Donald Trump slurring words at rally raises questions to politics – 450 points –
Donald Trump slurring words at rally raises questions

Trump is clearly a moron with some kind of clinical brain dysfunction, but this is just like 2 seconds of fumbling with words, which pretty much anyone who does public speaking can do. I was expecting more than like 2 second's worth based on how big a deal the story sounded like.

IDK, maybe Newsweek is trying to run cover for him by running a big non-story about something innocuous to distract from the Nikki Haley / Nancy Pelosi thing.

I really don't understand Newsweek.

Right, it's one or two words he fumbles. His cognitive decline has been observed since 2016, nothing new here.

The article first says the video "is stoking concern among social media users" which, if you ask me, is not something news worthy. But then it goes on to point out how this was re-posted by the Biden campaign. Which does seems a little more of interest than just a bunch of yahoos on twitter pointing fingers.

Newsweek seems to always have a bullshit story above the fold and something somewhat relevant below it.

This clip is pretty much on par with everything that tumbles out of his mouth. "Until you're vetted and everything else" is what I heard. I'm so sick of non-stories about Trump when there are so so so many credible things to attack him for.

I found your comment by searching for "Until you're vetted". It was easy enough to understand what he was saying that I was able to just search for the words I heard and find them here.

It's easy to hear what he's saying, sure he's "slurring the words", but it's not like a drunk slurring the words, or like he's had a stroke. He's just speaking in a sloppy way, not enunciating his words. There's a clear difference from earlier speeches where the words he was speaking were gibberish, but his enunciation was better. But, so what? What does that prove?

The Nikky Haley thing was a bigger gaffe, and more likely to indicate his not thinking correctly. But, again, it's just a gaffe. Biden also made plenty of gaffes, even when he was much younger.

None of this matters though. What matters is what will happen if Trump becomes president again. His first term resulted in all kinds of damage, and that's despite the fact that he didn't really have the Republican establishment behind him, and that so many of his staff were inexperienced. This time the main reason he's running is to be able to pardon himself from various crimes. He's going to have the new republican party behind him pushing extreme ideas, and he's going to be out for vengeance for all his enemies.

I really hope that going after him for "slurring his words" isn't actually an effective strategy for the Biden team, because if it's the kind of thing that actually sways votes, it shows how bad things really are in the US.

The Nikki/Pelosi thing is more than a gaffe. It's not like he said one name when he meant the other, a mixup anyone can make. No, he actually confused the people the way a person with Alzheimer's does.

Your take seems the most plausible to me, especially considering the clip they link to is super super short and removes any context.

I immediately wondered why this was a story given that clip.

The last time Newsweek reported on him šŸ™„

You have a twice-impeached president but focus on this?

Yeah. I'm becoming more and more convinced that Newsweek is blowing up non-stories about Trump to dilute genuine criticism of him by creating a "stupid criticism of Trump that has no merit" bucket in people's minds.

Could assume their viewership only reads headlines and conservatives ignore it anyway?

There's a perpetual debate about which presidential candidate has the smallest amount of mental illness. The media is running with it. Every stumble, every mark, every labored breath is a sign they're going to drop dead any second.

I mean they are both old as hell. I actually have been really pleased and surprised with what Biden's done but he's definitely old, and he doesn't have Trump's animating meanness energy to keep him sustained.

I would attribute "what he's done" to the company he keeps. But that has nothing to do with his mental condition. There are plenty of old people (70+) that are totally mentally fit. Biden clearly has mental issues, slurred words, saying shit that doesn't make any sense, forgetting where he is, etc.

I'd say they're both mentally compromised in different ways. Where Biden suffers from slow degradation brought on simple old age, Trump suffers from a legitimate mental illness.

We could always just vote for someone who doesn't suffer from some sort of mentally illness, but that's not allowed.

You aren't wrong about any of this, but let's not forget that a split second "BYAAAAAH" (Howard Dean) can tank an entire presidential run if it gets media attention.

With that said, Trump has had dozens of these blunders over the years. It means nothing.

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It would be hilarious if Trump just keeled over. Not only would his fans go nuts with insane theories but it would save the country a lot of trouble.

Arguably, it's the best thing that could happen for this country right now, that's also in the realm of possibility. Like, a meteor conveniently taking out the more corrupt half of the supreme Court would obviously be better, but not realistic.

I keep thinking someone might assassinate him. But that makes him some kind of martyr, which is bad. But then I wonder who would be the next demagogue and how would they use that to their advantage?

I think his martyrdom is a small price to pay for his lack of existence.

I just wonder if heā€™s more dangerous as a martyr when someone else takes the reins and invokes his name. Now it validates their oppression.

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I get a little bit excited every time there's a Breaking News alert on my phone. Unfortunately the definition of breaking news is now such that it basically means someone retweeted something stupid.

GAME OVER: [Person with center-left politics/retired GOP politician with no skin in the game] TOTALLY HUMILIATES [Trump/MTG/any GOP demagogue] with argument

ā€¦itā€™s a just a tweet into the void that nobody with any stake in said argument will ever read

Thanks, HuffPost, MSNBC, et al, for basically all being MeidasTouch

All those Big Macs and KFC Big Crunch's have to come back to haunt him eventually. Dude can't be the only person on Earth immune to cholesterol.

Honestly, I think him keeling over before the primaries are finished will harm the country. One of his opponents could run basically unopposed, and they're all pretty shit.

And the moderate conservatives that are sitting it out because trump will gladly show up and check the (R) box for pretty much anyone else. Donā€™t know why itā€™s so tough to get people to show up and vote on the democratic side, the conservatives will show up and vote for roadkill.

Part of dagma and zealotry is undying faith in the cause despite everything in the face of it. Democrats merely act in self interests and with basic minimum empathy, we have no allegiance to anybody and we do not idolize our politicians.

I disagree with the statement that we lack empathy very much, almost to the point of being offended. I would say that democrats are empathetic to a fault. In fact I think that empathy is regularly mocked and abused by the parts of this population that see it as weakness and take advantage of democrat attempts at understanding and tolerating shit behavior. Democrats main fault, IMO, is their fractured nature due to all their special interests, all the groups they have empathy for and want to help. There are multiple ā€œcausesā€ they fight for/against. Environment. Poverty. Minorities. Education. Workers rights. Etc. And getting them to get together to vote for a candidate that may not check all the boxes for all the reasons is really fucking difficult, whereas all a conservative has to do is check off a couple boxes in the god/guns/country/ā€˜murca boxes, or just say they wanna fuck up everything the libs do and everyone shows up to vote.

I said the opposite of what you interpreted. Democrats have at least the bare minimum amount of empathy for society to work, as opposed to Republicans who functionally lack empathy.

Trump kneeling over and dying would be arguably the worse outcome. We all saw what happened when Dear Leader took a L, with the culmination being January 6.

In Trump land, unless Dear Leader dies in a golden light and ascends to heaven. The autopsy could be conducted live with the most unbiased person and it still wouldn't matter. There will be massive conspiracy theories about the "Biden Crime Family"/Deep state/Hunter Biden's laptop etc. assassinated Trump and that revenge needs to be taken.

Trump needs to be made irrelevant first. No one is going to storm a building over someone who is irrelevant.

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In 2013, IBT Media acquired Newsweek from IAC; the acquisition included the Newsweek brand and its online publication, but did not include The Daily Beast.[11] IBT Media, which also owns the International Business Times, rebranded itself as Newsweek Media Group, and in 2014, relaunched Newsweek in both print and digital form.

In 2018, IBT Media split into two companies, Newsweek Publishing and IBT Media. The split was accomplished one day before the District Attorney of Manhattan indicted Etienne Uzac, the co-owner of IBT Media, on fraud charges.[12][13][14]

IBT Media is an American global digital news organization with over 90 million monthly readers, owned by followers of religious leader David Jang.[1][2]

Long story short, one of the more savvy outlets of the Evangelical right.

edit for formatting

Does that mean they're turning on Trump? Because this sure isn't a positive story about him.

They tend to try to seem centrist. They're savvy about it, so they're not necessarily interested in being caught out at being a straight-up, purist, propaganda rag.

That said, I'm not sure if they support Trump or not. Not all evangelicals do, since he's not very Jesus-like. I've been trying to remind people of that myself recently, despite not personally being a very religious person.

From what I see of the Evangelicals from the outside, their relation to Jesus seems to be fairly tenuous at best.

The maze of US Christian sects is fairly confusing when seen from abroad.

Sounds like Aphasia, maybe the 2 brain cells collided and caused a stroke.

But I'm not an expert, it would have been nice to have the rest of the speech.

Trump's picture has been my mnemonic for dysarthria which is a bit more of a precise term for what we're talking about.

There's also the possibility of tertiary syphilis.

Personally, I hope itā€™s a carnivorous brain worm.

What's wrong with him is not what I'm hopeful for. What I'm hopeful for is what Douglas Adams once suggested happened to the second-worst poet in the universe:

his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain.

That might be more plausible, I've just seen Aphasia a few times, dysarthria is new to me, but it fits better with an earlier incident, where they claimed it was dry mouth.

If racial slurs did tank his candidacy, regular old slurring probably wonā€™t.

  • Is Donald Trump secretly a cyborg with malfunctioning speech synthesis software?
  • Could he have accidentally taken Valium instead of his daily multivitamins?
  • Did someone place a curse on him using an ancient Mayan spell for turning people into slow-talking zombies?
  • Was he subjected to some top-secret government mind control experiment gone wrong?
  • Has he been possessed by the ghost of James Earl Jones?
  • Did aliens kidnap him, replaced him with a clone whose vocal chords were damaged during birth?
  • Did he take part in a hypnotherapy session to become a more relaxed version of himself?
  • Does he have a severe case of sleep apnea only exhibited when speaking in public?
  • Was he attempting to record a hilarious hidden track for his next presidential album?
  • Were his vocal cords affected by a mishap while eating spicy food before the event?
  • Is there a chance he's suffering from a neurological disorder such as Parkinson's Disease?
  • Is it possible he's now fluent in Klingon and we're all misinterpreting his guttural growls?
  • Could it be that he has a rare form of laryngitis caused by shouting too loudly over the years?
  • Or perhaps, he's being remotely controlled by a puppet master through voice commands?

I read this in Tucker Carlsonā€™s voice.

And I will thank my lucky stars I have no fucking clue what that sounds like. Instead, I'll go with Kermit. Or Marvin, the Martian, who is similar because I'm not very good with voices.

Yeah, I'm sure THAT'S what will convince them to drop him. Not all the other far too many issues, but his slurred speech. For sure. ^/s^

If it's interpreted as weakness, maybe.

He's an overweight 77 year old in heel lifts with a bad hair restoration job.

Weakness isn't what bothers them. They just want somebody who hates all the same people they hate. To see their bumfuck opinions parroted back to them by a man in a tie.

Or if they believe he's strong, then they can believe they are strong. Or smart or whatever they are insecure about.

He is, but that's not what they see. What they see is the Ben Garrison body builder version of him. It's why his catchphrase was "winning", and everyone against him was a failing loser. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole election denial thing was just them (and honestly, him) not being able to cope with taking an L.

This is exactly what it is.

There was another article I read earlier about typical old Republicans lamenting the fact that they had accomplished nothing to run on going into this election. That's the old way of thinking. Now MAGA (The old Republican party is dead) voters only care about how badly you want to beat up the people Newsmax, Fox news, and whatever Billybob Basement Report podcast tells them to hate.

It's actually pretty simple, but you won't get any opposition to Trump while he's alive because he cultivated an actual cult. DeSantis will have a better chance when Trump is dead as long as he can keep up the "beat up liberals, they're the elite, they want to eat your babies, and they're communists" bit.

This is fucking stupid. Donald Trump appears to run out of breath while saying "and everything else". Surely this will convince the MAGA turds to abandon him. Surely it won't just undermine legitimate criticism.

His speech wasn't exactly attractive before. He sounds more and more like his base the longer this dog and pony show continues.

He is doing what he believes Biden does.

Every accusation is a confession.

Iā€™m not from the US, but I have the distinct opinion that both Biden and Trump are too old. My parents are/were younger, and I wouldnā€™t trust them with decisions about anything other than what they want for breakfast.

Bernie Sanders seems saner, but you guys really need some lesser-than-septuagenarian who has non-Xitter oomph, and who has compassion and respect for human life and the planet.

This POS needs to die of a CVA or MI. Hell, I'd be happy if he choked on a hamberder.

The same people voting for this fossil are saying Biden is too old. Their willfully ignorant hypocrisy is mind-blowing. I honestly donā€™t get how one can reach this level of cognitive dissonance without being aware of it.

It does not really raise questions. It just confirms many peoples' suspicions: that he is senile and unfit for office.

I just briefly looked at the article, watched one video which was 30 seconds of people cheering and Trump being silent.

The second video was him speaking a few sentences and the last one he says something like 'stay in Mexico until you tjhgwgqcannfonfbvafa'

Is that it? Trump's a fucking loon but this shit empowers his voting base, it's so minor it's not even worth talking about

I'm no Trump supporter but it's pretty clear that he was just rushing through the words cause they didn't matter. Didn't even seem like a slurring of words to me.

Really, just him still being an actual candidate raises more questions for me.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A video that appears to show Donald Trump slurring his words at a rally in Rochester, New Hampshire, on Sunday is stoking concern among social media users.

The five-second clip was shared on X, formerly Twitter, by the Biden-Harris HQ account, which is run by Joe Biden's re-election campaign.

In the footage, taken from conservative outlet Right Side Broadcasting Network, Trump comments: "You don't have to be a total genius, remain in Mexico, until you've..." at which point he becomes unintelligible for the final two seconds.

Republicans have focused heavily on the health and mental acumen of Joe Biden, with several arguing the 81-year-old doesn't have the stamina for another four years in the White House.

The video from the Biden-Harris HQ was reshared on X by the 'Biden's Wins' account, which has over 306,000 followers and added: "BREAKING: Donald Trump is slurring his words.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Sunday dropped out of the Republican leadership race and endorsed Trump, while claiming his main rival Nikki Haley represents "warmed over corporatism."

The original article contains 621 words, the summary contains 172 words. Saved 72%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Trump can elect himself to the Oval Nursing Home, if not the Oval Jail.

This is not the best attack vector by any stretch.

Everyone knows Trump is borderline senile, including his supporters.

Similarly, everyone knows Joe Biden is borderline senile, including his supporters.

We're in this together, I guess? Both parties seemingly happy to be led by fossils who each drift in and out of coherency.

It would be exceedingly hilarious, if it wasn't sad because it's the elderly, except it's not sad either, because it's some of the most powerful people on the entirety of this, the only planet we currently have:

It is fucking terrifying.

I'm so glad Biden doesn't slur words yet. Biden 2024!

Biden should really have people focus on his team, not make it about himself.

He will suddenly become cured.

Human-unconscious-mind REQUIRES that he be dictator, to fight-off considered-reasoning, absolutely, from the US,

.. so, some kind of "miracle" is likely to happen.

Consider this to be a kind of bet, rather than mere-nonsense.

Sometime in 2024, probably in the next-quarter ( Jan20-ish to Apr22-ish ) Trump'll suddenly become competent-psychopath, instead of damaged-narcissist, as his primary psychology, and his followers will rejoice!!

His cuts on his hand, a few days ago, are related.

A simple "stroke" can edit-out the limiting-portion-of-his-brain, leaving just the effectiveness portion.

Sudden personality difference.

Due to my religion, I only bet nothings, now.

So, I'm betting every person who bets otherwise, a nothing, that this is going to happen.

( luckily, nothings don't require postage, so we can bet as many of 'em as we want! : )

Even betting a nothing, however, is still a committing-of-karma, a registering-of-intent with Universe that is containing one.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

_ /\ _

Consider this to be a kind of bet, rather than mere-nonsense.

I'm afraid I can't do that.