It would have to be a VERY lazy dog to allow a fox to jump over it anyway.

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 1205 points –

jumps over the lazy dog.

Otherwise there's no "s."

It tells a short story that's visual and full of words people know how to spell.

Apparently not. ☹️

edit: Aww, they fixed the typo. Now my joke is lame(er).

Mobile phone at 4 Am. Missed the typo. Fixed now.

As a non-native yet quite fluent speaker of English, I was wondering where the letter s was supposed to be in the example above. Thanks for pointing out the very obvious thing anyway, brains can fart at times.

The full sentence is, "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Intent is to use every letter of the English alphabet. Thing is, I've heard "jumped" for decades now which ironically leads to s being skipped. I say ironically because it's one of the most commonly used letters.

Huh, I don't know where I got it from but I always typed it as this: "the quick little brown fox jumps over the back of the lazy dog" tried googling it just now and all I got was the shorter one.

I suppose people aren't that used to telling stories in the present tense.

Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz. This one gets bonus points for not repeating any letters. Also bonus points cause it starts with "cwm fjord" which is objectively funny.

(Meaning: A weird person was annoyed by symbols on the opening of a sea valley's walls)

I thought cwm meant hill?

Edit: Apparently it means valley. Oops.

This has to be Welsh right?

Not enough double consonants, and fjord makes me think Scandinavian. Probably Swedish, too many vowels for Finnish.

I learned this from reading Ella Minnow Pea in high school.

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Two of those words are difficult to spell, a third is quite often misspelled, and the phrase is not as easy to remember.

Someone hasn't been doing their occult exercises before they go to sleep

I always just do them extra thoroughly the night before my yearly checkup at the occultist.

There’s also no “f” in that phrase. The whole point is to showcase a font.

You skipped the "of". Made the same mistake.

thank you, I've been racking my brain rereading every word in that sentence looking for the "f". That "of" kept hiding in plain sight. Either that or I'm blind.

I think your brain skips these functional words quite easily (but would notice immediately if they are missing, course)

There’s also no “f” in that phrase.

No respect.

Sphinx of black quartz is for edgy nerds who take themselves to seriously. Quick brown fox is chill, like a cool autumn day when the light hits just right and everythings golden. It's bliss

counterpoint: quick broen fox is corporatized af while sphinx of black quartz has one hell of a vibe. you're right that the fox is comfy because the cozy zone is the only spot where fun and corpos intersect and this one just so happens to fall into it but keeping it people-centric was never the point.

case in point: the test sentence we use in my native language translates to "floodproof mirror drill" to test out all our weird diacritics. no autumn vibes there, only corpos

  • Fix problem quickly with galvanized jets
  • Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes

Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca, es el bigote grande, perro, manteca.

The shortest is apparently "Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex."

The pangram article also lists "Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf," but without an article before nymph and dwarf it seems to be written in headlinese. I guess it could say "Glib jocks quiz dwarf nymph to vex" instead.

He even has Resting Vexed Face!

I tried to find a picture of him smiling and I couldn't find one.

I'm pretty sure such a thing doesn't exist! Even that one time in the movies where he laughs, he somehow doesn't smile 😄

oh hey vex is my name

Abcdefg hijklmnop qrst uvwxyz

But what about abcdefg hijklmnop qrs tuv wx yz?

Here in Denmark it's abcdefg hijklmn opqrstu vwxyzæøå!

I love everything about that except, being Norwegian, they pronounce Æ wrong 😁

The Danish (and therefore correct 😜) pronunciation is much more akin to the vowel sound in "yeah", "fair" or "there"

We Germans could beat that since we one one letter more, but we never decided to add the extra letters to the alphabet 🙁


For Germanophones: Qwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnm

For Francophones: Azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn

I always wanted to learn the alphabet in the correct order. Thanks, mate.

Duh, that was sarcasm.

Boxers had a zap of gay jock love, quit women.

When I started my career as a telecoms data engineer back in thr '80s the we used QBF to test modems on dial up data connections...the tester had a QBF button that would sent the text to a tester at the other end or it could even test round a loop back to itself.

You could inject errors with a button and these errors would count up on a basic 8 segment red led display to prove everything was working okay...happy days

Agreed. The "Sphinx" sentence is the cooler of the two. I've been using it for a long time. My personal twist: the last word becomes "vowel," not "vow." For me, easier on the ears.

Judging vowels:

S tier - O, I
A tier - A
B tier - E, U

What about Y?

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I like foxes and dogs, they are cute!

Not when they're tearing a chicken to pieces. I'm just saying.

Leave my pitbull alone

I love owning a pitull, it's a legal way to perform fourth trimester abortions

Well there aren't any chickens to be torn apart in this sentence so it's adorable actually. And I mean, I have had dogs for years and never had any of them tear up a chicken, most people with dogs probably don't experience them near chickens much.

and yet you should be allowed in a kfc? double standards smh

Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern

Please take that sort of smut outside, thank you very much. There are children present.

Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg.

Crazy Frederick bought many very exquisite opal jewels.

I see "objectively" is going the same way as "literally" into the modern grammar trash heap of uncertain meaning.

Though I do agree that the sphinx one is cooler.

Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern

Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.

How razorback-jumping frogs can level six piqued gymnasts!

Where's S. And V?

The V is in "oVer" and the S is in the "jumpS" which the poster incorrectly wrote in past tense.

Or did you mean the second phrase which contain both?

Okay I missed the word 'over: for the v, but the S was missing and it makes sense given it's posted improperly..

I am not talking about the second one