Reddit activated a word filter that whenever you say "fuck spez", your comment won't show up for anyone else. I just tested it on ModCoord. they're also deleting spez memes from the subs they nuked lo to Reddit – 701 points –

r/ModCoord: The admins in charge of demodded subreddits are mass-removing images of Huffman previously shared on them

the OP asked how are they gonna remove them all, so I replied they'll run a query for terms like "fuck spez". only to find my comment invisible, because they're already blocking it. spez protective word filter, it's active right now.


So he is the new Elon Musk when it comes to fragile ego?

f̶͉̹̽u̴̢̫̰̅͑c̶̟͊̈͝ḳ̵͇̇̒͂ͅ ̷̳̮́s̸̭̼̞̈́̃p̸̆͐ͅͅe̴̻̮̯̾͑̄z̶̒ͅ

f̶͉̹̽u̴̢̫̰̅͑c̶̟͊̈͝ḳ̵͇̇̒͂ͅ ̷̳̮́s̸̭̼̞̈́̃p̸̆͐ͅͅe̴̻̮̯̾͑̄z̶̒ͅ

Oh goodness, could you even write a filter for zalgo? I don't think you could

Run the text through a normalizer that strips combining characters then run your filter.

There are characters that have two or three combining diacritic marks already included, so if you start with one of those, it'll make it harder to filter out.

That's what the normalizer is for. Normalize to NFD, strip combiners, map homoglyphs to ASCII, and look for ASCII “fuck spez”.

Fuck u/s​pez (invisible character inside) @OP, try this 😂

they're getting crazier and crazier by the hour. spez is executing order 66

The board must be getting tired of this by now. He's showing that he doesn't know how to handle their user base.

Just before IPO.

Right after announcing that reddit isn't profitable and his solution is a PR disaster over 3% of site traffic.

I fear the board is just as deluded as he is.

Wow, seems like spez is from the same breed as Elon "Thin-skinned" Musk, no surprises there really. I love to imagine how hurt he is because everyone is saying that to him lol.

He probably finally googled himself and found the 32 million instances of "fuck spez" that pop up.

I'm new here and I'm not entirely sure what "boost" does but whatever it does I think this needs it.

"boost" is a mastodon term, it's used there as a "retweet" so you just basically "retweeted" the comment, this only shows up on the "Microblog" tab.

Finally? That egomaniac probably googles himself after waking up and 5 more times throughout the day

He has a live feed built into the wall of his shower so he can pretend he isn't crying while he scrolls

It's down to 300.000 for me. Google can't index Reddit that fast, can it?

Do you have safe search disabled?

Of course. After a fresh install, safe search lasts for about 1.5 searches until I realize it's on. 😆

Yeah, spez has shown himself to actually hold Muskrat in high regard, even as he's breaking contracts left and right and being evicted from offices. It's painfully obvious that Elon's purposefully and maliciously breaking rental agreements to get out of his leases, and it's going to lead to lawsuits.

This is whose business sense spez is publicly praising. It's clear who and what he sees as inspiration.

Damn, that MSNBC post stinks of corpo talk. Sure it shows how he hold musk in high regard, but I hate the way it describes the API pricing debacle and the protests.. it's getting the reasoning all wrong - as if we give a shit about AI companies?

I think it's worse than that. He is just an Elon simp that happened to find some amount of success and accidentally became CEO of something.

People would think a CEO is too rich and important to get personally involved with this, but I swear reading the shill comments and how personal they take things makes me think spez himself is behind them pounding on his keyboard all day lol

After everybody saw Elon on Twitter, I'm surprised people didn't think this would happen.

By spez's own account, it would appear that he's been influenced by elon's pettiness and his thin as wet toilet paper, skin.

Wouldn't surprise me, he certainly has the time for it. The average real workload for a CEO is vanishingly small.

Remember, Elon Musk is CEO of FOUR companies. It's not a particularly demanding job.

Spez Wars: Return Of The Keyboard-Warrior

People would think a CEO is too rich and important to get personally involved with this

Nah, Musk already breached that barrier a while ago.

There will be no dissent on the front page of the internet!

Spez will also suspend your account if it has spez in the name

It's time we grow up and behave like an adult company

Uh huh.

Every so often I think “well every company is shit so why not go back to the communities I love on Reddit”. Then another thing like this surfaces and it reinforces my boycott.

A lot of people send me Reddit links. Is there any way to load them without actually visiting the site? Like a mirror or archive?

You can also use LibRedirect addon to redirect Reddit/Twitter/etc automatically to alternative frontends.

Interesting. Does it rely on the API? It just states "All requests go through the backend" but if this got popular, wouldn't it eventually hit the same API call limit apps are facing?

You have also other privately run instances, you can check the list on Github or somewhere else

Have saw this front end mentioned someware. Didn't tried it though.


Bad move to use reddit in a name for a product that is nearly identical to the other company's product which has a trademark on the name.

This is my tinfoil hat most likely, but I've also noticed a number of comments critical of Reddit that can only be downvoted. Upvotes error out. Official app for info.

There's also a whole lot of gaslighting responses that pretend everything is roses and sunshine and the mods are being bitches.

Two accounts I'm tracking appear to have been dormant for years (while existing for 10+ years) and only now joining into the fray to defend reddit and spaz.

Publicly dormant <> inactive. They could have been lurking on subs without sharing their subscriptions, votes, etc. This might just have been the thing that finally pissed them off

No tin foil needed say they're also using Bots to promote and support spez and downvote everything else negative about Reddit

Competition time: Who can come up with the best "Fuck Spez" ASCII art that will display correctly in reddit commits.

I love being in a place where I can say fuck spez without censorship. Fuck spez!!! Just for good measure.

This is probably the subreddit spam filter or AutoMod, not something Reddit is doing.

EDIT: By that, I mean - the mods likely set this up to avoid any pretext of the sub being banned for "harassment" and it's probably not something that Reddit (the corporation) did.

Well, they have enacted an auto-mod removal of any post with "fuck spez" in it now. So, yea, they are actively censoring posts.

But that would be the subreddit's mod team, not necessarily the Reddit admins. I'm willing to bet those posts will go through on other subreddits. (In fact - I just saw a "fuck spez" on /r/formula1.)

If I had to guess, the mod team is aggressive with removing those kinds of posts because Reddit has been ban-happy and they don't want to give Reddit a reason to remove the sub for "harassment".

These posts were literally up for an entire day before they all suddenly start getting removed.

Is there a difference? Or a difference that actually matters?

Yes. The actions of the sub's moderation team are distinct from the actions of Reddit admins. AutoMod is run by moderators. And specifically that subreddit hates the admins.

I mentioned this elsewhere - but Reddit has shown they are willing to ban places for the smallest perceived slight. That subreddit is used to coordinate the protests (alongside a private Discord for mods).

My guess is that AutoMod is aggressive on that subreddit because the admins are going to be looking for an excuse to ban it and the mods don't want to give them one. So by setting an aggressive AutoMod, the mods can keep the community focused on its purpose - moderator coordination - and avoid the potential of a false ban for so-called "harassment".

I've noticed reddit now (apparently) also deletes mentions of Aimee Challenor.

The last blackout was in protest of mention of them being censored, apparently they secretely re-introduced it because it's not a great look that they hired someone who defended paedophiles.

Lol, lmao

Every time I think he's reached a ceiling on his meltdown, he ups the ante.
Hufflepuff really is a sniveling whelp after Muskrat's own heart.

Hey now, don't you sully Helga Hufflepuff's good name by associating it with that asshole.

This kind of news makes me wish I could re-delete my account once more just for fun. Seriously fuckspez

Hey, with them restoring deleted accounts and comments maybe you can lol

Shame it had to come to this. there are a lot of music composing related subreddit's I participated. Straight up hostility from reddit corporate are to overwhelming to have a good time. Today it was time to say goodbye.

Just gotta get creative. First U Cuddle Kittens, Second Pet Every Zebra

Is telling Ohanian to fuck himself still kosher? (simpering crypto-shill jackass)

@johnson_waters The decision is so unpopular that they’re censoring users, which is preferable to accommodating their users to them. Despicable!

Handling it like the real man he is. But the uSeRs dOn'T sUpPoRt tHe pRoTeSt, ha ha ha

What if you use his real name, Steve Huffman?

Sounds like we have some new slang to spread. Don't be a Spez. You're such a fucking Spez. Someone get word to Urban Dictionary.

It is nice to see kbin engagement continues to grow, less than 10 hours for this post to reach 1000 upvotes.

I commented fuck spez or fuck you on his AMA right before joining Lemmy. Got banned for three days. Not regrets.

Edit: isn't this also the guy that was all for free speech to the extent of allowing r/jailbait and other terrible subreddits to exist up until outside media said something? Such a hypocrite.

I wonder how long before they ban mentions of lemmy and Kbin. lol

Okay, so they're removing needless noise from the conversation. Given that people here are so quick to say that the content here is better because of people contributing valuable information, I'm surprised anyone is upset by simple moderation that's not taking up the time of the poor overworked mods.

TFW you're stuck in a loop, trying to decide whether Reddit's PR incompetence outweighs its technical incompetence.

For pity's sake, spez, stop digging. Also, fuck you.

He really is a twat, it's him messing with the database and filters, isn't it?

I've found out that my account is shadowbanned on Reddit now. Every single comment I write will show up as [deleted] for others. But I've found out its only in threads where I have already said 'fuck you u/spez' or anything like that.

All the money in the world, and spez is crying about reddit comments. What an insecure little bitch.

I just read that spez reads and complains about anonymous employee reviews on the Blind website. Literally worse than Elon at Twitter