Donald Trump says Kamala Harris' nomination "not fair" to politics – 392 points –
Donald Trump says Kamala Harris' nomination "not fair"

Former President Donald Trump has denounced Vice President Kamala Harris' nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate as "not fair," escalating his rhetoric as new polls show Harris gaining substantial ground in key battleground states.

In a fiery statement on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump accused the Democratic Party of staging "the first ever 'Coup' in America."

His outburst comes in the wake of President Joe Biden's unexpected withdrawal from the 2024 race, which paved the way for Harris to become the Democratic nominee.


Guess who had the most-recent failed coup...?

Was it really a failure if he is still running for president instead of hanged for treason?

Seems it was just a little coup, for practice.

"If the enemy does something unexpected, they owe you for the resources you wasted planning for the wrong strategy" - Sun Tzu, The Art of Being an Upwards Failing Fuckup

Oh shit. Sun Tzu wrote a follow up? I think I need to check that book out.

there's a trilogy, the third one is "oh shit nm war is hell"

there's a trilogy, the third one is "oh shit nm war is hell"

Considering one of the great nuggets of wisdom in The Art of War is "Feed your troops ffs" that wouldn't surprise me.

"Strategy without tactics is fake news. Tactics without strategy is the deep state cabal."

He just can't get over Biden not running anymore because his entire campaign strategy has been look how old and frail Biden is. Without that comparison people see how low energy he is and the very real signs of dementia. I wonder if the rumor is true and he will replace his campaign strategists this close to the election.

I wonder if the rumor is true and he will replace his campaign strategists this close to the election.

He already did the shakeup; it wasn't covered well. No one was kicked out, but less than a week ago he brought Corey Lewandowski back to oversee the campaign managers.

he brought Corey Lewandowski back to oversee the campaign managers

Who he previously fired as campaign manager in 2016. His campaign is a total shitshow.

The married guy who was banging hope hicks

Also the married Governor of south dakota, the dog killer. Noem.

He aslo attacked a female reporter in 2016, which is why he was kicked off that campaign.

Now that Elon has made Grok 2 available, Donald has been posting absolutely pathetic AI renders between bouts of dementia. That's the energy. A pathetic loser bully fantasizing that the world likes him.

Him trying to paint Kamala as old for being 59 that one time was such a fail 🤣

And his new strategy has been trying to attack Kamala with, get this, "Kamabla".

The past two weeks has been Trump trying to find something that sticks with his fanbase who is slowly getting bored by his weird antics.

He even skirts with calling her a bitch and even that hasn't stuck with the usually sexist MAGA.

He's just annoyed that his handlers have to keep reminding him that he's not running against Biden.

"It's not fair that we were too stupid to withhold all of our insulting bullshit and propaganda merch we spent a ton of time and money on BEFORE Joe Biden was the actual nominated candidate, so now we're going to kick and scream about it because I'm pissy widdle baby."

He’s such a damn cry baby. I’m astonished at the cognitive dissonance involved for his idiot cult who admires his “tough guy persona” to see past the incessant whining.

I mean, look at it from his perspective. He pretty much had the election, which would save him from all the prosecutions etc. Now he has nothing, he can't find and learn all new talking points against Kamala in time for the election. If he doesn't get a miracle, he's fucked.

Him winning involves taking a lot of swing states, most of which are traditionally red. This election is far over and every vote needs to be cast to defeat his worthless draft dodging ass and send him and his family to prison

Most tough guys really are whiny little bitches.

The tough guy act is meant to hide deep insecurities.

Dementia DonOLD the weird racist rapist with 34 felonies is the biggest snowflake.

It's unfair that this piece of shit wasn't hanged for treason, or rotting in a jail cell for getting people killed from his insurrection, or for being a fucking rapist.

His COVID response killed millions of Americans.

Can you even call it a response?

Sure you can - the response was "let it spread, it hits blue states more than red states".

Well, that was wrong. It actually hit red states harder!


Well that and COVID came into the country through blue states, California and New York especially. They looked at the initial data for how it was spreading and where, and concluded that that would stay the same. I guess, yeah, they're just idiots that misinterpreted the data.

You know, are there any red states with significant global cities, major hubs for international commerce and people? Miami I guess. Maybe they would have gotten it first.

Hundreds of thousands. It reached one million shortly after Biden took office.

I'm counting the excess deaths and attributing them to COVID.

By the time Biden took office, Trump's damage was done: the virus was a hoax, the vaccine was a hoax, and no precautions needed to be taken because the virus would just disappear on its own. That's all Trump's handy work.

Trump's response is still killing people. I know at least three people who used to be normal individuals and then they fell in with Trump, got super weird and cringe, and decided COVID was a hoax, and then they died of COVID.

I'm sorry to hear about that.

Trump's whole plan was to fix the pandemic with a vaccine. His idiot followers are anti-vaccine, though, and not even Trump could convince them otherwise.

I do blame Trump for ignoring Fauci, discouraging mask-wearing, calling the virus a hoax at the beginning, and discouraging lockdowns. Oh, and holding rallies as usual, despite the risks.

Operation Warp Speed was one of the few things he got right, but we lost a lot of people in the process.

Thanks. They were already lost to me just by supporting Trump's racist and other anti American rhetoric.

I thought any decent president should have been vaccinated on live television and plastered all over their social media. Trump did it in secret and wouldn't even admit it to his rabid followers. Maybe more of them would still be alive if he had.

I am just thankful for his felonies. Removes all legal right he has to military funeral honors. He will likely still get them, but as a deployed veteran it warms my heart knowing they won’t be “real”.

Draft dodgers should never even get a flag.

I agree 100%. I didn't know that a felony removed the legal right to military funeral honors. Thank you.

Dude absolutely just likes how buzzy the word coup is. Like, saying it's not fair is one thing, even though it very clearly is. And even suggesting it should be against the rules is a valid opinion, even if it's not based on facts.

But calling it a coup, not even an attempt at a coup, is silly. Even if she used a private army to storm the DNC to secure the nomination, it's not a coup until she gets inaugurated.

The effect is to water down the word “coup.” Now, I wonder why Smelly Orange would want to do that?

You're also seeing him use the word cheater recently. I noticed it front and center when he was trying to say that Harris' rally audience was AI generated and called her a cheater... guess what he's going to say come election time?

And guess who will likely get caught trying to use AI to make crowd sizes look bigger

He's already likely big into the AI cheating. The Trump bots were highly active yesterday on the only DNC feed on YouTube that had an unlocked chat.

It's just a key part of the DARVO thing. They accuse the opposition of whatever they are getting accused of. Russia was accused of trying to interfere with the election on his behalf? Now everything is "election interference". People complain about Trump's criminal cases? Keep talking about the "Biden crime family", without evidence, as if it's a real thing. And after they tried and failed on Jan 6 to stage a coup, now everything they don't like is a "coup".

It's also the reason why "every accusation is a confession" with Republicans. If they come out with a bullshit accusation out of nowhere and start pushing it without evidence, you know its because they've either done the thing or are thinking about doing it.

After this latest round of bogus SC rulings, there was a lot of introspection into how the Court got this way. Someone pointed out that there was a book written during the Obama years accusing Democrats of undermining the Federal Judiciary to subert the rule of law -- and the process in the book exactly matched what Trump and McConnell did. They wrote it out in plain sight -- but since it was written as a baseless accusation, nobody paid attention.

Repubs deliberately accuse the other side of crimes and corruption they are actively doing, to muddy the waters.

He’s like a deranged five year old.

He says he hasn't changed that much since he was in first grade, so you're not that far off.

Yeah. “Like”

If he was actually a five-year-old he wouldn't be eligible to be President.

Asking for and accepting help from a foreign country in the federal election should mean he’s not eligible, but here we are.

Right Moscow Mitch? Right!

Trump accused the Democratic Party of staging “the first ever ‘Coup’ in America.”


Adding "the first ever" is really telling on yourself there

There's also the Wilmington insurrection , if you like reading about coups in the US

The Wilmington insurrection of 1898, also known as the Wilmington massacre of 1898 or the Wilmington coup of 1898,[6] was a coup d'état and a massacre which was carried out by white supremacists in Wilmington, North Carolina, United States, on Thursday, November 10, 1898.[7] The white press in Wilmington originally described the event as a race riot caused by black people. In later study from the 20th century onward, the event has been characterized as a violent overthrow of a duly elected government by a group of white supremacists.[8][9]

The Republicans who thrive on a cult of personality cannot fathom the idea of putting country or party above yourself. If they had tried to do the same thing at any stage of the campaign Trump would have doubled down and if they had got him out the Republican party would have fractured into camps biting at spitting at one another and ensuring that none of them could possibly win.

From their perspective this is unforeseeable.

He then shared particular frustration with the sudden change in his opponent, suggesting that the Democrats had orchestrated Biden's withdrawal to improve their chances.

Gosh, I don't think anyone else has figured that out! This guy is hella smart.

If someone had said two months ago that the Democrats would orchestrate something to improve their chances, I wouldn't have believed it

"It's no fair the other guy knows how to play the game better than me"

It really wasn't, was it? I wish I had the mental space to be concerned about that. Unfortunately I am instead worrying about insurrectionists staging a second coup attempt.


Tim is doing pretty well...unfair!

A new Remington Research Group (R) poll in Nebraska’s 2nd congressional district shows Kamala Harris leads Donald Trump in the district, 50% to 42%.

Jane Kleeb, the chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party, said she had seen at least one other poll recently that indicated Harris was leading outside of the margin of error.


What's next Utah?

Nebraska divides its electoral college votes by congressional district. The second district is “where all the people are,” and so traditionally votes blue.

Nebraska 2nd has voted Republican in every Presidental election except for Obama in 2008 and Biden in 2020.

Okay more blue than the rest of the state.

The fact that Trump can poll above 10%....

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Is it a 'coup' where the 'deposed leader' shows up and actively praises his own replacement (who was literally his deputy)?

Why not just go all the way and call it a 'revolution?' Sheesh.

They don't understand or care what words mean. See: woke.

Why not just go all the way and call it a 'revolution?' Sheesh.

We can push harder. Mention how this is the great white replacement theory in action.

I'm not from the US or in the US, but even as an impartial external observer with no horse in the game I do enjoy the recent republican panicked whining...

impartial external observer with no horse in the game

There is no such thing as impartial observer in this - orange cheeto winning would have impact all over the world

Maybe he'll take his ball and go home....

How people perceive this guy as strong is a real head scratcher. He's basically a five year old.

i can just imagine the orange turd sitting in a shack in nowwhere florida with 'laces out' 'election interference' written over every surface as he mutters to himself

Unexpected withdrawal? We'd all been calling for it for months. Trump litterally can't fathom bowing out.

Let me get this straight: Trump thinks that the Democratic Party selecting their presumptive nominee a month before the convention is "election interference" and "the first ever coup in America"? Fucking how?

He thinks that he has to campaign against both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden at the same time now? What makes him think he needs to campaign against Joe?

He thinks this is "not fair" that Kamala is now the nominee, but he also thinks "she should be easier than [?] to beat than Crooked Joe"? Who exactly does he think this is unfair for? Kamala?