Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site to – 1039 points –
Official Minecraft wiki editors so furious at Fandom's 'degraded' functionality and popups they're overwhelmingly voting to leave the site

Here's hoping they migrate to as Terraria's contributors have a while ago.


please, fandom is one of the worst sites on the internet

When the old school RuneScape wiki moved to a self hosted solution it was night and day the quality difference. I’d argue that OSRS (and probably regular RS) have some of the best wikis in gaming.

From what I've heard, the RS3 wiki was even better, but for sure both are fantastic. Prime examples of how wikis should work. They're even fully integrated into the game.

Yeah, the RS3 wiki is genuinely fantastic. Daily updates, calculators for virtually every activity, and you can search it directly from the game’s chat box.

Fr. Recently the Satisfactory wiki moved off of fandom and it is already so much better. More wikis need to drop fandom.

I installed Firefox with uBlock Origin on Android primarily because fandom hosts the Forgotten Realms wiki and it's intolerable.

The four horsemen of the video game Google search apocalypse are Fandom, IGN, Polygon, and GameRant

It used to be so decent, but man, it turned to crap. I hardly recognize what it once was.

@Kovu @simple
I've literally installed an extension to block out fandom results while searching and redirecting to self-hosted fanwikis instead. I hate that ad filled website.

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I'm pleased to hear that they're moving. Fandom's had a monopoly on the community-created wiki space for far too long, and it's had a dire effect on the usability of so many wikis. It's like they're trying to make their site everything but a easily usable resource for community wikis.

On a related note, I highly recommend the "Indie Wiki Buddy" extension for Chrome and Firefox. When non-Fandom/Fextralife wikis are available, it'll direct you to those instead; and when they're not, it'll allow you to view the Fandom wiki through a much more usable mirror.

If this was available for FF on Android I would be a happy man. Thank you for your comment though. I installed on my laptop!

Use android dev or a fork like Fennec, set your own addon collection, then install any addon on mobile by adding it to your collection. Bit more annoying than it should be, but once set up allmost as convenient as on desktop

What do you mean by "android dev"?

The developer test version.
I wanna say originally it was only "Firefox Nightly for Developers", now "Firefox Beta for Testers" allows it too.

You can install any extension you want, but it's a bit of a process.

Some other unofficial Firefox builds enable it too. I recommend Fennec on F-Droid, which has some minor privacy improvements and otherwise mirrors the release build, not the beta build.

Going to Fandom is like visiting a annoying dying person because they hold the hidden information.

Path of Exile did the same thing, going from fandom to And thank god they did, fuck fandom

I'm hoping fallout does as well. Ever since the two fallout wiki merged, I feel like the experience of looking for info on the wiki has been hobbled by fandom.

Is poewiki just the MediaWiki software (IIRC, the name of the software that runs the official Wikipedia) hosted on their own server? For official wikis it can be feasible, for user-made ones it would surely be more difficult than just using Wikia / fandom / etc...

Yup, it is.

And yeah, it is more difficult than just using wikia/fandom/etc, but it also provides such a better experience. Not all game communities will go to that length, but PoE players are a different breed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Stardew Valley did the right thing by self hosting a wiki, makes it both official and independent

Several have, including the old school RuneScape wiki!

Now there's two, and one is far more content full

I hope the Fallout and Final Fantasy wikies also migrate out from fandom. Back when they were wikia, they were a lot better. It feels that the search function on fandom is so bad that half the time you're better off going on google and slapping your search there instead.

Even Wikia was a bloated mess back in the days. Fandom made it worse.

Lol, they moved out from Reddit and now they moved out from Fandom.

But their solution could be as simple as make their own wiki.

Imagine if we already had all the tools needed, and all that's missing is a bit of hosting and a bit of moderation. If only there was a company with some extra cash behind this… haha.

But it's seriously time people retake some kind of control over their online activity. All these "services" looking at every occasion to screw their user is getting annoying.

Yeah I think people need to separate "popular" from "profitable" in their minds because while I do spend a lot of time on the internet, most of it isn't for anything I'd be willing to pay for, and if it's just an excuse to show me ads, I'm not interested.

We see the shit you're doing, we don't like it, and while it might boost some numbers in the short term, it also primes users for the next alternative that won't just be embraced because it's new and shiny, but specifically because it's not the site that used to be great but thought they could abuse their users' time and attention for greater profits.

Like at this point, Reddit could do a full 180 and allow 3rd party apps to return, improve their own UX through their site and official apps, and give up on the IPO entirely, but I still won't be likely to return because all of that just sounds too good to be true and I like it better here than Reddit has been for years.

I don't really want to be someone's product anymore. And if that breaks the whole Internet's business model, then so be it.

You can use MediaWiki, the official Wikipedia software (it's open source)...

Yes, that's the… joke? Idea?

The only requirement is hosting hardware and visibility. I'm pretty sure that if MS/Mojang hosted an "official" fan-controlled wiki, they'd just have to announce it and the content would be complete in days.

I'm surprised Microsoft hasn't forced some Teams/SharePoint mandate on them

This isn't about Mojang. This is about a wiki that is mostly maintained by fans but endorsed by Mojang as the official wiki. If MS tries to force some bullshit Teams or SP solution via Mojang and official branding, the fans will likely abandon it in favor of an unofficial one not hogtied to some BS MS ecosystem.

Knowing it would be bad for fans and abandoned never stopped MS from trying before

Maybe in the past, but these days they are pushing hard to get people to use their stuff and to keep using it. They're not google who throw shit at the wall and see what sticks...

That has worked well for valve. TF2 wiki is incredible

It is interesting that there is a wiki of the game in Spanish, probably not official though(it says official... but who really knows).

Fandom is barely usable at this point. I feel like they're just relying on no one wanting to put in the effort of coordinating a migration elsewhere.

It was never usable, to my mind.

I admit, all of my experience is post wikia-buyout, but just after they bought wikia and before every became a site, it was still good.

Really? I wasn't aware there even had been a buyout since I hated both wikia and fandom and tried to avoid them both, so wasn't aware of a takeover. I thought they were just two equally-horrible "services".

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I make it a point to actively avoid Fandom. They're fucking horrible. Luckily for the type of games I'm interested in there's alternatives available (for eg doomwiki, halopedia, UESP)

uBlock Origin makes it way better, but still, you shouldn't have to use that in the first place

This makes fandom much better by outright blocking the entire site and redirecting you to alternatives instead

If they have a proper wiki that is not a fandom one for the topic, it redirects you there, otherwise it lets you use a proxy like antifandom to access the data without going on the fandom website

Fandom has been a pretty terrible experience for awhile now. I hope they find a better home.

The RuneScape wikis did this several years ago, might even be a decade at this point. The actual developer studio, Jagex, helps pay to keep them online and independent because of how damn good they are and how useful it is for everyone, including developers, to reference.

Microsoft (or Mojang? I don't know anymore) would be well served to do the same here honestly.

The RS Wiki is amazing and should be the shining example for wikis. As shitty as Jagex can be, they did a really awesome thing to help keep it going.

OSRS wikis are too fucking good man. They have completely spoiled me.

Same. Hell the exact numbers it has for drop rates has spoiled me even comparing to the RS3 wiki.

Just whatever you do, do not use Google docs to share information that belongs to a wiki. That's is by far the most annoying option and 100 times worse than just having to deal with a fandom wiki.

I agree, it'll also make a mess out of your "shared tab" on your drive. Me opening a document from som random doesn't mean that I want it to bury the documents that has been actively shared with me, from my wife for instance.

"But ever since the acquisition contributors and editors have been uneasy about Fandom's big money owners applying the nipple clamps and, ..."

The article is worth reading just for that paragraph, if nothing else.

"There is also deep disquiet among wiki editors over a recent controversy with the McDonalds wiki, in which Fandom replaced the existing Grimace page to a paid-for McDonalds advertorial, without the consent or knowledge of the McDonalds wiki editors. No I'm not making this up."

Then again, this one came in in a close second.

"42 Minecraft wiki contributors and editors have voted to tell Fandom to fork off"

And this comes in at number three.

Fandom is a huge headache to even navigate, I couldn't imagine what it’s like to maintain it

I'm an editor for a community wiki that moved off fandom a few years ago to Mireheze. When the recent discussion about Miraheze shutting down happened I briefly inquired about where we would migrate to, expressing my hope to not return to fandom, and was quite thouroghly assured that fandom is not somewhere that would even be considered returning to. I don't think I've had a single positive experience on a fandom wiki ever, or at least not in over 8 years, with issues ranging from intrusive ads, to the comment section pop in making scrolling inconsistent, to even something as simple as it universally looking fucking ugly, I can't wait for people to leave and am actively cheering on its slow death as a website.

Does anyone know how makes money? Wiki hosting side without stable income will just get bought out by bigger player or turn bad like fandom

Wiki gg does have ads, but they're pretty unobtrusive and are only videogame related.

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Exactly this.

When a company can't expand its market share anymore they will make the product cheaper, worse and more expensive.

For tech this means filling the product with bloat, upping the prices for consumers, and lowering their payouts to creators (subcontractors).

I am an admin on another wiki that used to be on Gamepedia before the Fandom buyout. We forked immediately. I have also been self hosting a wiki for another game since early 2017. Completely worth it. Fandom has always had terrible user experience, and frankly they do not care about their users at all. Maybe their community-level staff do, but definitely not the higher ups. I've chatted with them directly when we were planning to fork. They're only in it for the money, not for the good of the editors or readers. They make ridiculous changes that are great for advertisers but completely subvert the user experience and actual content on the page. They've also let go a lot of their staff for nonsensical reasons. I really hope the Minecraft wiki goes through with the fork, and that more and more wikis follow. It's absurd how much of a monopoly they have, given how awful their service is. I for one will be happy to visit the Minecraft wiki again, as someone who plays occasionally, but not often enough to be keeping tabs on all the new features and updates. But I boycott Fandom wikis on principle so I haven't been there in years.

It's funny, many wikis moved off then-wikia to Curse's Gamepedia family and then they just merged back again, kinda sad :(

An ActivityPub wiki would be nice

Don't think it's really necessary. The different wikis don't really need to talk to each other. But an open source Gamepedia-like wiki software would be great. Maybe it exists already. is very good though.

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Idk if that makes any sense tbh. I guess it could work though. I don't really see the application.

Ability to contribute to all wikis and to federate content from the wikis across one another without having them all owned by one company like

Why would you contribute to multiple wikis, there should only be one, and I don't know how or why you'd federate content when you can just simply link a url. Having people host wikis on their own servers already accomplish that. The fedi makes no sense here, nor does it make sense to have forks of wikis.

? Literally the same reasons for multiple lemmy servers?

There would be a star trek wiki and a star wars wiki run on different servers by respective fan bases but people who mainly use one wiki could still contribute to the other. Having the content federate instead of just linking to a url would help prevent the data being gone if a server goes down.

Federation for wikis doesn't make sense, IMO. For wikis that are intended to serve as authoritative resources, you actually want to require editors to be local accounts because if they're remote, you can never end trolling / vandalism edits. Also, local accounts give more accountability for editorial control since, among other things, editing locally means editing the toolset (eg.: parser modifications, buttons, smileys, custom emojis, whatever) of the local instance.

How would you federate content though? A Star Trek article in a Star Wars wiki makes no sense

since federation is the new hammer, there are going to be people who think everything is a new nail. just like what happened with blockchain

Not that directly, but you can still have a "communities" tab with other Wikis. With the same kind of framework, it would be easy to share the same code and look, but still have it set up as one big mega site like Fandom is.

Or just one instance host a bunch of different Wikis, based on subject, and they agree to federate. There could even be a discussion tab for each page that allows any instance to post.

how is this so confusing? it would be exactly like lemmy but wikis instead of threads. would focus on startrek info but still have overall wiki stuff. just like db0zero lemmy focuses on piracy but still has other communities and content from other lemmy servers

It’s not confusing, there’s just nothing to gain from it. Federation makes sense for communication like e-mail and social media like Mastodon or Lemmy, where you have a “home” and want to be able to interact with others regardless of their server. But with wikis, it over-complicates things with little gain. Right now, people browse wikis on different websites. You don’t have a “home,” and that works just fine.

What makes a good wiki sustainable is if its articles are under a libre license, and if its database can be downloaded.

I hadn't considered that previously, but I think that is a great idea!

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Fandom is so utterly annoying with those unrelated videos. Really annoying website.

Thank god, fuck that site. I hope they move to

Is meant for only developer-sanctioned wikis?

That question is above my pay grade, sorry. All I know is when I use the wiki on it's a good experience overall.

I did see a form where you can request a game to be added, but beyond that I'm fairly ignorant.

The old Minecraft Wiki was so great. I was pissed when I heard they got bought by Fandom...

I would love to see a federated wiki platform form somehow, as centralization has honestly been pretty terrible for both wikipedia and wikia/fandom.

Federated wiki does not sound like a good idea, as in, all articles coming from different servers. But we don't have to go that far; hosting a wiki is quite straightforward. If you're already paying for hosting, you might as well just use the tools readily available. But for "fan" wiki, you'd require a strong enough core to handle that part while other contributes.

I think it would work like how it does here, where you can access/edit all the pages on independent wikis hosted on different servers with one account identity. Federation is about getting both the advantages of centralized services and independent operations (sometimes disadvantages too), and I think outside of forums, fan wikis are probably the best sites for a federation structure. After all, wikia/fandom already kinda operates like this.

I thought all your comments were related to the Barbie movie

Oh come on, I am capable of way more than just being a marketing genius on Lemmy, and running one dumb repetitive joke into the ground like a shitty reddit novelty account isn't very funny, unlike my new movie, "Barbie", only in theaters July 21st.

(But seriously though, comedy is about timing more than anything else.)


Yeah... A lot of it is just reddit-like powermod activities and the insane bureaucracy and rule lawyering there if you go to any remotely controversial talk page. You would not trust info on Wikipedia if you saw how the sausage is made on the talk pages.

Look up this guy called Ryulong for example.

I tried looking him up but all the info seems very confusing, do you have a tl;dr (or a link to somewhere that explains it in a decent way)?

Essentially, he was a wikipedia admin who first got noticed during the GamerGate nonsense of essentially abusing his power to protect "his" pet pages, preventing other people from editing in the English translation of the Japanese show as oppose to the Romanji transliteration, and he got involved with the drama by obsessively editing Wikipedia to smear anyone on either side that angered him, until even Jimmy Wales noticed and told him to stop, he refused, then Wikipedia arbitration had to step in to permaban him, then he went to RationalWiki who initially welcomed him, until his obsessive page guarding tendency got him banned from there too.

Yes, this is every bit as dumb as it sounds, and it's quite eye opening to see just how dysfunctional Wikipedia really is.

I see, thanks.

But then again, in the end it is functional, isn't it? Guy started messing around and got shown the door, would've been far worse if he was still there. Assholes are everywhere, the fact that they get what they deserve is a plus to me.

"Functional" would not be the right word to use, because I skipped hundreds of pages of rule lawyering on talk pages, and even after Ryulong was kicked off he still told his friend on the admin team to keep preventing his pet pages from edited.

Wikipedia's rules are so arcane and self-contradictory that the power users can rule lawyer their way into justifying nearly everything, whereas normal people just don't want to deal with these things.

UESP is one of the best parts of Elder Scrolls games; forever may it reign

Fandom is so bad I just blocked the domain. Chatgpt gives me info quicker and more precisely on older titles anyway.

As a matter of fact, there are opportunities here for other companies that don't have general wikis for gamers to create a better hosting service. They have not done this and I don't understand why. Steam could easily do this, I think. Just imagine Steam creating a wiki for games, with links to the best guides, etc. It would be a modern version of GameFaqs (which still exists) but improved. When I do a search on a game and I get Fandom in my results, I tend to skip over it and look for something better without ad bullshit. I would think that other gamers tend to do the same thing. I mean, it's that bad, even for a user without a registered account (like me).

If they don't migrate to a wiki running on a Minecraft CPU virtual VPS, I riot.

Fandom wikis are such bloated trash that I will always look elsewhere for info.

I really hope that they do, Fandom is annoying as heck to use with the constant advertising and unnecessary sidebar that pops up a big window on mouseover etc. In fact, I hope all fandom wikis leave Fandom and migrate elsewhere.

Runescape's fandom wiki has long been abandoned, and the SEO makes it horrible to constantly have to scroll passed it when looking for the official wiki results. I would vote that they get a time machine and never use Fandom in the first place. Barring that, I'm torn between my sticking with Fandom until it gets worse, and just cauterizing the wound and switching to now. has by far the least-intrusive ads (which I only really see on my phone when I somehow get shunted into Chrome).

I despise fandom, hope they do end up getting the hell outta there is a great wiki hosting community

Oh no. That's tragic. It looks like they are on a direct path to shutting down later this year.

I said almost because there is an update post, someone commented it right below.

MediaWiki is great but Git-based wiki are more distributable and easy to back up. A trustworthy platform taking care of infrastructure is all contributers like these look for

None of the git wikis I've seen had the same level of detail and customizability though

Since when does bulbapedia have usability issues?

Fandom brings back so many memories. I remember when they used to have active chats. It was like discord before discord was around.

The only good fandom wiki out there is the Terraria wiki. Change my mind.

I believe terraria has migrated to

I think you might be right. Both are getting edited but gg more often this year than fandom.

The OldSchool Runescape and RuneScape 3 wikis are hands down the best wikis out there. They abandoned fandom years ago.

Dustloop is one of the greatest video game wiki

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Does Microsoft do anything there? Just wondering if they have any editor or something or all are non related to Mojang/Microsoft.

I might have to boycott pcgamer too with those annoying popups...

Use the Ublock Origin extension if you aren't, I'm getting no popups with that.

I remember installing PC adblock just for Wowhead because even though they have great info (just about all the quests and dailies in WoW) they have so many ads and video popups. Haven't really looked back since.

I haven't gotten around to doing adblock for my phone, and so whenever I do visit those sites, I get really annoyed by everything.

I am! I still got a newsletter popup thing in the middle of trying to highlight and copy some text.