The future is here to Lemmy – 852 points –

You should aim to drink at least 2 quarts (2 liters) of urine every 24 hours, and your urine should be light in color.

I keep drinking my urine, but it just keeps getting darker and darker with each pass 😭

It doesn't say your urine, just 2 liters of urine. You gotta mix in other people's to keep it fresh.

I remember learning in boot camp that if you run out of water and have to resort to drinking urine, you can always drink someone else's without concerns once. But your own urine will always be a poison because it contains the waste your kidneys create. Since everyone is different, other people's isn't recognized as full of identified waste and so you can probably get away with drinking it. Still a last resort.

This sounds like an excuse to get the newbies to drink piss.

That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. 100% not true.

That's a lot of pee to drink, I'll need donations

Only to get started. The more pee you drink, the more you have to pee, so you'll get up to volume relatively quickly so long as you buckle down and chug that pee.

Start a youtube channel. You'll be raking in money via Patreon in no time. Try to team up with the raw-meat steroid shithead to increase viewership.

They weren’t talking about monetary donations lol

Not sure about YouTube, but there’s an onlyfans where they do this.

I swear, I can't tell the difference between AI answers and the shit people make up with inspect element for the memes anymore.

The problem with AI isn't that it's not smart enough. The problem is it's trained on data generated by humanity, which is mostly composed of idiots.

2 quarts is not equal to 2 liters.

Whew! For a second there I thought I had to drink two liters a piss every day!

Common mistake. You know that if you drink too much urine, there will be nothing left to piss, right?

And that's definitely the most unhinged thing the AI said in OP's image.

To be fair every time I give Gemini a go it's hot garbage.

But then 4o seems to be worse than gpt4. Just feels like it's regurgitating garbage

Sticking with Brawndo. It has what plants crave.

God dammit, I watched that movie for the first time like a month ago (my housemates wanted to watch it with me) and since then I'm (apparently) suddenly seeing references for the first time

So is the urine I drink supposed to be light coloured or the urine I expell?

Sure, I drink my own piss. It's sterile, and I like the taste.

JUUUUST FYI, piss is NOT sterile that's a myth

It's pretty much sterile if you have a catheter. That's why the joke in Dodge ball about Patches drinking his own piss works so well. He's a cripple, so he has a catheter, so "it's sterile and I like the taste!".

At the risk of being the "ackshally" guy, even indwelling catheters substantially increase the likelihood of bacteriuria, or abnormal bacteria in the urine. It gives motile bacteria additional surface area on which to make their way up the ureter, plus the initial placement can introduce microbes.

Bladders are pretty well colonized with a plethora of microbes. Short of nuking it with bleach, it's never going to be sterile.

Relevant articles:

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection in adults

The bladder is not sterile: History and current discoveries on the urinary microbiome

the first ever urinary tract infection i had was when i had a catheter, and it took ages to clear it, 0/10 do not recommend.

Or the joke in Catch22 where the nurse swaps the drip and catheter bottles once a day.

yeah, that myth is constantly popping up. it's just that whatever bacteria live in your bladder just dont grow outside of it, and thats what makes it look "sterile" if you just check with standard media.

Thats also an issue with everything growing in the stomach, like heliobacter pylori - you have to provide the living conditions of the inside of the stomach to grow and keep a sample for research.

Having had kidney stones, I think I got to a point before they finally gave me some fentanyl that I would have been willing to try it if it would have made the pain stop.

I’ve had kidney stones (I think) for two or three years now. It fucks off for a bit, comes back, gets infected, fucks my immune system up, then gets better.

I guess that fucker is too big to get down to where the extreme pain comes in.

I’m an idiot. I should have dealt with it already, but I seen my poor grandpa and uncle suffer once it started moving. I believe I’d rather die.

The pain is a lesser problem than getting chronic kidney infections. If you know the stones are the cause, you need to see a urologist to figure out a solution. Recurring inflammation from the stones and infections can cause more and more problems as you age, and may potentially affect your renal function down the line.

I think they can use ultrasound to break them up so you can pass them if they're too large to pass. Mine was small enough that I passed it after a few days thankfully.

That’s the part I’m avoiding. Passing them. :p

I’m stupid.

That was the least bad part for me.

Maybe I’m being scared of nothing and I’m tougher than I think to be dealing with it this long.

My uncle literally fell to the ground and said, “my gut has busted, I’m going to die right here.”

He’s the toughest son of a bitch I’ve ever known.

You can get meds that'll help you pass it and others that help with the pain.

No pain meds for me. That’s part of the problem. I’m an ex junkie in a medication assisted treatment program for a decade or more. I just gotta deal with it.

Look into getting it blasted with ultrasound. That might be the ticket for you.

So I guess the answer is to drink something coming off a pristine mountain. Some dew, perhaps?

It's the rule of modern engineering. You will always be served the worst possible product that can claim to have some utility. If it's not on the edge of being useful someone didn't engineer hard enough.

That's not necessarily wrong, but not the big explaining factor here I think. The technological challenges behind aligning ML models with factual reality aren't solved, so it's not an engineering decision. It's more that AI is remarkably easy to market as being more capable than it is

To expand: I feel like it should be emphasised more that current "AI" models are, at best, hallucinating.

Their output may look real enough and for some purposes they may be perfectly suitable, but ultimately, they have no concept of the semantic objects related to the words they learn and the semantic relationships between those objects. Without that, they can't possibly guarantee that the implied semantic connection of the combination of words they produce aligns with the actual relationships.

You can use a LLM to help translate bullet points into text of a given tone (like abstracts for theses that sound scientific), but you'll still have to check the factuality and consistency of those texts. When using them to write texts about something you already know, that's doable and can save you some work. But using it like in the OP to aggregate and present "new" facts without supervision is dangerous, because you can't actually verify what you don't already know.

But "Copilot can scrape your data to give you some pointers and spare some of the tedium of finding it yourself, but you shouldn't take it for gospel truth" doesn't quite sell as nicely as "Microsoft Copilot leverages the power of AI to boost productivity, unlock creativity, and helps you understand information better".

I mean it makes sense:

Keep in mind, not all types of soda are equally capable of contributing to kidney stones.

We recommend consuming any soda in moderation, and if you must, stick to the light citrus types that have less sugar and chemicals. Please note, it’s best to avoid soda altogether if kidney stones run in your family

Alternatives to soda include fresh fruit juices. Orange juice has been studied and shown to decrease the risk of stone formation. Fresh-squeezed lemonade is also great for preventing the formation of kidney stones. These beverages are high in citrate which binds to calcium in the urinary tract, preventing stone formation

Just for kicks entered the same thing to Brave search and it's AI seems to give a much saner answer. Google search is an absolute joke these days.

I have no idea how Google manages to be so terrible. At least half the employees have to be actively sabotaging the company with the way it runs.

It's just trying to help you develop a kidney stone in the first place. Can't pass one of you don't have it.

Can someone eli5

Sugar soda generally contributes to kidney stones, so the highlighted post is insanely misinforming people

Drinking urine however is proven to speed up urine color changes

Hahahahhaha holy fuck I focused on the underlined part only, ty friend

You're comment was inadvertently hilarious though so well done

High citrate beverages bind with calcium, reducing kidney stone chance

Yeah, my dad’s doctor told him to drink lemonade, but I don’t think the soda bit’s really the worst part.

How have we not banned the use of AI yet? Just fucking ban it.

Makes sense. Now if it said lemon-lime pop I’d be concerned.