opening these things in name only and forcefully moderating thing to ensure the conversation and engagement is boring, there's not much else mods can do when admins are being a bunch of dicks.

Ehh, if Reddit is getting traffic from people going to see the trolling, then Reddit is still making money.

Not if I view them using those third party apps they apparently need to charge an arm and a leg for.

OK, true, but that's why they want to charge 3rd party apps.

And I’m fine with them wanting to do that.

The protest was less about them wanting to charge a price, it’s that in a time frame of 6 months reportedly went from “the API won’t have changes anytime soon” to “we’re going to pivot to a paid API soon” to “we’re charging you advertiser rates per x million API requests, starting in a month, and you cannot supplement with your own ads”.

There was no time for these apps to adjust their pricing models. Most were on yearly subscription models or ad-driven. Having that large a pivot in the rules with no time to adapt the business model is just shitty partnership on Reddit’s part.

Also the fact that they were involving the third party app maintainers at all. There's no technical reason that REDDIT couldn't put the payment mechanisms in place to block USERS from making API calls through Oauth Apps. If you pay whatever subscription fee your account can make calls through whatever third party app you like.

But instead they decided that they were going to charge the APPS for some inane reason, and put figuring out a user-facing payment mechanism on those maintainers.

The point is that the sub will be dead in a few weeks, unless the admins double down again, wipe the whole mod team, and seize control to run it themselves or by admin-approved-mods or something. Which frankly as a billion-dollar company they probably should have done years ago in a more graceful manner for their dozen main subs like r/pics, but it yanks the veil off and makes the corporate power-grab super visible.

This is exactly what I'm thinking. I just stopped cold turkey.

This is just blessed content.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

I'm not gay, but I'm starting to have doubts. 🤔



I have the theory that everyone has some degree of bi/pansexuality. Maybe we are the Star Trek mirror universe after all.


@ivanafterall @IsThisLemmyOpen

Ron White explains this quite well.

"We're all gay. It's just to what extent."

"That's bullshit, man, I ain't gay at all!"

"Yeah, you are and I'll prove it. Do you like porn?"

"Yeah, I love porn, you know that."

"So you only watch two women together?"

"No, I'll watch a man and a woman making love."

"Do you like the guy to have a tiny, half-flaccid penis?"

"No , I like big, hard, throbbing co.....I did not know that about myself."

How can they ban such artwork, it's outrageous! 😡

This is outrageous, it’s unfair! How can you have one of the most upvoted posts and not grant me the rank of grand Reddit master?

I opened this in public and

I have tried to edit the post to tag it NSFW, but it doesn't seem to stick.

That is absolutely fucking hilarious! Well done! What an exit!

There are some things that are just too sexy for the internet.

dammit, i wish i had thought of this before nuking everything lmao

I wasn't setting out to be banned, but it feels right. But now I can't access anything, including to delete old comments, etc...

Sorry for your loss, but what a fabulous way to go out! Bravo!

Perfect last post! I'm boycotting reddit but SO tempted to visit r/pics and witness the Jamie Oliververse

I hope he sees this and does a segment on the whole thing!

Well, I guess there is a way to delete all your comments on reddit: delete all your content, post this glorious picture, get permabanned before they restore your comments.

This might be the difference! I also got permabanned, and nothing of mine has come back yet!

Is this AI generated? Lmao this is amazing. Also Reddit admins suspended your account for this? That is overstepping A LOT. I think you deserve a Sexy John Oliver reward or something

Well they banned my account for calling out their dick sucking bots.

And the other 40+... Well thats a different story for a different day.

It looks like you broke the rule that doesn't allow porn.

They used the excuse that it's AI-generated porn--they called it "non-consensual" or something of the sort. As opposed to the people photoshopping his face onto things, I guess that's a line too far. And not a subreddit ban, mind you, a full on permanent account suspension across Reddit!

I'm pretty sure Oliver would consent. And ask for more.

Tbh you should send an email about this happening to Last Week Tonight.

I don't understand why this would constitute a permanent ban. Seen plenty of worse shit there

I think /r/pics mod staff were told that they would be replaced if they didn't go public again. So they changed the protest to only allowing sexy pictures of John Oliver? And presumably that escalated to the admins throwing a hissy.

Any part of this could be misinformed tho, I haven't been back on that site.

If you gotta go. Go out swinging.

I couldn't think of anything creative or witty and hit the delete button on mine.

This is a work of beauty. True art and the best way to leave Reddit.