Harris says US will ‘under no circumstances’ permit forced relocation of Palestinians

Stamau123@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 434 points –
Harris says the US will ‘under no circumstances’ permit the forced relocation of Palestinians | CNN Politics

Vice President Kamala Harris said in a meeting Saturday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi that Washington will not allow for the forced relocation of Palestinians or any redrawing of the current border of the Gaza Strip.

“Under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza,” Harris said, according to a statement from the vice president’s office.


And what will the US do to prevent it then? Cut funding? Cut military aid? Declare War on Terror?

Nobody wants it to happen, the truth is that even the Arab world wants Palestine beaten and shoved into a corner, so they can keep using them as an excuse to hate. They don't actually care about Palestinians, neither does Europe, that's why they don't want refugees or take in Palestinians who want out.


so many replies to this and yet not one of them has a link. i wonder why they’re having so much trouble backing up their positions

Well for one, Egypt was refusing most people fleeing the gaza strip, but that's to be expected when 1.5 Million people try to leave at once.

Egypt is also responsible for the terrorist organization that more or less runs the strip and attacked the festival a month ago, they were originally Egyptian.

Do you often just make things up on the internet?

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood which are mortal enemies of the current of government of Egypt.

Exactly what I just said. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt, and after 2011 they won and briefly held 42% of parliament seats and the presidency, but luckily they were forced out of government soon after.

Hamas' biggest villain's are from Egypt, the Egyptian people are more responsible for Hamas' actions than Palestine, so I think it's honestly very sad for Palestine to be trapped in a situation where there are enemies on all sides adding fuel to the fire.

Lol nobody shits on Muslims as much as other Muslims. Take Xinjiang, for example. Nobody fucking cares. Arabs always hated Palestinians too. Israel supplied more humanitarian aid to Gaza than whole of Muslim world combined (gifts to Hamas don't count as humanitarian aid).

I don't think Israeli aid counts as "aid" because it's their obligation under intentional law governing occupation, and they have fallen short of these commitments.

But it's true, Arab governments don't give shit about Palestinians. I mean, most governments around the world barely give a shit about their own people. The leaders of Egypt and Jordon and Lebanon have never demonstrated an interest in Palestinian statehood.

Your talking about countries that with unstable economy, can be easily have riots or someone can easily fund and ISIS like group to have a civil war?

Most of the Arab countries have taken people during war with expectations they can go back, but then they couldn't because Isreal refuse to snd stole land.

Blaming Arab countries at this time without any historical or recent understanding is an attempt to shift the blame and conversation to something not important.

People are dying, kids are dying, US government send weapons to Isreal, and then bluntly lying to people. Lets keep the conversation focus...

Nobody shits on Muslims as much as racists like you.

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The Arab world has already taken millions of Palestinians.

Pretty sure those countries doesn't want yet more for:

  • the same reason no country wants a higher per capita percentage of refugees these days and

  • because they don't want to give Israel and the US excuses to drone bomb them looking for HAMAS terrorists and

  • countries on the border with Israel don't want it to have a reason for coming over their borders all the time, because that would likely end in border redrawings

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What do you mean you won't permit it? You mean you will actually try to stop Israel from doing it? Will you stop giving Israel money?

Or are you just going to do nothing?

No she just means Israel will have to kill them all.

That's what I got from this.

Shitty how politics has become nothing but coded language that we need to decipher to figure out what's really going on.

Shitty how politics has become nothing but coded language that we need to decipher to figure out what's really going on.

If you think that's actually what she meant I'd love to hear what you think about the moon landing

Israel: k we'll just kill them all then. Thanks for the money and weapons btw

Relocation wont make US any money. Conflict will

The Israel-Palestine conflict does not make money for the US, the country. It makes money for a minority of people who have significant shares in companies from the military industry, who are enriching themselves from the taxes of their fellow citizens to finance Israel's policies.

I think palestinian relocation is more of a threat to western european refugee systems, if anything. Those consequences would be rotten.

This might be the first time I’ve heard a demand imposed on Israel from the US during this recent escalation. Hopefully, the first of many.

i wonder if it was a coincidence it wasnt biden

They make Kamala say all the stuff that they fear might backfire. She was also put in charge of stopping illegal immigration, knowing they really didn't have any way to actually do it.

Mere talk is not "imposing" anything.

The politcians in power in the US are just using talkie-talk to try to hold off potential problems with a significant portion of their natural voters' outright abhorring Genocide and thus being unwilling to vote them back into power in the upcoming elections due to their support for those activelly comitting one.

Talk is the cheapest way there is to project an impression one way whilst continuing to act in exactly the opposite way.

Is it “mere talk” when Biden says US support for Israel is unconditional? No, we can and should criticize him for that because those words encourage Israel to act without restraint. But, conversely, when the US signals that they will not support actions like forced relocation, we should also see that as a corrective, not “mere talk”.

To your point, in IR theory, there also exists phenomena such as the paradox of empty promises, where making unfulfilled promises can worsen human rights. But that claim is more nuanced: the problem occurs when promises are empty. That doesn’t mean all promises are empty or promising doesn’t matter. Public declarations are a necessary step (but insufficient on their own) to justify further action.

Your oversimplified what I wrote and then from that highly reductive take you built an overcomplicated argument.

If certain statements are reliably not followed by action that further the state objectives then "they're all talk", if they are reliably followed by such action then they're not.

Whilst statements by themselves can logically neither be accepted as trully meant nor dismissed as "just talk" in the absence of any track record at all (i.e. first time your hear such things from such people) because there has not yet been time to observe if they're followed by action or inaction leading to a conclusion about the statements being meant or "just talk", when there is a track record one can most certainly extrapolate the likelihood of such statements now being meant or "just talk" if in the past such actors reliably followed such statements with action or inaction.

As it so happen, US Administrations, Democrat and Republican, including those were Biden was, invariably followed statements were they claimed they were going to make Israel do or not do something, with no effective action towards their state objectives or even with actions which were counter those objectives.

In fact the there not being a 2 state solution in Palestine even though various US Adminidtrations claimed to favour it is exactly because NOT ONCE has any of those Administrations acted to punish the Israeli Government for their actions against the Oslo Agreements, quite the contrary: Israel has kept being supported economically and military all the while it acted against the wished stated by the various US Administrations.

It is thus entirelly logical to expect that statements from the US Administration about imposing anything on Israel are "just talk", and totally illogical to ignore the track record of decades of "stating one objective and the acting in opposition to it" by the US with regards to Israel.

Nowhere in your first comment do you make anything like the argument in your second comment. You say that my summary is reductive and that I built an “over complicated argument” by talking about broken promises. But then you essentially argue that this will be a broken promise!

Your second argument is more reasonable, and not at all over complicated, which is why I anticipated it. The problem with your fatalist take is that “mere talk” precedes, not only broken promises, but also fulfilled promises. Honestly, if your cynical take is right, then there’s no reason to expect anything from any party ever. Cynicism is depressingly fashionable on the left.

"Demand" from the otherwise completely powerless VP.

Seems legit

Yeah, it's a long way from sufficient, but this is huge progress from active support for genocide.

Call me when they stop actively supporting genocide. Empty words are empty.

Kinda silly in my opinion. What exactly do they think the systematic destruction of Gaza is? People should live in the rubble?

They can't rebuild since those kinds of tools could be used for weapons according to Israel.

I see a lot of similarities between WWII Jewish ghettos and modern day Gaza. It looks like an aggregate oppressed becomes the oppressor syndrome, but I'm probably wrong.

Uh huh.

And yet she’s giving Israel bombs to destroy people’s homes. Literally forcibly relocating them. Never mind that 70% of Gazans were forcibly relocated from their land 75 years ago.

These statements are just cover for more Israeli murder. It’s designed to make people feel complacent.

Wait so 70% of Gazans were forcibly relocated, why 50% of Gaza are children under 18...

Make up your mind over your made up numbers please.

And calling this war "Israeli murder" is ignoring the existence of actual terrorists who keep innocent civilians hostage, and who targeted attacked and murdered over 1,000 innocents.

Yeah, I call people who kill 5000 children with bombs murderers.

Oh damn I guess churchill is a murderer monster huh.

Intention matters. The fact that you ignore it, is bad.

Yeah, when the IDF purposely bomb schools, hospitals, evacuation corridors which they told to evacuate through, UN facilitates, etc. that makes them murderers.

Dude those same civilian facilities are proven to store artillery. Once a site is being used for war purposes, don't be surprised that it's being destroyed - in a war.

Everybody is criticizing Israel for bombing UN facilities, while no one critisizes Hamas for storing ammunition in said facilities. That's just hypocrisy.

Fun fact. Murder does not justify more murder.

Oh so war is never justified then huh? When you've been massacared with intent for further destruction by that same people, you can't retaliate, you're just supposed to sit back and cry about it. Sure, ok.

Oh look words that aren't the words I said.

"murder does not justify more murder"

The murder which is happening is by a war. If you don't know that, you're living under a rock. And what I said, is that this war is justified. So yes, this is exactly what you said, you just deny it. War = murder. "Murder isn't justified" -> "war isn't justified". Very simple logic.

No. You don't get to conflate war crimes with normal casualties.

Whatever, I really don't care about what you think. You can blame it all on one side, ignoring the ruthlessness of the other on their enemies and even on their own citizens. Just ignore Hamas hiding guns in schools, ignore them firing rockets from public parks, ignore them targeting civilians (with no military infrastructure/personnel). Just ignore it all, and blame the jews for everything. Just like the 1930s. "War crimes" my ass. If you really cared about war crimes you would've complained to Hamas, not the IDF.

I'm not blaming it all on one side. But Hamas' war crimes do not justify the IDF's. And only one demographic is actually in existential danger, no matter how much Netanyahu shouts about it.

This isn't the 1930's. We aren't complaining about Jews. We are complaining about Israel.

Um.... They've already been pushed out of their homes and relocated. That was under the "circumstance" of Israel invading and killing them. I don't think the phrase "under no circumstances" applies here.

Better pushed out than slaughtered like Be'eri.

Until the money faucet turns off, Israel will keep doing their thing

Will there be any Palestinians left to relocate when this genocide is over?

Lol what? Does anyone here think anyone in Israel is going to kill 2 million Gazans? It's like no one here knows the difference between mass killings and wars. You don't evacuate civilians in mass killings, you slaughter them in their homes (sort of like what Hamas did on 7/10)

And what Israel is doing now. I think the issue here is that we get the sense that the only thing keeping it from killing all 2 million Gazans is the international pressure.

Literally way too late for that and forced relocation was one of the myriad of reasons why this bullshit keeps happening.

Did she gave the wink and the nod towards the Israeli delegates during the speech or was it afterwards, backstage?!

How many billions of dollars are they sending to Israel's military so they can genocide the natives again?

Lol "genocide the natives"

Read a bit about this conflict. This isn't an isolated case, violence in Palestine between arabs and jews has existed since the 19th century. This is just an escalation of that violence, from both sides.

Yeah and before that there were Jews living in Palestine in peace. Until the Europeans decided they wanted to eject all the Jews from their population because the Europeans were incredibly anti semitic.

Then those colonist Zionists got weapons from the Europeans and killed the natives with it.

Again, saying they just suddenly started getting weapons and killing natives is just ignoring the context.

As you said, Jews fled European countries because of antisemitism. But they migrated to Palestine legally buying land and working farms to grow their cities. There was no violence by immigrant jews, and no wars on arabs, like your idea of colonialism. Zionism isn't an empire looking to grow its control, it's finding a home, through legally bought land, in an historically significant place for the jews, after they were persecuted by pretty much everybody. Heck, most of the early killings were started by arabs who simply didn't like jews being next to them (Tel Hai, jaffa/haifa riots, jerusalem stabbings...)

Again, it's isn't an isolated conflict, and it has much context with so much hatred from both sides. Saying "they bad they killed the natives" is just losing 100% of the context and circumstances.

This is a false. Many Zionists lived as regufees and proceeded to steal the houses of the Palestinians who took them in. Zionists are the worst of the worst. Scum of the earth


Early zionism is literally just buying land from arabs in Palestine and growing jewish population in said areas. Idk where you got that info from, of alegged stealing of houses, but that just isn't true. Maybe you speak of the 48 war? Which is much later, and is after a full blown war, which everyone acknowledges that there were refugees from said war, and that jews inhabited abandoned arab houses after they left the country. It's like Syrian immigrants going back to Syria after years of being immigrants and demanding the current people who live where their house used to be (or whatever stands in that place) to give that house back to them. That just isn't how war or the world works.


You have a very interesting way of speaking about ethnic cleansing. "the Arabs left their houses" lmao. Get out of here IDF shill.

Again, when does any of that "proof" video say jews stole land? And again, not the 48 war, since it has the cause of migration in the name itself - war. If war is ethnic cleansing then ohhhh boy are there many ethnic cleansing in the world, and Palestinians are so not special. Don't ignore context. Yes, many Palestinians were refugees. But no, it wasn't because of zionism. It was because of the war. Before the war, there were no Palestinian refugees - because unlike what Al Jazeera preaches, zionism was a settlement movement, and a peaceful one. If Palestinian arabs weren't violent in the resistance to zionism, there would've been no violence. But no, they were violent. Same with their arab neighbours, who want nothing more than death to their neighboring jews.

1948 wasn't a war it was a violent israeli genocide against mostly unarmed Palestinian civilians.

LOL I swear you have to be kidding.

Seriously, read a bit on the power balance at the time dude. On one side Israel with a much lower population and people who are Holocaust survivors, fighting after 2 weeks of training. And on the other side, you have the (actual full fledged powerful) armies of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Oh and also arab Palestinian militants - back when they could be called militants instead of terrorists, since they targeted military targets instead of civilians.

Seriously, just read even one sentence from someone who knows more than you, and see that the jews were by far the weaker side and it's a miracle they weren't slaughtered.

Oh and learn what genocide means, since you clearly don't know when to use it. Palestinians didn't get a genocide - they got immigration. They got casualties. They got humiliation. And guess what? That's what happens in wars. Especially wars you both declared and lost.

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Jews are the natives. Literally the Aramaic way of saying Jew means of the Levant region. You have no clue what you are talking about. Palestinians are refugees that no one wants. Not even their Islamic brethren in other countries. Israel worked to negotiate many peace deals and even had a work visa program. The apartheid-style sanctions were due to security constraints because the Palestinians kept blowing shit up. If people the next town over from you drive into your town an burned down your house randomly, you would eventually put up military checkpoints as well. Many of the radicalized Palestinians don’t appreciate Western culture and think that it’s an affront of their religion. They want women to have minimal rights. It blows me away that many left-leaning individuals want to help support their backwards culture of misogyny.

Jews are the natives

A war 1400 years ago does not justify colonizing and slaughtering natives right now. Surely you can see how fucked up that is?

By that logic, can African Americans or Chinese Americans return to their respective continents, occupy an entire country by displacing its current population, and claim it as their ancestral land? How delusional.

And since when is "the period of Judah" an accurate historical reference point?

Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism, was just a racist colonizer, and saw it as bringing 'civilization' to 'barbarians' as the rest of Europe did when they were colonizing and enslaving Africa and Asia:

"We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence." Source [II]

That is exactly what's happening right now. All for European and US military and economic interests in the region; for their ruling class of capitalist corporations at least.

Israel is just a modern western colony committing genocide on natives. It's keeping the middle-east divided and preventing them from uniting against the Imperial core.

Gaza has been an open-air prison trapping the natives the whole time. And you're trying to deny their right to fight back against colonizers and settlers? They're literally openly colonizing the West Bank right now with their whole "Area C" garbage. It's disgusting.

want to help support their backwards culture of misogyny

Jesus christ, the US and Europe are the ones constantly keeping the Middle East at war to keep oil cheap and military profits high, and keeping them from making societal progress. And I'm saying that as an ex-Muslim. This is literally British colonialist era racist thinking of seeing 'the other side' as barbarians.

The PFLP, the second largest Palestinian liberation group after Fatah, calls for a secular Palestinian state where Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc. will live together in peace. Modern Fatah even accepts a two-state solution (and they have every right not to).

Only Hamas is mixing up Zionists with Jews, and that's entirely because of Israel and the Imperial core's constant oppression, displacement, and now genocide of the natives.

Egypt made Gaza an open-air-prison. Israel just became it's owner with no takebacksies.

Arab countries have created more JIMENA refugees to Israel than there were ever Palestinians.

Palestinians are refugees that no one wants. Not even their Islamic brethren in other countries. Israel worked to negotiate many peace deals and even had a work visa program. The apartheid-style sanctions were due to security constraints because the Palestinians kept blowing shit up....Many of the radicalized Palestinians don’t appreciate Western culture and think that it’s an affront of their religion. They want women to have minimal rights. It blows me away that many left-leaning individuals want to help support their backwards culture of misogyny.

You sound like a child describing to their parent why one of their action toys was able to beat up one of their other action toys. You also seem to have very little ability to comprehend how you cannot make blanket generalizations about groups of millions of people, which coincidentally is the root of why the genocide of the Palestinian people is being allowed to happen.

You are falling for propaganda. The blood is on Hammas' hands. They are in fact hiding in schools and hospitals. Israel has a right to defend itself.

Your story is missing quite a bit.

First of all, Jew refers to both a religion and ethnicity, but in this context (Israel) is almost exclusively ethnic.

Palestinians are Jews (the religion), Christians and Muslims, not exclusively Muslim. The PLO is an explicitly religiously tolerant group whose logo was a menorah, cross and crescent moon.

Hamas, the Muslim Palestinian extremist group, was primarily funded and supported by Israel to break PLO dominance of Palestinian politics, because fighting a religiously tolerant nationalist movement that had recently commited to non-violence was bad optics internationally.

The Palestinians were forced at gunpoint to abandon their homes and move to Gaza and the West Bank during the Nakba in 1948.

Less than 1% of Palestinians are Jews. 93% Muslim. 6% Christian. The homes in question were stolen in previous centuries from Jews and the society was in shambles. The people moved were half a million at most. Gaza and the West Bank are quite nice regions containing beaches and workable land. They had no representative government and were subject to the fallout of a war and a collapsed government. Given the circumstances, they made out with more than they were owed.

Israel funding Hammas is a common misconception used as propaganda. It made concessions to try and help it reform, such as work visas. It was trying to keep the peace. Sure, there are factions in the Israel government that want to use Hamas as a wedge between a unified Palestine, but saying that it was straight up getting funding is skipping some nuance.

Yikes that is some next level propaganda and misinformation you are spreading.

I guess the native Americans can start killing Americans then

I mean, yeah they could? We literally annihilated entire civilizations of native americans, we stole this land.

Afaik, the people who did that are not around anymore. If they were, I'd say go for it, but I'm of the strong opinion that it's not ok to kill millions of people for something their predecessors did.

You just described all of human history. It is conquest all the way back to the beginning.

What a lazy way to dismiss any kind of stakes to discussing history and the consequences of it.

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It is funny that you would say that right after writing that native Americans would be justified in killing Americans. You see the irony, right?

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blows me away that many left-leaning individuals want to help support their backwards culture of misogyny

If you're left-leaning too, I'd suggest looking at this through the wider lens of European/US Imperialism/Capitalism/Colonialism and how it keeps the global south from making economic or societal progress even after colonialism supposedly 'ended' in 1997 (not that long ago). Second Thought, Hakim, and Yugopnik make great videos on the topic.

Religion does certainly play a role in misogyny, but it's nothing that can't be overcome in a non-oppressive society imo.

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Palestinians are refugees

Every major country recognizes Palestine as a country except for the US and Israel.

Edit: this is horribly wrong, all of western europe holds the same position as the US, and the number of countries that recognize palestine is padded with a high number of countries that aren't relevant to the conflict at all.

You're right that other Muslim majority countries do not want to take in Palestinians as refugees, but you're wrong that they are naturally refugees. They have homes, and half of their homes were bones into oblivion in these past few months.

Every major country recognizes Palestine as a country except for the US and Israel.

From Wiki:

Palestine is currently recognized by 138 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states.

Looking at which states recognize Palestina and which don't. Good to know, that Europe doesn't coun't as a collection of major countries anymore.

I'm not arguing against Palestinians being or not being refugees though.

Thank you. Ha. I was very wrong and a quick wikipedia search would have given me the correct answer.

Please read up on the Six Day War where Egypt, Syria, and Jordan were attempting to blockade Israel from the Red Sea and mobilized their troops in the Sinai, posturing themselves for all out war with Israel. The result was that Israel gained Gaza and the West Bank. Therefore, the Palestinians are refugees of war. Israel has worked to broker peace over and over again, but the Palestinians keep blowing shit up. Many muslims simply don't value human life. It's not an apartheid. It's a blockade to protect Israel from crazy people.

EDIT: I should also add that in the years after the war, including the Camp David Accords, Israel offerered to return the territory to Egypt, as long as Egypt could ensure that the Palestinians wouldn't send rockets at Israel, since that would be considered Egypt attacking Israel. Egypt declined many times. It didn't want Palestine back. You are all for the self-determination of Palestine, but when their elected body declares war on Israel and Israel responds in kind, that is when you have issues. They reap what they sew.

A refugee is someone who is actively fleeing a conflict. Who is essentially homeless and looking for refuge in a country that isnt their home.

This doesnt describe Palestinians. They have homes (again, until like last month when Israel forcefully displaced them and then destroyed Northern Gaza).

The narrative that all Palestinians are violent extremists is convenient for Israel. Thats why Israel has directly and indirectly supported Hamas and disenfranchised the other state and parties of Palestine that were more likely to find an agreement.

Here is a great copypasta on all this:

DNA studies have determined that ALL biological Jews of the various subdivisions--Ashkenazim, Mizrahim and Sephardim--are related to one another. ALL biological Jews have also been determined to have genetic roots in the Southern Levant and are related to the Canaanites.

Archaeology has repeatedly confirmed that the Jewish peoples originated in the Southern Levant thousands of years prior to Arabs leaving the Arabian Peninsula. Archaeology has also repeatedly confirmed that the presence of Arabs and the Arabic language in the Middle East and North Africa everywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula, including the Southern Levant where Israel is situated, is the result of past imperialist colonialist expansions and forced assimilations.

Historic records repeatedly emphasize not only the Indigenous presence of Jews in the Southern Levant, but the fact that there remained a number of them in the Southern Levant to meet every outside group which came into the region, including Arabs. Even Arabic and Ottoman Empire historical records confirm that Jews were in the Southern Levant before them.

Case in point, the historic and linguistic origins of the name, "Jew." European languages call Jews "Jude," "Jew," etc, because they are shortened derivations from "Judean." A "Judean" is a native of "Judea" which was one the historic Jewish nations in the Southern Levant which predates Arabs arriving in the Southern Levant. Even the terms that Arabic speakers use for Jews, "Yahud" and "Yahudi," testify that Jews are the Indigenous population of the Southern Levant. As there is no "J" sound in Hebrew, the actual name of "Judea" was "Yahuda." A "Yahud" or "Yahudi" is a native of the historical Southern Levantine nation of "Yahuda." Descendants of Egyptian Mizrahim Jews, frequently get called "Yahud" by Arabs in the US despite not publicly wearing any outward signs because they recognize the phenotype.

Rome--an imperialist colonialist power not indigenous to the Southern Levant--erasing the linkages between Jews--ie Judeans--and their homeland--Judea--by renaming it Syria Palaestina after the Bar Kochba Revolt to punish the Jews--ie Judeans. Then, the British Empire--an imperialist colonialist power not indigenous to the Southern Levant--renamed the region, Palestine.

Also reference the historical documentation of the Ottoman Empire--a Middle Eastern Imperialist colonialist power--which records that they shipped European converts to Islam from the Balkans, Russia and Ukraine to the Southern Levant as colonialists where they ended up assimilated into Arabic language and culture. It ignores the historical records, genealogies, genetic tests and even surnames which indicates that Palestinian Arabs' families came from various parts of the Middle East and North Africa. This can be seen with such surnames as "al Masri" and "al Misr" which indicates that their families were from Egypt. It can be seen in surnames such as "al Tikrit" and "al Mosul" which indicate that those families came from the cities of Tikrit and Mosul in Iraq. It also can be seen in the surname "al Hind" which indicates that those families came from the India-Pakistan-Bangladesh region. It can be seen in clan names which have been documented to have originated on the Arabian Peninsula in what is now Saudi Arabia, such as "Erakat" and "Harbi." And this email ignores the historical records which documents that a minority of the founding population of today's Palestinian Arabs were Indigenous Jews, Indigenous Christians, Indigenous Druze and the descendants of Roman and European Crusader colonists whom were forcibly converted to Islam and forcibly assimilated into Arabic language and culture by past imperialist colonialism.

Indigenous Jews were illegally ethnic cleansed from what is now Palestinian Authority controlled territory and eastern Jerusalem during Jordan's illegal invasion and illegal occupation despite the Indigenous Jews being there for centuries before Arabs left the Arabian Peninsula. It ignores the fact that Jordan illegally replaced the Indigenous Jews there with its Arab citizens whom its rulers decided to exile. It ignores the fact that Egypt during it's illegal invasion and illegal occupation of Gaza treated Gaza like an open air prison by exiling its prisoners there.

Hamas and the Palestinian Authority violate human rights, the women's rights, the LGBTQ rights and the religous rights of their citizens. They do not allow elections. Villages like that of US Representative Rashida Harbi Tlaib's grandmother aren't allowed to choose their own village leaders, the Palestinian Authority chooses them. And what they call "Israeli occupation" isn't occupying their territories. It is controlling border regions to keep weapons away from them and terrorists out of Israeli territory. Otherwise, Israel lets Hamas and the Palestinian Authority control their own territories.

Historical documentation records that Jews from all of the major divisions of the Jewish peoples--Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Mizrahim--had ties with the Jews whom never left the Southern Levant. Ties which included intermarriage and moving there to join their Southern Levantine relatives centuries before modern Israel was refounded. It ignores the historic documentation which records that the British Empire--which is not indigenous to the Southern Levant--in addition to allowing Arabs to illegally immigrate to the "Territory of Palestine" where they weren't indigenous also actively tried to prevent Jews from joining their Indigenous relatives in the Territory despite the international mandate which recognized the Territory as the Jewish homeland and required the British to facilitate Jewish resettlement there as the returning Indigenous population, not Arabs. Thus, it is the Palestinian Arabs whom are in the Southern Levant as the result of imperialist colonialism, not Jews. Jews are there as the result of the Zionist Indigenous rights movement despite imperialist colonialism.

Human rights are afforded to its citizens by Israel. Israel protects religious rights, women's rights and LGBTQ rights. By way of contrast, this email ignores the fact that all of the Arab powers surrounding Israel, including the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in Gaza, persecutes LGBTQ and non-Muslims which has resulted in refugees seeking asylum in Israel. It ignores the violations of women's rights in the Arab powers surrounding Israel. And it ignores the Apartheid ethnic cleansing of JIMENA (Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa), such as my Egyptian Jewish ancestors, from Arab nations and from the parts of Gaza and from the parts of Palestinian Authority controlled territories which Indigenous Jews once lived in for centuries before Arabs left the Arabian Peninsula.

Over half of Israel's Jewish population consists of JIMENA whose families were forcibly, and in some cases genocidally, expelled from Muslim countries. It ignores the Apartheid restrictions which non-Muslims have to live under in Arab nations.

You can't ignore the genocide that Assad's Syria committed against a Palestinian Arab refugee camp. It ignores the Apartheid restrictions which Arab nations place on Palestinian Arab refugees in their countries which deny them paths to citizenship, the rights to movement within the countries, the rights to certain educational training and the rights to work in certain careers. It also ignores the fact that Israel allows Arab--Christian and Muslim--citizens to live where they choose, worship as they choose as long as they respect the rights of others, be educated as they choose, work in the careers of their choice, serve in the military and serve in the government.

There is a history of the Arab world's wars with Israel. It was the Arab nations whom forced Palestinian Arabs to leave the region and become refugees after the Arab powers attacked Israel. Israel assimilated the JIMENA whom were expelled from Muslim countries--whom incidentally outnumbered the Palestinian Arabs whom became refugees. The Arab nations whom forced Palestinian Arabs to flee and become refugees have refused to assimilate those refugees and actively persecutes them.

The long history of Palestinian Arabs committing acts of violence against Jews which predates the re-founding of modern Israel and continues until today. Hajj Amin al Husseini, a former Jerusalem Mufti, incited violent attacks on Jews during the 1920s and 1930s. And during WW2, he joined the Nazis, talked the Nazis into killing European Jews instead of deporting them to what is now Israel, became the Nazi's Arab world propagandist and led an all Bosnian SS Einsatzgruppen unit which rounded up and mass shot Eastern European Jews. And this instructor's email ignores the genocidal statement of intent against Jews worldwide in Hamas's founding charter.

Your words could be perceived to be incitement against Israel and Jews by mischaracterizing the Zionist Indigenous rights movement of Jews as colonialism and imperialism when all of the evidence supports the Jews as being the Indigenous population of the region, not the Palestinian Arabs. By mischaracterizing the Palestinian Arabs as the indigenous population of the region when all of the evidence supports that they are there as the result of past imperialist colonialism, this instructor's email creates the false impression that Jews are the colonialist aggressors in the region as the result of imperialism against whom an indigenous population is resisting. When in reality, it is the Jews whom are the Indigenous population whom is resisting the aggression of colonialist Palestinian Arabs in the region as the result of multiple instances of imperialist colonialism.

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Nobody gives a fuck what the US says. Worthless empty lies and promises.

Except sometimes the threats are backed up if it's convenient enough. The US doesn't always intentionally lie, there's just not much continuity of policies across administrations, so even if one president does genuinely agree to something- they can't really make their successor follow it. Especially if the successor strongly disagrees with them on most things.

The gov's entire system is fucked. They haven't even gotten rid of the centuries old constitution written by slave owners and teenagers yet lol.

I think the entire world has understood that by now, if the last 70 years weren't enough.

I mean, it’s just going to be like past big conflicts. Where Israel claims people were not forced to relocate.

Folks won’t be “forced,” but their lives and their family’s lives will be at great risk if they don’t relocate - so a lot of people are going to relocate if they have the option. If they don’t, they’re basically sleeping on a shooting range.

By "past big conflicts" you mean the 48 war...? Because that's the only war where that happened

And you can reasonably assume that things are different from 70 years ago, and that nobody, not even Israel, wants Gaza now.

But tut-tutting israel while civilians are left in place to be bombed is fine. But don't you dare move them!

Well shit, we couldn’t get Israel to acknowledge or respect borders in the past. There were no consequences then, so why should the Israeli government suddenly start caring now? They’ll take whatever they want, and the most that America might do is make a qualified, watered down complaint while still providing Israel with whatever military aid they ask for.

It will happen, whether the US "permits" it or not.

It already has happened and is actively happening as we speak, with weapons, money and intel from the US.

And with US knowledge and permission. This is window dressing to cover for nazis like Netanyahu

Based on what's already happened to Gaza, it's time for sentencing

Apparently, there is a time machine that goes back before May 1948. I didn't know that.

I don't think Israel minds the borders of Gaza remaining as is, just as long as there aren't any Palestinians living there. They'll "voluntarily" relocate, for humanitarian reasons, since most of the infrastructure, houses, and hospitals happened to fall down.

The only ones who mind the borders of Gaza are Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They literally want all of Israel and Jews eradicated.

Uh... The people living in these places tend to wanna keep their homes so... Fuck off with your propaganda.

Ummm what? What's propaganda about what he said? He just said Israel doesn't want Gaza and that Hamas wants the entirety of Israel. Which is completely correct, no matter how you look at it.

No he said the only ones who mind the borders of Gaza are Hamas and PIJ. Meaning the people themselves don't care. That's completely wrong no matter how you look at it. Also many high-ranking Israeli officials have already expressed desire to expel all Gazans, and it's reached the level of official consideration. Also see the other post where Israel says Gaza's territory will go down after the war.

I still don't see the point here, "mind the border" means that they're the ones who wanna change the existing borders and take over Israel. You mean the people themselves want to take over Israel? If so I agree, I'm pretty sure that's what Gazans want as well. But again that just doesn't sound like propaganda to me, and sounds like the truth.

And come on, of course Israel wants to expel all Gazans. They're the literal worst neighbours to a country ever. But just like Hamas expressed their desire to kill all jews (desire and intent...) in Israel and take over, making an islamic jihadist state, they and Israel both can't do that. They both hate each other, the difference is which one actually follows through the atrocities. Meanwhile, Hamas is winning in the "getting what they want" battle, given that Israel isn't going to kick Gazans out for good.

Blaming Israel for wanting to expel them is ignoring the fact that Hamas wants to murder Israel. It's the biggest double standard.

Sure. Now get the old white guy to say it.

Ha. Yeah genuinely its such a giveaway when they send Harris to say these things. They're betting her reputation that this might blow up in their faces. Its either lies or a significant chance they are bluffing.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering, and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating,” Harris said at a press conference in Dubai.

Israel said its military campaign in Gaza is aimed at destroying Hamas, the militant Islamist group responsible for the October 7 terror attack that left more than 1,200 Israelis dead and saw another 240 taken hostage.

However, regional leaders like Jordan’s King Abdullah II have expressed concerns that Israel could use the conflict to seize parts of Gaza or expel its Palestinian residents.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CNN in November that Israel’s security role in a post-war Gaza would be an “over-riding, over-reaching military envelope,” but did not explain what that meant.

During their meeting, Harris and Sisi discussed “ideas for post-conflict planning in Gaza including efforts on reconstruction, security, and governance,” the statement said.

Harris also spoke with the Emir of Qatar after negotiations over resuming a pause in hostilities between Israel and Hamas appeared to break down on Saturday, according to a White House official.

The original article contains 498 words, the summary contains 164 words. Saved 67%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Lofty words, but a moot point. There's nowhere for the Palestinians in Gaza to be forcefully relocated to - Egypt doesn't want them, and neither do any of Israel's other Arab neighbors.

This is not a direct response to your comment, it just triggered a thought: The notion that neighboring Arab countries should take in Arab refugees, because Arab, is super-racist when one stops to think about it. The flip side of that argument is that Europe has no responsibility to take in African refugees because they're "not like us," and the United States is justified in turning away Central American migrants because "we have too many of 'those people' here already."

I don't think it's racist to acknowledge that it's easier for a country to take in refugees who share the culture, religion, and language of the majority of the population. Europe's integration of refugees who don't have these things in common hasn't gone very well. The USA generally does better, but that may just be because most of the refugees showing up here can integrate into the large existing community of Spanish-speakers.

I'm not making this argument myself, but I can see how someone could argue that "we have too many of 'those people' here already" without being racist if "those people" are poor foreigners who don't have the skills (language and higher education) necessary to thrive here.

First, I know you're not making the argument, the issues you raised made me think of related issues.

But to explain myself further, language and cultural differences are actually really minor, in the grand scheme of things. Minnesota has 13% of the U.S. refugee population. Wisconsin took in the Hmong. Dearborn, MI has a large Muslim population. It largely is not a problem. But, then, we've taken them in slowly.

The big issue is economic. It's costly for countries to integrate large numbers of people all at once, what with the need for housing, food, jobs, et cetera. The issues in Europe, as I understand them, occur in refugee populations mired in poverty without support from the society to integrate.

Those same problems would bedevil any country, even if the refugees have the similar language and culture. Especially a couple million flooding in all at once. The racist part is overlooking those facts, and blaming Arab countries for not doing what we are not willing to do ourselves.

I don't understand why the US feels they can tell other countries what they will and will not allow. (I am American BTW)

its money. its always about money. america is a thug for hire. we are bought and paid for to use our weapons and expertise to police the planet. the people profiting will never let it end.

'defense' hahahahhaha

We are not the thug for hire, we are the rich daddy who pays off the credit card when his cute daughter calls and sweet talks him, then uses it to go buy a bunch of lingerie and lube to get anal trained.

If we don't think it's in our interests to further our goals, we're going to sit on our ass and do nothing. Because we don't need to do things that don't benefit us.

except they are permitting it and even arming them as we speak.

tell the truth or shut the fuck up about it.

Under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians

After 40 years they're finally not going to permit it? That's great news! Will they enforce the 1948 border, and how will they compensate Palestine for the land taken for that alone?

If they're relocated, it'll be harder for her and Biden to justify giving so much money to their corporate overlords to make bombs to kill them with.