She went beyond socialism to being a full communist and thinking that anyone rich is evil. Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter.locked to – 143 points –
Elon Musk reveals Twitter takeover driven by 'woke mind virus' that infected his trans daughter

Daughter turning into something I don’t like? Buy out the thing she uses to try and regulate her. Very normal and healthy behavior

He also blames a ridiculously exclusive school in Cali for the kids of ridiculouslu wealthy parents for her forming her own opinions about stuff. It's the same as other conservatives claiming college brainwashes kids.

Also, we can take the "full blown communist" part as seriously as any other time a billionaire says it. She could have said something like "maybe rich people should pay more tax" and get that label from them.

Oh for sure. Extreme statements like that always ring as “They’re not how I want them to be so I’m going to call them radical”.

We want you to be well-educated, smart, and be a critical thinker that can think, stop.....not like that. We want you to critically think....but also arrive at the same correct conclusions as, are you doing?

They don't even pretend to want critical thinking...

That was the big push behind "no child left behind". A focus on rote memorization and following rules.

Because funding was tied to scores, teachers had to focus on what was being tested. And since critical thinking wasn't tested, it became the lowest priority.

The "boots on the ground" conservatives may not be smart, but the ones at the top of the movement 100% understand what's going on. And they've spent decades trying to increase their numbers.

The Texas Republican Party made being against critical thinking part of their platform, explicitly.

He doesnt seem to understand where he himself stands politically, making it a safe bet he falls to properly identify where others are.

he understands, it’s just not popular to say the quiet part out loud

One reason why Musk bought Twitter this week is because he had little choice. The world’s richest man spent months trying to back out of the $44 billion purchase agreement he originally signed in April. But the uncertainty was so disruptive to Twitter’s business that it sued him in the Delaware Court of Chancery to force the deal’s completion, and a judge gave a Friday deadline to complete the deal or face a November trial that Musk was likely to lose.

This is all bullshit. Self-aggrandizing lies to give the appearance that this massive failure was all in the plan. The guy was trying to play games with stocks and got caught. He's a dumbass with no idea how the business he didn't want to own but was forced to buy in the end works. It's not deeper than that.

I'm sure his daughter hating him is very upsetting but it's not why he set 40 billion dollars on fire.

His daughter transitioning and being liberal drove him to the far right on Twitter, because he couldn't accept it.

Those people kept telling him he should buy it to "save" it.

He started talking about it, and that's where your article picks up.

It wasn't just a whim, he had reason to start talking about buying Twitter, then was forced to actually go through with it.

He thinks he's "saving" it because conservatives believe everyone thinks like them and are just scared to admit it, but his intentional actions are killing it.

because conservatives believe everyone thinks like them and are just scared to admit it

just need to preserve this line because its so spot on

There's actually science behind it.

A brain scan can reveal a person's political leaning with like 80% accuracy, and I can't stress enough how crazy that number is, the remaining 20% usually just aren't political or in the middle.

It's done by looking at the size/activity of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.

A conservative will have more amygdala activity, which is our flight or fight response.

A progressive will have a larger preferential cortex, the part that gives us logic and empathy.

It's always important to mention that this isn't permanent, our brains are like muscles, use certain parts and they get more active and even physically larger (but obviously on a small scale).

We know that because there's been studies on London taxi drivers. Before training their brains are normal. But since they have to memorize every street in London, by the time they're certified there's a noticable difference in the part of the brain that handles navigation.

So it's not like theyre a lost cause.

And why republican leaders are so hell vent on removing "liberal arts" from schools. The people leading aren't idiots, they're trying to make more conservatives

That's a really reductive oversimplification of the situation.

How does it account for PTSD sufferers at all?

That's nothing to do with it...

You could just as well ask how it accounts for penguins riding unicycles.

The only brain change with PTSD is the hippocampus, they've explicitly looked for changes to the amygdala and there isn't any.

If you want to split hairs, there is a statistically insignificant change, but that makes it smaller.

No, there are many brain changes involved with PTSD including the prefrontal cortex and the study clearly didn't take it into account.

I didn't even say anything about the amygdala. I said PTSD. Don't put words in my mouth.

Maybe you should have explicitly stated your point?

And I don't see anything in your link about subsequent changes to size or activity of the prefrontal cortex due to PTSD.

Although I admittedly just skimmed it.

So if that links backs up your argument (whatever that was) please link the relevant part.

Or maybe you should try engaging others in good faith instead of getting defensive someone challenged a notion that makes you feel superior to conservatives.

Come back when you're willing to. Blocked.

Soooo....if you blocked him, how is he going to come back when he's willing to talk? Lol.

The blocking feature on Lemmy is as broken as Reddit and he can still reply to my messages whenever he wants, I just can't see it.

Which is beef #56484783 I have with Lemmy. What I said should be silly, but it's not, because the core software doesn't fix the issues Reddit had especially with blocking. Blocking should give one the last word, but it doesn't.

And that's ignoring the fact that block evading is trivially easy as he can just bounce back here with an account on another instance, and even if a mod bans him, he can keep coming back with VPNs.

Lemmy as a platform is so fucked.

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Oh ok, so that was just a random article you didn't read first, and it had nothing to do with what was being talked about...

It does help that everytime I mention this stuff, there's someone champing at the bit to give the class an example.

You've unironically helped me out a lot, thanks!

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That last point is really interesting. Conservatives and right-wingers can't grasp that other people don't think like they do. I remember during the January 6th insurrection how all the people doing it really seemed to believe they would be seen as heroes. It's like they had no idea over half of the US didn't agree with them.

“Why can’t I name them binary numbers or ‘techno’ and have them shut up?”

“People are too woke”

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Why not both? Because you’re absolutely right that he got fucked on a bad gamble and then tried to save face, but I can also easily see him trying to buy stuff just to stick it to the left. (But in all reality again you’re probably pretty solely right lol)

I question if he actually got fucked on a gamble or if he was just inept and all of his decisions were largely a whim rather than based on some true data and research.

Maybe a bit of an extreme comparison, but it reminds me of when Donald Trump, also in the US, actually got elected president there. I remember thinking he looked quite wan in those early news clips. Like he was shocked to have actually won, and was rapidly having to adjust his expectations of the future.

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This "technology" community is quickly becoming just as bad as the one on reddit.

The insane ravings and personal drama of a lunatic billionaire isn't news about technology.

Even news about Twitter itself isn't technology news. Twitter is a business that sells services. They don't make or contribute to any types of technology.

The only thing that Twitter technology related is that their business operates on the internet. That's it. or is just as much "technology" as Twitter is.

They don't make or contribute to any types of technology.

That part isn't completely true. When they created the bootstrap framework it changed how many people built websites. They can and have contributed to technology. However, your point is valid that news about Twitter is business news.

Yeah this is just the new Society Pages of the rich and famous (ie people whose job is managing your attention).

Even my beloved Paris Marx, of the Tech Won't Save Us podcast (recommended), can't help themself from constantly crowing about Musk's latest tort against humanity.

This is revisionist, that sequence of events was what caused him to start to play footsie with the idea of buying Twitter, the SEC saying that’s a big no-no is what made him actually make the offer to buy it and then he was forced by a court to finish the deal after a long legal battle to not buy it

Don't forget the part where Dorsey literally conned him by playing to his ego. Jack cashed out almost a billion in cash to himself even though Twitter was close to bankruptcy. It was brilliant.

What cracks me up the most is that Jack already had a Twitter clone in the works, ready to be released once Musk burns down the old plattform and people wish for Twitter but without Musk back.

Bluesky isn't exactly a twitter clone, it's what Jack wanted Twitter to pivot to, but the board of directors refused to play ball.

So Jack spun up a separate entity and explicitly made it its own thing outside of twitter.

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Probably not the last time this trick works on ol' blockhead.

I missed that part. Where can I read more about this con?

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You're sure proving her wrong, right Elon? ...Right?

Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk’s PR work for free.

Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.

Anyone whose net worth is in the billions is evil, because pretty much the only feasible way to gather that much wealth is to be a psychopath.

I could be generous and say they are not evil, but the system that allows them to become billionaires in the first place is evil.

But as soon as you say "Twitter made my daughter hate rich people, so to prove her wrong I bought it and ran it into the ground so people can't exchange ideas there anymore"...yeah, you're not making the case you think you are.

Wrong! You see, all billionaires worked really really hard to exploit others! It really is all about hard work!

Obvious pattern w/ Elon blaming his stupidity on everyone else except himself. The media really should stop giving this jackass narcissist attention.

Mr Musk had initially rushed to embrace the news when Jenna, formally known as Xavier, transitioned at age 16.

To me this suggests that he first thought it would seem hip and contrarian to support his trans daughter, then he realized that actually the people he considers hip and contrarian are all about hating on trans kids now, and so swiftly pivoted to doing that. (I don't imagine he had any strong feelings about his daughter as a person either way - it's not like he was around for her childhood changing diapers or whatever)

Wtf is it with this guy and the letter X


A lifelong obsession.

Everything in the 90s was Xtreme. He's 52 which means he was in his 20s that decade. He got way into the X-Games, ate nothing but warheads extreme candies and Taco Bell extreme nachos, drank the 7-11 Xtreme Gulp, and watched the Extreme Ghostbusters.

I imagine he likes them best in diapers. Once they start thinking for themselves and becoming individuals, that's when he runs out of use for them.

The guy gets his life force from being talked about. If we ignore him completely and show his daughter the support he never gave her, it will ruin him.

Is she the one he named Yoda or Chewbacca or something like that?

“Unless the woke mind virus, which is fundamentally anti-science, anti-merit, and anti-human in general, is stopped, civilisation will never become multi-planetary,” Mr Musk told Mr Isaacson.

A meme representing Edgar Allan Poe in two panels. In the second panel, the words "what the fuck am I reading?" appear.

“If you want to just be a niche player an iconic name, PayPal is a better name, But if you want to take over the world’s financial system it to be impossible to reliably websearch and talk about outside a very specific context, then X is the better name.”

Fixed that for you.

There's a reason why people still call it Twitter, you know.

He said in April: “Twitter could become what should have been, and we can help save free speech in the process.”

And a potato could become a bell pepper to save my gulasch. Sadly it won't because reality doesn't magically revolve around my belly button, and it wouldn't even if I were rich. So instead I'm making some curry.

Musk should learn to cook.

Mr Musk suggested charging people to be verified to eliminate bots, bring in cash and help transform it into a payments platform - fulfilling his “original vision” for

Ignorance on the nature of his own platform. Even if you demanded a single cent out of it, saner people won't put their credit card info there, simply because they want to reduce the amount of data that you can vulture out of them.

In other words he flushed the baby alongside the dirty bathtub water.

Mr Agrawal had tried to resign. // “But we beat him,” said Mr Musk’s lawyer, Alex Spiro.

TIL Musk behaves like an internet shitposter.

And a potato could become a bell pepper to save my gulasch. Sadly it won't because reality doesn't magically revolve around my belly button ...

I love you.

Guys, he's not that bad...

He's only a money hoarding billionaire who came from a glut of generational wealth obtained through other's suffering via his father's Emerald mine, which Musk vehemently denies exists in order to build up his image of being self-made.

I mean it's not like his father used that wealth to boost him up by being among the first angel investors in his first company, ZIP2, something else which he vehemently denies to keep up his self-made image.

It's not like he went on to use the money he got from selling ZIP2 to become an early angel investor "co-founder" of, which he then essentially forced the actual founders out of before selling that onwards as well.

It's not like he then went onto use almost the exact tactic to force/sue his way into being a "co-founder" of Tesla.

And it's definitely not like he had a friend get appointed Administrator of NASA, who conveniently decided to award SpaceX almost $300 million, despite them not having flown any rockets yet.

His daughter is obviously worried about nothing, and he just needed to prove her wrong by cack-handedly buying out the platform she used to speak out in order to control her in the name of free speech.

"I'm a transphobic dickhead who flirts with Nazis on Twitter but no no it must be the evil socialism that drove my daughter to hate me"

Time for the new game, "GPT? Or just bad writing?"

Mr Musk had initially rushed to embrace the news when Jenna, formally known as Xavier, transitioned at age 16.

But when she later cut him out of her life entirely, he knew he had a fight on his hands, a battle which would eventually culminate in the world’s richest man buying Twitter for $44 billion.

This is all that is said about her cutting him out of her life.

Despite his businesses, Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink, all outperforming their rivals and soaring in value, Mr Musk was still unfulfilled in April 2022.

Shivon Zilis, a director of Neuralink, Mr Musk’s AI firm and the mother of his twins, told him: “You don’t have to be in a state of war at all times. Or is it that you find greater comfort when you’re in periods of war?”

Mr Musk said his “default settings” include always wanting “to push my chips back on the table or play the next level of the game.”


Quite a language choice there for someone riddled with cryptofascist brainworms brainworms

I've hypothesized before that he just bought Twitter to destroy a platform for "woke" people, but it's still weird reading it out like this. This whole thing reads like destroying one of the biggest social media platforms while wasting billions of dollars is about the same level of investment for him as buying a new phone is for me. Not insignificant, but also something he just does on a whim. And honestly I think his daughter will not exactly like him more after this lol. Rich cunts like Elon buying whatever they fancy just to gain more power is exactly what she'd hate if the article is to be believed.

Somehow both unbelievable and completely believable that he is going to try and blame his child for making the stupid decision to pay so much for Twitter and for waving due diligence, which would have given him space to back out of the deal.

Abusive parents regularly blame the children they abuse for "making" them do the abuse.

Imagine being such a good communicator that between sitting down to talk to your semi estranged daughter or buying a tech platform, you choose the latter.

Being rich implies you are evil. If you were good, you would give back to the people who create your wealth.

A good person understands they are not entitled to that much money with so much bad things in the world nor need it in the first place to live a decent live.

MSM: Keeps churning out click-bait headlines

Also MSM: "Why are our numbers down?"

Ever think how ironic it is that people who didn't care about an actual virus and downplayed it and any attempts to mitigate it for two years are now obsessed over the "woke mind virus" which is totally made up?

I've just seen it as more projection on their part.

Because there is a mind-virus that's been infecting our political discourse, but it's not what they're referring to.

What a load of trash.

Musk tried to artificially raise the stock price by speculating, and was legally forced to make good on his advances lest he face a bunch of lawsuits

To put 44 billion into perspective, if each dollar was 1 second of time:

40,000 seconds is about 11 hours

4 million seconds is about 46 days.

44 billion seconds is about 1268 years.

More like Elon was more interested in ruining one of the most popular was us poor people had to unite against the likes of people like Elon. I don't think he's smart enough to make that call on his own so I'm pretty sure he's under the direction of someone else.

Seems awful weird to me that twitter, facebook, and Reddit have all had similar types of issues recently and resulted in dramatic user loss. It's not coincidence, and it's not for the face value reasons, it's to remove our ability to organize against them.

Musk is an idiot who bought Twitter stock, tried to pump and dump, waived due diligence as part of the pump, and found himself contractually obligated to buy the company. Everything since then is what Musk thinks are good ideas.

Seems awful weird to me that twitter, facebook, and Reddit have all had similar types of issues recently and resulted in dramatic user loss.

I think the “enshittification” theory is a more likely explanation.

This is why you don't write your own article titles. The first sentence is confusing and doesn't identify who "she" is. Only after reading the second sentence do you have some idea, and the order is still confusing.

The only virus out here is the worms squirming around Elmo’s fat head. Treat your daughter like shiat, she’ll hate you for it. Don’t blame the world. Blame the image in the mirror

If he spent more tike with his daughter instead of running these businesses she wouldn’t have turned out like your typical alt left extremist leaning lemmy user.

alt left extremist

Please define this.

You already know what it is. You just want someone to spend your day arguing with. I dont have the time. You go far enough to the left or right and you end up at the same place. They want to burn things down and start over. There are tons of people like this on here. They justify their existence by making villains out of the other side.

BoTh SiDeS bAd!

GeNoCiDe AnD gEnDeR aRe ThE sAmE tHiNg!

If you draw two over lapping circles. There is the middle that is existing and not trying to destroy society. The middle consists of people from both sides. You wont find many of those people on lemmy.

Coasting in comfort on the genocide of others. You don't have to kill or die, so you see nothing wrong. You're blaming the people on the extremes for threatening your way of life, when the reality is that your way of life exists at the cost of theirs.

If you mean he would have had more opportunities to indoctrinate and radicalize her, I can't dispute that.

To be fair it's called parenting and raising your kids in your image. It's not always a good image but it is what it is.

No guarantees. Sometimes parents provide an anti-example, no matter how much attention or abuse they spend on a child. But you can still pass on a bunch of pathologies.

She wouldnt be trying random things to fill the void in her life of daddy not being there.