Elon Musk Offered Horse To Flight Attendant In Exchange For Sex: Report

catculation@lemmy.zip to News@lemmy.world – 405 points –
Elon Musk Offered Horse To Flight Attendant In Exchange For Sex: Report

He claims it isn’t true, but they did a $250k settlement with her. Hmmm.

Wait... How much does a horse cost?

You can get one for free if you want. Theres still wild horse populations.

But if you want, you can spend hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions on a horse. You could also probably get one for a few hundred but that one is already on its way to a glue factory.

There are very, very few wild horses, and they're pretty much untamable. But there are TONS of feral horses with populations growing out of control and governments at a loss for what to do about it

What's the difference between a wild and a feral horse? Isn't going feral just kinda like going back to being a wild animal?

Yes, but it comes from a domesticated genetic line. Imagine if a Pug or Chihuahua went feral. It wouldn't exactly be the same as the original wolf-like starting point.

It's the same with horses. After generations of being bred by humans for specific traits, they're very different than the original wild population. They're probably also easier to re-domesticate than wild horses.

But... there were no horses in the Americas until colonization (sort of) -- Is there still a difference between feral and wild in the new world?

They are all feral by definition in the new world (although I've never read about your link before!)

Legislative BS that requires public opinion often refers to them as wild (because it plays to romanticizing) or they are sometimes labeled wild just to categorize how they will be treated by land and animal controllers (so they are considered "natural" in some areas). Before like the 70s, they were treated as pests and killed, but people thought they were cool and pretty, so it had to stop.

Arizona had always had a shitty time because the horse populations destroy the environment, but when parks people tried to thin or remove them, people complained because horses are pretty.

There are no wild horses; all horses are either tamed or their ancestors were.

The Przewalski's horse is not the wild form of our horse. It’s a other sub species (a little bit like the zebra or the donkey) with (for example) another chromosome count. Another problem is that there are evidences that the modern Przewalski's horse feraled from a domesticate form of the primal Przewalski's horse (that was tamed by the Botai culture). A further problem is that the Przewalski's horse was extincted in the wild for decades and only survived because of human breeding (so it was kind of tamed again).

What? Off of BLM land or something? No one is going to let you steal wild horses off their land I suspect.

Surely I can't just go grab a bunch of wild animals anymore -- it's not 1850

Ah, she opted for the cash equivalent.

Boarding, farrier, vet, plus the mental and emotional toll of owning a 1000lb toddler that exhibits an inverse correlation of majestic beauty and intelligence. God, I love horses lol.

Owning a horse is more expensive monthly than having a drug addiction tbh.

I dated a girl who had two horses and she was shaving every expense to keep her horses well where she was selling plasma. After noping out that relationship after a month, my friends explained to me the whole "Horse Girl" stereotype and every single one matched.

Settlements are always necessarily dispositive of the truth. Sometimes it makes sense to just pay a settlement fee than to go through litigation if you expect your attorney fees to be greater than the settlement cost. Also it's not uncommon for settlements agreements to not confirm allegations so as to not benefit future cases against the defendant.

“My commitment: We will never seek victory in a just case against us, even if we will probably win,” he wrote. “We will never surrender/settle an unjust case against us, even if we will probably lose.”

Either he's full of shit, he did after a horse for sex or both.

Well. We know he's full of shit, but it can be more than one.

On one hand it might be cost effective but on the other its not like cost is an issue for someone with like ten zeoes in his account balance. Maybe he thought getting it out of the news cycle was more important then how it would look becoming a thing... too bad lol

1 more...

Probably rationalized it as being cheaper than legal fees + additional damage to his reputation from a public trial.

Or it happened and he'd have lost.

1 more...

I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, offering her heroin for sex, or giving her the financial liability of taking care of an equine in exchange for 10-20 minutes of disappointment.

He was offering to play a game of 1-on-1 basketball with special rules in her driveway.

Yeah, I remember when this was first reported in 2022.

I was thinking the same thing. My second thought was "AGAIN??"

At this point I just imagine Elon starting every conversation with a woman as "do you like horses? Because I have an offer for you"

Nah, he's not THAT bad! He only does it the 800 times a year he flies somewhere in his untracked private jet 😉

Sometimes when a good flirt line works, you try it again.

So maybe there's a woman who sold her body for a horse. And this gal got $250k.

Aren’t horses expensive as fuck to keep?

He is a car salesman after all. The horse is free but if she wants the stable and upkeep payments to be covered, she'll have to go for a longer deal

“I’ll even give you free undercoating on your new horse if you let me do butt stuff too.”

And that's before you spring for shoes, armor, lance, all that shit.

Spring shoes sound less useful on a horse.

An advantage on the battlefield, but broken legs left and right

Oh yeah. Especially if you work as a flight attendant, so you'll have to play someone else to care for it when you're away.

No, see, the real mistake he made was being a cheapskate because she definitely had a price, and he thought it was too much. The richest man on earth wanted some ez pz ass and was too cheap to get it.

So she gets a $250k settlement and he looks like a pervert. Real smart man there.

The morale, to me, is that you don't fucking sexually harass your employees, and if you do, you better fucking be ready to pay the consequences.

All the best men have to pay for sex

He’s just looking for a stable relationship.

This isn't even a horse joke- he wants brood mares. That's why he has 11 children. He's 100% in on the whole "Great Replacement" lie.


I think he has some kind of "positive eugenics" bullshit and it aligns with his narcissism where he thinks he and his genes are special. If he believed in "great replacement" and acted on it earnestly he'd give his workers time to leave work and have kids.

Its clear like he saw "humans on mars" as catnip for futurists who will give him money he sees "great replacement" as catnip for racists who will protect his money pile from taxes.

he thinks he and his genes are special.

Oh no question. He thinks that the reason he's fallen upwards from Daddy's emerald mine to Theil's crush to king of the hill is because he is superior and not because he's super lucky.

This was news like 2 years ago

i think it is older than that now isn't it? I happened in 2016, i thought it came to the news in like 2019 or 2020... then again, life is like a blur to me, so...

“No no, it’s all a big misunderstanding! I offered her the horse to have sex with! Who would exchange a horse for a woman? Do you know how expensive horses are?” - musk, probably

I'm going to be so happy to see his death caused by a likely drug overdose. Not because I take joy in his death, but we'll finally be rid of having to hear about his stupidity and drama every day.

He had a bunch of horses that came with some land he bought he was trying to get rid of - jeeze

We've already established that. Now we're just haggling about the price.

Imagine being so rich out-of-touch that you think offering someone something that will cost them a shitload of money to keep in exchange for sex will work with non-rich people.

Pocket change.

as of June 2024, Forbes estimates his net worth to be US$210 billion.


Highest median house price by state in the US is $787,000. That's the highest in the nicest place. Link.

A total of.....

Brace yourself......

Approximately one 250,000th of his wealth. (actual is higher)

Edit: I apologise in advance for any maths fuck ups. It's Friday evening where I am. You're hearin' me.

Edit 2: Read on for some shenanigans

But the post says "horse" not "house". You know, like the neigh-type of thing.


I will leave my post as an acknowledgment of my wine based mistakes.

On the other hand though... It just makes things worse by, like, several orders of magnitude.

Edit; What's worse is that I read the whole horse article before, set in my mind what a cunt he was for offering something he had an excess of (other than money, obviously), then promptly got outraged that he only offered a house.

Kids, alcohol is a powerful drug.

Well, it's implied that a house is part of the deal, since where else is the horse going to live? A flight attendant won't have a horse house just sitting around.

I feel like a horse is more of a gift you give to people you hate. Now they're stuck with a horse and they need to find a place to stable it and pay through the nose in maintenance.

Are you talking about neigh-bors? Because houses have those!

Elon should have known....

Horse girls, horse girls

They live in a different world

this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0owILEBvb0 by Tacocat always cracks me up

I couldn’t make out a single word.

They're a punk band so that's kinda the point but when you have heard it a few times it's more clear

It's a funny and smart song. Here's the lyrics

They know the different breeds Of all their favorite steeds Breyers on their desks Long hair and long necks

Horse girls, horse girls They live in a different world They know the different breeds Of all their favorite steeds Breyers on their desks Long hair and long necks

No time for girls or boys Horses their only joy Work stables for the rides Makes them feel so alive

Horse girls, horse girls They live in a different world No time for girls or boys Horses their only joy Work stables for the rides Makes them feel so alive

Complete collection Of all things equestrian There's ponies, colts, and foals Horses are in their souls

Horse girls, horse girls They live in a different world Complete collection Of all things equestrian There's ponies, colts, and foals Horses are in their souls^___^