MAGA Begins Hunting People Who Made Trump Assassination Jokes to politics – 386 points –
MAGA Begins Hunting People Who Made Trump Assassination Jokes

Meanwhile a couple of links down on my feed there's an article about one of the Heritage Foundation guys claiming most political violence is committed by the left.. 🙄

The projection never ends..

It's tiring dealing with these dipshits. Brainwashed dumbasses.

Yeah, it isn't great for my mental health, but this is the most important election in history, and I have to fight until the end

Let's be very clear here: the Heritage Foundation aren't brainwashed dumbasses. They're the malicious architects of turning America into a neofeudalist Christofascist white ethnostate. Stopping them would do more for reversing America's decline than removing Trump. He's the symptom; they're the cause.

Id say its more like an ouroboros at this point the cult of personality helps mobilize the dipshit which further empowers the heritage foundation which further empowers trump. Removing two of the elements would collapse it though and removing one would severely weaken it.

Ah yes the very same hedge foundation that said their American revolution will be bloodless if the "left allows it".

I mean they can't aim for shit so...

stormtrooper bad shot

"And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." He said, looking at a sand crawler with random scortch marks all over the hull that still looks fairly intact.

The first bit of the campaign in EA's SW Battlefront II was great largely for NOT doing this. Stormtroopers were depicted as well trained and professional, and it was pretty great until the light side arch started to kick in.

I'd LOVE a SW TV series that focuses on a squad of stormtroopers. Pull inspiration from shit like MASH, Saving Private To Ryan, Jarhead, etc, and you'd have a pretty good cocktail of serious/intense/a dash of humor. Humanize then - make us set their indoctrination, and even root for them against the rebel 'terrorists'.

Have you watched The Bad Batch?

Never even heard of it, but just did a search. I tried one of the other animated SW series a while ago, and didn't make it very far.

If this one even semi-matches the description of my last post, then fuck yeah, I'll give it a shot!

The main characters were introduced in season 7 of the animated Clone Wars series, and their "spinoff" has 3 seasons on Disney+.

Its definitely top tier & worth your time.

It is hard to get into the animated series because they start off pretty kid-oriented, but I promise you they get good and are worth sticking with.

Bad Batch largely doesn't have that problem because it's mostly an extension of The Clone Wars.

Sorry I couldn’t hear you, there’s a tampon in my ear 👂

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For people who oppose cancel culture so much, suddenly it’s not so bad when they can use it to their advantage.

You are mistaken my friend. They oppose anyone but them using cancel culture, just like everything else. I'm sure their motto is 'if you can't win, cheat!'

I live in Canada, so...

Give it your best shot? At most, I'd lose an ear so...

I haven't heard enough, tbh. Maybe I just missed them. I'll try to keep an ear out for new ones. I'd give a shot at making one, but I think the joke would not land.

P.S. To my FBI agent: This is an attempt at humor. Please text me back, bro.

My favorite I've heard so far was "this is the one time I wish a politician leaned further right"

And people mocked Jack Black for canceling his tour.

You can't put on a good performance while also putting your audience in danger.

These people need to be locked the fuck up for death threats. It's very, very simple.

Because kowtowing to the American Nazi Party is obviously the right solution

This is just so glib.

I mean I get your point. I even back you to a degree.

But you're calling out a popular entertainer for not wanting to put on a show - which requires a support staff, venue, and audience - while now having to think what nut might be in the audience waiting to take a shot.

MAYBE this shit is already stressful enough for Jack without worrying about everyone around him and how that extra stress will undermine their performances as they do this shit night after night for the entire tour.

But no, tell him he must go on. It doesn't cost you shit. You don't have to live with the stress of it all.

Yea, I get it, but this shit is exactly what gives these people power, and emboldens them to continue to do it to others, both more and bigger. It got to this point specifically because the people who can stand up to it chose not to, and so now if you so much as make a comment about these fucks in an attributable space it's expected that they'll make credible death threats and bomb threats, maybe even blow up a building, who knows. And it's your fault for saying it, because I mean look at the way you were talking. Practically asking to be murdered.

Fuck that.

I'm not saying you're incorrect, but it's easy to be principled when it's someone else in the cross-hairs.

Victim blaming is wrong, but boisterously inviting danger is stupid.

Because kowtowing to the American Nazi Party is obviously the right solution

This is what people say when it's not them being targetted. United States Congresspeople refused to convict Trump. Cities had to beef up security when announcements about his trials happened. This isn't your average joe. This is a man with unlimited resources at his disposal, millions of lone wolves willing to do his bidding, including committing acts of violence, and a national megaphone to call them to action.

But hey, you do you. I'm sure that when you become the target of the Trump Hate Machine, you can show all of us how to handle daily death threats, family members being targeted, losing your job, and maybe having your home broken into and getting hit in the head with a hammer. Or having to go into hiding. Go ahead, I'll wait. Let me know how random citizens are supposed to handle that. I'm sure Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss would like to know too.

In case you haven't been paying attention lately, I'll clue you in on something: MAGA morons have no problems using violence to get their way. And it's very possible any attempt at retribution could include something happening at one of his shows. And if there are credible threats being made to him or his band, continuing the tour just tells his would-be assaulters where he is every day. It would be practically suicide.

You're speaking as if minorities aren't already at risk of being victims of hate crimes by the right?

Careful there buddy, without the /s we aren't sure if you were addressing the RNC.

I don't care about the cancelation of the tour, but him saying he iced all projects with Kyle does not sit right with me

If they were friends like Jack claims, he would say something like: "I know him very well. It was a joke in poor taste, but it was only a stupid joke in the spur of the moment. " instead of distancing himself from the heat

Jack also has a pretty active acting career that Kyle doesn't. So it makes sense that publicly he'd want to distance himself as much as possible, at least for now.

He's got kids I don't think Kyle does. Gotta do what you have to so crazies don't lash out at you or yours. Kyle knows this.

Lol, I'm in danger.

How did Trump know that everyone was talking about his political campaign?

His ear was burning.

He was within earshot (not my original)

I'm tempted to make one now out of pure spite, but there is no joke that is bigger than Donald himself.

You don't think his voters are a bigger joke?

"Who's the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?"

How do you miss a bright orange target that hoots and hollers

I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a wacky waving inflatable tube man.

When the fuck are people gonna start ignoring the pearl clutching by the right? Anyone who says "so much for the tolerant left" should get the shit beat out of them.

I always ignore those stupid motherfuckers.

They'll of course equally condemn the "second amendment people" comment and Paul Pelosi jokes, right?

Maybe he actually got hit in the head, but there was nothing inside.

I'm starting to wonder if maybe he intented to miss. Knowing it would spur his base to turn him into some deity

considering he was looking up local dem conventions and got kicked out of a gun club for being a poor shot... well I think this guy just wanted to prove that he wasn't a complete loser

This might be a legit thing. I don't mean he was an elite sniper who just tried to shoot his earlobe off, but that he intended to miss by a few metres, but he wasn't exactly good at that either.

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I wasn't joking.

Yeah, not sure where they got that idea. Trump indoctrinated my family into a cult. He deserves the worst.

What's wild is the bullet went in one ear and out the other without doing any more damage.

More evidence of the GOP mantra; use threats of violence to get what you want. This is what their voters want for the country. To be able to get what they want, and use violence whenever they don't to force compliance.

And what's worse, if the examples in the article are any indication, is that companies are going along. Those examples will encourage more doxxing because it worked. And especially if Trump ends up winning, it'll soon be apparently a fireable offense to have the wrong political opinions.

More evidence of the GOP mantra; use threats of violence to get what you want. This is what their voters want for the country. To be able to get what they want, and use violence whenever they don't to force compliance.

I saw a decal on a van that said “Just a regular mom raising lions not sheep” and I thought “more like raising bullies not responsible citizens”. It’s where Karens come from; it’s where crazy parents getting teachers fired comes from - this idea that it is totally appropriate to use force, threats, proximity, and volume to get what you want instead of negotiating, accepting the rules, and admitting that you’re wrong and the world doesn’t bend to your rules. And somehow, we’ve given these people their own talking head to justify their behavior and he just might win the presidency. It’s astonishing.

Somehow "MAGA hackers" are still holding a banjo in my head.

nearly all republicans these days live in a suburb. IMO more likely the guy at a car dealership sales desk or a real estate agent is a typical republican these days.

I just feel bad for the bullet. I can't imagine the shit it went through.

Who's joking? He's a fascist, pedophile rapist piece of shit It's a god damn shame he missed.

Republicans need better aim.

I've seen country bar bathrooms before. Trust me, it's not just bullets they miss.

They miss Trump, they miss toilets, they miss the Confederacy...

Shouldn't have missed this pig skin, reptile, child molesters, Cheeto Mussolini.

Couldn't hit the side of a Trump at 140 yards.

To be fair, he did hit Trump, just not with lethal effect. If Trump had not turned his head, there would be greater violence and that is a sort of blessing.

If you don't think there would be greater violence if Trump had died, you don't appreciate the perilous situation we are in. No martyr has ever caused de-escalation.

I don't know why someone downvoted you - you are technically correct which is the best kind.

I would argue there would be greater violence in the short term, and in theory would allow those who believe themselves above the law and consequences to learn otherwise. Instead we get a greater and greater cliff for the country to fall from when it eventually does.

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Trump assassination jokes have been going on since Trump was President 5 years ago... it seemed like it was only yesterday that Depp talked about killing Trump and Griffin held up a severed head of him...

Rule # 1 in dictatorships:

THE PURGE happens, up-front.

Remember "Q" was pushing that that would happen?

The prediction was early, but it was spot on.

As I've been saying for years, now.

_ /\ _

If trump takes office again his life insurance cost will go way up from just one pence.

And if they KILL any of those people it's the DEMOCRATS Fault and definitely NOT the Fault of the Republicans who Literally Kill the People!

This really makes me want to make a distasteful joke about it now but i don't want to be distasteful.

I'm right here. Or am I

over here?

Fuck you fascists. Bring it.

If Biden and Trump have another debate, Biden should spend the whole night making ear jokes.

everyone on the internet clowning on the shooter who missed